WEBVTT 00:00:00.099 --> 00:00:14.930 34C3 preroll music 00:00:14.930 --> 00:00:23.140 Christoph Sieg: The idea is now to go from space back to earth and try to use drones 00:00:23.140 --> 00:00:27.960 – so autonomous flying vehicles – for power generation. So this is the second 00:00:27.960 --> 00:00:33.100 part. So the outline here is … Applause 00:00:33.100 --> 00:00:41.580 Christoph: Thank you very much. Applause 00:00:41.580 --> 00:00:46.559 Christoph: So the outline is that first I will introduce the source here and 00:00:46.559 --> 00:00:52.389 motivate why it is a good idea to harvest high altitude winds and produce energy 00:00:52.389 --> 00:00:58.019 from them. The technological part will come in the second part here. This is 00:00:58.019 --> 00:01:02.289 about the technology which is called airborne wind energy. And in a third part 00:01:02.289 --> 00:01:06.630 I want to show how you can build a wind drone for low cost for yourself and 00:01:06.630 --> 00:01:12.630 experiment with this kind of technology. So let's start with the first part. And 00:01:12.630 --> 00:01:18.680 here as a reminder is the conventional energy supplier wish list, so probably 00:01:18.680 --> 00:01:23.850 what your global players in conventional energy would think about it or tell you: 00:01:23.850 --> 00:01:29.380 They would say that is a surely clean- enough resource and, meaning on timescales 00:01:29.380 --> 00:01:33.271 here, it is exploitable of the order of one human life expectancy, it's 00:01:33.271 --> 00:01:37.670 controllable especially economically and politically, it is depreciable 00:01:37.670 --> 00:01:43.909 economically and it leads so to a very high profit for some players. 00:01:43.909 --> 00:01:47.359 Unfortunately there's also the technological part and here sometimes it's 00:01:47.359 --> 00:01:54.000 driven by hope, saying it will be OK. But, as we know, it might be mostly harmless. 00:01:54.000 --> 00:01:58.909 So as we see here for instance there are catastrophes like Chernobyl. This is after 00:01:58.909 --> 00:02:03.530 the catastrophe where you have the memorial for the people who died. Then you 00:02:03.530 --> 00:02:09.729 have scenarios during the catastrophe here. This is Deepwater Horizon being like 00:02:09.729 --> 00:02:15.050 desperately tried to extinguish the fire by the US Coast Guard and Fire Brigades. 00:02:15.050 --> 00:02:20.050 And of course – what I don't have to mention here, but in times of fake news 00:02:20.050 --> 00:02:25.760 it's important to mention – we are before the catastrophe. So this is here a plot of 00:02:25.760 --> 00:02:31.420 the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere taking from ice. And as you see 00:02:31.420 --> 00:02:36.750 here the ice ages give this variations over 500,000 years, and now we are at this 00:02:36.750 --> 00:02:41.670 spot here that points up. And if you resolve this into the time scale, extent 00:02:41.670 --> 00:02:46.310 this time scale from the last thousand to 2,000 years here – so we are here at this 00:02:46.310 --> 00:02:51.540 spot at 2000, year 2000 – then you see that this rise has started at the 00:02:51.540 --> 00:02:55.590 industrialization. So it's a clear sign that we have to do something. And we have 00:02:55.590 --> 00:02:56.787 to do it quickly. 00:02:56.790 --> 00:03:05.620 Applause 00:03:05.620 --> 00:03:10.140 Christoph: So now let's try to propose something which can be part of the 00:03:10.140 --> 00:03:15.570 solution, namely sustainable energies. And here's a wish list of what probably you 00:03:15.570 --> 00:03:19.590 would think it should be: It should be sustainable, ubiquitous, continous, 00:03:19.590 --> 00:03:24.270 accessible and profitable at the very end. So does such a source exist? And first I 00:03:24.270 --> 00:03:28.130 should define what it means. So sustainable means it should serve present 00:03:28.130 --> 00:03:31.940 needs without compromising the future – and this is clearly not what we are doing 00:03:31.940 --> 00:03:38.470 now – so it should be available on timescales which are like the lifetime of 00:03:38.470 --> 00:03:43.150 our central star if possible. It should be ubiquitous, meaning that it should be 00:03:43.150 --> 00:03:48.780 present almost on any location on earth so that we can without a very complicated 00:03:48.780 --> 00:03:54.290 long-range infrastructure have access to the energy. It should be continuous, 00:03:54.290 --> 00:03:58.720 meaning it