1 00:00:00,160 --> 00:00:02,879 hi i'm dr barry for the next few minutes 2 00:00:02,879 --> 00:00:04,000 let's discuss 3 00:00:04,000 --> 00:00:07,279 glycine now a lot of people think that 4 00:00:07,279 --> 00:00:08,559 glycine is this 5 00:00:08,559 --> 00:00:11,759 boring non-essential amino acid 6 00:00:11,759 --> 00:00:13,599 but actually nothing could be further 7 00:00:13,599 --> 00:00:15,280 from the truth and in this video i'm 8 00:00:15,280 --> 00:00:17,359 going to give you some exciting 9 00:00:17,359 --> 00:00:19,920 information about glycine why you should 10 00:00:19,920 --> 00:00:20,560 care 11 00:00:20,560 --> 00:00:23,039 who should really try to get more 12 00:00:23,039 --> 00:00:24,800 glycine in their diet 13 00:00:24,800 --> 00:00:26,160 and at the end of this video i'm going 14 00:00:26,160 --> 00:00:29,119 to tell you about some delicious ways 15 00:00:29,119 --> 00:00:32,399 you can skyrocket your glycine intake 16 00:00:32,399 --> 00:00:34,880 and it's delicious and nutritious one of 17 00:00:34,880 --> 00:00:36,640 the major reasons that 18 00:00:36,640 --> 00:00:38,879 dietitians and nutritionists think that 19 00:00:38,879 --> 00:00:40,160 glycine is 20 00:00:40,160 --> 00:00:42,399 non-essential is because we we make 21 00:00:42,399 --> 00:00:44,640 glycine in our body most people make 22 00:00:44,640 --> 00:00:45,200 about 23 00:00:45,200 --> 00:00:48,879 three grams of glycine a day and in the 24 00:00:48,879 --> 00:00:49,920 average 25 00:00:49,920 --> 00:00:53,120 standard diet you eat about three grams 26 00:00:53,120 --> 00:00:54,879 of glycine a day so for the average 27 00:00:54,879 --> 00:00:55,520 person 28 00:00:55,520 --> 00:00:57,039 you're making three grams and eating 29 00:00:57,039 --> 00:00:58,640 three grams you're getting about six 30 00:00:58,640 --> 00:01:00,480 grams a day 31 00:01:00,480 --> 00:01:03,840 the problem is is that many people don't 32 00:01:03,840 --> 00:01:05,920 make enough glycine they have trouble 33 00:01:05,920 --> 00:01:06,880 making it 34 00:01:06,880 --> 00:01:10,159 and there are certain conditions both 35 00:01:10,159 --> 00:01:12,080 uh medical conditions pathological 36 00:01:12,080 --> 00:01:13,439 conditions and 37 00:01:13,439 --> 00:01:16,000 normal physiological conditions that 38 00:01:16,000 --> 00:01:17,119 require you to have 39 00:01:17,119 --> 00:01:20,479 a much higher dosage of glycine 40 00:01:20,479 --> 00:01:23,759 in your diet most experts who have 41 00:01:23,759 --> 00:01:26,159 looked into this glycine question 42 00:01:26,159 --> 00:01:28,159 feel like we need somewhere between 10 43 00:01:28,159 --> 00:01:29,840 grams a day all the way up to 44 00:01:29,840 --> 00:01:32,880 60 grams a day continue 45 00:01:32,880 --> 00:01:35,200 based on your health your age and what 46 00:01:35,200 --> 00:01:37,759 medical conditions you may suffer from 47 00:01:37,759 --> 00:01:41,119 now this apparent glycine deficiency 48 00:01:41,119 --> 00:01:44,479 is a modern human problem you see for 49 00:01:44,479 --> 00:01:47,439 the past two million years our ancestors 50 00:01:47,439 --> 00:01:49,119 have been nose to tail 51 00:01:49,119 --> 00:01:51,280 super carnivores about 70 percent of 52 00:01:51,280 --> 00:01:52,960 their diet came from meat 53 00:01:52,960 --> 00:01:55,119 this is well established in the paleo 54 00:01:55,119 --> 00:01:57,200 anthropological literature 55 00:01:57,200 --> 00:01:59,840 and they didn't just eat the mussel meat 56 00:01:59,840 --> 00:02:02,240 of the animals like many of us today do 57 00:02:02,240 --> 00:02:04,079 they ate the connective tissue the bone 58 00:02:04,079 --> 00:02:06,320 marrow the organs the skin 59 00:02:06,320 --> 00:02:09,520 they hate it all and so they didn't need 60 00:02:09,520 --> 00:02:11,360 to make much more than three grams of 61 00:02:11,360 --> 00:02:12,720 glycine a day 62 00:02:12,720 --> 00:02:14,720 because they were eating so much in 63 00:02:14,720 --> 00:02:15,840 their diet 64 00:02:15,840 --> 00:02:18,640 but with today's modern diets especially 65 00:02:18,640 --> 00:02:19,920 plant-based diets 66 00:02:19,920 --> 00:02:23,040 it's going to be very very difficult 67 00:02:23,040 --> 00:02:26,160 to get 10 grams of glycine a day in your 68 00:02:26,160 --> 00:02:26,720 diet 69 00:02:26,720 --> 00:02:28,400 if you're trying to eat a plant-based 70 00:02:28,400 --> 00:02:30,319 diet that's just not going to happen 71 00:02:30,319 --> 00:02:32,319 and then even for some of my carnivore 72 00:02:32,319 --> 00:02:33,920 friends who are eating 73 00:02:33,920 --> 00:02:36,560 just muscle meat just the red meat of 74 00:02:36,560 --> 00:02:37,599 animals 75 00:02:37,599 --> 00:02:39,680 there is some glycine in there but it 76 00:02:39,680 --> 00:02:41,519 may not be enough depending 77 00:02:41,519 --> 00:02:42,959 on the things i'm about to tell you 78 00:02:42,959 --> 00:02:45,599 about if you're young and healthy 79 00:02:45,599 --> 00:02:48,319 and skinny then 10 grams of glycine a 80 00:02:48,319 --> 00:02:48,800 day 81 00:02:48,800 --> 00:02:51,040 3 grams you make seven grams you eat 82 00:02:51,040 --> 00:02:52,800 that's probably going to be enough for 83 00:02:52,800 --> 00:02:53,200 you 84 00:02:53,200 --> 00:02:55,680 right now but as you get older if you 85 00:02:55,680 --> 00:02:58,159 have any autoimmune conditions if you're 86 00:02:58,159 --> 00:03:00,239 overweight if you're diabetic if you 87 00:03:00,239 --> 00:03:02,400 have any chronic medical conditions 88 00:03:02,400 --> 00:03:04,800 if you're pregnant or if you're a 89 00:03:04,800 --> 00:03:06,400 growing child 90 00:03:06,400 --> 00:03:09,760 so really any condition that is 91 00:03:09,760 --> 00:03:11,040 characterized by 92 00:03:11,040 --> 00:03:13,360 rapid growth like pregnancy or being a 93 00:03:13,360 --> 00:03:14,400 young child 94 00:03:14,400 --> 00:03:17,599 or is characterized by chronic disease 95 00:03:17,599 --> 00:03:20,879 like diabetes like autoimmune conditions 96 00:03:20,879 --> 00:03:23,200 you need a lot more glycine in your diet 97 00:03:23,200 --> 00:03:25,040 some authorities say you might need up 98 00:03:25,040 --> 00:03:25,360 to 99 00:03:25,360 --> 00:03:28,959 60 grams a day in order to 100 00:03:28,959 --> 00:03:31,200 give your body everything it needs to 101 00:03:31,200 --> 00:03:32,319 grow to heal 102 00:03:32,319 --> 00:03:35,360 and to repair so why is glycine 103 00:03:35,360 --> 00:03:37,360 so important what is your body needed 104 00:03:37,360 --> 00:03:39,040 for what does it do with it 105 00:03:39,040 --> 00:03:40,799 