0:00:07.270,0:00:11.080 Thank you very much.[br]It's wonderful to be back in Brussels. 0:00:11.360,0:00:16.260 I have been given the challenge[br]of discussing with you 0:00:16.260,0:00:19.120 the next 50 years of physics, 0:00:19.420,0:00:25.380 in a dark room without windows,[br]an hour after lunch. 0:00:25.780,0:00:29.560 So, I already see some of you[br]recoiling in horror 0:00:29.560,0:00:34.520 at the prospect of equations[br]and tensor calculus. 0:00:34.750,0:00:36.760 I'm not going to do that. 0:00:37.620,0:00:43.030 I've called my presentation[br]"A theory of everything (else)." 0:00:43.900,0:00:46.229 Professional physicists today 0:00:46.229,0:00:50.289 are developing[br]various theories of everything 0:00:50.289,0:00:57.200 to try to reconcile the two major[br]successful theories of physics today: 0:00:57.200,0:01:00.555 general relativity and quantum mechanics. 0:01:00.775,0:01:06.125 There are a couple of dirty little secrets[br]in there that they are not telling you. 0:01:06.125,0:01:08.750 The first one is that these two theories, 0:01:08.750,0:01:13.900 which each of which[br]works very well in its own domain, 0:01:13.900,0:01:18.854 are in violent contradiction[br]in most of our world every day, 0:01:18.854,0:01:21.014 especially with gravity. 0:01:22.819,0:01:26.890 Therefore, the idea is to try[br]to develop theories of everything 0:01:26.890,0:01:31.290 that would reconcile somehow -[br]like string theory and others - 0:01:31.290,0:01:37.320 would reconcile these two[br]dominant views of physics. 0:01:38.430,0:01:43.585 The other dirty little secret [br]is that in all that, 0:01:43.585,0:01:47.505 we have left out a missing child. 0:01:47.780,0:01:52.389 The missing child[br]is the little sister of physics. 0:01:52.389,0:01:53.929 It's the physics of information, 0:01:53.929,0:01:57.430 and that's what I would like[br]to talk about this afternoon. 0:01:58.620,0:02:02.081 The physics they teach us[br]in college and in universities 0:02:02.081,0:02:04.204 is the physics of energy. 0:02:04.204,0:02:09.614 It has to do with lasers[br]and colors and particles and mass 0:02:09.614,0:02:12.147 and fields - whatever the field is - 0:02:12.147,0:02:14.040 and acceleration and inertia 0:02:14.040,0:02:16.690 and all these things[br]that you've been exposed to 0:02:16.690,0:02:19.980 in high school or college or university. 0:02:21.470,0:02:24.300 The problem is that they also teach us[br] 0:02:24.300,0:02:29.400 that information and energy[br]are two sides of the same coin, 0:02:29.400,0:02:33.200 but they never bothered[br]to teach us the physics of information; 0:02:33.200,0:02:36.610 they continue to teach us[br]the physics of energy. 0:02:36.730,0:02:38.830 Now, going back to the 19th century, 0:02:38.830,0:02:40.470 James Maxwell, 0:02:40.470,0:02:43.620 discussing thermodynamics, 0:02:44.200,0:02:46.450 took a very simple idea 0:02:46.450,0:02:50.160 that if you pour hot liquid[br]into a cold liquid, 0:02:50.160,0:02:53.250 there will be an average[br]temperature of the liquid 0:02:53.250,0:02:56.590 between these two components. 0:02:57.060,0:03:00.100 The only way to stop that[br]would be for a little demon, 0:03:00.100,0:03:01.535 Maxwell's demon, 0:03:01.535,0:03:04.780 to be there and to separate[br]these molecules. 0:03:04.780,0:03:06.480 But absent this demon, 0:03:06.480,0:03:10.630 the law of thermodynamics[br]will say the two liquids will mix 0:03:10.630,0:03:14.190 and will reach[br]an average tepid temperature. 0:03:14.890,0:03:19.810 Leo Szilard, who was[br]a colleague of Einstein, in 1929, 0:03:19.810,0:03:24.290 went one step further and said[br]for the demon to be able to do this, 0:03:24.290,0:03:26.190 the demon needs information 0:03:26.190,0:03:31.320 about which molecules are hot[br]and which molecules are cold. 0:03:31.440,0:03:32.790 If the demon knows that, 0:03:32.790,0:03:36.750 then the demon can, in fact,[br]keep the two liquids separated, 0:03:36.750,0:03:40.200 and, well, they will never reach[br]an average temperature. 