Those of you who follow us on facebook may wonder why we have things like this on facebook And I do hope everyone is following us but if you follow us on facebook you know that we have a laugh in the afternoon everyday Can you all see that? So, you know, we have things like this, or, things like this one This one was just up earlier this week It's a scientist tip on how you tell an alligator from a crocodile by whether the animal will see you later or in a while. That's how you can tell There's another way you can tell the difference between them and that is if the animal is singing and dancing and playing a musical instrument, it's certainly an alligator Crocodiles would never do anything like that, so why do we do this? Why are we 'yucking' it up all the time Well, the fact is that the topics we deal with on a regular basis are very grim We deal with a lot of dark stuff As you just saw, our previous speaker, practically in tears, And he's not the only one that's going through this type of stuff. And one of the least fun things that we deal with now, is child abuse. These are not fun things to deal with. So we laugh, we try to yuck it up and have a good time, because if we don't, we give up. We gotta be in it for the long haul, which means you gotta be able to, you know have some fun once in a while. So that's why we have stupid alligators and chick magnets and things like that on our website every afternoon. So, I mentioned this pamphlet, "Do you know a survivor of the Sexual Revolution?" If you open that up and study it, you will not see survivors of sexual abuse on there. And the reason they're not on there is because when I was working this out on 2013, I said to myself, "Well you know there's always been sexual abuse, it isn't really fair to attribute that to the sexual revolution. And besides look at all these other stuff we have to work on. Isn't this enough for one organization? And besides secretly, I didn't want to deal with it because it's not... It's awful. No one really wants to deal with it, but then last year these issues started coming up, with the sexual harassment issues with Harvey Weinstein, and all of these things And you could kind of see that the girls were trying to solve the #metoo movement but they weren't really going to get it done because they were kind of hanging on to the sexual revolution. They were hanging onto things they shouldn't be hanging on to. And, so I thought "You know, maybe we need to be talking about this" And then the whole thing, clergy sexual abuse within the catholic church, and then I just became really convinced "yeah, we gotta deal with it" First off, nobody else will deal with the broad spectrum of the sexual revolution like we will, so therefore we're the only guys in the field. And also the sexual revolution is deeply implicated in this whole thing. For this reason. The sexual revolution is a set of ideas, and those ideas empower predators. They encourage predators. The core idea of the sexual revolution is that everybody is entitled to sex! Everybody is entitled to guilt-free, child-free, problem-free, sex. And anybody who says otherwise is violating your human rights, for crying out loud. Who really thinks you're entitled to sex. I mean come on, that's the view of a rapist. That's not real to think you're entitled to sex. So that one idea, has many tentacles and is a very poisonous idea. And at the same time, these ideas also undermine the victims. They disarm the victims. And so the sexual revolution is profoundly implicated in the whole thing. And so, that's what motivated me to reach out to our next speaker, Moira Greyland Peat, whom we're going to honor as the public witness of the year. I met Moira at an event sponsored by in texas, and I heard her story of growing up with openly, actively, gay, and lesbian parents. She's the author of the best selling book, "The Last Closet", and she's the daughter of famous gay authors, Marion Zimmer Bradley, and Walter Breen. And this is a photo of Moira there in the center with her mother and her brother. Her mother was the author of this series of books, "The Mists of Avalon". She was married to Walter Breen, who was also a famous author Moira's mother had a long time lesbian lover, and Walter Breen lived an active homosexual life and was himself, an unrepentant child molester. Both of her parents sexual abused Moira and her brother, for years. And since they were famous authors, and icons really, in the science fiction community, people didn't really do much about it. Her father enjoyed being in hot tubs with children. Sometimes without any clothes on, he would encourage kids to get into the hot tub with him without any clothes on. And numerous adults saw or could have seen that the kids were being groomed. and really, for all practical purposes nobody did anything about it. As a teenager, Moira called the police on her father, when she caught him in the act of molesting an 11 year old boy Her father was arrested, put in prison, where he died, and her family considered this an act of betrayal. Rather than denying what her father did, her mother said, "well children have the right to make up their own lines about having sex with adults. Her father had made his views clear in this book called, "Greek Love", and a journal called, "The Journal of Greek Love", which she edited. In 2014, Moira revealed all these things about her parents. People were shocked, and she was shocked, to find how many people who were also children of gays, reached out to her with similar stories. So the last closet..... book it not simply a taill of victimization its also a tail that explain how her parent became who they became but more regad your self as lucky of one way her life will pay resorted as a result she is a successful professional musician you wrote this girl im taking this right of your bio she is the founder and former artistic director of the royal english opera she is a ward winning dramatic color true sabrentel. with the new life out of range she is an acomplished concert harpest singer composer recruting artist and movie actress. topnight oops tonight we're gonna hear her tell her story and perhaps recite a poem or tow from her work but first of all help me welcome our ruth institute public witness of the year a ...... thank you so much ..... thank you good eavning, how are you doing ? usually when I'm in front of crowd of people im sitting in the corner with a harp and i dont have to talk im just going to sit their hmmm im the radio and that is i think very much how i felt about my parents for a long time. im just going to watch and not say anything i want just to play the harp over here anyway