1 00:00:00,048 --> 00:00:04,834 We turn now to a major eruption of fury at the Republican National Convention on Tuesday, 2 00:00:04,834 --> 00:00:07,982 as the formal nomination process got underway. 3 00:00:07,982 --> 00:00:11,319 Part of Maine's delegation stormed off the floor in protest 4 00:00:11,319 --> 00:00:15,443 against a decision to strip away half of the state's Ron Paul delegates. 5 00:00:15,443 --> 00:00:20,146 *Supportive members of other delegations rose to their feet and hollered their objections,* 6 00:00:20,146 --> 00:00:27,335 *angered by new rules that they say will make it harder for grassroots candidates to stand a chance in future elections.* 7 00:00:27,335 --> 00:00:30,875 *His ardent followers used seldom-invoked state party rules* 8 00:00:30,875 --> 00:00:34,009 *to garner twenty of Maine's twenty-four spots.* 9 00:00:34,009 --> 00:00:41,146 - The RNC responded by replacing ten of them, enough to prevent Ron Paul from being nominated, from the floor. 10 00:00:41,146 --> 00:00:44,719 - The question on the motion offered by the delegate from Kentucky, 11 00:00:44,719 --> 00:00:50,472 all those in favour will signify by saying "Aye". 12 00:00:50,472 --> 00:00:55,242 *[crowd: "Aye", cheers]* 13 00:00:55,242 --> 00:00:56,869 Those opposed, "No". 14 00:00:56,869 --> 00:00:59,744 *[crowd: "No", booing]* 15 00:00:59,744 --> 00:01:05,350 *- The decision caused immediate uproar, but RNC Chair Reince Priebus was in no mood to take a rollcall.* 16 00:01:05,350 --> 00:01:08,971 - Without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. 17 00:01:10,387 --> 00:01:12,791 We have to proceed with the order of business... 18 00:01:12,791 --> 00:01:27,331 *[crowd chants: "Seat them now!"]* 19 00:01:29,453 --> 00:01:33,304 - Mr. Chairman, point of order! Point of order! 20 00:01:33,304 --> 00:01:37,346 - It's unfair to us, we sat here and objected, he said, "Are there any objections?" 21 00:01:37,346 --> 00:01:41,822 We objected, and, you know, it's like, why even ask the question at that point? 22 00:01:41,822 --> 00:01:45,057 *[crowd chants: "Point of order!"]* 23 00:01:45,057 --> 00:01:47,822 - Maine got screwed of half their delegates, more than half actually. 24 00:01:47,822 --> 00:01:52,610 That's why their Governor's not here today, because he said he wouldn't come down unless their delegates got seated. 25 00:01:52,610 --> 00:01:59,292 Half of them got taken away, and they were put in, replaced, by people that the Republican Party, the RNC, picked. 26 00:01:59,292 --> 00:02:03,488 *[crowd chants: "Point of order!"]* 27 00:02:03,488 --> 00:02:06,678 *- Several members of the Maine delegation walked off the floor in protest* 28 00:02:06,678 --> 00:02:11,241 *after the convention decided to replace ten of its twenty-four delegates.* 29 00:02:11,241 --> 00:02:12,693 [audience member:] This is fraud! 30 00:02:13,955 --> 00:02:15,678 - This convention is a farce! 31 00:02:16,663 --> 00:02:19,984 - They snuck in there trying to say we support our soldiers, 32 00:02:19,984 --> 00:02:22,802 They appointed seven of them on our delegations. 33 00:02:22,802 --> 00:02:30,215 Two recently served in Afghanistan and Iraq! How dare they? Shame on them! Shame on them! 34 00:02:31,075 --> 00:02:37,614 - The people in Maine should be respected, those voters that put us here, they should be respected! 35 00:02:37,614 --> 00:02:39,616 This is a sham! 36 00:02:40,678 --> 00:02:44,129 I love every one of you guys and I love all those people back home! 37 00:02:44,129 --> 00:02:47,453 *- Others on the floor were equally outraged.* 38 00:02:47,453 --> 00:02:50,069 *Kevin Erickson is a delegate from Minnesota.* 39 00:02:50,069 --> 00:02:55,528 - What this means is that the states will no longer retain the right under the new rules 40 00:02:55,528 --> 00:02:58,968 to elect their delegates and have them stand. 41 00:02:58,968 --> 00:03:05,452 A presumptive nominee will be able to unseat an entire state's delegates if they don't like who's on the slate. 42 00:03:05,452 --> 00:03:09,567 Giving a Presidential candidate veto power over a state's delegation 43 00:03:09,567 --> 00:03:13,544 means that future conventions will not have a dissenting voice. 