i'm glad you asked there's a list and 106 00:03:40,799 --> 00:03:42,720 i'm going to go through them quickly 107 00:03:42,720 --> 00:03:45,280 first of all glycine actually acts as an 108 00:03:45,280 --> 00:03:46,319 inhibitory 109 00:03:46,319 --> 00:03:48,560 neurotransmitter in your brain and this 110 00:03:48,560 --> 00:03:49,599 is why it seems 111 00:03:49,599 --> 00:03:52,159 if you get it in sufficient quantity it 112 00:03:52,159 --> 00:03:53,760 it helps people with their sleep 113 00:03:53,760 --> 00:03:56,159 it helps people with anxiety disorders 114 00:03:56,159 --> 00:03:57,439 it helps people with 115 00:03:57,439 --> 00:04:01,360 ocd it just calms down 116 00:04:01,360 --> 00:04:03,760 the nervous system and that's a good 117 00:04:03,760 --> 00:04:05,040 thing you don't want it to be too 118 00:04:05,040 --> 00:04:05,840 exciting 119 00:04:05,840 --> 00:04:08,720 it also helps calm gut inflammation 120 00:04:08,720 --> 00:04:10,080 people who get 121 00:04:10,080 --> 00:04:11,840 adequate amounts of glycine have 122 00:04:11,840 --> 00:04:14,080 reported that their leaky gut their 123 00:04:14,080 --> 00:04:15,840 symptoms of sibo 124 00:04:15,840 --> 00:04:17,519 and their symptoms of irritable bowel 125 00:04:17,519 --> 00:04:20,560 syndrome get substantially better 126 00:04:20,560 --> 00:04:21,919 and indeed this may be one of the 127 00:04:21,919 --> 00:04:23,600 reasons that people with 128 00:04:23,600 --> 00:04:25,440 gut issues when they convert to a 129 00:04:25,440 --> 00:04:26,639 carnivore diet 130 00:04:26,639 --> 00:04:28,800 their gut issues go almost completely 131 00:04:28,800 --> 00:04:30,000 away 132 00:04:30,000 --> 00:04:33,199 glycine obviously is a building block of 133 00:04:33,199 --> 00:04:36,560 collagen and it is also a building block 134 00:04:36,560 --> 00:04:36,960 of 135 00:04:36,960 --> 00:04:39,040 creatine and so it's going to help with 136 00:04:39,040 --> 00:04:40,240 muscle both 137 00:04:40,240 --> 00:04:42,240 muscle growth it's going to help keep 138 00:04:42,240 --> 00:04:43,680 your bones as strong as they can 139 00:04:43,680 --> 00:04:44,639 possibly be 140 00:04:44,639 --> 00:04:46,400 it's also going to help your joint 141 00:04:46,400 --> 00:04:48,080 health by helping to 142 00:04:48,080 --> 00:04:50,639 keep cartilage tendons and ligaments 143 00:04:50,639 --> 00:04:52,400 strong and to help repair them as 144 00:04:52,400 --> 00:04:54,320 quickly as possible 145 00:04:54,320 --> 00:04:56,080 it's also going to help you regulate 146 00:04:56,080 --> 00:04:57,840 your blood sugar and insulin 147 00:04:57,840 --> 00:05:00,560 that's a big deal it is going to help 148 00:05:00,560 --> 00:05:01,360 you fight 149 00:05:01,360 --> 00:05:04,240 skin aging and wrinkles your skin the 150 00:05:04,240 --> 00:05:06,240 reason that as we get older our skin 151 00:05:06,240 --> 00:05:07,919 gets wrinkly and droopy 152 00:05:07,919 --> 00:05:10,560 is because our collagen loses its 153 00:05:10,560 --> 00:05:12,320 elasticity we don't have as much 154 00:05:12,320 --> 00:05:13,199 collagen 155 00:05:13,199 --> 00:05:15,520 as we used to and that's one of the 156 00:05:15,520 --> 00:05:17,199 major reasons there's some research 157 00:05:17,199 --> 00:05:17,919 showing that 158 00:05:17,919 --> 00:05:20,960 that getting good sources of collagen of 159 00:05:20,960 --> 00:05:23,520 which a major component is glycine 160 00:05:23,520 --> 00:05:25,440 really helps to make fine lines and 161 00:05:25,440 --> 00:05:27,840 wrinkles get less noticeable 162 00:05:27,840 --> 00:05:29,360 i think again this is the reason that 163 00:05:29,360 --> 00:05:31,199 many of my carnivore friends look 164 00:05:31,199 --> 00:05:32,960 anywhere from five to twenty years 165 00:05:32,960 --> 00:05:33,759 younger 166 00:05:33,759 --> 00:05:35,919 than their chronological ages they're 167 00:05:35,919 --> 00:05:38,400 getting this rich source of glycine 168 00:05:38,400 --> 00:05:42,080 in their daily diet glycine also 169 00:05:42,080 --> 00:05:44,960 helps tremendously to fight inflammation 170 00:05:44,960 --> 00:05:47,120 because it's one of the building blocks 171 00:05:47,120 --> 00:05:50,840 of glutathione which is the preeminent 172 00:05:50,840 --> 00:05:53,520 anti-inflammatory molecule in the human 173 00:05:53,520 --> 00:05:54,160 body 174 00:05:54,160 --> 00:05:56,639 glutathione helps fight all bad 175 00:05:56,639 --> 00:05:57,440 inflammation 176 00:05:57,440 --> 00:05:59,280 all chronic inappropriate inflammation 177 00:05:59,280 --> 00:06:01,360 glutathione is going to fight that 178 00:06:01,360 --> 00:06:02,560 and one of the building blocks of 179 00:06:02,560 --> 00:06:05,120 glutathione is glycine 180 00:06:05,120 --> 00:06:07,280 as always i've included links to this 181 00:06:07,280 --> 00:06:08,960 research down in the show notes so that 182 00:06:08,960 --> 00:06:10,080 you can read further 183 00:06:10,080 --> 00:06:13,520 for yourself i think that anybody who is 184 00:06:13,520 --> 00:06:14,880 a vegan or is trying to eat a 185 00:06:14,880 --> 00:06:16,960 predominantly plant-based diet should 186 00:06:16,960 --> 00:06:18,160 100 187 00:06:18,160 --> 00:06:21,120 supplement glycine and other collagen 188 00:06:21,120 --> 00:06:21,919 building blocks 189 00:06:21,919 --> 00:06:23,840 in their diet because you're just never 190 00:06:23,840 --> 00:06:25,759 going to get enough from your diet 191 00:06:25,759 --> 00:06:27,759 and indeed we see this in people who 192 00:06:27,759 --> 00:06:28,800 have been vegan 193 00:06:28,800 --> 00:06:30,880 for for three years five years 10 years 194 00:06:30,880 --> 00:06:31,840 15 years 195 00:06:31,840 --> 00:06:34,160 they very often look much older than 196 00:06:34,160 --> 00:06:36,000 their chronological age 197 00:06:36,000 --> 00:06:38,400 and that's because the collagen in their 198 00:06:38,400 --> 00:06:39,280 skin 199 00:06:39,280 --> 00:06:40,960 and in their connective tissue is just 200 00:06:40,960 --> 00:06:42,720 not what it should be because they're 201 00:06:42,720 --> 00:06:44,400 not getting enough of the collagen 202 00:06:44,400 --> 00:06:46,479 building backbone of glycine 203 00:06:46,479 --> 00:06:49,120 now let's talk about some great sources 204 00:06:49,120 --> 00:06:50,160 of glycine 205 00:06:50,160 --> 00:06:53,599 in your diet the i'm going to go 206 00:06:53,599 --> 00:06:56,800 roughly in order from good sources but 207 00:06:56,800 --> 00:06:57,599 not great 208 00:06:57,599 --> 00:06:59,120 and then the last ones i'm going to talk 209 00:06:59,120 --> 