0:00:00.487,0:00:02.310 [Hangout Junkie] Welcome to "Inspiring People" 0:00:02.310,0:00:07.131 Today, we have Chloe Cohen, who is going to tell us an inspiring story 0:00:07.131,0:00:13.264 of her struggle and how she has been dealing with Multiple Sclerosis for many years, now. 0:00:13.756,0:00:15.725 Chloe, you are on. 0:00:16.285,0:00:19.059 [Chloe Cohen] Hi, everybody. My name is Chloe 0:00:19.059,0:00:24.620 and I've been living with Multiple Sclerosis for about 14 years, now. 0:00:25.328,0:00:32.561 I was 20 years old when I was diagnosed and for me it was very quick - it was not - 0:00:33.192,0:00:39.204 Most people generally have symptoms and then slowly, more shit starts happening, 0:00:39.204,0:00:40.504 and then they are diagnosed. 0:00:40.504,0:00:50.011 But for me, I hit my head real hard, and that head trauma caused symptoms pretty much instantly. Errh.. 0:00:50.795,0:00:52.265 [HJ] Oh, it's not genetic? 0:00:53.295,0:00:58.729 [Cohen] They don't know. They still don't know if it's genetic, environmental or anything. 0:00:58.729,0:01:01.176 So they're still trying to figure out that out. 0:01:01.176,0:01:13.631 But - Yeah, nobody in my family has it, but like, one of the girls that I know with MS, her sister has it, 0:01:14.123,0:01:16.777 and then, this other girl, her father has it. 0:01:16.777,0:01:26.529 So I don't know. I don't know if it's genetic or not. I don't think they know, but I will say this: 0:01:26.529,0:01:34.038 when I was diagnosed 14 years ago, there were 3 drugs available to slow down the progression of the disease. 0:01:34.038,0:01:38.464 Now, I think I should start by explaining what MS is. 0:01:38.464,0:01:44.029 And that is a neurological disease that affects the central nervous system, 0:01:45.582,0:01:52.579 with a wide, wide, wide range of symptoms, from numbness and tingling 0:01:52.579,0:02:01.362 to blindness in an eye, to the loss o use of limbs, to chronic pain. 0:02:01.777,0:02:06.664 And every single person with the illness is different, and how it affects them. 0:02:06.664,0:02:10.644 And there is no two people who deal with it in exactly the same way. 0:02:11.613,0:02:20.531 But before these drugs came out, there was no way to slow the progression of the illness. 0:02:20.531,0:02:26.718 So that's why there is such an older generation of people with MS in wheelchairs, 0:02:26.718,0:02:33.010 because they didn't have the benefits of these drugs that slow the progression, 0:02:33.010,0:02:42.341 because it is constantly flowing, you never know what's going to happen today, you know, 0:02:42.341,0:02:46.379 I've been now in remission for four years, and it's like a new life, 0:02:46.379,0:02:53.262 because for 9 years of my life, it was this up and down thing of what's going to happen tomorrow, 0:02:53.262,0:02:59.664 what - is this symptom not going to be here tomorrow, or what's going to happen tomorrow? 0:02:59.664,0:03:04.102 So I very much learned how to [coughs] - excuse me - live win the moment. 0:03:04.102,0:03:07.479 not worry about the future as much. 0:03:07.479,0:03:12.987 But it's only because I went through all that, that brought me to this point. 0:03:13.033,0:03:21.864 But I'm definitely a lucky one. I was very disabled initially. 0:03:21.864,0:03:29.482 When I hit my head, it basically just jarred everything loose that was loose . 0:03:29.482,0:03:36.244 I probably had, you know, when I look back at my childhood before I even had MS, 0:03:36.244,0:03:40.844 I can recall things that happened during that, you know, that were like, 0:03:40.844,0:03:44.963 my feet would go numb in the shower in high school. 0:03:44.963,0:03:48.537 But I didn't even consider it, because they'd come back to life, you know. 0:03:49.414,0:03:55.244 Only until I was diagnosed with MS did I go "Huh, maybe that was connected", you know, 0:03:55.244,0:03:59.979 But, you know, I don't know - I don't know. 0:03:59.979,0:04:09.398 In my - in my theory, I've probably had this since I was born and it probably came up all through my life. 0:04:09.398,0:04:15.308 But I didn't get that diagnosis untill I initially hit my head 0:04:15.308,0:04:22.279 and had this like fast bang: I can't use my left side, it was all - I had that constant tremor, 0:04:23.941,0:04:28.215 I had vertigo, so it was like being wasted drunk all the time, 0:04:28.215,0:04:32.973 but you're not drunk, so you didn't get the benefit of the drunkenness [laughs], 0:04:32.973,0:04:35.660 you just got the bad stuff. 0:04:36.891,0:04:40.295 [HJ] Did you suffer from ithereally bad, symptoms? 0:04:41.941,0:04:48.693 [Cohen] Luckily, it was only about, maybe, 6 months to a year, where it was really bad. 0:04:49.231,0:04:53.925 I was lucky because, you know, as soon as they discovered that it was MS, 0:04:53.925,0:05:00.829 and I got put on medication and really the only thing that they have, it was steroids and steroids 0:05:01.552,0:05:06.332 will calm the inflammation or whatever that's happening. 0:05:06.578,0:05:14.579 So, getting on am oral dose of steroids relieved my tremor relatively 0:05:15.256,0:05:21.877 and I was on - about some other drugs, there is this drug called antivir, 0:05:21.877,0:05:27.346 And I don't even know what the heck it is, but it was something like working out, straightening you out. 0:05:27.346,0:05:33.664 So, I didn't have vertigo anymore. So, I give credits to the medical establishment 0:05:33.664,0:05:39.831 for having these drugs available, but it never was quite enough. 0:05:39.831,0:05:46.164 And I found marijuana to be one of the only things that relieved me from these constant annoyances. 0:05:47.810,0:05:52.413 It - at least, it brought me to a more accepting place, I guess you could say, 0:05:52.413,0:05:59.533 where it's like "OK, if I have to deal with this 24/7, then I can, you know, 0:05:59.533,0:06:06.841 as much physically as the marijuana was doing, the cannabis was doing, 0:06:06.841,0:06:10.962 of calming my tremors and taking away my disconfort. 0:06:10.962,0:06:16.898 It was also bringing psychological relief that "You know what? I can handle this and deal with this". 0:06:16.898,0:06:22.421 And this is my life, and I'll move - I'll not worry about the future so much. 0:06:23.652,0:06:33.183 But my story really is important because, you know, within 20 minutes, my life slipped . 0:06:33.844,0:06:38.715 I had hit my head and I couldn't use my left side, and I was a cellist. 