0:00:01.857,0:00:06.687 So people are more afraid of insects[br]than they are of dying. 0:00:07.127,0:00:08.056 (Laughter) 0:00:08.405,0:00:14.627 At least, according to a 1973 book [br]of lists survey which preceded all those 0:00:14.929,0:00:19.689 online best, worst, funniest lists[br]that you see today. 0:00:20.270,0:00:27.444 Only heights and public speaking exceeded[br]the six-legged as sources of fear. 0:00:27.884,0:00:31.460 And I suspect if you had[br]put spiders in there, 0:00:31.460,0:00:35.989 the combinations of insects and spiders[br]would have just topped the chart. 0:00:36.941,0:00:38.775 Now, I am not one of those people. 0:00:38.863,0:00:45.108 I really love insects.[br]I think they're interesting and beautiful, 0:00:45.108,0:00:47.204 and sometimes even cute. 0:00:48.111,0:00:49.946 And I'm not alone.[br] 0:00:49.981,0:00:54.905 For centuries, some of the greatest minds [br]in science from Charles Darwin 0:00:54.905,0:00:59.900 to E.O. Wilson have drawn inspiration [br]from studying some of the smallest 0:00:59.900,0:01:01.550 minds on earth. 0:01:02.900,0:01:04.386 Well, why is that? 0:01:04.386,0:01:07.149 What is that keeps us coming[br]back to insects? 0:01:08.240,0:01:12.457 Some of it, of course, is just the sheer[br]magnitude of almost everything about them. 0:01:12.457,0:01:15.206 They're more numerous than [br]any other kind of animal. 0:01:15.689,0:01:19.122 We don't even know how many species[br]of insects there are because new ones 0:01:19.122,0:01:21.103 are being discovered all the time. 0:01:21.568,0:01:24.726 There are at least a million,[br]maybe as many as 10 million. 0:01:25.469,0:01:29.253 This means that you could have an insect[br]of the month calendar 0:01:29.509,0:01:33.572 and not have to reuse a species [br]for over 80,000 years. 0:01:33.781,0:01:35.685 (Laughter) 0:01:36.660,0:01:38.239 Take that pandas and kittens! 0:01:38.471,0:01:40.073 (Laughter) 0:01:40.506,0:01:44.973 More seriously, insects are essential.[br]We need them. 0:01:45.669,0:01:49.849 It's been estimated that 1 out of every 3[br]bites of food is made possible 0:01:50.058,0:01:51.567 by a pollinator. 0:01:53.122,0:01:56.930 Scientist use insects to make fundamental[br]discoveries about everything 0:01:57.163,0:02:01.272 from the structure of our nervous systems,[br]to how our genes and DNA work. 0:02:02.492,0:02:04.290 But what I love most about insects 0:02:04.290,0:02:07.286 is what they can tell us[br]about our own behavior. 0:02:07.750,0:02:10.653 Insects seem like they do [br]everything that people do. 0:02:10.908,0:02:14.159 They meet, they mate, [br]they fight, they break up. 0:02:14.716,0:02:18.570 And they do so with what looks [br]like love or animosity. 0:02:19.530,0:02:24.790 But what drives their behaviors is really[br]different than what drives our own, 0:02:24.790,0:02:27.231 and that difference can be[br]really illuminating. 0:02:27.825,0:02:29.825 There's nowhere where [br]that's more true[br] 0:02:29.825,0:02:31.666 than when it comes [br]to one of our most 0:02:31.666,0:02:33.686 consuming interests --[br]sex. 0:02:34.313,0:02:37.935 Now, I will maintain and I think I can[br]defend what may seem like 0:02:37.961,0:02:39.400 a surprising statement. 0:02:40.954,0:02:44.088 I think sex in insects is more [br]interesting than sex in people. 0:02:44.320,0:02:45.783 (Laughter) 0:02:46.131,0:02:52.231 And the wild variety that we see makes us[br]challenge some of our own assumptions 0:02:52.231,0:02:54.955 about what it means to be male and female. 0:02:55.470,0:02:58.059 Of course, to start with, [br]a lot of insects[br] 0:02:58.059,0:03:00.319 don't need to have sex [br]at all to reproduce. 