WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:01.476 Well let me help you understand. 00:00:01.476 --> 00:00:04.210 You don't understand my faith like I do, alright, so, 00:00:04.210 --> 00:00:06.603 so give me, for a moment, the benefit of the doubt 00:00:06.603 --> 00:00:09.414 that having been a leader of my church, a bishop and a state president, 00:00:09.414 --> 00:00:12.496 I understand my church better than you do. - Right. 00:00:12.496 --> 00:00:15.797 - Alright, my church has very strong beliefs that Mormons 00:00:15.797 --> 00:00:19.138 should not participate in, encourage, in any way support abortion. 00:00:19.138 --> 00:00:24.119 - You could be excommunicated if you do, it says right there. That's what they say, I don't say it! [laughs] 00:00:24.119 --> 00:00:26.032 - Are you thinking I'm disagreeing with you? 00:00:26.032 --> 00:00:27.675 - No, I don't know but if it's stronger... 00:00:27.675 --> 00:00:29.367 - Are you disagreeing with me? 00:00:29.367 --> 00:00:33.665 Let me once again say, I understand my faith better than you do. 00:00:33.665 --> 00:00:34.803 - Right. 00:00:34.803 --> 00:00:35.955 - You don't believe that do you? 00:00:35.955 --> 00:00:37.875 - I'm not sure, you see, I... 00:00:37.875 --> 00:00:39.619 - Well, then it's hardly worth having a discussion with you. 00:00:39.619 --> 00:00:40.772 - Well no no, I'm... 00:00:40.772 --> 00:00:42.682 - Listen, let me... can I complete the point? 00:00:42.682 --> 00:00:47.146 - Well, the reason I said that, is because you also said in another forum, 00:00:47.146 --> 00:00:51.340 I think it was on Stephanopoulos, about the second coming of Christ. - Right. 00:00:51.340 --> 00:00:53.860 - And you said it's gonna happen in Jerusalem. - And it is. 00:00:53.860 --> 00:00:56.031 - And your church says it's gonna happen in Missouri. - No it doesn't. 00:00:56.031 --> 00:00:59.868 - Oh, is that wrong? - Is what wrong, is what wrong? 00:01:01.144 --> 00:01:05.227 The church says that Christ appears on the Mount of Olives and splits the Mount of Olives 00:01:05.227 --> 00:01:07.464 and appears in Jerusalem. That's what the church says. 00:01:07.464 --> 00:01:11.569 And then over a thousand years, the millennium, that the world is reigned in two places, 00:01:11.569 --> 00:01:13.777 Jerusalem and Missouri. That's what the church says. 00:01:13.777 --> 00:01:20.125 The second coming, the arrival of Jesus Christ, our church says is in Jerusalem. That's the church doctrine. 00:01:20.125 --> 00:01:24.262 - So Stephanopoulos mis-quoted your church, which is not surprising... 00:01:24.262 --> 00:01:25.809 - That's fine, that's fine. 00:01:25.809 --> 00:01:28.772 - ...but I was basing my question on that premise. 00:01:28.772 --> 00:01:32.584 - Cleon Skousen has a book called "A Thousand Years" you can talk about. 00:01:32.584 --> 00:01:35.536 Christ appears, it's throughout the Bible, Christ appears in Jerusalem, 00:01:35.536 --> 00:01:39.721 splits the Mount of Olives to stop the war that's coming in to kill all the Jews, 00:01:39.721 --> 00:01:43.396 it's... our church believes that. That's where the coming and glory of Christ occurs. 00:01:43.396 --> 00:01:46.742 We also believe that over the thousand years that follows, the millennium, 00:01:46.742 --> 00:01:51.910 he will reign from two places, that the law will come forward from one place... 00:01:53.294 --> 00:01:58.724 from Missouri, and the other will be in Jerusalem. Alright, that's... now back to abortion. 00:01:58.724 --> 00:02:01.959 - Before we... I have to get back on... but before we do anything else 00:02:01.959 --> 00:02:04.543 I want you to understand one thing. I take this stuff real seriously. 00:02:04.543 --> 00:02:06.900 - Oh I don't though. For me this is all frivolous. [!] 00:02:06.900 --> 00:02:08.904 - No, I take you... no seriously now... 00:02:08.904 --> 00:02:10.024 - Come on, I'm running for President! 00:02:10.024 --> 00:02:16.278 - Now gimme a second, I'm just... just relax. I take you seriously, and I take what you're saying seriously. 00:02:16.278 --> 00:02:20.853 - But you're not giving me the opportunity to explain to you... 00:02:20.853 --> 00:02:21.857 - We only got eight minutes. 