0:06:38.746,0:06:42.346 This is what I was going to college for. I was going to study music, 0:06:42.346,0:06:47.832 I was going to be in, like a rock band, rock n' roll on the cello, you know? 0:06:47.848,0:06:57.513 That's what I thought. But then what's, you know. Yeah, I had to reramp my life. 0:06:57.513,0:07:02.267 My life and, you know, and I was very angry for a very long time, 0:07:02.267,0:07:06.906 because I think anyone who've got their passion worked from (?) that quickly (7:07) 0:07:06.906,0:07:15.354 Anybody who ha any kind of instant loss knows, appreciates every little thing a little bit more, 0:07:15.354,0:07:18.885 because you know what it's like to lose it. 0:07:18.885,0:07:26.885 And i think it took me a lot of, a lot of therapy and a lot of, like, 0:07:26.885,0:07:32.579 awesome conversations with people who get it, to be able to be at this point. 0:07:33.148,0:07:38.344 But I did start a support group here, eight years ago, for younger people with MS, 0:07:38.344,0:07:43.523 because all the support groups were full of old, bitter, angry people 0:07:43.523,0:07:51.635 because they never got the benefit of the medication until, maybe, you know,15 years into their MS game 0:07:51.635,0:07:56.898 and it has done - it has taken its toll already, so there is always so much - 0:07:58.975,0:08:02.441 there is no repair of what 's been taken away. 0:08:02.441,0:08:06.667 You know, they don't, they haven't - they're working on it, how to, you know, 0:08:06.667,0:08:10.064 - figuring out ways to repair that myeline that's torn. 0:08:10.064,0:08:17.015 Because when you have myeline - I left this major point out - you've lesions on your brain. 0:08:17.015,0:08:23.913 So those lesions then form symptoms in whatever region of the brain they^re covering. 0:08:24.715,0:08:34.667 Yet - but the disease is the demyelinization of your nerves, 0:08:34.667,0:08:39.336 and that's what causes them to be set on i(?) mproperly, and things. 0:08:39.367,0:08:43.267 So when you have a mass of nerves, no myeline now on your nerves (? - 8:43) 0:08:43.267,0:08:47.429 and the messages get screwed up. 0:08:47.936,0:08:54.185 But what I have learned after not walking, to be where I am at now, 0:08:54.185,0:08:59.579 there is no way I could have done that without the concepts of neuroplasticity. 0:08:59.579,0:09:07.415 And I think that's so important, like, our brains are so powerful and we are capable of anything, 0:09:07.415,0:09:13.099 anything if you put your mind to it, and what I have proved to myself as well as, 0:09:13.929,0:09:19.067 I guess, if the medical establishment would have studied me [laughs] 0:09:19.067,0:09:21.605 But there is no study of me, you know, 0:09:21.605,0:09:25.246 though what I have done is really carve new pathways in my brain. 0:09:25.246,0:09:28.395 So now I'm using my left hand and it's never going to be the same, 0:09:28.395,0:09:36.566 I'm never going to be able to play the cello like I did but at the same time, I can use it now. 0:09:36.566,0:09:42.215 I mean, in all these 9 years, I didn't use it, and it's only through this, like, persistence I have, 0:09:42.215,0:09:49.964 of exercising, pushing myself. And I think it helps bcause I was an athlete before I got MS. 0:09:49.964,0:09:54.962 So I had this like, competitive "I'm hard-ass" kind of thing in me (laughs). 0:09:54.962,0:10:01.495 Because I played soccer for many years, and we were really good, you know, our team was good, 0:10:01.495,0:10:13.146 and so I have that - that hard-ass attitude of just like keep pushing, keep pushing. 0:10:13.146,0:10:17.913 and the hard part with MS is, like, your energy is greatly depleted. 0:10:17.913,0:10:23.538 And I know for me, an a lot of people, when they are first diagnosed with the illness, 0:10:23.538,0:10:27.877 they can't do this stuff the same way they did it before, 0:10:27.877,0:10:34.933 they have to figure out how to adapt to this new world of not being able to do things yourself. 0:10:35.348,0:10:41.036 And when you are as stubborn and hard-ass that I was, there was no way, 0:10:41.036,0:10:44.246 and how I was going to have to ask someone to change my light bulb, 0:10:44.246,0:10:48.859 but it was at a point where I had that, so the light bulb would not get changed 0:10:48.859,0:10:51.244 if I didn't ask someone to do it for me. 0:10:51.244,0:10:57.179 And what I also had to realize is that generally, people like helping other people. 0:10:57.179,0:11:01.264 It gives them a sense of, self-sense of worth, you know? 0:11:01.264,0:11:07.646 And where I looked at it like, it's a downfall for me that I can't do myself, do it myself, 0:11:08.169,0:11:14.452 what they're getting from it is like, "We like helping people, I like it, it makes me feel better about myself". 0:11:14.505,0:11:19.418 And I know, you know, when I can help people with stuff that they don't know anything about, 0:11:19.418,0:11:26.095 whether being DJing music technology, or MS for that matter, you know, 0:11:26.095,0:11:30.421 it feels good to know that, like, I have something to give these people 0:11:30.421,0:11:37.167 and so, like, for many years, I beat myself up being like, "Well, I can't do it myself, grrrr" 0:11:37.167,0:11:43.959 But that attitude really got in the way of my growth, you know, I think you really have to learn that. 0:11:47.090,0:11:54.632 I don't even know, I think I am lucky that I was able to adapt successfully. 0:11:54.632,0:12:00.214 You know, I've reached a point now that the MS isn't ............. life 0:12:00.214,0:12:03.895 which it was, for many, many years, ten years. 0:12:04.479,0:12:09.975 And it was like that was every, everything I did, it was about MS. 0:12:09.975,0:12:14.721 It was about having - First of all, graduating college: I mean I had to - 0:12:14.736,0:12:18.177 I couldn't be the music major, because I couldn't even play anymore. 0:12:18.177,0:12:21.733 So I changed into - speech communications major 0:12:21.733,0:12:28.977 because I wanted to learn how to affect people effectively (laughs) with my words, 0:12:28.977,0:12:33.446 and let them hear me, and not sign off. 0:12:33.446,0:12:38.264 So, I thought it was important to learn the art of communication 0:12:38.264,0:12:42.520 and how to communicate effectively, to affect people. 0:12:42.520,0:12:46.864 And I think I did that really well, and I know I'm doing it really well, 0:12:46.864,0:12:53.246 because my story is special and unique in the sense that it happened so quickly. 