0:03:00.319,0:03:04.707 Female aphids can make little, tiny clones[br]of themselves without ever mating. 0:03:05.751,0:03:08.004 Virgin birth, right there.[br]On your rose bushes. 0:03:08.491,0:03:09.583 (Laughter) 0:03:11.366,0:03:16.061 When they do have sex, even their sperm[br]is more interesting than human sperm. 0:03:16.316,0:03:21.979 There are some kinds of fruit flies whose[br]sperm is longer than the male's own body. 0:03:21.979,0:03:26.370 And that's important because the males [br]use their sperm to compete. 0:03:27.090,0:03:31.060 Now, male insects do compete with weapons,[br]like the horns on these beetles. 0:03:31.710,0:03:35.797 But they also compete after [br]mating with their sperm. 0:03:36.726,0:03:41.876 Dragonflies and damselflies have penises[br]that look kind of like Swiss Army knives 0:03:41.876,0:03:43.738 with all of the attachments pulled out. 0:03:43.993,0:03:44.899 (Laughter) 0:03:46.106,0:03:51.377 They use these formidable devices like[br]like scoops, to remove the sperm 0:03:51.702,0:03:54.790 from previous males that [br]the female has mated with. 0:03:55.163,0:03:56.671 (Laughter) 0:03:56.909,0:03:59.347 So, what can we learn from this? 0:03:59.921,0:04:03.451 (Laughter) 0:04:05.540,0:04:11.508 Alright, it is not a lesson in the sense[br]of us imitating them or of them setting 0:04:11.693,0:04:13.992 an example for us to follow. 0:04:13.992,0:04:16.782 Which given this, is probably just as well. 0:04:17.265,0:04:20.835 And also did I mention sexual cannibalism[br]is rampant among insects? 0:04:20.863,0:04:22.751 So, no, that's not the point. 0:04:22.829,0:04:24.976 But what I think insects do, 0:04:24.976,0:04:30.965 is break a lot of the rules[br]that we humans have about the sex roles. 0:04:31.453,0:04:36.259 So people have this idea that nature[br]dictates kind of a 1950s sitcom version 0:04:36.747,0:04:38.851 of what males and females are like. 0:04:38.851,0:04:42.044 So that males are always [br]supposed to be dominant and aggressive, 0:04:42.044,0:04:43.963 and females are passive and coy. 0:04:43.963,0:04:45.644 But that's just not the case. 0:04:46.986,0:04:51.202 So for example, take katydids, which are[br]relatives of crickets and grasshoppers. 0:04:51.392,0:04:55.228 The males are very picky [br]about who they mate with 0:04:55.228,0:04:58.308 because they not only transfer[br]sperm during mating, 0:04:58.308,0:05:02.798 they also give the female[br]something called a nuptial gift. 0:05:02.798,0:05:06.499 You can see two katydids [br]mating in these photos. 0:05:06.499,0:05:10.507 In both panels, the male's the one on[br]the right and that sword like appendage 0:05:10.716,0:05:12.759 is the female's egg-laying organ. 0:05:13.317,0:05:19.770 The white blob is the sperm and the green[br]blob is the nuptial gift, and the male 0:05:19.770,0:05:24.601 manufactures this from his own body[br]and it's extremely costly to produce. 0:05:24.679,0:05:27.387 It can weigh up to a third [br]of his body mass. 0:05:27.693,0:05:30.343 I will now pause for a moment[br]and let you think about 0:05:30.343,0:05:34.603 what it would be like, if human men --[br]everytime they had sex 0:05:34.730,0:05:41.196 had to produce something that weighed[br]50, 60, 70 pounds. 0:05:41.528,0:05:44.407 (Laughter) 0:05:44.778,0:05:48.029 Okay, they would not be able [br]to do that very often. 0:05:49.455,0:05:51.628 And indeed, neither can the katydids. 0:05:52.092,0:05:59.615 And so what that means, is the katydid[br]males are very choosy about who they 0:05:59.615,0:06:01.124 offer these nuptial gifts to. 0:06:01.333,0:06:04.747 Now, the gift is very nutritious[br]and the female eats it during 0:06:04.747,0:06:06.117 and after mating. 