44 00:03:13,544 --> 00:03:17,052 We won't be able to bring motions and amendments to our platform, 45 00:03:17,052 --> 00:03:20,066 we won't be able to speak for people who believe differently. 46 00:03:20,066 --> 00:03:24,640 You're taking a broad tent at a grassroots party and you're turning it into a dictatorship 47 00:03:24,640 --> 00:03:27,594 that'll be run by a few people with a lot of money, 48 00:03:27,594 --> 00:03:31,685 and average ordinary people like myself will be out of luck and out of a voice. 49 00:03:31,685 --> 00:03:37,043 - The question is on the adoption of the resolution, all those in favour signify by saying "Aye". 50 00:03:37,043 --> 00:03:39,714 *[crowd: "Aye"]* 51 00:03:39,714 --> 00:03:41,265 All those opposed, "No". 52 00:03:41,265 --> 00:03:43,543 *[crowd, loudly: "No"]* 53 00:03:43,543 --> 00:03:46,407 In the opinion of the chair, the Ayes have it, the resolution is adopted. 54 00:03:46,407 --> 00:03:47,878 *[crowd boos]* 55 00:03:47,878 --> 00:03:49,921 - All those in favour say "Aye". 56 00:03:49,921 --> 00:03:52,066 *[crowd: "Aye"]* 57 00:03:52,066 --> 00:03:54,148 All those opposed, "No". 58 00:03:54,148 --> 00:03:57,183 *[crowd: "No"]* 59 00:03:57,183 --> 00:03:59,075 The Ayes have it... 60 00:03:59,075 --> 00:04:01,894 *[crowd shouts and boos loudly]* 61 00:04:01,894 --> 00:04:06,757 - The question is on the motion that the Honourable Paul Ryan be nominated by acclamation. 62 00:04:06,757 --> 00:04:12,769 All those in favour signify by saying "Aye", those opposed say "No"... 63 00:04:12,769 --> 00:04:14,928 *[crowd shouts "Aye" and "No"]* 64 00:04:14,928 --> 00:04:16,895 In the opinion of the chair the Ayes have it. 65 00:04:16,895 --> 00:04:20,257 - I'm gonna have to explain the cheers we've been hearing, I had to turn around to see what was going on, 66 00:04:20,257 --> 00:04:25,093 it was Congressman Ron Paul entering the forum, he still has very much a role within this Republican Party. 67 00:04:25,093 --> 00:04:28,428 *- [reporter:] Yes, he is, I just saw him come through here, and as he went by me* 68 00:04:28,428 --> 00:04:33,952 *there were a lot of young voters, they're the ones who really loved him, stopping him, taking pictures of him to tweet out,* 69 00:04:33,952 --> 00:04:40,244 *and he came in with his same smile that he's had, and he's become something of a cult hero in the party...* 70 00:04:43,351 --> 00:05:07,263 *[crowd chants: "Let him speak!"]* 71 00:05:07,263 --> 00:05:17,776 *[crowd cheers and applauds]* 72 00:05:21,806 --> 00:05:28,950 - Madam Secretary, I am honoured to lead the Republican Party in the Ocean State. It's the little state... 73 00:05:40,040 --> 00:05:41,193 - You can't have that sir. 74 00:05:41,193 --> 00:05:43,897 - [crowd member:] It's my property, I'm sorry, that's my... I'm sorry, what's your name? 75 00:05:56,925 --> 00:05:58,837 - [cameraman:] You, er, took the sign? 76 00:06:00,436 --> 00:06:05,712 *- [speaker:] Four votes for Ron Paul, and the overwhelming majority, fifteen votes,* 77 00:06:05,712 --> 00:06:10,114 *to the next President of the United States, Mitt Romney!* 78 00:06:13,237 --> 00:06:17,126 - Rhode Island, fifteen, Romney. 79 00:06:17,126 --> 00:06:20,053 *[crowd shouts: "Four Ron Paul!"]* 80 00:06:20,053 --> 00:06:28,395 - On behalf of the Georgia Republican voters... proudly give seventy-two of our delegate votes 81 00:06:28,395 --> 00:06:34,496 to the next President of the United States, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. 82 00:06:34,496 --> 00:06:38,169 *[crowd cheers]* 83 00:06:38,169 --> 00:06:40,496 Three votes for Ron... 84 00:06:40,496 --> 00:06:42,554 *[microphone cuts out]* 85 00:06:43,778 --> 00:06:45,749 *[anchors:] - I, I... -That's it?* 86 00:06:45,749 --> 00:06:51,254 *- Well done. Whoever controlled the microphone did a great job. [laughs]* 87 00:06:51,254 --> 00:06:57,926 - And I am proud to say that we are going to support the President, the next President of the United States, 88 00:06:57,926 --> 00:07:05,482 by casting sixty-seven votes for Mitt Romney, and five votes for Paul Ryan. 89 00:07:10,251 --> 00:07:14,493 - Pennsylvania, sixty-seven, Romney. 