0:12:53.246,0:13:03.085 But if you - if there's a will, there's a way. I mean, the fact that I couldn't walk and I went skiing 0:13:03.085,0:13:06.910 and now I'm riding an elliptical machine. what the hell! 0:13:06.910,0:13:11.990 Excuse me, but like, it's .............. it's just mind-blowing to me (13:12) 0:13:11.990,0:13:16.713 Everyday, it's a mind-blowing experience like, brushing my teeth in the morning. 0:13:16.713,0:13:19.777 I could never do that with two hands, and now I can. 0:13:19.777,0:13:24.748 And so every morning, when I brush my teeth, I'm like, "Hell yeah, I'm doing this", 0:13:24.748,0:13:28.815 and that' just a little thing, but it's like, I appreciate that stuff. 0:13:28.815,0:13:32.215 Tie my shoes? Couldn't tie them for a good nine years. 0:13:32.215,0:13:40.018 So now, I tie my shoes and I'm proud to tie my shoes, you know, it's appreciating those little things. 0:13:40.048,0:13:43.579 And I wouldn't have had that perspective, I wouldn't have known this, 0:13:43.579,0:13:49.475 I wouldn't be inline (?) this much (13:45) without the losses that I've had. 0:13:49.475,0:13:52.032 And I really say, I thing Ram Dass said it, 0:13:52.032,0:13:58.164 that, you know, through his strokes, this brought him closer to enlightenment. 0:13:58.179,0:14:00.913 Because now he had a new perspective, you know, 0:14:00.913,0:14:05.013 now he saw what it was like, you know, on the other side, or whatever. 0:14:05.490,0:14:12.413 And I think it's been my duty to kind of let people look through a different lens for a minute 0:14:12.413,0:14:15.779 and see, you know, look at themselves. 0:14:17.702,0:14:24.811 In that regard, I mean, most people don't ever think about things like that happening, you know. 0:14:24.811,0:14:29.777 But the fact is, they do and it could happen to any of us at any moment. 0:14:29.777,0:14:37.048 Yet we are so concerned about the future, or so stuck on the past, that we're not living in the moment. 0:14:37.048,0:14:43.508 And like, right now, I'm appreciating this moment, to be able to speak freely 0:14:44.400,0:14:49.279 and let people know they've just got to appreciate what they have a little more. 0:14:49.279,0:14:53.666 Because, people, you really don't know what you have until you lose it. 0:14:53.666,0:14:58.031 And I think it's so important for people to appreciate what they have. 0:14:58.031,0:15:03.457 And you're never going to - hopefully, you'll never have to go through that, 0:15:03.457,0:15:06.817 of learning what it's like to lose all that stuff, 0:15:06.817,0:15:12.721 because it's not easy, and it was only through some intense EMDR therapy 0:15:12.721,0:15:19.029 which is eye-movement therapy, that I got peace with the fact that I can't play the cello 0:15:19.029,0:15:23.254 like, you know, a symphony cellist anymore, you know? 0:15:23.838,0:15:32.308 But it - that is some intense stuff., for anybody ........... trauma (15:29), it's mainly for trauma. 0:15:32.308,0:15:38.362 But I always thought that I didn't go through war, I didn't have some horrorific incident happen to me. 0:15:38.362,0:15:43.498 But at the same time, I went there because I was in a car accident, 0:15:43.498,0:15:48.210 and the car accident was because of this darned tremor (laughs) 0:15:48.210,0:15:53.775 and I thought for a brief second I could use my other hand to grab something, 0:15:53.775,0:15:58.636 but in that brief second, my arm jerked and whoof, there went the car and we slipped in. 0:15:58.636,0:16:02.598 I lost my two dogs in the car accident. It was very traumatic. 0:16:03.198,0:16:08.467 But, so I was going to go, and I was like; "I'm never driving again." 0:16:08.467,0:16:11.575 After that happened, I was like: "No: screw the car." 0:16:11.575,0:16:17.862 So I went into this therapy, thinking I was going to work on my driving. 0:16:17.862,0:16:22.421 But what I realized was how connected it was to having MS, 0:16:22.421,0:16:26.553 and the trauma that I went through with my diagnosis. 0:16:26.553,0:16:31.898 Because, you know, I was only 20 years old, my brain was not yet developped. 0:16:31.898,0:16:39.648 So it is pretty impactful when all you know is no longer, you know? 0:16:39.648,0:16:46.279 But I'm also very thankful because I had an amazing family to help me through it all, you know, 0:16:46.279,0:16:51.177 that's a key piece. But this also why I started my group. 0:16:51.177,0:16:56.015 Because I don't think that anybody needs to deal with that stuff alone. 0:16:56.015,0:17:01.892 And fortunately now, there is, what, seven drugs available, 0:17:01.892,0:17:08.833 First there's these three that were available before, and those three were only injectables. 0:17:08.848,0:17:14.579 There is no - I think now, only in the last ouple of years, I don't even now, 0:17:14.579,0:17:17.113 I'm kind of happy to live (?) with the medication 0:17:17.113,0:17:22.295 because my medication has worked for me the whole time and I^m really lucky. 0:17:22.295,0:17:27.110 But I know that there's like one or two oral medications out now, 0:17:27.110,0:17:34.482 all the rest are injectables, and that's a big deal (laughs). 0:17:34.482,0:17:40.433 That's probably one of the harder things, it was having to know I'd have to get poked in my butt 0:17:40.433,0:17:47.213 every four days or whatever, and you know, for a lot of these, a lot of people, 0:17:47.213,0:17:51.740 it's so interesting how everybody is so different with these injections. 0:17:51.740,0:17:56.531 I have one friend that is like, adamant, like "I'm never letting people do this to me. 0:17:56.531,0:18:00.259 This is I have to live this for myself, it's my medication". 0:18:00.259,0:18:04.379 And then there is someone like me that's like, I can't even look at the needle, 0:18:04.379,0:18:07.298 so I need someone else to do this for me. 0:18:07.298,0:18:14.718 And, you know, 14 years later, I still have someone else do it for me because I - 0:18:14.733,0:18:18.869 any way to make it easier for yourself? 0:18:19.577,0:18:27.529 If I mean I have to do injections in my butt, into muscular leg, I'm talking big needles, 0:18:27.529,0:18:30.846 I don't want to see the needle, I don't even want to know. 0:18:31.631,0:18:36.352 But even to this day, I don't do it myself, I have a nurse do it. 0:18:36.352,0:18:39.864 I'm really good at it at this point, I mean, so much practice, 0:18:39.864,0:18:47.148 and I think I have enough needles now that we are about equal on the coverage. 0:18:47.179,0:18:48.648 [HJ] Wow! 0:18:48.648,0:18:57.746 [Cohen] But I think, you know, you know, I'm going to promote myself and I'm a DJ. 0:18:57.746,0:19:06.148 And I do - I did transform that classical skill of music into my turntablism. 