0:06:06.227,0:06:08.804 So, the bigger it is, the better[br]off the male is because that means 0:06:09.033,0:06:12.888 more time for his sperm to drain into her[br]body and fertilize her eggs. 0:06:13.521,0:06:19.210 But it also means that the males are very[br]passive about mating, where as the females 0:06:19.210,0:06:23.081 are extremely aggressive and competitive,[br]in an attempt to get as many as these 0:06:23.252,0:06:25.899 nutritious nuptial gifts as they can. 0:06:26.062,0:06:29.939 So, it's not exactly a [br]stereotypical set of rules. 0:06:30.787,0:06:35.628 Even more generally though, males are [br]actually not all that important 0:06:35.791,0:06:37.787 in the lives of a lot of insects. 0:06:37.976,0:06:41.735 In the social insects --[br]the bees and wasps and ants 0:06:42.442,0:06:46.208 the individuals that you see everyday,[br]the ants going back and forth 0:06:46.322,0:06:50.198 to your sugar bowl, the honey bees [br]that are flitting from flower to flower. 0:06:50.371,0:06:52.461 All of those are always female. 0:06:53.300,0:06:57.708 People have had a hard time getting their[br]head around that idea for millennia. 0:06:58.010,0:07:03.397 The ancient Greeks knew that there was[br]a class of bees, the drones, that are 0:07:03.513,0:07:08.378 larger than the workers, although [br]they disapproved of the drones' laziness 0:07:08.401,0:07:11.470 because they could see that [br]the drones just hang around the hive 0:07:11.470,0:07:13.675 until the mating flight --[br]they're the males. 0:07:13.675,0:07:14.695 They hang around the hives until 0:07:14.695,0:07:15.702 the mating flight, but they don't 0:07:15.702,0:07:17.858 participate in gathering nectar or pollen. 0:07:18.004,0:07:21.876 The Greeks couldn't figure out [br]the drones sex, and part of the confusion 0:07:21.876,0:07:26.535 was that they were aware of the stinging[br]ability of bees, but they found it 0:07:26.542,0:07:29.828 difficult to believe that any animals [br]that bore such a weapon could 0:07:29.828,0:07:31.395 possibly be a female. 0:07:31.883,0:07:34.251 Aristotle tried to get involved as well. 0:07:34.739,0:07:38.895 He suggested, OK, well if the stinging[br]individuals are going to be the males, 0:07:39.104,0:07:42.981 then he got confused because that would [br]have meant that males were also taking 0:07:42.981,0:07:46.511 care of the young in the colony[br]and he seemed to think that would be 0:07:46.511,0:07:47.603 completely impossible. 0:07:47.973,0:07:53.174 He then concluded that bees had the organs[br]of both sexes in the same individual, 0:07:53.174,0:07:54.335 which is not that farfetched. 0:07:54.338,0:07:58.422 There are some animals that do that, but [br]he never really did get it figured out. 0:07:59.026,0:08:04.668 And you know, even today, my students[br]for instance call every animal they see 0:08:04.877,0:08:07.245 including insects, a male. 0:08:07.710,0:08:11.727 And when I tell them that the ferocious[br]army ant soldiers with their giant 0:08:11.982,0:08:18.089 jaws, used to defend the colony are all [br]always female, they seem to not 0:08:18.091,0:08:19.807 quite believe me. 0:08:20.081,0:08:20.968 (Laughter) 0:08:21.200,0:08:25.147 Certainly all of the movies --[br]Antz, Bee Movie 0:08:25.542,0:08:31.950 portray the main character in the social[br]insects as being male. 0:08:32.998,0:08:33.898 Well, what difference does this make? 0:08:33.898,0:08:35.021 I mean, these are movies. 0:08:35.021,0:08:35.841 They're fiction. 0:08:36.049,0:08:37.049 They have talking [br]animals in them, 0:08:37.049,0:08:38.663 what difference does it [br]make if they talk 0:08:38.663,0:08:39.634 like Jerry Seinfeld? 