should be present at almost any day time and seasons, so that we can plan 00:03:58.720 --> 00:04:02.680 of what we produce. And of course it should be accessible, meaning it can be 00:04:02.680 --> 00:04:08.530 tapped by the technology and lead to a significant contribution to our energy 00:04:08.530 --> 00:04:14.530 mix. And profitable should of course also be. So does it exist? And the answer is 00:04:14.530 --> 00:04:20.620 yes and I want to show that this airborne wind energy can be a big part of it. So 00:04:20.620 --> 00:04:27.540 here I have a table of some sustainable energy sources and the wishlist items are 00:04:27.540 --> 00:04:33.130 written here and I put some of the sustainable sources. So there is fusion, 00:04:33.130 --> 00:04:38.050 there is solar energy – terrestrial and also the spacial energy which was 00:04:38.050 --> 00:04:42.820 presented by Anja and by Stefan before – hydro energy, geothermal energy and 00:04:42.820 --> 00:04:47.180 conventional wind energy; where by conventional wind energy I mean wind 00:04:47.180 --> 00:04:53.720 energy up to approximately 100 meter which is the hub height of wind turbines, 00:04:53.720 --> 00:05:00.290 approximately. And as you can see some of these items here are not fulfilled by all 00:05:00.290 --> 00:05:08.310 these different approaches. So for example the spacial energy is clearly not 00:05:08.310 --> 00:05:13.840 ubiquitous, because you have this beam as we heard which is just like basically 00:05:13.840 --> 00:05:17.680 hitting a certain spot on the earth and there are transferred into energy, so you 00:05:17.680 --> 00:05:23.180 have to distribute this energy. Also it is not yet accessible. On the other hand wind 00:05:23.180 --> 00:05:27.270 energy – here conventional wind energy – is not ubiquitous, because you can only 00:05:27.270 --> 00:05:32.210 select certain spots. And it is not continuous, because you cannot really plan 00:05:32.210 --> 00:05:37.750 when the wind is blowing and when it's not blowing. So let's add to this list what is 00:05:37.750 --> 00:05:42.180 called high altitude wind. And high altitude wind is clearly sustainable, 00:05:42.180 --> 00:05:46.730 because it's also wind energy – so it's like driven as all the other wind energy 00:05:46.730 --> 00:05:53.680 as well. And high altitude here means to go to heights which are above 200 meters 00:05:53.680 --> 00:06:04.570 and try to drain energy from these winds. So let me argue why it is a ubiquitous 00:06:04.570 --> 00:06:10.250 source. And for this Philip who is also here and part of the team – I'm very happy 00:06:10.250 --> 00:06:15.090 he has made this very nice plot here which shows the western part of Europe and it 00:06:15.090 --> 00:06:20.800 shows the ratio of wind power which you can extract at an optimal height which 00:06:20.800 --> 00:06:24.990 should be below 1,000 meter – so this is just an arbitrary at the moment limit – to 00:06:24.990 --> 00:06:31.100 say that we can have a system which can basically get up to thousand meter height 00:06:31.100 --> 00:06:38.310 and compare it to the wind energy which is basically available at hundred meter. And 00:06:38.310 --> 00:06:43.280 in this plot you can see at the coastline there is a line here and this line is the 00:06:43.280 --> 00:06:48.311 line where in the interior you have already a doubling of the wind power. So 00:06:48.311 --> 00:06:53.199 meaning at the coast line itself if you go to higher altitude you have the double 00:06:53.199 --> 00:06:58.100 wind power available then at hundred meter. Even better, directly at the coast 00:06:58.100 --> 00:07:01.880 line there is another line which is a factor of four better. So as soon as you 00:07:01.880 --> 00:07:07.990 put your wind turbines on land side, you will be a factor of, you have access to a 00:07:07.990 --> 00:07:12.490 factor of four higher wind power. And here, in the region slightly south of 00:07:12.490 --> 00:07:17.590 Leipzig, there's another line, this is a factor of eight where you become better in 00:07:17.590 --> 00:07:23.780 wind power, in high altitudes wind power. So, seeing that the coastal regions have 00:07:23.780 --> 00:07:27.680 already a factor of four in this ratio better and the inland between four and 00:07:27.680 --> 00:07:33.320 eight. Oh, the wrong sign. Sorry, they should be reversed of course. So, saying 00:07:33.320 --> 00:07:39.900 that here the site of conventional wind- energy harvesting, which are now very 