0:19:06.148,0:19:09.623 It's vastly different. It's a different sound. 0:19:09.623,0:19:17.108 And it was a huge loss to me, to not be able to create my own sound, and even turn, you know, 0:19:17.108,0:19:20.764 being on turntables, it's someone else's music that I'm playing. 0:19:20.764,0:19:28.195 But what I've learned is that nobody else can make it sound the way I'm making it sound. 0:19:28.195,0:19:35.631 Because it's the art of the mixer, and it's really about hearing, and the harmony. 0:19:35.631,0:19:44.413 This tattoo right here represents harmony because - and I have one on the back of my neck, 0:19:44.413,0:19:52.402 that was initially made out of two base clefs in a - infinity symbol, right? 0:19:52.402,0:19:57.817 But the tatto artist was not a musician and he put the dots on the wrong side, 0:19:57.817,0:20:02.931 and I was like, Oh, can we just like... So he just made it in the infinity symbol. 0:20:02.931,0:20:08.234 But it still has the same meaning to me, and that is that the music is never lost in me, 0:20:08.234,0:20:11.410 no matter if I can play that or not. 0:20:11.410,0:20:14.898 I will forever hear it, I will forever feel it. 0:20:14.898,0:20:20.213 And that's what I put into my turntablism, you know? 0:20:20.213,0:20:25.290 I'm not a big scratcher. Oh, I must admit, the other day, I was fucking around 0:20:25.290,0:20:31.210 and I scratched some of this Saudi Arabian music, and made it House: it's pretty hot. 0:20:31.218,0:20:34.898 Well, you know, that was just like, I don't know if I can do that again, 0:20:34.898,0:20:45.431 it was kind of in the moment, but I am able to let out my creativity through the turntables now, 0:20:45.431,0:20:48.352 and it took me a long time to get to this point, 0:20:48.352,0:20:54.033 but now I know that the sounds I'm creating whether - and it's all other people's music, 0:20:54.033,0:20:59.217 but the way I'm manipulating their music, it's an art within itself. 0:20:59.217,0:21:07.695 And I think that there's plenty of DJs these days that just use a stupid program 0:21:07.695,0:21:11.887 that does it all for them, and they just click in stuff, 0:21:12.733,0:21:19.597 but they've lost the art form of what it really is, and i think if you go back to, like 0:21:20.505,0:21:28.862 the original people who were DJs, they were - they were musicians 0:21:28.862,0:21:31.271 and they were creating their own sound, 0:21:31.271,0:21:35.798 and unfortunately, technology has kind of moved faster, 0:21:35.798,0:21:40.765 and so all these kids are trying to be DJs, and it's kind of funny to me, 0:21:40.765,0:21:43.198 because they don't even know how to match a beat. 0:21:43.198,0:21:51.431 But you know, to each their own, and I do not judge (laughs) Bullshit, I totally judge. 0:21:51.431,0:21:57.087 I am - I would be the first to say that. It's like if you don't know how to match a beat, 0:21:57.087,0:22:01.869 why are you even trying? But, you know, that's a whole nutter (other?) show. 0:22:01.869,0:22:03.633 [They laugh] 0:22:03.633,0:22:12.395 [Cohen] But I think that the message I want to leave with, I guess you could say, 0:22:12.395,0:22:17.677 would be, you know, "Stay positive." That's the only way I got through all this stuff with - 0:22:17.677,0:22:21.221 by staying positive, then I kept pushing, you know, it was like: 0:22:23.790,0:22:28.029 "Bring it on!" - now I made a poin, might (?) bring it on, you know? 0:22:28.029,0:22:31.798 What else are you going to do with me? You know, I don't really - 0:22:31.798,0:22:36.229 you know, I can beat it, whatever it is, you know, and yes, I may have this illness 0:22:36.229,0:22:41.191 for the rest of my life, but I'm not going to let it run me, and I'm not going to let it control me, 0:22:41.191,0:22:48.313 but you know, at the same time, I say that, and there's definitely a lot of restrictions it puts on you. 0:22:48.313,0:22:53.931 I mean, when you've chronic fatigue and you're sleeping 18 hours a day, you can- 0:22:53.931,0:22:59.831 it's going to be hard not only to be able to hold on a job, more or less like "relationships", 0:22:59.831,0:23:06.964 that's whole other ball of game. So it's like, you really have to learn how to adapt. 0:23:06.964,0:23:11.195 And a lot of it is adapting to other people. 0:23:11.195,0:23:17.492 Because, especially like now, even now, like, I don't look like I've an illness 0:23:17.492,0:23:19.869 or anything wrong wrong with me at all. 0:23:19.869,0:23:25.613 And then, I have a drink, and I look like I'm wasted. 0:23:25.613,0:23:32.698 And I've been coralled (?) out of bars, even, a few months ago I got caught off at a bar, 0:23:32.698,0:23:37.605 because the bartender saw me stumbling, and I was like: "But I have MS!" 0:23:37.605,0:23:42.748 And it's like, I don't have it tattoed - I wear a bracelet now that says "I've MS", 0:23:42.748,0:23:48.832 because I carried a card that I have MS, but this is much more like, bang! 0:23:48.832,0:23:52.469 you don't have to, like, struggle, getting it out of your wallet or whatever. 0:23:52.469,0:23:58.271 But, you know, it's all the invisible symptoms that nobody sees, 0:23:58.271,0:24:07.146 and that's what I will make visible is that with this illness, you can't see the pain they're in, 0:24:07.146,0:24:14.287 the struggles they're in, feeling like they have a tight belt around their waist, you know, 24/7, 0:24:14.287,0:24:20.298 or whatever - you know, for me it was shaky arms, so you know, I - there was always tricks, 0:24:20.298,0:24:22.655 there were times that I just sat on my arm. 0:24:23.255,0:24:26.621 Because whenever I'd bring it out, it was like flopping in the wind. 0:24:26.621,0:24:30.229 So it's - you learn tricks (laughs). 0:24:30.229,0:24:37.546 But I think that a lot of people - it's - it's really hard for a lot of people, 0:24:37.546,0:24:43.364 because they don't want to accept it, you know, and what is it? 0:24:43.364,0:24:46.448 The 5 stages - were you a psych major? 0:24:46.448,0:24:47.518 [HJ] Yeah. 0:24:47.518,0:24:56.386 [Cohen] OK: spit them out: denial, anger, I don't know. What are those? All those stages you go through. 0:24:56.386,0:25:06.095 You go through that stuff with MS. It's like, OK, because like that first year, I drank so much boo- 0:25:06.095,0:25:11.629 so many beers because it was so much easier to say: "No, I'm just drunk", instead of 0:25:11.629,0:25:15.845 "I've got this illness that's making me all uncoordinated". 0:25:15.845,0:25:24.825 Alcohol was awesome for making me deny the fact that this stuff was going on - to a degree, to a degree. 