00:07:01,280 about are absolutely phenomenal 210 00:07:01,280 --> 00:07:04,720 sources of glycine so the eggs 211 00:07:04,720 --> 00:07:08,240 of any bird so chicken quail 212 00:07:08,240 --> 00:07:10,479 turkey any egg duck eggs they're all 213 00:07:10,479 --> 00:07:12,560 going to be great sources of glycine and 214 00:07:12,560 --> 00:07:14,319 most of the glycine will be in the white 215 00:07:14,319 --> 00:07:15,919 of the egg not the yolk this is one of 216 00:07:15,919 --> 00:07:17,759 those rare instances 217 00:07:17,759 --> 00:07:19,360 where the white is actually a better 218 00:07:19,360 --> 00:07:22,639 source of this nutrient than the yolk 219 00:07:22,639 --> 00:07:25,120 any seafood whatsoever is going to be a 220 00:07:25,120 --> 00:07:27,599 good source of glycine 221 00:07:27,599 --> 00:07:29,039 now we're going to start talking about 222 00:07:29,039 --> 00:07:30,720 better sources of glycine 223 00:07:30,720 --> 00:07:34,000 any cut of meat whatsoever 224 00:07:34,000 --> 00:07:36,880 from beef to pork to chicken to turkey 225 00:07:36,880 --> 00:07:38,319 all of these are going to be 226 00:07:38,319 --> 00:07:40,560 great sources of glycine even while game 227 00:07:40,560 --> 00:07:42,479 is a great source of glycine 228 00:07:42,479 --> 00:07:45,360 now let's talk about the superfoods with 229 00:07:45,360 --> 00:07:46,160 relation to 230 00:07:46,160 --> 00:07:49,520 to glycine bone broth you see 231 00:07:49,520 --> 00:07:51,039 one of the reasons our ancestors didn't 232 00:07:51,039 --> 00:07:53,599 need to make much glycine 233 00:07:53,599 --> 00:07:56,400 is that they were always eating the 234 00:07:56,400 --> 00:07:58,560 tendon and the cartilage and the sinew 235 00:07:58,560 --> 00:08:00,319 and the connective tissue 236 00:08:00,319 --> 00:08:02,560 they were always cooking the bones and 237 00:08:02,560 --> 00:08:03,599 eating the broth 238 00:08:03,599 --> 00:08:04,879 they were eating the brains they were 239 00:08:04,879 --> 00:08:07,440 eating all of this connective tissue 240 00:08:07,440 --> 00:08:10,240 and so bone broth anytime you have bones 241 00:08:10,240 --> 00:08:12,319 left over put them in a ziploc bag 242 00:08:12,319 --> 00:08:14,160 at the end of the week make a pot of 243 00:08:14,160 --> 00:08:15,599 bone broth 244 00:08:15,599 --> 00:08:17,199 when i say bone broth it doesn't just 245 00:08:17,199 --> 00:08:19,120 need to say bone broth on the label 246 00:08:19,120 --> 00:08:21,280 it needs to actually be real bone broth 247 00:08:21,280 --> 00:08:23,039 and so some of the bone broths that you 248 00:08:23,039 --> 00:08:24,560 buy over the counter 249 00:08:24,560 --> 00:08:25,919 are not going to be great sources of 250 00:08:25,919 --> 00:08:28,160 glycine you want to probably make your 251 00:08:28,160 --> 00:08:29,199 own bone broth 252 00:08:29,199 --> 00:08:31,039 and that's how you know you're getting 253 00:08:31,039 --> 00:08:32,560 more than enough glycine 254 00:08:32,560 --> 00:08:35,919 in your diet the skin of any 255 00:08:35,919 --> 00:08:38,080 animal is going to be an excellent 256 00:08:38,080 --> 00:08:40,000 source of glycine 257 00:08:40,000 --> 00:08:43,279 and so when you chicken skins 258 00:08:43,279 --> 00:08:45,600 turkey skin pork skins and so you're 259 