1 00:00:07,841 --> 00:00:10,077 Vampires! Vampires! Vampires! 2 00:00:10,077 --> 00:00:13,280 They're everywhere and they want equal rights too dammit. 3 00:00:13,280 --> 00:00:17,551 Yes I'm talking about True Blood. The problem I have with True Blood is 4 00:00:17,551 --> 00:00:22,322 I feel like it's structurally flawed. The writers are equating vampire rights with the struggle 5 00:00:22,322 --> 00:00:29,429 of civil rights and queer rights. Let's be clear, vampires are evil, manipulative, 6 00:00:29,429 --> 00:00:33,508 blood-sucking, monsterous, undead beings. 7 00:00:33,908 --> 00:00:40,574 Now to equate these evil beings with Black folks and Queer folks is not a far cry from the 8 00:00:40,574 --> 00:00:46,146 actual accusations against Black folks and Queer folks both historically and currently. 9 00:00:46,146 --> 00:00:55,322 To make this show that's this sort of serious drama but fun commentary is offensive, at best. 10 00:00:55,322 --> 00:01:00,093 Good old Sookie Stackhouse who the story is actually based on. 11 00:01:00,093 --> 00:01:09,670 She's so boring, really... okay I take that back, there are some things that are 12 00:01:09,670 --> 00:01:14,241 interesting about her like the psychic ability is kind of interesting, but ultimately 13 00:01:14,241 --> 00:01:21,915 she is the white, female, blonde, cute, virginal protaganist. 14 00:01:21,915 --> 00:01:26,653 Which is very typical, there's not anything super special about that representation. 15 00:01:26,653 --> 00:01:31,558 I do appreciate that she stands up to Bill occasionally, even though she always go back to him 16 00:01:31,558 --> 00:01:36,597 and even though he's this 'I have to save you' creepy guy just having those little 17 00:01:36,597 --> 00:01:43,403 lines, you know, makes me happier in general and I think it's also a good representation 18 00:01:43,403 --> 00:01:49,276 for women to see that resistance, it just falls short, constantly, 19 00:01:49,276 --> 00:01:53,213 because she still goes back to his ridiculous patriarchal behaviour. 20 00:01:53,213 --> 00:01:56,083 In season two there is a really great example of the backlash against women if they 21 00:01:56,083 --> 00:01:58,719 want to defend themselves against their patriarchal boyfriends. 22 00:01:58,719 --> 00:02:02,910 "That does not give you license to behave like an irresponsible child!" 23 00:02:02,910 --> 00:02:08,161 "She is a loaded gun Sookie, not a doll for you to dress up and play with." 24 00:02:08,161 --> 00:02:09,427 "What are you doing?" 25 00:02:09,427 --> 00:02:11,461 "Walking!" 26 00:02:11,461 --> 00:02:14,431 "Don't be ridiculous, Bon Temps is nearly twenty miles away." 27 00:02:14,431 --> 00:02:19,115 "I'd rather walk all night then spend another second in that car with you!" 28 00:02:24,592 --> 00:02:26,289 "What the--" 29 00:02:41,827 --> 00:02:47,367 So now look what happens, Sookie's getting punished by a near death experience 30 00:02:47,367 --> 00:02:52,706 because she decided to stick up for herself. Now that's not cool, the writers are writing 31 00:02:52,706 --> 00:02:56,910 this, they could have written it in any other way, but instead they are going with the very 32 00:02:56,910 --> 00:03:01,381 archaic storyline of women as fragile and need to be protected, 'and don't you dare 33 00:03:01,381 --> 00:03:04,386 stick up for yourself or be strong willed.' 34 00:03:04,386 --> 00:03:10,090 Now Bill the other main characters is also incredibly boring and annoying and you 35 00:03:10,090 --> 00:03:13,627 would think that if you've been alive for a hundred and some odd years 36 00:03:13,627 --> 00:03:19,600 you would adjust to the way of life now just like every other vampire on the show has, 37 00:03:19,600 --> 00:03:22,870 but no, you don't. 38 00:03:22,870 --> 00:03:28,208 Bill is positioned as this sort of romantic old school, 'I'm gonna take care of you and 39 00:03:28,208 --> 00:03:34,681 respect you' but it's just so contrived and really messed up. I mean do we really want 40 00:03:34,681 --> 00:03:40,821 to celebrate these old sort of victorian ways of engaging in relationships? 41 00:03:40,821 --> 00:03:45,092 I mean, almost every other word out of his mouth is something about having to 42 00:03:45,092 --> 00:03:46,238 protect Sookie. 43 00:03:47,183 --> 00:03:51,899 "The more people know what you do the harder it is for me to protect you." 44 00:03:51,899 --> 00:03:54,401 "Sookie must be protected." 45 00:03:54,401 --> 00:03:57,538 "And I need you to watch over Sookie, protect her while I'm gone." 46 00:03:57,538 --> 00:03:59,806 "My only desire is to keep you safe." 47 00:03:59,806 --> 00:04:03,277 And now Sookie will demonstrate the appropriate response to these comments. 