0:03:40.520,0:03:44.260 But that means that there is[br]just as much information 0:03:44.260,0:03:46.450 as there is energy in the system, 0:03:46.450,0:03:52.330 and that information and energy are,[br]in fact, the two sides of the same coin. 0:03:52.470,0:03:55.665 So, where's the missing sister of physics? 0:03:56.270,0:03:58.580 Physics of energy has to do, again, 0:03:58.580,0:04:01.297 with particles and atoms[br]and fundamental forces 0:04:01.297,0:04:04.015 and mass and entropy and fields 0:04:04.015,0:04:07.115 and space dimensions - X, Y and Z - 0:04:07.595,0:04:09.535 and T - for time - 0:04:09.555,0:04:12.660 and momentum and inertia[br]and speed and so on ... 0:04:12.660,0:04:19.220 But we never talk about similar concepts[br]on the side of the physics of information, 0:04:19.240,0:04:23.130 and my argument is that[br]in the next 50 years, we will. 0:04:23.960,0:04:25.900 I should disclose to you ... 0:04:25.900,0:04:28.990 I'm in a field where everybody[br]works on full disclosure, 0:04:28.990,0:04:32.960 so I may as well confess to you[br]that I dropped out of physics. 0:04:32.960,0:04:39.360 I have an advanced degree in physics [br]only because I was good in math, 0:04:39.360,0:04:42.550 so I could work out the equations[br]and get the answer. 0:04:43.480,0:04:46.780 But then, I dropped out of it[br]for a couple of reasons. 0:04:46.780,0:04:49.690 First, I could never understand[br]what they meant 0:04:49.690,0:04:51.980 when they said time was a dimension. 0:04:52.145,0:04:56.910 They say, "Okay, there is X, Y and Z,"[br]so I get that from common experience. 0:04:56.990,0:05:00.900 And they say, "Think of time[br]in the same way; only in the equation, 0:05:00.900,0:05:05.620 you put a little "I" in front of "T"[br]for square root of minus 1 - 0:05:05.620,0:05:07.720 but don't think about that - 0:05:07.720,0:05:10.630 and then you treat it the same way,[br]and everything works fine." 0:05:10.630,0:05:15.770 That's in general relativity[br]and other areas of physics - 0:05:15.770,0:05:17.215 that's what you do. 0:05:17.215,0:05:23.465 I could never get that because in X,[br]I can go this way or I can go that way. 0:05:23.465,0:05:25.880 In time, I cannot -[br]I'm not allowed to do that. 0:05:25.880,0:05:30.005 So, we're very good at talking[br]about how time passes; 0:05:30.005,0:05:33.105 we don't know why time passes. 0:05:33.730,0:05:37.870 Similarly, we're very good[br]at talking about how things fall down; 0:05:37.870,0:05:40.370 we don't know why they fall down. 0:05:40.370,0:05:44.750 And again, this is not something[br]you've been taught in physics in college. 0:05:44.750,0:05:48.790 They never said that they[br]couldn't explain those two things. 0:05:48.790,0:05:52.730 The third thing that disgusted[br]me was particles. 0:05:53.790,0:05:56.500 You know, we have particles[br]inside the atoms, 0:05:56.500,0:05:58.810 and then, we have particles[br]inside the particles; 0:05:58.810,0:06:03.110 we have particles inside electrons[br]and photons and everything else. 0:06:03.120,0:06:07.860 And then, since it still[br]doesn't quite work very well, 0:06:07.860,0:06:10.190 we have particles of sub-particles. 0:06:10.190,0:06:11.719 And that reminds me of something 0:06:11.719,0:06:14.819 that happened to astronomy[br]in the Middle Ages, 0:06:14.819,0:06:19.130 when they had cycles and epicycles,[br]and epicycles of epicycles. 0:06:19.130,0:06:22.690 If you keep doing that,[br]everything works fine, 0:06:22.690,0:06:24.920 except that that's not[br]the way reality works. 0:06:24.920,0:06:27.559 So I thought they should go on doing this; 0:06:27.559,0:06:30.519 they should go on[br]with the physics of energy. 0:06:30.519,0:06:34.000 We achieve wonderful things[br]with that science, 0:06:34.000,0:06:36.410 but that's not what I really want to do. 0:06:36.410,0:06:43.000 So I went back looking[br]for the missing little sister of physics, 0:06:43.000,0:06:46.920 and it turns out it's asking[br]fundamental questions 0:06:46.920,0:06:49.030 about the nature of time 0:06:49.030,0:06:52.170 and also about some[br]of the things that happen in our lives, 0:06:52.170,0:06:54.470 like coincidences. 