0:25:24.825,0:25:29.644 And then I was really angry because I was on a college campus, 0:25:29.644,0:25:33.329 and everybody was so young and stupid and hadn't - 0:25:33.329,0:25:35.548 .................... angry. 0:25:35.548,0:25:37.998 I was like, "Everybody is stupid" [laughs]. 0:25:37.998,0:25:42.195 But then, after i got over the anger, I, you know, became accepting of it 0:25:42.195,0:25:48.399 and I knew that the anger wasn't getting me anywhere, any of these - 0:25:48.399,0:25:56.580 or the sadness for that matter, you know, or any of these emotions, wasn't taking me to a place of peace with it.. 0:25:56.580,0:26:07.278 And I really think that because of that EMDR therapy, I became at peace with it all, 0:26:07.278,0:26:10.864 and it still sucks. I'm never going to say it doesn't suck, 0:26:10.864,0:26:16.125 but you know, fortunately for me, the only thing that I have to deal with is injections. 0:26:16.125,0:26:22.610 You know, I don't have - my tremor is calm enough now, all my symptoms are pretty regulated, 0:26:22.610,0:26:28.043 I - So it's like a new lease on life, I feel. And so - 0:26:28.043,0:26:29.620 [HJ] .... of MS? 0:26:29.620,0:26:30.520 [Cohen] What? 0:26:30.520,0:26:32.713 [HJ] Are there different types of MS? 0:26:32.713,0:26:38.221 [Cohen] Yes. Thank you for asking. There are, and that's what a lot of people don't know. 0:26:38.221,0:26:43.862 And the majority of people with MS have relapsing or remitting MS, 0:26:43.862,0:26:48.098 which is one that comes and goes as it pleases. 0:26:48.098,0:26:57.471 But these drugs prevent the quicker going downs and kind of trick the brain into the - 0:26:57.471,0:27:00.415 thinking the stuff's there that isn't. 0:27:00.415,0:27:08.513 But then there is the progressive and secondary progressive, which are the really debilitating kind - 0:27:08.513,0:27:13.969 ah no (?), the kinds with the people in the wheelchairs, and the people that (then ?) get bedridden. 0:27:15.154,0:27:17.979 And unfortunately, there is no medication for them. 0:27:17.979,0:27:21.113 So for - this is my biggest concern now, 0:27:21.113,0:27:26.867 because they've got all of us relapsing or remitting people pretty much under control, 0:27:26.867,0:27:32.264 but it's these people that just keep getting worse and worse and worse 0:27:32.264,0:27:39.459 and, you know, that's the hardest part of MS to watch or even talk about. 0:27:39.459,0:27:47.215 Because, like, when I started this support group 8 years ago, 0:27:47.215,0:27:50.977 there was a few people in there with progressive MS, 0:27:50.977,0:27:55.113 and you know, they started coming to the meetings and they were OK, 0:27:55.113,0:27:59.648 they might have had a little tremor, but we all had tremors at that point. 0:27:59.648,0:28:03.856 So it was like, "Yeah, I -". But we could relate to each other, 0:28:03.856,0:28:12.316 and one of these guys I got very close with, and he had progressive. Oh, he still has progressive. 0:28:12.316,0:28:14.564 I should not speak of him in that way. 0:28:14.564,0:28:28.482 But just the quick downfall of his system, and how it just fell apart, you know, like, 0:28:29.544,0:28:32.218 so he comes to this meeting, and maybe he's got the old tremor, 0:28:32.218,0:28:38.479 the next month he comes and he's got optic neuritis in one eye, one eye is just looking out that way, 0:28:38.479,0:28:44.197 you know, and then it's like, bad talk (?) is another symptom. 0:28:44.197,0:28:49.531 Then the next month later, he's not even walking, you know, he's using canes. 0:28:49.531,0:28:53.313 And then the month after that, he's in a wheelchair. 0:28:53.313,0:28:59.162 And now this guy is totally bedridden, to where his mom has to feed him and bathe him, 0:28:59.162,0:29:04.112 and his independence has been taken, and it's really hard. 0:29:04.112,0:29:10.821 Because then unlike - well how did I get so lucky? Why am I so lucky that I could get better? 0:29:10.821,0:29:18.923 If I could just have given him half of my recovery or whatever, we'd both be in better places. 0:29:18.923,0:29:26.629 But it's not how it works. But for me, that's my biggest motivation, you know, 0:29:26.629,0:29:34.485 for all of these people with MS who really can't do it anymore, like I'm going to keep pushing harder, 0:29:34.485,0:29:39.131 and I'm going to ride that elliptical machine, because I can, damn it. 0:29:39.131,0:29:46.550 And you know, for me, that was such a huge thing, because that elliptical machine and I were enemies. 0:29:46.550,0:29:55.454 We - my left and right body did not work together, that whole piece of my brain was kind of messed up, 0:29:55.454,0:30:05.913 so an elliptical machine was the utter, the best example of the left and right brain working together 0:30:05.913,0:30:10.113 at the same - you know, that total coordination right there. And - 0:30:10.113,0:30:13.748 [HJ] Do you want to talk about what induced you to use the elliptical? 0:30:13.748,0:30:15.156 [Cohen] What? 0:30:15.156,0:30:17.464 [HJ] Do you want to talk about who pushed you to do the elliptical? 0:30:17.464,0:30:20.730 [Cohen] Oh, my trainer! God bless my trainer! 0:30:20.730,0:30:24.746 Because I met him 5 years ago, 0:30:24.746,0:30:25.631 [HJ] Ah! 0:30:25.631,0:30:35.290 [Cohen] and I wasn't using my left arm. I could walk but I had very little coordination and balance. 0:30:35.290,0:30:40.913 So I always thought I was kind of drunk, which is fun, in public. 0:30:40.913,0:30:49.446 But he understood right away that this was a neurological disease and that it wasn't about my muscles, 0:30:49.446,0:30:53.775 because the trainer I had before him was like a total jerk, and he was: 0:30:53.775,0:30:58.946 "I'm going to whip you into shape" and like - he definitely put some muscle on me 0:30:58.946,0:31:03.195 but there was no - no pathways being carved [laughs]. 0:31:03.195,0:31:09.941 So when I got this .... - this trainer, he got it and he was just challenging me 0:31:09.941,0:31:19.664 with motions I hadn't been doing for 9 years, with, like, using my arm and bringing it out , 0:31:19.664,0:31:25.764 and acting as if I'm lifting my dog and putting him on a shelf over here, 0:31:25.764,0:31:34.421 which was a motion I didn't do, but - but from doing this, repetitively, for years, 0:31:34.421,0:31:39.964 it's like now, I'm throwing medicine balls with my left hand, you know? 0:31:40.010,0:31:46.044 And it's only because he's kind of a - he's an awesome trainer, because he's like - 0:31:46.044,0:31:52.885 he's fun: we have fun, that's the best piece of it, you know, he makes games out of everything, 0:31:52.885,0:31:58.589 and I being the athlete that I was, I wanted to be like, "No, I can do it ." 