00:07:39.900 --> 00:07:44.091 limited, and where you put for instance all the wind turbines in the north, they 00:07:44.091 --> 00:07:47.410 become much more accessible if you go to higher heights. Because there you can 00:07:47.410 --> 00:07:53.389 basically use all the land sites. So this is where you have more sites available 00:07:53.389 --> 00:08:00.479 when you harvest at optimal height. And here, as an example about why it is a 00:08:00.479 --> 00:08:06.080 continuous source, you see a time distribution of the wind velocity in 00:08:06.080 --> 00:08:15.210 January 2016 in Leipzig. The wind velocity is here increasing from yellow to red, and 00:08:15.210 --> 00:08:19.729 the altitude is displayed here, and this is the time scale of the month. And what 00:08:19.729 --> 00:08:24.229 you can see is, at hundred meter height you have almost like only in the lower 00:08:24.229 --> 00:08:27.770 parts you have winds, whereas, if you go to higher heights you have the reddish 00:08:27.770 --> 00:08:33.019 parts where you have high wind velocities. So this shows that continuity is already 00:08:33.019 --> 00:08:38.070 improved if you go to higher altitude, especially for land sites. And this is 00:08:38.070 --> 00:08:42.458 almost impossible for conventional wind turbines. You would have to build a mast 00:08:42.458 --> 00:08:48.959 higher and much, much bigger structures. And also, what is displayed here is the 00:08:48.959 --> 00:08:53.160 optimal harvesting height. So this is the height, again below thousand meter, where 00:08:53.160 --> 00:08:59.720 it would be optimal to harvest wind at a certain time, displayed over the whole 00:08:59.720 --> 00:09:07.389 month. And if one goes from this plot to the histograms, so to the time 00:09:07.389 --> 00:09:11.509 distribution of the different wind velocities, you get this picture here. So 00:09:11.509 --> 00:09:16.709 this are the spots the histograms of 100, 170, 500, 1000 meter, and of the optimal 00:09:16.709 --> 00:09:20.790 height, so if you adjust your height. And one of the things that you can see is that 00:09:20.790 --> 00:09:26.600 the mean is clearly shifted to higher wind velocities if you increase the height. And 00:09:26.600 --> 00:09:31.769 also, if you harvest at optimal altitude you shift the whole probability 00:09:31.769 --> 00:09:36.870 distribution to the right. So and what increases there is that the fraction of 00:09:36.870 --> 00:09:43.430 time below five meter per second, which is like the the time where the cut in wind 00:09:43.430 --> 00:09:47.470 speed for a wind turbine, so you would like starting produce energy, the 00:09:47.470 --> 00:09:53.279 probability to have such winds is increased from 76% to 87%, which is quite 00:09:53.279 --> 00:09:58.940 a lot of increase. So adjusting to varying optimal harvesting height is not only 00:09:58.940 --> 00:10:03.110 almost, but is really impossible for conventional wind turbines. So one has to 00:10:03.110 --> 00:10:07.889 find another technology, which is better and can give you access to this higher 00:10:07.889 --> 00:10:17.329 altitude winds. So this is the plot again from before. So I have now a little bit 00:10:17.329 --> 00:10:22.269 motivated why the source is ubiquitous and continuous. Now the question is, is it 00:10:22.269 --> 00:10:26.060 accessible, and how it is accessible. And this is the technological part which is 00:10:26.060 --> 00:10:33.050 called airborne wind energy. So how do we access these high altitude winds. So on 00:10:33.050 --> 00:10:37.399 for these, let's come back to the design challenges, which would be necessary to go 00:10:37.399 --> 00:10:43.050 to higher height. So high altitude means, that you just cannot just increase your 00:10:43.050 --> 00:10:48.559 tower, and have more torque on your foundation, and just scale up the system. 