00:02:21.857 --> 00:02:28.409 - ... that my, that my... my faith has very strong beliefs, that if I commit abortion, encourage an abortion... 00:02:28.409 --> 00:02:32.590 I was beaten up in Boston because I pointed out time and again that I encouraged girls 00:02:32.590 --> 00:02:34.997 not to get abortions. That I told her [sic] to have adoptions. 00:02:34.997 --> 00:02:39.864 I have never done anything that in any way violates the principles of my church in that regard. 00:02:39.864 --> 00:02:41.546 I've made other mistakes, but in that regard. 00:02:41.546 --> 00:02:49.949 But the church does not say that a member of our church has to be opposed to allowing choice in society. 00:02:49.949 --> 00:02:54.761 It does not say that. And therefore, there are Mormon Democrats. 00:02:54.761 --> 00:02:58.466 There's a Democratic Party in Utah, filled with Mormons, 00:02:58.466 --> 00:03:00.933 and the church doesn't say "they're wrong, they're being ex-communicated", no, it says, 00:03:00.933 --> 00:03:05.945 "Look, we are vehemently opposed to abortion. Ourselves, and for ourselves." 00:03:05.945 --> 00:03:08.600 "But we allow other people to make their own choice." 00:03:08.600 --> 00:03:12.362 I disagree with that view. Politicially, I looked at it and I said, you know what, that's wrong. 00:03:12.362 --> 00:03:18.863 And it's not a Mormon thing, it's a secular position to say, you know what, I was wrong. 00:03:18.863 --> 00:03:24.924 We should have as a society a prohibition on abortion in the following circumstances. 00:03:24.924 --> 00:03:26.023 - When, er... 00:03:26.023 --> 00:03:28.048 - But it's not violating my faith, let me assure you. 00:03:28.606 --> 00:03:34.082 - I hope we can do this, and we can spend some quality time on the air, 00:03:34.082 --> 00:03:36.474 rather than the soundbite stuff. 00:03:36.474 --> 00:03:39.557 - No I, I mean, I don't like coming on the air and having you go after my church and me and my... 00:03:39.557 --> 00:03:41.235 - I'm not going after your church, I agree with your church! 00:03:41.235 --> 00:03:43.955 - I know, that's right, but... I'm not running as a Mormon, 00:03:43.955 --> 00:03:48.832 and I get a little tired of coming on a show like yours and having it all about Mormon. [sic] 00:03:48.832 --> 00:03:51.106 - See, I don't mind it being about that... 00:03:51.106 --> 00:03:52.632 - Yeah, I do. I do. 00:03:52.632 --> 00:03:54.943 - I agree with the ethics of your church, for Pete's sake! 00:03:54.943 --> 00:03:57.182 - So do I, so do I. 00:03:57.182 --> 00:03:59.559 - Well, [laughs], so I was trying to... 00:03:59.559 --> 00:04:04.081 - No, you're trying to tell me that I'm not a faithful Mormon, that I'm not faithful to my church. 00:04:04.081 --> 00:04:08.651 - No, I'm trying to get you to reconcile what I think is a disparity between... 00:04:08.651 --> 00:04:12.073 - ...and have a great discussion about Mormonism and the Mormon church 00:04:12.073 --> 00:04:14.853 and reading the doctrines of the church and where my view is, and you know what? 00:04:14.853 --> 00:04:18.752 I'm not running to talk about Mormonism. 00:04:18.752 --> 00:04:23.862 - No, but the point is, you know, people who are likely to vote don't want to elect 00:04:23.862 --> 00:04:29.100 a Ted Kennedy, who runs, comes back, or a Senator Harken, 00:04:29.100 --> 00:04:34.023 who comes here to dalley, and comes here to Iowa and says "I'm pro-life", 00:04:34.023 --> 00:04:38.140 and when he gets to Washington stands up and becomes pro-choice. 00:04:38.140 --> 00:04:40.919 - Here's your opportunity to have that settled in your mind. 00:04:40.919 --> 00:04:44.515 I was Governor for four years. See, that is what I'm talking about. 00:04:44.515 --> 00:04:48.095 I was Governor for four years. I had a number of pieces of legislation that came to my desk 00:04:48.095 --> 00:04:54.135 that dealt with abortion, abstinence education, RU486, and so forth. 00:04:54.135 --> 00:04:58.957 I vetoed any bill that was in favour of choice. I was entirely consistent in favour of life. 00:04:58.957 --> 00:05:02.664 So it's not just my word that have to take, but my record. Alright, thank you. 00:05:02.664 --> 00:05:06.299 - Thank you. Thanks a lot.