0:08:39.868,0:08:41.795 (Laughter) 0:08:42.027,0:08:46.784 I think it does matter and it's a problem[br]that actually is part of a much deeper 0:08:46.784,0:08:52.274 one that has implications for medicine,[br]and health and a lot of other aspects 0:08:52.274,0:08:53.271 of our lives. 0:08:53.823,0:08:57.112 You all know that scientists use [br]what we call model systems, 0:08:57.112,0:09:00.254 which are creatures --[br]white rats or fruit flies 0:09:00.579,0:09:05.270 that are kind of stand-ins for all other[br]animals including people. 0:09:05.409,0:09:09.199 And the idea is, that what's true[br]for a person will also be true 0:09:09.199,0:09:10.772 for the white rat. 0:09:11.098,0:09:13.419 By in large, that turns [br]out to be the case. 0:09:13.652,0:09:17.413 But you can take the idea [br]of a model system too far. 0:09:17.924,0:09:24.007 And what I think we've done, is use males,[br]in any species, as though they are 0:09:24.193,0:09:25.888 the model system. 0:09:26.213,0:09:29.626 The norm.[br]The way things are supposed to be. 0:09:29.858,0:09:34.618 And females as a kind of variant --[br]something special that you only study 0:09:34.734,0:09:36.638 after you get the basics down. 0:09:38.032,0:09:40.794 And so back to the insects. 0:09:40.794,0:09:44.858 I think what that means, is that people[br]could not see what was in front of them. 0:09:44.974,0:09:51.336 Because they assumed that the world's [br]stage was largely occupied by male players 0:09:51.545,0:09:55.306 and females would only have minor,[br]walk-on roles. 0:09:55.841,0:09:59.392 But when we do that,[br]we really miss out on a lot 0:09:59.392,0:10:00.949 of what nature is like. 0:10:01.715,0:10:08.611 And we can also miss out on the way[br]natural, living things incudling people 0:10:08.611,0:10:09.609 can very. 0:10:10.236,0:10:15.124 And I think that's why we've used males[br]as models in a lot of medical research, 0:10:15.124,0:10:19.338 something that we know now to be a problem[br]if we want the results to apply 0:10:19.733,0:10:22.032 to both men and women. 0:10:22.760,0:10:26.637 Well, the last thing I really love about[br]insects is something that a lot of people 0:10:26.637,0:10:28.533 find unnerving about them. 0:10:28.788,0:10:32.271 They have little, tiny brains with very [br]little cognitive ability the way 0:10:32.271,0:10:33.780 we normally think of it. 0:10:34.663,0:10:39.074 They have complicated behavior,[br]but they lack complicated brains. 0:10:40.049,0:10:45.065 And so, we can't just think of them[br]as though they're little people 0:10:45.320,0:10:48.339 because they don't do [br]things the way that we do. 0:10:48.849,0:10:52.774 I really love that it's difficult[br]to anthropomorphize insects, 0:10:52.960,0:10:56.301 to look at them and just think of them[br]like they're little people 0:10:56.301,0:10:58.439 in exoskeletons with six legs. 0:10:58.927,0:11:00.273 (Laughter) 0:11:00.459,0:11:05.149 Instead, you really have to accept them on[br]their own terms because insects make us 0:11:05.265,0:11:09.213 question what's normal and what's natural. 0:11:09.654,0:11:14.367 Now, you know, people write fiction[br]and talk about parallel universes. 0:11:14.483,0:11:19.522 They speculate about the supernatural,[br]maybe the spirits of the departed 0:11:19.522,0:11:21.403 walking among us. 0:11:22.749,0:11:30.295 The allure of another world is something[br]that people say is part of why they want 0:11:30.295,0:11:32.268 to dabble in the paranormal. 0:11:32.757,0:11:36.681 But as far as I'm concerned, who needs [br]to be able to see dead people? 0:11:37.029,0:11:38.747 When you can see live insects? 0:11:39.212,0:11:40.094 Thank you. 0:11:40.256,0:11:43.228 (Applause)