0:31:58.589,0:32:02.338 he's like, "You're done, you're done!" I'm like "No! I got to do it one more time, 0:32:02.338,0:32:04.515 just to prove to myself I can do it". 0:32:04.515,0:32:12.753 But - so we got this elliptical machine and I just looked at it for months, 0:32:12.753,0:32:17.518 like it's over there, and that's there for other people. 0:32:17.518,0:32:22.643 And then finally, one day, he's like "YOu won't even try and ride this?" 0:32:22.643,0:32:27.279 I was like: "Errh, I don't know, you think I can?" I mean, he has been - 0:32:28.171,0:32:36.381 he got me to this point (?) and I got on, and I was riding it, and it was the weirdest feeling in the world, 0:32:36.381,0:32:41.477 because both my left and right were working simultaneously together, 0:32:41.477,0:32:47.592 which never happened for not in - you know - 14 years [laughs]. 0:32:47.621,0:32:56.536 So yeah, it was pretty darned amazing. I was just like: "Holy -" I was freaking out. 0:32:56.536,0:33:02.048 I'm surprised that I didn't start bawling in front of him. But I can - it was also awesome for him 0:33:02.048,0:33:07.836 because he was like, "I'm doing my job and I'm good at it!" you know, 0:33:07.898,0:33:14.123 And I have to give him credit because, you know, if I had been working out by myself all this time, 0:33:14.123,0:33:17.031 I wouldn't have seen any of these improvements. 0:33:17.031,0:33:22.116 But because I have this guy on my side that's like pushing me and challenging me, 0:33:22.116,0:33:24.962 and keeping me motivated, 0:33:24.962,0:33:30.162 that's the biggest thing, like, I've got no motivation to go to the gym, I hate the gym, 0:33:30.162,0:33:36.925 you know, I don't mind going to look at the sexy men, but there's a lot more unattractive men then sexy 0:33:36.925,0:33:39.749 men [they giggle], so screw that! 0:33:39.749,0:33:46.668 But you know, it's really about me and my personal gain (? game?). 0:33:46.668,0:33:51.795 I just feel very lucky and blessed, and I think everybody needs to kind of take - 0:33:51.795,0:33:57.644 take a moment and appreciate all the things they have, until you lose it. 0:33:57.644,0:34:04.829 I wish I would have known, you know. If I would have known that was going to happen to me, 0:34:04.829,0:34:10.956 I probably would have been playing my cello every day, multiple times a day, and doing all this stuff. 0:34:10.956,0:34:16.761 But I was just a stupid kid and I didn't realize that anything like that could ever happen. 0:34:17.669,0:34:19.353 [HJ] Nobody knows, nobody. 0:34:19.353,0:34:28.300 [Cohen] No, they don't, but they'd - but I - I think that I'm trying to - 0:34:28.300,0:34:34.415 I'm trying to kind of change the face of MS a bit. I'm trying to show the positive side. 0:34:34.415,0:34:42.659 Not all these people in wheelchairs and all negative, because that really is the older generation of MS, 0:34:42.659,0:34:48.618 and it's not like that anymore. I mean, the support group that's still running, 0:34:48.618,0:34:54.486 I mean there's new people coming in every months, and they are all at different levels 0:34:54.486,0:34:56.910 in dealing with their illness. 0:34:56.910,0:35:03.629 Some of them - there was one girl a few months ago, who hadn't even been diagnosed yet, 0:35:03.629,0:35:09.146 but she knew it, because her father had MS and she - she knew. 0:35:09.669,0:35:16.444 And, you know, watching her go through that whole process of getting the diagnosis, having to adapt, 0:35:16.444,0:35:20.833 taking the injections, and being there, knowing that, 0:35:20.833,0:35:27.272 just being able to connect with other people about it, helps so greatly, 0:35:27.272,0:35:34.098 like even that - the guy with progressive MS, I think one of our most binding moments 0:35:34.098,0:35:38.195 was just standing in his kitchen and he fell, and he's like: 0:35:38.195,0:35:42.210 "Damn! Don't you hate it when the earth moves out from underneath you!" 0:35:42.210,0:35:47.329 And I go "Oh my God! I love this guy!", like I'd experienced that too. 0:35:47.329,0:35:53.139 But it's very rare that you're going to meet someone who has experienced that without being drunk, 0:35:53.139,0:35:54.547 you know what I'm saying? 0:35:54.547,0:36:02.226 And it's very - I know that guy and I are forever in each other's hearts, 0:36:02.241,0:36:06.986 because I think we were both like the first people who had the same illness you could relate, 0:36:06.986,0:36:12.241 and he was like a track star and all this before the MS affected him, 0:36:12.241,0:36:21.065 So he also lost his passions but we also learned to adapt and you know, 0:36:21.065,0:36:25.333 whether I was going to be this "rock star cellist)" or not, 0:36:25.333,0:36:29.446 it's like, life has lead me in this direction and I can only do - 0:36:29.446,0:36:36.410 go forward and spread the positive stuff, and that's what I'm trying to do, 0:36:36.410,0:36:41.282 and I'm trying to affect people and let them know, "No, you're not alone. 0:36:41.282,0:36:46.141 and there isn't a cure for this illness. So it would be nice if there was, you know. 0:36:46.141,0:36:49.225 So help us get there and help - help" 0:36:50.671,0:36:58.477 It's interesting because I think more and more, now, if I say I've MS, somebody will say; 0:36:58.477,0:37:03.979 "Oh, my sister has MS - my aunt has MS". Somebody knows somebody with MS. 0:37:03.979,0:37:11.702 And I'm glad that's the case, because people, you know, 14 years ago, they didn't even know what it was. 0:37:11.733,0:37:19.278 And it's nice to know that people actually are getting diagnosed faster, 0:37:19.278,0:37:31.088 which is helpful because they can get on drugs faster and avoid giant relapses, I guess. 0:37:31.088,0:37:33.158 ... I dont'know (?) 0:37:33.173,0:37:37.564 [HJ] Did you have to change your diet at all? 0:37:37.564,0:37:43.059 [Cohen] No [laughs] That was the one thing I was adamant about not doing. 0:37:43.059,0:37:47.438 I'm like, "You can take away my cello, my bike, my snowboard, 0:37:47.438,0:37:51.162 you can take away all those things, but I'm still eating cheese". 0:37:51.162,0:37:58.664 Like, as long as I was healthy, and I eat well, but I never eliminated anything in my diet 0:37:58.664,0:38:04.573 because, you know, when I was first diagnosed, there were many theories, like she'd just - you know - 0:38:04.573,0:38:11.556 would go to a vegan diet, she would never have any issues, it would help. 0:38:11.556,0:38:19.833 Or if she took all the mercury out of her fillings, because they thought that could be related, 0:38:19.833,0:38:22.256 and so it was like, all these theorisms. 