I think it's wonderful that you have come
here to place blame and guilt upon us.
I think it's wonderful that you have
reminded us just how face
and vile that we are.
And I think, sir,
that Christ would be quite pleased
with you, because he did come to our world
and he did say, get up on a stage,
talk to people in Masses,
tell them how awful they are.
Don't get on your knees
and wash their feet.
Don't pick up the prospects puts off
of the street and help
them better their lives.
Don't go down here to downtown, sir,
and take your fancy coat off and give
it to a homeless man that needs it.
Don't give him that lot of money
that you've held in your hand this entire
time that you've been on the stage, okay?
Why don't you take all of that you have go
down there, sir, and give us
a demonstration of Christianity.
Because Christ did not say,
get on this podium and say as I say.
He said, do as I do.
And I don't see you out here
helping us with our homework.
I don't see you giving us advice on how we
should live our lives,
how we should have meaningful,
committed relationships with our
partners of our choice.
I don't see you doing any of this.
What I see you do is pass judgment,
and that is for God to do.
If God exists, that is.
It's not yours, sir.
Work on yourself.
Work on your world, work on your
community, work on your kids.
They're going to need it.
And that is all I have to say.
Okay, well, ignoring the fact that she
just judged me for judging people
and assuming, of course,
that Christians do none of those things,
like build homeless shelters and adopt
more kids than people who are not
Christians do and who give more
than people who are not Christians.
Despite all those evidences of salt
and light, christians
are the adopting people.
Christians are the feeding people.
Christians are the people who are
taking care of the homeless.
And you know what, though?
I will tell you this,
christians are still sinners.
I'll tell you that for a fact.
Look, if I've given the impression
by the way, this is about $4.
If I've given the impression
that I'm better than you, I'm sorry.
Because I did not come here to tell
you that I'm better than you.
That's the last thing I'll tell
you what I will proclaim to you.
I am hands down, the worst
person here right now.
I'm telling you,
I will go to the mattresses or the mats
on that one wrestling with you.
I am the worst person.
If there is anybody in this place
right now that is a sinner, it is.
I'll take myself through the committee.
Do you want to hear something amazing?
Do you think I'm an arrogant jerk?
I used to be even worse.
If you can imagine that I
actually studied to be a pastor.
And you know what?
I wasn't even a Christian at the time.
But anybody who didn't measure up
to my theological standard, I thought I
was superior, and I was a better person.
I was an arrogant slime ball.
Oh, man.
I'm telling you, I would take
advantage of you in a heartbeat.
I'd get your money,
get something I wanted from you.
I'm telling you,
I'm the worst of the worst.
My thought life, if you could look inside
of my brain, it is so disgusting and vile.
I'm not here to tell you
I'm better than you.
You want to look at my
track record of life?
You're right.
I don't feed enough people.
I don't adopt enough people.
You're right.
I don't.
I don't help you with your homework.
I don't.
And you know what?
I'm a bad person.
I was in the bottom of the barrel,
and God saw fit to scrape
down and save me a sinner.
So if I gave you the impression I'm
superior, I'm sorry, because I'm not.
I am a beggar who has been shown bread.
I was thirsty, and God
gave me living water.
And the only reason I came here
was to simply share with you.
There is something amazing out there
called the Good News of Jesus Christ
that God died for sinners.
Why would I come here today?
I'm not asking for money.
I'm not taking up a collection.
I'm not looking to sign anybody
up for my Twitter account.
I'm here to simply I'm going to leave, and
then you're not going to see me anymore.
I'm not getting anything out of this
but to share with you
something that I know is true.
I know this to be true.
God died for sinners.
That's how good he is.
He died for you,
and I came to proclaim it today.
I know the reputation
of Christianity is bad.
I know we don't feed enough.
That's our problem.
We don't say enough good things.
That's our problem.
We don't go overseas
and malaria and people die.
We don't do enough.
But it's even worse than that.
It's not just the stuff we fail to do.
Those are sins of omission.
Consider our sins of commission.
How many evil things have you done?
Okay, let me ask you,
and I asked this gently.
How many poor people have you fed the day?
How many orphans did you adopt today?
How many strangers did you want?
Have you helped anybody
with their homework today?
If we're going to use that standard,
we are all falling short.
That's the point.
We don't do what we should, and the things
that we shouldn't do, we do.
That is our problem.
And is there anything today that we can
agree with, that nobody does enough good?
Can we agree with that?
Can we also agree that we
all do things that are bad?
You don't have to admit them.
I don't need to see your resume.
But do we not all lust?
Do we not all lie?
Do we not all take things
that don't belong to us?
Downloading music or answers from somebody
else or a pencil we don't
return to somebody's office?
Did we not all dishonor our parents
by being little snotty kids who didn't
disobey or threw a tantrum
and fell down on the floor?
Or how's about the fact
that you look at pornography?
Does that not dishonor your mom and dad?
Think of what all the things that you've
done, and God will make sure
that you receive what you deserve.
It's as simple as that.
Justice will be done.
It is certain.
It's called Judgment Day.
But before that day comes,
you have a chance to be forgiven.
Because the punishment you deserve,
jesus Christ took for you.
The death that you deserve.
Jesus died for you.
And you can trust Him because he
rose from the dead defeating death.
And you don't have to be
scared to meet God anymore.
You don't have to be scared of the grave.
He will forgive you if you will repent
and put your trust in Him today.
And all of your sins will be forgiven.
If you are terrified to witness to a loved
one who is enslaved, you are qualified.
Paul came to the Corinthians
with fear and much trembling.
Now it's time to get equipped.
A Witness manual and witness
encounters with a Baxter and Baptist.
A Lukewarm lutheran?
So you can learn how to witness
and share your furiously.