0:00:00.000,0:00:01.360 [rice cooker opens] 0:00:39.500,0:00:40.300 Boop-boop! 0:00:41.640,0:00:43.720 Bo-doop, bo-doop, boop-boop! 0:00:43.800,0:00:50.600 Vlogging Every Day[br]in August LA edition! And cooking! 0:00:50.600,0:00:51.800 But not-- but not drunk. 0:00:53.000,0:00:53.500 [can pops open] 0:00:53.500,0:00:54.320 Boop-boop! 0:00:59.640,0:01:04.100 It's just cola, not alcoholic! In the[br]comments of one of my previous VEDAs, Scozio 0:01:04.100,0:01:07.760 requested that I do a cooking video,[br]maybe some healthy recipes. 0:01:07.760,0:01:10.759 I'm not much of a cook, but I got some[br]coupons from Tofurky a little while back 0:01:10.759,0:01:16.579 for some of their products. I used those[br]coupons to buy some products. #notsponsored 0:01:16.580,0:01:20.780 #pleasedosponsormetofurky[br]and I'm gonna cook four of their 0:01:20.780,0:01:25.850 products for you today. Their original[br]hot dogs, their chicken and apple artisan 0:01:25.850,0:01:32.420 sausage, their treehouse tempeh smoky maple[br]bacon, and their organic soy cake tempeh! 0:01:32.420,0:01:36.770 All four of those products are vegan products as I[br]believe are all of their line right now. 0:01:36.770,0:01:41.210 I really like Tofurky products! I'm going[br]to video different parts of the process 0:01:41.210,0:01:45.260 as I cook all four of these products[br]simultaneously-- not something I would 0:01:45.260,0:01:49.430 normally do. Before my title card you saw[br]me prep some of the things I'm going to 0:01:49.430,0:01:55.220 have with the Tofurky products that[br]are not the Tofurky products: rice, buns, 0:01:55.220,0:01:56.540 and the waffles, 0:01:56.540,0:01:59.630 basically. I'm gonna start off with the[br]regular hot dogs because the water is 0:01:59.630,0:02:01.010 already boiling, so let's go! 0:02:03.920,0:02:08.810 while that's going, I'm also going to[br]grease up a pan and toss in the artisan 0:02:08.810,0:02:09.950 sausages. 0:02:32.620,0:02:34.220 [ketchup squirt sound] 0:02:35.960,0:02:36.760 [sizzling] 0:02:40.200,0:02:41.320 [more sizzling] 0:02:43.690,0:02:47.210 I'm also gonna get the smaller pan ready[br]for some of the tempeh. 0:02:52.740,0:02:53.400 The smoky maple 0:02:53.410,0:02:54.850 bacon comes in little strips. 0:02:54.850,0:02:58.330 I've already had some of it. Going to do[br]this: 0:02:58.930,0:03:04.870 Boom. Kapow. [br]And a second piece. 0:03:06.980,0:03:09.980 Yeah! cook that right up! 0:03:10.600,0:03:12.680 I think the artisan sausage is ready so[br]let's get that! 0:03:14.800,0:03:15.300 Just like with the 0:03:15.310,0:03:21.500 original hot dog, I'm putting on mustard[br]relish, some ketchup. 0:03:22.520,0:03:23.020 [ketchup squirt sound] 0:03:28.230,0:03:29.590 The organic soy cake 0:03:29.590,0:03:35.020 comes in a big-block. I'm just going to leave[br]it as a block, maybe, like, split it into a 0:03:35.020,0:03:42.670 couple pieces. You could, to be more[br]professional about this, slice it. 0:03:42.670,0:03:45.670 But I'm going to leave it as big chunks. 0:03:48.360,0:03:49.160 [sizzling] 0:03:56.120,0:03:56.920 [sizzling] 0:04:01.030,0:04:02.850 I'm using my hand! 0:04:03.780,0:04:06.940 So here are the two sausages:[br]here is the original hot dog and here is 0:04:06.940,0:04:11.320 the artisan chicken and apple s-- again, both of[br]these vegan, from Tofurky. 0:04:14.300,0:04:14.800 The original 0:04:14.800,0:04:20.200 hot dog is excellent. It tastes like I[br]remember an old ballpark Frank to be. 0:04:21.579,0:04:22.339 I like it a lot 0:04:23.350,0:04:25.350 Chicken and apple, I'm very excited about[br]this one! 0:04:29.590,0:04:35.680 Mmm! That was delicious and it's got that artisan[br]crumbly sausage texture. 0:04:36.420,0:04:36.920 Mmm! 0:04:37.320,0:04:37.820 Mmm! 0:04:38.500,0:04:40.880 [toaster ejecting, then beeping] 0:04:59.700,0:05:00.980 [crunching sound] 0:05:16.460,0:05:19.460 Um, the tempeh bacon is delicious! 0:05:19.460,0:05:22.460 Yeah, I scarfed that right down! 0:05:44.400,0:05:47.820 Now, the thing about tempeh and soy is[br]that it often just will take on the 0:05:47.820,0:05:52.980 flavors of whatever you're introducing[br]it to. So I'm going to try the soy cake with some 0:05:52.980,0:05:58.770 Thai chili sauce. Excellent! And this[br]just has a little bit of soy sauce on it. 0:06:02.700,0:06:09.500 Excellent! I made a lot of food! [laughs] But i'm[br]going to eat it all, and very happily so, 0:06:09.510,0:06:13.980 because I like all the Tofurky products![br]if I didn't like it, i would tell you. All 0:06:13.980,0:06:16.110 four products fantastic! 0:06:16.500,0:06:22.560 Well done, Tofurky! If you want to send me more coupons[br]or products to review, I would be 0:06:22.560,0:06:28.040 delighted by that. I hope, Scozio, this[br]was a "cooking video" like you requested. 0:06:28.410,0:06:31.560 Have you tried these Tofurky products[br]or other Tofurky products and what have 0:06:31.560,0:06:32.520 you thought about them? 0:06:32.520,0:06:36.030 Let me know in the comments below, or if[br]you have any ideas for other things I could 0:06:36.030,0:06:38.220 try out in future vlogs this month, 0:06:38.220,0:06:41.430 let me know that in the comments below,[br]or tell me anything that matters to you, 0:06:41.430,0:06:45.900 because I want to know what matters to[br]you. When I do videos like this, I'm a 0:06:45.900,0:06:49.410 little concerned about whether i'm[br]staying on brand with my ideas of social 0:06:49.410,0:06:53.550 awareness but they are all vegan[br]products, which i think is the way to go 0:06:53.550,0:06:57.870 if you have the privilege and the[br]wherewithal to do so, to make this world 0:06:57.870,0:07:03.420 a better place so, that's on brand for me![br]That works. Shirt of the day is this one: 0:07:03.420,0:07:09.690 it's a BLT! I like to pretend that the B is[br]a vegan B. And you made it to the end of 0:07:09.690,0:07:11.520 my video, thank you so much! 0:07:11.520,0:07:13.320 Here is where I always say: 0:07:13.320,0:07:14.420 Tomorrow 0:07:14.420,0:07:16.420 will be even better!