0:06:56.600,0:07:00.060 On July 20, 1996, 0:07:00.060,0:07:03.060 we had a house in the country,[br]north of San Francisco, 0:07:03.060,0:07:05.150 a wonderful area full redwoods, 0:07:05.150,0:07:09.600 and we had some friends[br]over on an evening, for dinner. 0:07:09.600,0:07:11.930 One of our friends was a woman 0:07:11.930,0:07:16.420 who said she was going[br]to be in a play, in Mendocino County, 0:07:16.420,0:07:20.750 and in the play, she was going[br]to read something in French. 0:07:20.750,0:07:24.040 She had not practiced French for a while, 0:07:24.040,0:07:27.170 so she asked us[br]if we had a book in French, 0:07:27.170,0:07:30.390 and we had a bookshelf[br]with English and French books. 0:07:30.390,0:07:32.515 So my wife pulled out a novel, 0:07:32.515,0:07:37.010 which was this novel by René Barjavel,[br]"La peau de César," 0:07:37.010,0:07:41.840 and she gave it to me,[br]and I opened it at a random page. 0:07:42.490,0:07:45.860 I read a passage at random, which was 0:07:45.860,0:07:49.200 "I was in the Boeing that blew up[br]after take-off at Kennedy Airport, 0:07:49.200,0:07:53.690 a bomb in the hold, 132 dead, remember?" 0:07:54.810,0:08:00.730 Well, this was three days after a Boeing[br]took off from Kennedy Airport 0:08:00.730,0:08:03.800 and blew up over the Atlantic, 0:08:03.970,0:08:06.350 and we were shocked by this. 0:08:06.480,0:08:10.550 If you talk about this kind[br]of coincidence with your friends, 0:08:10.550,0:08:15.320 you'll find that many people have,[br]in fact, had that kind of experience. 0:08:15.320,0:08:16.785 This was not precognition; 0:08:16.785,0:08:22.390 this was three days[br]after the TWA 800 accident. 0:08:22.800,0:08:26.050 But it shook us up and then we forgot it. 0:08:26.050,0:08:31.410 This is the kind of thing that you[br]sort of brush out of your awareness. 0:08:32.500,0:08:35.809 Some scientists have thought[br]deeply about this. 0:08:35.809,0:08:41.040 Going back to the Middle Ages,[br]Facius Cardan, in the 15th century, 0:08:41.040,0:08:47.389 writes in his diary[br]that he had performed some rites 0:08:47.389,0:08:53.619 to make the elementals of the air[br]appear in his laboratory. 0:08:53.619,0:08:56.510 This was a very fashionable thing[br]to do in the 15th century, 0:08:56.510,0:09:00.270 and these creatures appeared before him. 0:09:00.270,0:09:03.409 There were seven sylphs,[br]the creatures of the air.[br] 0:09:03.409,0:09:06.090 Two of them were the chiefs,[br]and they came forward, 0:09:06.090,0:09:09.999 and he asked them what they knew[br]about the nature of the universe. 0:09:09.999,0:09:13.384 It turned out the two sylphs disagreed. 0:09:13.384,0:09:14.959 One of them said, 0:09:14.959,0:09:19.264 "Well, God created the universe[br]once and for all, and here we are." 0:09:19.264,0:09:24.679 The other one said, "No. God created[br]the universe from moment to moment, 0:09:24.679,0:09:28.510 and if He should stop for a minute,[br]everything would disappear." 0:09:28.520,0:09:33.749 So this clicker is not the clicker[br]that I was given earlier. 0:09:33.749,0:09:38.279 It's another occasion,[br]another instance of the same clicker, 0:09:38.279,0:09:42.409 but these clickers are being generated[br]by something in a higher plane, 0:09:42.409,0:09:47.534 which as a software engineer,[br]I understand perfectly; this makes sense. 0:09:47.540,0:09:50.389 It makes no sense in terms[br]of the physics of energy; 0:09:50.389,0:09:53.719 it makes perfect sense[br]in the physics of information, 0:09:53.719,0:09:56.129 and here you have[br]the two models of the world. 0:09:56.129,0:10:00.419 You have the classic physical model,[br]and you have quantum mechanics. 