0:00:00.440,0:00:03.540 There is a box, in the corner of my sewing[br]room. 0:00:03.540,0:00:07.259 It is a box whose contents have not seen the[br]light of day for many a month. 0:00:07.259,0:00:10.660 Many crafters will be familiar with this box,[br]in all of its forms: 0:00:10.660,0:00:14.040 There’s the ever-growing amorphous lump[br]that lies underneath your desk… 0:00:14.040,0:00:18.760 The monster underneath your bed…[br]The stuff you vacuum-packed in a fit of organization 0:00:18.760,0:00:22.199 and stuffed into your garage in the hopes[br]that you’d never have to deal with it again… 0:00:22.199,0:00:25.480 This, my friends, is the UNFINISHED SEWING PILE. 0:00:33.720,0:00:37.560 So, this is the item that I pulled out of[br]the box and that I’m going to work on for 0:00:37.570,0:00:40.719 this episode.[br]This is a really lovely strapless blue gingham 0:00:40.719,0:00:43.850 dress. The problem, however, is the strapless[br]part. 0:00:43.850,0:00:48.750 When I attempt to wear it, it falls down![br]So, I want to add straps – more specifically, 0:00:48.750,0:00:50.500 tie-up halter-neck straps! 0:00:50.500,0:00:54.449 The first thing that I do is to measure roughly[br]how wide I want the straps to be at the top 0:00:54.449,0:00:58.500 of the sweetheart neckline. I want them to[br]be about 3 inches wide, and then taper off 0:00:58.500,0:01:04.040 and get thinner as the straps reach my shoulder.[br]I want most of the strap to only be 1.5 inches 0:01:04.040,0:01:08.549 wide. And I also need excess length at the[br]back so that the straps can be tied up, and 0:01:08.549,0:01:12.369 the straps should also curve a little bit[br]so that they will sit flat around my neck. 0:01:12.369,0:01:17.310 Awesome. So, I put all that down onto a piece[br]of newspaper and here’s my pattern! 0:01:17.310,0:01:20.670 The fabric that I’m using for the straps[br]is stretchy white jersey. 0:01:20.670,0:01:25.430 I fold it over so that there is two layers,[br]so that I can cut out 2 matching pieces at once. 0:01:26.070,0:01:29.970 I place my pattern onto the fabric, pin it[br]on, and cut around the paper. 0:01:32.400,0:01:35.460 Then, I flip the pattern over and I repeat this. 0:01:35.470,0:01:40.509 So, I’ve ended up with 4 pieces of fabric,[br]each pair sandwiched together like this. And, 0:01:40.509,0:01:43.979 I’m going to then sew them together just[br]like this. I’m making sure that I leave 0:01:43.979,0:01:46.869 a gap in my stitching at both the top and[br]the bottom. 0:01:46.869,0:01:50.229 To sew them together, I’m using a zig-zag[br]stitch because I’m working with stretchy 0:01:50.229,0:01:54.040 fabric. I’m also using a walking foot attachment[br]to help the seam lay flat. 0:01:54.040,0:01:58.219 After I’ve sewn the two pieces together,[br]it gives me this tube thing. So I stick a 0:01:58.219,0:02:03.219 safety pin in one end of the tube to help[br]me turn it inside out, and I turn the tube 0:02:03.220,0:02:07.870 all the way around, so that the seams are[br]now on the inside of the tube. 0:02:15.200,0:02:19.020 Then, I simply sew the gaps closed by sewing[br]over the top of them. 0:02:22.700,0:02:26.940 For this smaller end,that I left completely open, I fold the excessfabric inside it about half an inch and then 0:02:26.940,0:02:28.340 sew over the top. 0:02:30.060,0:02:34.120 Once I’ve done that, I attach the straps[br]to the dress where I want them to sit, pin 0:02:34.120,0:02:38.860 them on, and sew carefully over the top here,[br]using a really small straight stitch. 0:02:44.100,0:02:47.940 Then, I also decide that I want to replace[br]the buttons with something a little bit cuter. 0:02:47.940,0:02:52.569 Now, I have a LOT of cute buttons, and it’s[br]honestly really hard making a choice, but 0:02:52.569,0:02:56.950 in the end I go for something a bit more subtle[br]than cat or heart buttons – I got these 0:02:56.950,0:03:01.200 white buttons are from my grandma, and I think that they’ll give the dress a more vintage, pin-up feel. 0:03:02.000,0:03:07.030 I carefully cut off the old buttons, and,[br]using a needle and a thread in matching colour 0:03:07.030,0:03:10.900 to the buttons, I sew the buttons on, using[br]the small holes left in the fabric from the 0:03:10.900,0:03:14.090 buttons I just removed to know where to place these new ones. 0:03:14.090,0:03:18.090 To sew these buttons on, I sew up through[br]the back of the dress through one hole of 0:03:18.090,0:03:20.170 the button and back down through the other hole. 0:03:20.170,0:03:22.850 I repeat this a couple of times, 0:03:26.379,0:03:34.539 then, with the thread at the back of the dress I[br]tie a knot, and cut off the excess thread. 0:03:34.540,0:03:38.799 And here is my new and improved dress![br]I think that the new halter straps go really 0:03:38.799,0:03:44.040 well with the dress and it also has the added[br]bonus of not falling off when I try to wear 0:03:44.040,0:03:48.920 it! So, that’s good![br]Here’s the tie-up straps in action – 10 0:03:48.920,0:03:53.000 inches extra seemed to be about the perfect[br]length to allow me to tie a messy bow at the back. 0:03:56.940,0:03:59.360 And - yeah! There we have it! Thanks for watching, 0:03:59.360,0:04:00.599 and I’ll see you all next time!