00:10:48.559 --> 00:10:52.860 So you should avoid proliferation of mass and proliferation of the tower and 00:10:52.860 --> 00:10:57.300 foundation. And also, varying altitude means you shouldn't have passive, 00:10:57.300 --> 00:11:03.850 stabilizing, static structures, but find something which can vary. So just as an 00:11:03.850 --> 00:11:12.459 example here this is the sky walk in the Grand Canyon, and this is already a quite 00:11:12.459 --> 00:11:17.120 scary lever arm which you have. And if, in comparison, you take your modern wind 00:11:17.120 --> 00:11:21.000 turbine, you rotate it by 90 degrees, and compared it in size to this, you can see 00:11:21.000 --> 00:11:27.319 what kind of torque will be, like will act on the foundation. So this is already a 00:11:27.319 --> 00:11:34.350 very big piece of technology you have here. So we have to do better, and this is 00:11:34.350 --> 00:11:40.920 the second part, namely airborne wind energy, so the technology itself. So the 00:11:40.920 --> 00:11:46.420 first slide is probably the most important of this part because it explains the 00:11:46.420 --> 00:11:51.769 idea behind this technology. So you take autonomous drones, which are the most 00:11:51.769 --> 00:11:56.970 flexible connected to the ground via tethers, and extract wind energy via these 00:11:56.970 --> 00:12:02.620 drones. So how does it work? So look at this conventional wind turbine here. You 00:12:02.620 --> 00:12:08.079 have most of the energy is produced by the outer part of the wings. They are rotating 00:12:08.079 --> 00:12:11.860 with the highest velocity, and at the same time you have the highest the largest 00:12:11.860 --> 00:12:15.689 lever arm. So you produce most of the energy in the outer part. The inner part 00:12:15.689 --> 00:12:20.399 is more or less passive, stabilizing structure. So you remove that structure 00:12:20.399 --> 00:12:25.790 and replace it by something which is flexible, and the first which comes to 00:12:25.790 --> 00:12:31.079 mind probably is a tether with which you attach it to the ground. And then you have 00:12:31.079 --> 00:12:35.101 just the active part here, which is now an aircraft, moving in this circle, which 00:12:35.101 --> 00:12:41.550 before was circulated by the wing tips, to extract your energy. This is the 00:12:41.550 --> 00:12:47.970 principle. So how do we bring down the power when circulating this aircraft? So 00:12:47.970 --> 00:12:53.510 we have to, in some way, transform it to electric power. So there are, which are 00:12:53.510 --> 00:12:57.279 not shown in the picture before, lighter than air systems. So you just basically 00:12:57.279 --> 00:13:04.040 take a balloon, you put your wind turbine at high altitude, and extract the power. 00:13:04.040 --> 00:13:09.189 And here the tether can clearly serve as the power line. But what we can also do is 00:13:09.189 --> 00:13:14.240 crosswind flight, which was shown in the picture before. So here you have a moving 00:13:14.240 --> 00:13:19.250 aircraft, which can move in something which is called the drag mode, meaning 00:13:19.250 --> 00:13:23.619 that you have onboard generators on the aircraft. So essentially it's a propeller 00:13:23.619 --> 00:13:28.829 aircraft, but the propellers are reversed in repeller mode, so that the repellers 00:13:28.829 --> 00:13:33.050 produce energy for you. And then the tether serves as power line. So this 00:13:33.050 --> 00:13:37.779 principle is shown here. So here you can see the generators and then the power is 00:13:37.779 --> 00:13:45.149 brought down by the tether. In the second part, second strategy, is using the so 00:13:45.149 --> 00:13:51.259 called lift mode So here you have ground based generators and the tether itself 00:13:51.259 --> 00:13:55.360 transmits the power, there are no power lines in the tether. So here you use that 00:13:55.360 --> 00:14:00.230 the power is given by the pulling force times the reel out velocity of the tether. 00:14:00.230 --> 00:14:05.170 So you circulate in some patterns with your aircraft and you use the lift force 00:14:05.170 --> 00:14:10.059 acting on the aircraft to unreal this tether from a drum, and at the drum, on 00:14:10.059 --> 00:14:14.899 the base station, there's a generator attached which helps you to get the 00:14:14.899 --> 00:14:18.589 energy, to transform the energy into electrical energy. And of course, at some 00:14:18.589 --> 00:14:23.629 point the tether is maximally reeled out and then you have to have to go to a reel 00:14:23.629 --> 00:14:28.400 in phase, where with minimal energy you reel in the tether again, and start 00:14:28.400 --> 00:14:35.560 periodically this phase again. So these are the concepts, and there's a whole zoo 00:14:35.560 --> 00:14:39.870 of airborne wind energy devices and proposals, which show that this technology 00:14:39.870 --> 00:14:43.819 is still in a very early stage of being developed. So you have people here flying 00:14:43.819 --> 00:14:48.709 figure-of-eight patterns with the aircraft. So some things are lighter than 00:14:48.709 --> 00:14:53.410 air turbines, which