0:10:01.219,0:10:04.079 A number of people[br]have more recently been looking 0:10:04.079,0:10:06.299 for the little sister of physics, 0:10:06.299,0:10:10.909 starting with Wolfgang Pauli,[br]one of the founders of quantum mechanics, 0:10:10.909,0:10:16.189 Carl Jung - and there is extensive[br]correspondence between Pauli and Jung - 0:10:16.189,0:10:19.950 Paul Kammerer, Arthur Koestler,[br]David Bohm, Max Velmans, 0:10:19.950,0:10:25.409 Philippe Guillemant in France, Landauer[br]and Seth Lloyd and many others. 0:10:26.739,0:10:29.439 Carl Jung argued with Pauli, 0:10:29.439,0:10:35.980 and Carl Jung compiled a catalog[br]of coincidences that had happened to him. 0:10:36.250,0:10:40.219 In one case, he was[br]at a conference in another city,[br] 0:10:40.219,0:10:41.709 and in the middle of the night, 0:10:41.709,0:10:45.369 he woke up with a feeling[br]there was somebody in the room. 0:10:45.369,0:10:49.930 He actually got up and checked,[br]and there was nobody in the vicinity, 0:10:49.950,0:10:52.999 but he had the feeling[br]of something hitting his forehead 0:10:52.999,0:10:55.309 and something hitting[br]the back of his head. 0:10:55.309,0:10:58.149 He went back to sleep,[br]and the next day he got a telegram 0:10:58.149,0:11:00.329 that one of his patients[br]had committed suicide 0:11:00.329,0:11:02.064 by shooting himself in the forehead, 0:11:02.064,0:11:05.200 and the bullet had lodged itself[br]in the back of the head.[br] 0:11:05.200,0:11:11.929 Carl Jung, in his books, mentions[br]a number of these remarkable coincidences. 0:11:13.079,0:11:16.830 I had another occasion like this. 0:11:16.830,0:11:22.287 In the 70's, I was concerned[br]about the number of cults 0:11:22.287,0:11:26.877 growing up in California[br]but also in France and elsewhere 0:11:26.877,0:11:30.439 around the idea of extraterrestrials. 0:11:30.439,0:11:36.740 Some of these groups call themselves[br]the Melchizedek cult. 0:11:37.660,0:11:42.290 They use as inspiration[br]the biblical figure of Melchizedek. 0:11:42.290,0:11:47.490 This is a representation of Melchizedek[br]at Chartres Cathedral, 0:11:47.490,0:11:48.830 which is very beautiful. 0:11:48.830,0:11:53.320 Melchizedek is a very[br]interesting, very mystical, 0:11:53.320,0:11:57.870 very mysterious figure in the Bible. 0:11:58.160,0:12:02.770 He is a very powerful figure[br]because he initiated Abraham 0:12:02.790,0:12:07.860 and actually was the origin[br]of all three religions of the book: 0:12:07.860,0:12:11.690 the Islamist, the Jewish[br]and the Christian religion. 0:12:13.370,0:12:15.665 I was going to an interview[br]in Los Angeles, 0:12:15.665,0:12:18.670 took a taxi at random[br]from the flow of traffic, 0:12:18.670,0:12:20.820 got to my interview. 0:12:21.050,0:12:25.920 When I got home, I looked[br]at the receipt from the driver, 0:12:25.920,0:12:28.590 and the receipt was signed Melchizedek. 0:12:28.870,0:12:32.110 Now, that got me 0:12:32.110,0:12:37.020 on a strange series of thoughts. 0:12:37.020,0:12:38.030 At the time, 0:12:38.030,0:12:40.790 there was research going on[br]at Stanford Research Institute, 0:12:40.790,0:12:41.820 on parapsychology. 0:12:41.840,0:12:46.100 I was part of that program,[br]the program of remote viewing. 0:12:46.100,0:12:47.840 Uri Geller was there. 0:12:47.840,0:12:51.880 Uri Geller thought that he could[br]communicate with extraterrestrials 0:12:51.880,0:12:55.640 on board a platform called "Hoover," 0:12:55.640,0:12:58.530 and that he was getting[br]communications from them, 0:12:58.530,0:13:04.810 which enabled him to do what[br]he was performing in our laboratory. 0:13:05.420,0:13:09.530 I thought, "Well, this seems[br]to be the same kind of communication. 0:13:09.530,0:13:12.020 Something is communicating with me." 0:13:12.810,0:13:16.649 Over the next several weeks,[br]I did a number of experiments, 0:13:16.649,0:13:20.519 and I convinced myself[br]that these coincidences, 0:13:21.229,0:13:24.429 some of them mean[br]something powerful, as Jung said. 0:13:24.429,0:13:27.090 Others mean absolutely nothing. 0:13:27.090,0:13:30.800 It's just the way the world is organized. 0:13:31.210,0:13:35.839 So let's go back and do[br]a little bit of software thinking. 0:13:35.839,0:13:37.519 If you have a small library ... 