Speaker - Karen Thornton The purpose of an employment interview is to allow you to meet the candidate and to make an assessment of his or her skills as they relate to the job requirements. With good interviewing skills, your assessment will not only be thorough and appropriate, but you should be able to complete the interview efficiently and courteously. Well-honed interviewing skills help you interact with the candidate within the guidelines of applicable interviewing policy such as the Fair Employment Laws and the Equal Opportunities Policies. This could potentially save you and your company a great deal of time, effort, and money if legal action is brought against you. The skills taught here will help protect you from accidentally violating these laws and will minimize the chance for discrimination complaints and lawsuits if a candidate is not hired. Beyond the legal concerns, one of the best things about having excellent interviewing skills is that it empowers you to make the best hiring decisions. As a leader, it’s critical that you hire the right person for the job. In this series we’ll look at some basic interviewing and focus our attention from a more legal perspective. We also cover more detailed skills and techniques in our live leadership sessions including role plays and plenty of live discussion. After you finish watching this series, you’ll then have the tools you need to make the best hiring decisions possible.