0:38:22.256,0:38:31.156 After I think being bombarded so young with all these theories of ways to prevent stuff from happening, 0:38:31.156,0:38:37.996 I was like: "No", you know, like "Whatever I'm doing," like, "it's fine." like, 0:38:37.996,0:38:44.721 "I can't control this illness so I'm not going to change my diet if it's not really in the way." 0:38:44.721,0:38:49.442 Like, I never adapted my eating any different things - 0:38:49.442,0:38:54.486 and although at the same time, you know, a lot of people who - in the MS community - 0:38:54.486,0:38:57.610 who have, and they said it's made a huge difference. 0:38:57.610,0:39:01.643 But so, alright, I think everybody is different in that regard. 0:39:01.643,0:39:09.082 I'm not a person to change their eating habits, just because I like to eat 0:39:09.082,0:39:16.607 and I know I don't eat really poorly, so that's good. I'm pretty healthy. 0:39:16.607,0:39:30.586 But I really think that exercise has been the biggest help in my treatment, in my "healing" if you will, 0:39:30.586,0:39:38.110 you know? I think that's the only way I could get to this point. So... 0:39:38.110,0:39:42.937 [HJ] How did your family understand the difficulties that you are looking at in the future? 0:39:42.937,0:39:50.602 [Cohen] Wow! The worst was being - my mom was a therapist for many years 0:39:50.602,0:39:56.445 and she had had a client who had MS, who was a ballerina, 0:39:56.445,0:40:07.066 and then all of a sudden couldn't do ballet anymore, and so - so my mother really knew more than anybody 0:40:07.066,0:40:10.479 (laughs) about the illness and ..... (?) 0:40:10.479,0:40:21.897 and at this point I think that - I'm trying to think - I think that her client probably had progressive MS 0:40:21.897,0:40:32.078 and I did not, so that was good, but so my mother knew the horrors of what this could mean 0:40:32.078,0:40:40.612 and so, for her, it was way worse than for anyone else, because she knew all the bad stuff 0:40:40.612,0:40:45.661 and she was like "Right, my daughter now has to deal with all this." 0:40:45.676,0:40:57.176 But I think in that - in those initial couple of years I got so close with them, 0:40:57.176,0:41:03.937 because they were the only support system I really had, you know, I was sleeping 18 hours a day, 0:41:03.937,0:41:10.314 I was only up sporadically, and like, my friends were all turning 21 and hitting the bars, 0:41:10.329,0:41:15.083 and it's like "I can't do that anymore." So I became very close to my parents. 0:41:15.083,0:41:19.086 And I'm very lucky that I got this opportunity to do it. 0:41:19.086,0:41:24.264 And that they were cool enough to listen to me bitch as much as I did, 0:41:24.264,0:41:29.852 because I needed that. I think everybody who gets dealt a hand of cards like that, 0:41:29.852,0:41:34.497 you know, you got to be able to bitch, and that's mainly why I started the support group. 0:41:34.497,0:41:38.289 My people need a place to feel safe to bitch. 0:41:38.289,0:41:47.096 Because, you know, my poor parents got to hear every little crappy thing that I felt about everything, 0:41:47.096,0:41:51.651 you know, and everything turned negative, and it's all a big spiral of that. 0:41:51.651,0:41:53.955 When one thing goes wrong, everything [makes sounds suggesting things disintegrating]. 0:41:53.955,0:42:00.221 And this goes on and on. But luckily, they were kindly enough to just let me bitch. 0:42:00.221,0:42:04.717 And my mom would smack some sense into me occasionally, like: 0:42:04.717,0:42:08.442 "Chloe!", you know", like), but at the same time she's a brilliant mom (?). 0:42:08.442,0:42:14.889 Because, like, this Christmas when I went skiing, with my paralyzed friend, 0:42:14.889,0:42:22.119 he was like "Hem, I'm getting you on skis." I was like: "What?" He's like: "I can do it, you can do it." 0:42:22.119,0:42:27.033 I'm like: "Shit! He can't even use his right side, I can do this." 0:42:27.033,0:42:30.913 So he got me on skis and it was very powerful. 0:42:30.913,0:42:44.137 But my mother was like, you know: "Well, Chloe?" I was freaking out because I'd just heard bad news 0:42:44.137,0:42:49.227 about my one friend from the group who had progressive MS, and now he is bedridden and all this 0:42:49.227,0:42:56.465 and it was really overwhelming for me. And my mother was so awesome, because she was like: 0:42:56.465,0:43:02.844 "Chloe, you know, you're going to go skiing today. You can go skiing today. 0:43:02.844,0:43:08.254 So I want you to go skiing and do this for people like him. Because he can't. " 0:43:08.254,0:43:13.177 And it just pushed me even further and I got out there, and I skied. 0:43:13.177,0:43:19.371 And I must admit, there was a moment when I was looking up, like "Holy shit, look what the hell I'm doing." 0:43:19.402,0:43:25.427 Well, I'm like: "God bless you, Mike", you know, "and all of you progressive people", you know, 0:43:25.457,0:43:33.460 "I'm doing this for you, as much as myself. But, you know, because I can do it, I mean, that's so cool." 0:43:33.460,0:43:41.222 [laughs] And I just - you don't know what you got until you lose it, 0:43:41.222,0:43:45.775 and be appreciative of what you got and live in the moments. 0:43:45.775,0:43:54.291 Those are my two parting [laughs] phrases. Appreciate what you got. And live in the moment. 0:43:54.291,0:43:58.474 And I think if you go into life with that kind of attitude, you'll be OK. 0:43:58.474,0:44:05.692 But you also have to know shit is always going to happen, you can't control shit from happening. 0:44:05.692,0:44:11.961 But you deal with it in the moment. You don't worry about it, you deal with it in the moment. 0:44:11.961,0:44:15.640 So yeah. [laughs] 0:44:15.640,0:44:19.663 [HJ] That's awesome that you've made such amazing accomplishments. 0:44:19.663,0:44:21.733 Thank you. 0:44:21.733,0:44:31.167 [Cohen] I feel fortunate to be able to have the - the skill, I guess you could say, 0:44:31.167,0:44:39.607 of communicating about this in an effective way, without judgment. 