0:13:37.519,0:13:41.640 This is the Library of Congress,[br]33 million books. 0:13:41.640,0:13:43.725 Thirty-three million books is nothing. 0:13:43.725,0:13:47.725 I mean, that's what Facebook[br]does in one afternoon. 0:13:47.735,0:13:51.819 Today, Google is getting[br]35 hours of video per minute 0:13:51.819,0:13:55.450 uploaded to the YouTube site. 0:13:55.879,0:13:59.379 So, if you have a small library,[br]you can still work with coordinates. 0:13:59.379,0:14:02.560 You have shelves,[br]and you have vertical stacks, 0:14:02.560,0:14:05.240 and so you have X, Y and Z,[br]and that works fine. 0:14:05.240,0:14:07.160 If somebody sends you 10,000 books, 0:14:07.160,0:14:10.750 you can push the existing books[br]a little to insert the new books. 0:14:10.750,0:14:14.869 If you have enough staff people[br]at your disposal, it works fine. 0:14:15.264,0:14:18.599 If you have a modern library[br]which looks like this - 0:14:19.599,0:14:22.880 this is Google, Facebook, Twitter - 0:14:22.880,0:14:25.865 you can't do that anymore, [br]you can't use dimensions. 0:14:25.865,0:14:29.645 You sprinkle the information[br]that comes in, statistically, 0:14:29.645,0:14:32.839 in virtual memory,[br]in an infinite virtual memory. 0:14:32.839,0:14:36.679 Then you have a hashing code 0:14:36.679,0:14:42.499 that enables you to get it back when[br]somebody asks a question out to Google. 0:14:42.499,0:14:44.830 The result is statistical. 0:14:44.865,0:14:49.115 Some of it means something;[br]some of it means nothing. 0:14:50.290,0:14:53.759 This is now starting[br]to be mainstream physics.[br] 0:14:54.084,0:14:58.564 Dr. Guillemant in France[br]is a CNRS physicist, 0:14:58.574,0:15:02.359 and in his latest book, "La route[br]du temps" - "The Road of Time" - 0:15:02.359,0:15:06.600 he argues that synchronicities[br]are caused by a double causality: 0:15:06.600,0:15:09.780 our intentions cause effects in the future 0:15:09.780,0:15:13.650 that become the future causes[br]of present effects. 0:15:13.650,0:15:16.939 Again, this is now becoming[br]mainstream physics. 0:15:16.939,0:15:23.339 To conclude, there are four requirements[br]for the new physics of 2061. 0:15:23.739,0:15:26.720 First, we should recognize the universe[br] 0:15:26.720,0:15:30.830 as a sub-system of a mental reality[br]of information structures. 0:15:30.830,0:15:34.640 It's all information structure,[br]and it's all simultaneous. 0:15:35.430,0:15:37.080 I don't mean it's a database. 0:15:37.080,0:15:41.680 I don't mean to use analogs[br]with current, crude technology. 0:15:41.680,0:15:46.770 It's something obviously much bigger,[br]much more complex, but you get the idea. 0:15:47.039,0:15:50.370 We should recognize dimensions[br]as a cultural artifact. 0:15:50.370,0:15:52.315 We create dimensions[br] 0:15:52.315,0:15:56.130 because we have small libraries [br]and we need X, Y and Z. 0:15:56.130,0:15:58.600 But we don't need them in physics, 0:15:58.600,0:16:02.445 so we should do away[br]with the concept of dimensions 0:16:02.445,0:16:04.590 in the physics of the future. 0:16:05.300,0:16:07.384 The present is over-determined. 0:16:07.384,0:16:08.694 As Guillemant says, 0:16:08.694,0:16:12.644 it is determined from the past[br]and it is determined from the future. 0:16:12.964,0:16:18.479 And finally, consciousness is generating[br]the impression of space and time. 0:16:18.579,0:16:20.519 That's what space-time is. 0:16:20.519,0:16:25.230 It is consciousness traversing[br]associations in this world of information 0:16:25.230,0:16:28.570 and creating the illusion[br]of space and time. 0:16:29.245,0:16:31.850 So, my proposal to you 0:16:31.850,0:16:35.840 is that we let physicists[br]continue with the physics of energy. 0:16:35.840,0:16:38.920 They do that very well[br]and will eventually have a way 0:16:38.920,0:16:42.430 of reconciling relativity[br]with quantum mechanics. 0:16:42.430,0:16:45.380 Let's go on and look[br]for the missing sister. 0:16:45.490,0:16:47.019 Thank you very much. 0:16:47.019,0:16:49.369 (Applause)