look very exotic like this one, probably this one you have seen 00:14:53.410 --> 00:14:58.739 in media already. Proposals like this here. There are quad copters, which 00:14:58.739 --> 00:15:05.699 produce the energy by rotating of their, of the propellers here. And all kind of 00:15:05.699 --> 00:15:15.649 exotic lever arm and aircrafts which you can use. So let's bring a little bit of 00:15:15.649 --> 00:15:21.629 more order into the technology, into the proposals. And one of the things I want to 00:15:21.629 --> 00:15:27.209 discuss, which is very promising, is what is called crosswind flight. So here as a 00:15:27.209 --> 00:15:32.739 example is a comparison of a conventional, lighter-than-air system with the big wheel 00:15:32.739 --> 00:15:40.129 in London. So this is one of the biggest wind turbines. And the harvesting area is, 00:15:40.129 --> 00:15:43.689 so the effective area of such a wind turbine is the swept area of your 00:15:43.689 --> 00:15:48.589 propellers, essentially. So now let's look what happens if you move an aircraft 00:15:48.589 --> 00:15:55.309 instead through the wind. Then the picture of before is like of that size. And if you 00:15:55.309 --> 00:16:01.040 take an aircraft, which has the same wing area as the wing areas of the propeller 00:16:01.040 --> 00:16:07.170 here, you're harvesting area is of that size. It's much bigger. And the reason for 00:16:07.170 --> 00:16:12.970 this is, that the effective area is now given by the wing area times a 00:16:12.970 --> 00:16:17.389 coefficient, which is the square fraction of the lift to drag coefficient of the 00:16:17.389 --> 00:16:21.529 aircraft times the lift coefficient itself. And this factors of the order of 00:16:21.529 --> 00:16:30.689 200. So it increases the efficiency of your of your wings dramatically. This was 00:16:30.689 --> 00:16:38.769 already found by Loyd in 1980. And you can now ask "Why does it take 30 years from 00:16:38.769 --> 00:16:43.839 this idea to first systems?". And the answers is, in this community for is 00:16:43.839 --> 00:16:49.189 probably a very interesting is "Why are these prototypes are appearing only 30 00:16:49.189 --> 00:16:52.439 years later?". It's because sufficient computer power. So for the control 00:16:52.439 --> 00:17:00.389 algorithms, which allow you to control such flight modes, was not available. So, 00:17:00.389 --> 00:17:06.409 as an example, here's an illustration of one of the current leaders in the field 00:17:06.409 --> 00:17:11.630 called AMPYX POWER, showing a crosswind airborne wind energy system versus a 00:17:11.630 --> 00:17:15.500 conventional system. So here's the conventional wind turbine for two 00:17:15.500 --> 00:17:20.010 megawatts. And the conventional this is a conventional system. And the airborne wind 00:17:20.010 --> 00:17:26.099 system is, this is the ground station, and this is the aircraft. So one of the things 00:17:26.099 --> 00:17:32.070 which are, I mean, visible in this picture is that it has much less like even sight 00:17:32.070 --> 00:17:35.710 impact in the environment. So having something like this is much less 00:17:35.710 --> 00:17:39.950 disturbing from the even from the aesthetic point of view, than this huge 00:17:39.950 --> 00:17:47.980 wind turbine. So now the next step would be to look closer to the technology and 00:17:47.980 --> 00:17:53.630 see what are the AWE system components that you need, that you need to build such 00:17:53.630 --> 00:17:59.950 a device. So first of all, there is the drone or the fixed-wing aircraft. We have 00:17:59.950 --> 00:18:03.929 seen that it's very good to have large lift and small drag coefficients, so you 00:18:03.929 --> 00:18:10.090 need something which is like a rigid glider, more or less. On board you need 00:18:10.090 --> 00:18:16.940 sensors, like accelerometer, gyroscope, GPS, receiver, barometer, and a pitot tube 00:18:16.940 --> 00:18:25.080 to measure the air the air speed. And this is to determine the system state, that 00:18:25.080 --> 00:18:30.200 then is like reacted on by the control surfaces, in the case of an aircraft by 00:18:30.200 --> 00:18:34.710 ailerons flaps and the rudder. Moreover, you need of course a microcontroller and 00:18:34.710 --> 00:18:40.730 algorithms which do the state estimation. So from the sensor data they compute the 00:18:40.730 --> 00:18:46.019 state of the system, meaning it's position, altitude, velocity. And you have 00:18:46.019 --> 00:18:51.429 