0:44:39.607,0:44:48.305 And I know that I've my part in the MS - no: I'll forever do my part in the MS community, 0:44:48.305,0:45:00.348 of bringing awareness and bringing hope, because I think a lot of people forget that anything's possible, 0:45:00.348,0:45:12.732 and I am proof of that, and I think, the more you can realize what you have, the better it will be? 0:45:12.732,0:45:15.694 I don't know. I'm just babbling now [laughs] 0:45:15.694,0:45:21.877 [HJ] No! I want to share your DJ page. 0:45:21.877,0:45:23.849 [Cohen] Yeah. 0:45:23.849,0:45:31.010 [HJ] you can check URL on - .... you can check DJ CC and it'll come up. 0:45:31.040,0:45:32.233 [Cohen] Ding! 0:45:32.233,0:45:43.681 [HJ] Ah, that's here. This is Chloe's DJ page. If you go ....... (?) it's like DJ CC and it will come up. 0:45:43.681,0:45:50.117 And I also - here, your "Face of MS" page. 0:45:50.117,0:45:54.040 [Cohen] Yes. Thank you. 0:45:57.271,0:46:02.169 [HJ] Are you starting a support group on Google+ as well? 0:46:02.169,0:46:08.389 [Cohen] Yes, I have a disability support, which - its range is not just MS. 0:46:08.389,0:46:16.385 it's deafness, mental issues, ....... (?) and disabilities in general. 0:46:16.385,0:46:22.367 for all the ones who want to feel, you know, like they have support 0:46:22.367,0:46:24.619 dealing with some kind of difference, 0:46:26.865,0:46:37.288 Yeah. but it's really general, for any kind of support, but it is for, mostly, disability 0:46:37.288,0:46:43.685 and that would be any kind of disability. So... 0:46:43.685,0:46:53.731 (HJ) Awesome. You can Google Face of MS or DJ CC Boom. And now, she... 0:46:53.731,0:47:00.208 [Cohen] That's my sign, my deaf sign. Because I've got really deaf friend, he's like: 0:47:00.208,0:47:07.972 "I got - I got a sign for you, because everybody has got the CC Boom". That's my name sign. 0:47:07.972,0:47:16.105 [HJ] You're such an amazing DJ, you caught her (?) music. And even though it's not your own music, 0:47:16.105,0:47:19.769 the way you manipulate those sounds is just awesome. 0:47:19.769,0:47:22.249 [Cohen] THat's awesome. That's what I like to hear. 0:47:22.249,0:47:23.165 [HJ laughs] 0:47:23.165,0:47:29.038 [Cohen] Thank you, Candice. I really want to thank you for doing that's what you're doing. 0:47:29.038,0:47:33.978 Not just for me, but I like hearing other people's stories too, you know, 0:47:33.978,0:47:39.122 And I think that's important, because this - this social networking thing, this Google+ thing, 0:47:39.122,0:47:44.941 is going to be ginormous, and I think that you're starting off with a bang by doing this. 0:47:44.941,0:47:48.776 You're - yeah - keep it up, keep up the good work. 0:47:48.776,0:47:52.587 [HJ] Yes, it makes me even appreciate what I have, because you know, 0:47:52.587,0:47:56.551 people get so caught up in what they don't have, you know - 0:47:56.551,0:47:57.359 [Cohen] Right. 0:47:57.374,0:48:01.333 [HJ] They listen (?) to the media and they just want to keep buying 0:48:01.333,0:48:07.102 and they want you to, you know, just wish you had these things that you don't, 0:48:07.102,0:48:12.927 and you know, talking with you ad other people, just make me know that I do have a lot 0:48:12.927,0:48:19.909 and I have to be grateful for what I have - what I don't - and it's really inspiring listening to you 0:48:19.940,0:48:20.709 and your story 0:48:20.709,0:48:21.209 [Cohen] Awesome] 0:48:21.263,0:48:26.680 [HJ] ...overcame that, how you just appreciate everything now. 0:48:26.680,0:48:29.677 And I think it happens for a reaon. 0:48:29.677,0:48:35.517 There's a reason for what you have, there's a reason for, what everyone's .....(?) in life. 0:48:35.517,0:48:38.289 And it just makes you that much stronger. 0:48:38.289,0:48:44.980 [Cohen] Definitely. No, I wouldn't be who I was if I hadn't gone through all that, you know, 0:48:44.980,0:48:51.179 I wouldn't be nearly this cool if I hadn't faced that much loss. 0:48:51.179,0:48:57.342 But it's true, because I got a perspective that most people don't get in their early 20's, you know. 0:48:57.342,0:49:03.881 Because I felt like I was 80 at 20, and I sort of kept - keep getting younger as I get older: 0:49:03.881,0:49:11.254 it's kind of cool ]laughs]. But, you know, I could bond with my grandmother 0:49:11.254,0:49:17.013 and try and get her to use a cane, and have actual evidence of why she should do it 0:49:17.013,0:49:26.007 and be like - and you know, that's one of the perks to an MS is that you really educate people 0:49:26.037,0:49:29.261 and make them appreciate what they have. 0:49:29.261,0:49:38.030 And I think that's what I hope to do and I try to do it as often as I can. 0:49:38.030,0:49:43.191 So (signs) power to the people! [laughs] 0:49:43.191,0:49:47.343 [HJ] I hope it gives everything in your story (?) 49:46) everyone's turn and - 0:49:47.343,0:49:48.997 [Cohen] Awesome. That's what I hope to do. 0:49:48.997,0:49:55.522 [HJ] Yes, you're truly inspiring and, you know, you have a good support system. 0:49:55.522,0:49:57.878 I think that's so important for everyone. 0:49:57.878,0:49:58.378 [Cohen] Yes. 0:49:58.439,0:50:03.870 [HJ]........................ (?) that's really something major, 0:50:03.870,0:50:07.322 you must have a, you know, a support system. 0:50:07.322,0:50:14.457 It's so importan, I meant. It doesn't have to be family: friends, you have your personal trainer 0:50:14.457,0:50:20.712 who is - I think he's awesome, how he got you on that elliptical: that alone is just amazing. 0:50:20.712,0:50:30.709 [Cohen] Yeah. He's awesome. He's like my brother but he's not. He is my, you know, trainer 0:50:30.709,0:50:36.873 but he know- you know, he's a child of the 90's too, so he's always playing, like, 0:50:36.873,0:50:41.517 old school 90's music, like ............ hahh 0:50:41.517,0:50:45.958 [laughs] It's pretty cool, so we can bond over that kind of stuff. 0:50:49.127,0:50:53.256 [HJ] I want to thank you again for sharing your story and - 0:50:53.256,9:59:59.000 [Cohen] My pleasure, Candice, thank you for getting my story out there. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 [HJ] I hope to be broadcasting this tomorrow. If anyone wants to listen, they can check it out 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and I hope people check your Face of MS page and your DJ page, and see you, you know, 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 the way you play those sounds, it's amazing. You have to listen to it to appreciate it. [laughs] 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 [Cohen] That's awesome. Thank you, Candice. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 [HJ] Thank you, thank you again, we all appreciate- 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 [Cohen] My pleasure.