I'm Solveig.
Here you have my contact info.
I use Free Software and especially Debian
since quite some time now
and I also contribute to Tails
so my interests are in privacy…
No? Yes? Do you hear me?
I do some non-developer things
and in Debian I found a way to contribute
without coding
or maintaining packages which is to
triage bugs.
Bug triaging, it helps,
it's kind of non visible but it helps
Debian as a whole
because maintainers don't always
have the time to deal
with all their bug reports,
some packages have a lot of
bug reports,
like the kernel or Xorg.
Also, it's a good way to improve the
package quality.
When some packages have a lot of
bugs open against them,
it can make it harder for the maintainers
to know which ones are
solvable, actionable, and they can get a bit
over their head.
So when you triage bugs, you help
everybody have a better experience
with Debian.
So, you want to do it.
First, it's easy.
You don't need to learn any new tool
supposing you already know
how to read and write e-mail.
So that's a low threshold to start.
It's very rewarding, the maintainers are
happy when you help them,
even if you don't touch their packages,
if you sort their bugs, they'll be happy
and the users who submitted them
will be happy that somebody looked
at them
so it can be very joyful.
Also, you search random bugs for packages
you don't necessarily know,
so you learn about a lot of software
in Debian and
some of them are really really surprising
and you…
"Wha? What does this do?" and that's kind
of fun.
And of course, it saves kittens.
On this page, there's a…
The bug triage page is a howto page
I made some years ago, with tips
and this part, especially, has a list
of teams that added themselves
so that they want you to help
sort their bugs.
Those are the teams I worked with,
they're really really nice,
they don't bite.
They will let you know if you did an error,
they will answer your questions,
you can work together.
I don't recommend closing random bugs.
If you go and touch packages from people
you have not warned
or who are not willing to have somebody
touch their bugs,
you might have backfire.
To start, I think it's good to go packages
that you know people are happy
if you help with.
The first tool to triage bugs is UDD.
I don't know if you've ever tried it,
the interface is really great.
Here, that's UDD.
So it's a bit arid like this, but
it allows you to select many many
types of packages,
we can see that later.
Then you can choose a team or
other criteria
and when you're happy about
your criteria, you search.
It will give you a list of packages
corresponding to your criteria
and you can select some more info
you want listed here.
So, that's UDD search.
I usually ignore the bug reports that
somebody has searched in the last year.
Probably somebody else will look at them,
let's look at those that are lost
in the limbos.
I select wontfix, moreinfo, upstream or
Those are those that probably you can do
something on.
And then you chose a team, preferably
one of those that is listed
in the page we saw before.
Once you'll have selected a bug and
something to do on it,
you'll have to document what you do.
Because you can change many many stuff
on the bug,
you send the commands to
but it's always nice to put a small
a small sentence, or 2 or 3
to say what made you conclude that is
the right change.
Also make sure the e-mail where you do
the commands is sent
to everybody interested, because
by default it only sends it
to the maintainer and the submitter
in some cases.
So if other people answered the bug
report saying
"Hey, I have the bug too" or if upstream
came by to explain something,
it's good to see all of those who
interacted on the bug report and
put them all in copy.
Ideally, people can receive the e-mail,
read what you're saying and
don't have to go back to the bug page
to read it again.
So that you should sum up the thread
if it was long and have them know everything.
If you do massive triage, you should have
a few generic messages
so you keep the messages and just
replace the words as needed.
It saves you a lot of time.
Also, it allows you to put a lot of
nice things in your generic e-mail
that people are always happy to read
without more effort.
You know, add a little "Thanks for
submitting the bug" or
"That was a very interesting discussion"
or something like that.
Let's keep the positive energy flowing.
There are many ways to triage.
One of them is trying to reproduce
bug reports.
In the UDD we saw earlier, if you select
Oh no… those that don't have the tag
these are bugs that one person submitted
but nobody knows if they're really
still up to date or if it's just, somebody
submitted it but…
If it's confirmed, there's more chance
that the maintainer will look at them.
If they're really old, maybe they have been
corrected and nobody bothered
to close the bug.
If they're new, maybe you should have
them too, so see if it's the case.
If it's the case, you write to this adress
the 'nnn' is the number of the bug and
you add the tag 'confirmed'
That's how we interact with control@b.d.o
All the bug tracking is on a e-mail
'found bugnumber versionnumber'
that's a command that control will
you give the bug number and what version
you're running.
You add the tag 'confirmed'.
Since you found it, you're 2, so it's
And 'thanks', you always have to end
your e-mails to control with 'thanks'
or 'thank you' or whatever variation
of it you want.
The control is a very very polite beast
and likes you to be the same.
If you don't put politeness, it won't work.
Actually it's to tell them that the commands
are done, but
let's be polite also with machines.