90 00:07:14,493 --> 00:07:17,165 *[crowd: Five Ron Paul!]* 91 00:07:17,165 --> 00:07:22,364 - Iowa casts twenty-two votes for Ron Paul... 92 00:07:22,364 --> 00:07:30,416 *[crowd cheers, chants "Ron Paul!"]* 93 00:07:30,416 --> 00:07:33,890 ... and six votes for Mitt Romney. 94 00:07:33,920 --> 00:07:37,957 *[crowd cheers]* 95 00:07:38,652 --> 00:07:42,056 - Iowa, six, Romney. 96 00:07:42,056 --> 00:07:46,298 - Minnesota, where we are very proud of our state Republican Party, 97 00:07:46,298 --> 00:07:50,671 which runs a fair convention with integrity. 98 00:07:50,671 --> 00:07:53,254 *[crowd cheers]* 99 00:07:53,254 --> 00:07:57,455 casts thirty-three votes for Ron Paul... 100 00:07:57,455 --> 00:08:00,752 *[crowd cheers]* 101 00:08:00,752 --> 00:08:08,791 ... one vote for Senator Rick Santorum, and six votes for Governor Romney. 102 00:08:12,714 --> 00:08:16,871 - Minnesota, six, Romney. 103 00:08:16,871 --> 00:08:22,897 - We proudly cast seventeen votes for Congressman Ron Paul... 104 00:08:22,897 --> 00:08:27,977 *[crowd cheers]* 105 00:08:27,977 --> 00:08:31,715 ... five abstentions, and five for Romney. 106 00:08:36,254 --> 00:08:40,224 - Nevada, five, Romney. 107 00:08:40,224 --> 00:08:48,335 [slowed] Nevada, five, Romney. 108 00:08:48,335 --> 00:08:52,041 - I gotta tell you, I like your dad, you love your dad, but I like him a lot, 109 00:08:52,041 --> 00:08:57,071 and I was pretty shocked to hear that they wouldn't even read from the podium 110 00:08:57,071 --> 00:08:59,952 how many votes Congressman Paul got. 111 00:08:59,952 --> 00:09:04,223 *[Sen. Rand Paul:]* Well one of the interesting things was the crowd was reciting how many he got, 112 00:09:04,223 --> 00:09:08,053 so when they wouldn't announce it from the podium, you would hear an echo from the crowd 113 00:09:08,053 --> 00:09:10,784 of the Ron Paul supporters who were announcing his totals. 114 00:09:10,784 --> 00:09:14,107 - Why didn't they do that? This seems so petty and so ridiculous, 115 00:09:14,107 --> 00:09:16,638 I mean, your father worked hard in the Republican Party, 116 00:09:16,638 --> 00:09:22,992 *he went through all the rules, I believe he didn't do anything illegal in getting those votes, he went through the process...* 117 00:09:22,992 --> 00:09:27,472 This is the last time he's running for President of the United States, I just thought it was inappropriate 118 00:09:27,472 --> 00:09:31,944 to end his political career, if you will, on a note like this before his own party. 119 00:09:31,944 --> 00:09:36,737 *[Music: Hans Zimmer, "Time"]* 120 00:10:16,208 --> 00:10:18,776 *[letter text:] Dear Friend,* 121 00:10:18,776 --> 00:10:24,580 *I can't tell you how touched I've been by my supporters' generosity from day one of my Presidential campaign.* 122 00:10:24,580 --> 00:10:29,812 *Your support has made an incredible impact that will continue on well into the future.* 123 00:10:29,842 --> 00:10:35,852 *In fact, as I look back at the past year, I'm literally amazed at how far we've come.* 124 00:10:35,852 --> 00:10:41,501 *Today, we can catch a glimpse of our future - and it's a bright one.* 125 00:10:41,501 --> 00:10:47,300 *Due to our Liberty Movement's youth, energy, and growing numbers, establishment Republicans are recognizing* 126 00:10:47,300 --> 00:10:52,219 *their days of controlling the national GOP are coming to an end.* 127 00:10:52,219 --> 00:10:58,794 *Even now, they are being forced to recognize that our issues - like finally auditing the Federal Reserve - are not going away.* 128 00:10:58,794 --> 00:11:03,963 *My hope is, with your continued support, it will not end until free markets, sound money, Constitutional Principles,* 129 00:11:03,963 --> 00:11:08,530 *respect for individual liberty, and a common-sense foreign policy are all restored in America.* 130 00:11:08,530 --> 00:11:11,804 *For your generosity and all that you'll continue to do in the name of liberty, thank you.* 131 00:11:11,804 --> 00:11:13,100 *For liberty,* 132 00:11:13,100 --> 00:11:16,000 *Ron Paul*