[rice cooker opens] Boop-boop! Bo-doop, bo-doop, boop-boop! Vlogging Every Day in August LA edition! And cooking! But not-- but not drunk. [can pops open] Boop-boop! It's just cola, not alcoholic! In the comments of one of my previous VEDAs, Scozio requested that I do a cooking video, maybe some healthy recipes. I'm not much of a cook, but I got some coupons from Tofurky a little while back for some of their products. I used those coupons to buy some products. #notsponsored #pleasedosponsormetofurky and I'm gonna cook four of their products for you today. Their original hot dogs, their chicken and apple artisan sausage, their treehouse tempeh smoky maple bacon, and their organic soy cake tempeh! All four of those products are vegan products as I believe are all of their line right now. I really like Tofurky products! I'm going to video different parts of the process as I cook all four of these products simultaneously-- not something I would normally do. Before my title card you saw me prep some of the things I'm going to have with the Tofurky products that are not the Tofurky products: rice, buns, and the waffles, basically. I'm gonna start off with the regular hot dogs because the water is already boiling, so let's go! while that's going, I'm also going to grease up a pan and toss in the artisan sausages. [ketchup squirt sound] [sizzling] [more sizzling] I'm also gonna get the smaller pan ready for some of the tempeh. The smoky maple bacon comes in little strips. I've already had some of it. Going to do this: Boom. Kapow. And a second piece. Yeah! cook that right up! I think the artisan sausage is ready so let's get that! Just like with the original hot dog, I'm putting on mustard relish, some ketchup. [ketchup squirt sound] The organic soy cake comes in a big-block. I'm just going to leave it as a block, maybe, like, split it into a couple pieces. You could, to be more professional about this, slice it. But I'm going to leave it as big chunks. [sizzling] [sizzling] I'm using my hand! So here are the two sausages: here is the original hot dog and here is the artisan chicken and apple s-- again, both of these vegan, from Tofurky. The original hot dog is excellent. It tastes like I remember an old ballpark Frank to be. I like it a lot Chicken and apple, I'm very excited about this one! Mmm! That was delicious and it's got that artisan crumbly sausage texture. Mmm! Mmm! [toaster ejecting, then beeping] [crunching sound] Um, the tempeh bacon is delicious! Yeah, I scarfed that right down! Now, the thing about tempeh and soy is that it often just will take on the flavors of whatever you're introducing it to. So I'm going to try the soy cake with some Thai chili sauce. Excellent! And this just has a little bit of soy sauce on it. Excellent! I made a lot of food! [laughs] But i'm going to eat it all, and very happily so, because I like all the Tofurky products! if I didn't like it, i would tell you. All four products fantastic! Well done, Tofurky! If you want to send me more coupons or products to review, I would be delighted by that. I hope, Scozio, this was a "cooking video" like you requested. Have you tried these Tofurky products or other Tofurky products and what have you thought about them? Let me know in the comments below, or if you have any ideas for other things I could try out in future vlogs this month, let me know that in the comments below, or tell me anything that matters to you, because I want to know what matters to you. When I do videos like this, I'm a little concerned about whether i'm staying on brand with my ideas of social awareness but they are all vegan products, which i think is the way to go if you have the privilege and the wherewithal to do so, to make this world a better place so, that's on brand for me! That works. Shirt of the day is this one: it's a BLT! I like to pretend that the B is a vegan B. And you made it to the end of my video, thank you so much! Here is where I always say: Tomorrow will be even better!