00:08:45,600 --> 00:08:47,120 like wait you mean the pork skins that 260 00:08:47,120 --> 00:08:48,720 come in a bag that are crispy and 261 00:08:48,720 --> 00:08:49,360 delicious 262 00:08:49,360 --> 00:08:50,800 yeah they're excellent sources of 263 00:08:50,800 --> 00:08:52,399 glycine also 264 00:08:52,399 --> 00:08:54,880 chicken skins it's becoming more common 265 00:08:54,880 --> 00:08:55,839 that you can buy 266 00:08:55,839 --> 00:08:59,120 fried chicken skin and it's a delicious 267 00:08:59,120 --> 00:09:01,279 snack you can include it in your meal we 268 00:09:01,279 --> 00:09:03,600 use chicken skins and pork skins 269 00:09:03,600 --> 00:09:06,160 as dippers to dip into something that 270 00:09:06,160 --> 00:09:07,200 we've made 271 00:09:07,200 --> 00:09:08,800 so that you can have that chip 272 00:09:08,800 --> 00:09:10,320 experience without the 273 00:09:10,320 --> 00:09:13,279 chip side effects anytime that you eat 274 00:09:13,279 --> 00:09:14,080 any meat 275 00:09:14,080 --> 00:09:16,160 you want to try to include some of the 276 00:09:16,160 --> 00:09:18,320 connective tissue some of those white 277 00:09:18,320 --> 00:09:20,320 chewy bits those are those are rich 278 00:09:20,320 --> 00:09:22,080 sources of glycine and so 279 00:09:22,080 --> 00:09:24,320 when you eat pork ribs or beef ribs you 280 00:09:24,320 --> 00:09:25,760 want to leave the membrane 281 00:09:25,760 --> 00:09:28,480 on the back of the ribs you want to eat 282 00:09:28,480 --> 00:09:30,080 some of the cartilage eat some of the 283 00:09:30,080 --> 00:09:31,920 little crunchy chewy bits because 284 00:09:31,920 --> 00:09:35,760 those are almost pure glycine 285 00:09:35,760 --> 00:09:38,480 i don't usually talk about supplements i 286 00:09:38,480 --> 00:09:40,320 find it's a little disingenuous because 287 00:09:40,320 --> 00:09:41,839 i believe if you're eating a proper 288 00:09:41,839 --> 00:09:42,800 human diet 289 00:09:42,800 --> 00:09:44,399 you're going to be able to get enough of 290 00:09:44,399 --> 00:09:46,640 all the essential amino acids 291 00:09:46,640 --> 00:09:48,480 fatty acids vitamins and minerals in 292 00:09:48,480 --> 00:09:50,399 your diet but if you just insist on 293 00:09:50,399 --> 00:09:51,600 taking a supplement 294 00:09:51,600 --> 00:09:53,920 then the two supplements i recommend to 295 00:09:53,920 --> 00:09:55,920 get adequate amounts of glycine in your 296 00:09:55,920 --> 00:09:56,720 diet 297 00:09:56,720 --> 00:09:59,440 are carnivore crisps chicken skins 298 00:09:59,440 --> 00:10:00,800 they're delicious and they're fried in a 299 00:10:00,800 --> 00:10:02,000 very healthy oil 300 00:10:02,000 --> 00:10:06,000 or epic pork rinds they're also fried in 301 00:10:06,000 --> 00:10:08,880 a very healthy oil and are an excellent 302 00:10:08,880 --> 00:10:09,760 source 303 00:10:09,760 --> 00:10:12,160 of glycine and so if you must supplement 304 00:10:12,160 --> 00:10:12,880 please 305 00:10:12,880 --> 00:10:14,800 pick to one of one of these two 306 00:10:14,800 --> 00:10:16,480 supplements and supplement with them i 307 00:10:16,480 --> 00:10:18,079 put links down below in case you just 308 00:10:18,079 --> 00:10:19,519 want to take a supplement 309 00:10:19,519 --> 00:10:23,600 this is dr berry i'll see you next time