48 00:04:03,277 --> 00:04:06,102 "Shut the fuck up" 49 00:04:06,102 --> 00:04:13,344 Tara is Sookie's best friend and I really like Tara. I think that she is really kind of 50 00:04:13,344 --> 00:04:19,860 dynamic and interesting. I really believe her character. I believe that she has had a really 51 00:04:19,860 --> 00:04:24,218 messed up childhood and her mom's an alcoholic and she's lashed out and 52 00:04:24,218 --> 00:04:29,770 been promiscuous and hasn't had the emotional support and doesn't really know 53 00:04:29,770 --> 00:04:33,574 how to, you know, love herself because nobody's really ever loved her. 54 00:04:33,574 --> 00:04:39,913 So that when this evil god like creature masked as a beautiful woman, who eats 55 00:04:39,913 --> 00:04:44,618 a lot of organic food, comes in and gives her that emotional love and support 56 00:04:44,618 --> 00:04:46,653 she's going to fall for that, I buy that. 57 00:04:46,653 --> 00:04:51,525 What I don't buy is that unfortunately, even though I think Tara is really interesting 58 00:04:51,525 --> 00:04:56,930 she's still the Black sidekick, she's still the loud, pompous, aggressive, hypersexualized 59 00:04:56,930 --> 00:05:03,904 Black woman. Lafayette, oh, you know we all love him. He's really dynamic and really 60 00:05:03,904 --> 00:05:07,174 interesting and funny as some definitely some choice lines. 61 00:05:07,174 --> 00:05:14,248 But he is every stereotype about Black queer men all rolled into one little pretty package and 62 00:05:14,248 --> 00:05:20,187 it constantly infuriates me because we don't want to reinforce these stereotypes 63 00:05:20,187 --> 00:05:24,324 we want to dispel them and break them down and make very interesting complicated, 64 00:05:24,324 --> 00:05:29,062 textured characters that are beyond stereotypes but NO, True Blood can't do that. 65 00:05:29,062 --> 00:05:33,667 We see Layfayette working in the kitchen of Merlotte's but on the side he's also a 66 00:05:33,667 --> 00:05:37,722 prostitute, and he runs his own porn website and he's a drug dealer. 67 00:05:37,722 --> 00:05:42,242 I mean, really? Could there be any other stereotypes thrown in here? 68 00:05:42,242 --> 00:05:46,613 Putting Lafayette's character into the greater context of the True Blood universe 69 00:05:46,613 --> 00:05:50,517 there's no other Black men and no other Queer men on the main cast so he's 70 00:05:50,517 --> 00:05:59,390 really all we get in terms of alternative sexuality and as far as Black male masculinity. 71 00:05:59,390 --> 00:06:03,297 Eric's character has developed a lot more in season two and I'm kind of disturbed by the 72 00:06:03,297 --> 00:06:07,644 direction it's going. So in season one we establish that he's this pompous arrogant 73 00:06:07,644 --> 00:06:13,140 sort of quiet but very powerful asshole. He doesn't really care about humans very 74 00:06:13,140 --> 00:06:17,544 much they are just kind of toys to him and he can get whatever he wants because he 75 00:06:17,544 --> 00:06:22,726 is the most powerful vampire in the area. So in season two we start to see a bit of his 76 00:06:22,726 --> 00:06:28,555 emotion as far as being concerned about his maker and he even cries, which I think it's 77 00:06:28,555 --> 00:06:32,926 totally acceptable and great that men are crying on television but I don't think 78 00:06:32,926 --> 00:06:38,932 this gives us license to feel sympathy or attraction towards Eric. I think that he is 79 00:06:38,932 --> 00:06:47,040 still continuing to be a perpetrator really. The scene in which he tricks Sookie into drinking 80 00:06:47,040 --> 00:06:51,044 his blood is really reminiscent of sexual assault and unfortunately that sexual 81 00:06:51,044 --> 00:06:57,084 assault hasn't been dealt with in a respectful way. So he thinks that it's totally okay and funny that 82 00:06:57,084 --> 00:07:01,088 he did that, Sookie's pissed but what is she gonna do? And he gets to emotionally 83 00:07:01,088 --> 00:07:05,492 stalk her. I think it's characters like Eric in the scene that I described that really 84 00:07:05,492 --> 00:07:09,759 reminds me that there are people behind the scenes who are purposely writing things 85 00:07:09,759 --> 00:07:14,101 and get to choose which directions these stories and characters go and more often 86 00:07:14,101 --> 00:07:19,173 then not, they are not in the direction in which fans want to see them. 87 00:07:19,173 --> 00:07:25,712 Especially female fans because we live with the constant fear of violence towards 88 00:07:25,712 --> 00:07:29,683 us on a daily basis we don't need that to be dealt with on TV 89 00:07:29,683 --> 00:07:33,187 in a very negative, dismissive sort of way. 90 00:07:33,187 --> 00:07:36,924 I could probably go on for hours about the specifics of how messed up True Blood is 91 00:07:36,924 --> 00:07:41,695 but I will leave you just with those gems and I'm also going to provide some links to some really 92 00:07:41,695 --> 00:07:46,162 awesome articles that talk more in depthly about race and gender in True Blood. 93 00:07:47,234 --> 00:07:54,137 "I don't know who you think you are but before the night is through 94 00:07:54,137 --> 99:59:59,999 I wanna do bad things with you."