(University of Amsterdam) [bleep] [Woman] Well, I wanted to study abroad and I heard that the University of Amsterdam does excellence in the international and European rankings for universities. [♫♫♫♫] The distances in Amsterdam are relatively small and the faculties are in the same vicinity. It's a really great university where you can cycle easily from one place to another. [Woman 2] Amsterdam is a quiet, small city, but it's really cosmopolitan. I mean, when you are on the street, you can hear different kinds of languages, no matter, Spanish, Italian, and even Chinese. [Jeroen de Mast, Professor of Economics] Our lectures are in English. We offer Summer schools, student exchanges and international classrooms. That way, we try to stimulate international collaboration. [Dymph van de Boom, Rector Magnificus UvA]The internationalization of higher education enhances the quality of educational research. [Teng Xiao, Business Student] Students are coming with different background, different culture. This leads to interesting discussions in the working groups. On top of that, the way of education is interactive, which was very new to me at the beginning. But I see teachers are always trying to involve you into the discussion, so soon, I understand that it is the best way for you to get knowledge. [Tess Graafland, Restauration Student] Our teachers stimulate us very much to work independently, and we are encouraged to form our own vision and opinion, which I think is really important. [Jeroen de Mast] Our idea is to challenge students to come up with their own solutions to the problems that we introduce to them. [Dymph van de Boom] And the international approach also prepares our students for a carreer that, in many cases, will be international. [Tiffany Huan, Art History Student] For the future, it's nice that large companies are quite central to Amsterdam. [Antonio Gualvan Pente, Former Student Uva] During my study program, I had the opportunity to do one marketing internship at Phillips. Because of a combination of good luck and hard work, I got a job and at the moment I'm part of a team developing global breakthrough innovations for consumers all around the world. [woman] When I first arrived at the University of Amsterdam, I already had student housing available for me. That can be something to worry about as a student in a new country. It's really nice that the University of Amsterdam is so accommodating. (University of Amsterdam)