[COSTCO SUBS PRESENTS] [Interview with a new member] I'm Noah Ishikura. I’m 21 years old. My dad is Austrian and my mom is Japanese. I’m a model while aspiring a pilot. [WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A PILOT?] Ever since i was 5, I've seen that my biological dad also aspired a pilot when I was a kid, so I've admired it for a long time. When I was around 6 years old, my parents divorced, and I came to Japan with my mom. She got remarried to a Japanese man, and he was one who was in the airline industry. So both dads inspired me a lot. Then I started being into a pilot. [WHAT MADE YOU COME TO TERRACE HOUSE?] I haven't entered a flight school yet, so I'm going to save money by working in the entertainment industry, and then I hope I will go to the school. The tuition is super high. I'd have to pay at least 10 million yen. My parents have told me to pay it by myself. At first, I thought I can earn money easily, but it hasn’t gone well since I came to Tokyo a year ago. I realized reality can be tough. I was hoping I’d get good opportunities by living at Terrace House, so I applied. [ABOUT YOUR CAREER PLAN] I hope... I will be studying for a pilot or already have the qualification, when I am 25, although the sooner, the better. I want to take over a different company, which my stepdad now runs in the airline industry, and also work as a pilot there in the future. Though I want to success as a model now, my final aim is to become a pilot. [DO YOU HAVE A GIRL FRIEND?] No, I don’t. I haven’t had a girlfriend for about 10 or 11 months. I totally want someone who understands my situation. [ARE YOU ASSERTIVE TO GIRLS?] At first, I would see how it goes in the house. There are 3 girls, right? I want to know each girl equally. I might ask them to hang out when I can open up to girls. When it comes to romance, I might be an assertive person. [WHAT'S YOUR TYPE?] About looks... I like girls who have long hair. It's not girls is neat and clean... How should I put it... I like girls who are natural, both on the inside and outside. I really like that kind of girls. I haven’t dated any girls younger than me. I can’t imagine what that’d be like for me. I just might really prefer older women. And the same age as well. Most of my ex-girlfriends were mature. Maybe I’m just attracted to that kind of women. I like strong women because I’ve always looked to my mom. [WHAT'S YOUR MOM LIKE?] She was quite tough. She wasn’t at home everyday, because she was working for my sake, but I didn’t understand that at that time. Because I was young, I wanted her to be there more often, so I was lonely and sad. Now that I think about it, I understand she worked hard for my sake. So I want to show my appreciation and give back to her. My stepdad is quite an elderly man, so I want to take over his company. I hope I can do my best to repay them back while they are alive. [Translated and Timed by koma] [Reviewed by]