to navigate. So and of course you might need something like a propeller for 00:18:51.429 --> 00:18:59.070 takeoff, landing, and energy generation in case of drag mode. The second thing is of 00:18:59.070 --> 00:19:03.340 course the ground station. So here you need the drum for tether wind-up. You need 00:19:03.340 --> 00:19:08.559 a motor which eventually has to be transformed into generator mode if you 00:19:08.559 --> 00:19:12.409 have the lift mode. You need power converters, also microcontrollers and 00:19:12.409 --> 00:19:16.510 algorithms which synchronize your ground- station operation with the drone; and you 00:19:16.510 --> 00:19:22.299 need a runway, catapult or something alike for takeoff and landing. So far it looks 00:19:22.299 --> 00:19:28.320 quite simple, but the devil is in the detail. And here I found a nice quote a 00:19:28.320 --> 00:19:33.510 colleague of mine – (uninteligble name) – has done in one of his talks, 00:19:33.510 --> 00:19:37.170 and I liked it very much because it displays very well what challenges have to 00:19:37.170 --> 00:19:42.600 be still overcome. So it starts with "Theory is when nothing works but everyone 00:19:42.600 --> 00:19:48.100 knows why." and to demonstrate this let's have a look at this video here which is 00:19:48.100 --> 00:19:56.539 one of the flight attempts of one of the companies: So the aircraft lifts off, 00:19:56.539 --> 00:19:58.640 there's no sound … yet. Now there is sound. 00:19:58.640 --> 00:20:02.740 Background music of shown video 00:20:02.740 --> 00:20:05.030 Speaker in shown video: Abort! Abort! Abort! 00:20:05.030 --> 00:20:07.898 Soft laughter 00:20:07.898 --> 00:20:13.110 Christoph: Yeah. And the desperation of the founder was clearly hearable at the 00:20:13.110 --> 00:20:16.750 end. And you could see that the tether ruptured. And then there was no way to 00:20:16.750 --> 00:20:23.120 recover that most of the aircraft was lost. Second: "Sometimes practice is when 00:20:23.120 --> 00:20:27.130 everything works but no one knows why." So there are also positive surprises. And 00:20:27.130 --> 00:20:33.330 here is a launch, a catapult launch, for an aircraft which now uses weight. 00:20:33.330 --> 00:20:43.290 Background noise of shown video Laughter 00:20:43.290 --> 00:20:48.360 Christoph: So a positive surprise for a test. And finally, sometimes if you 00:20:48.360 --> 00:20:52.700 combine theory and practice then "nothing works but no one knows why". This is where 00:20:52.700 --> 00:20:57.210 the complication really is: The devil is in the detail. And here you can see a 00:20:57.210 --> 00:21:00.649 video from a flight which is crosswind flight: Everything seems normal … 00:21:00.649 --> 00:21:14.450 Dramatic background music of shown video Christoph: … and then the prototype is 00:21:14.450 --> 00:21:23.380 again lost. So this is complicated. So but there is a lot of progress and so I want 00:21:23.380 --> 00:21:28.379 to come closely, very quickly introduce the current industrial status. So I focus 00:21:28.379 --> 00:21:32.360 on three companies which work on that: So one of them is Enerkite in Berlin, and 00:21:32.360 --> 00:21:36.640 they have now a system which is basically stationed on such a truck and this is a 00:21:36.640 --> 00:21:41.660 crosswind system of a passive wing. So it steered via three tethers and it produces 00:21:41.660 --> 00:21:47.710 up to 30 kilowatts of energy. Then you have Ampyx Power. They have here the 00:21:47.710 --> 00:21:51.580 launching site in the Netherlands and they are currently producing this aircraft 00:21:51.580 --> 00:21:58.210 here. This type which is a crosswind system in lift mode. And at the end will 00:21:58.210 --> 00:22:04.101 produce up to 250 kilowatts of power. This is under construction. And, finally, there 00:22:04.101 --> 00:22:10.929 is Google X Makani in California. And they have built a drag-mode aircraft – here – 00:22:10.929 --> 00:22:15.750 which is flying. And I can show you a video that they have on their home page – 00:22:15.750 --> 00:22:21.799 very nicely. Where they show a flight so that you can see that the 600 kilowatt 00:22:21.799 --> 00:22:26.700 system is working. Here you see the onboard propellers. You can see the 00:22:26.700 --> 00:22:32.570 tether. Down here this is from the tether attachment point. So the things are 00:22:32.570 --> 00:22:42.970 working. There are prototypes. But one of the things which are important is: one has 00:22:42.970 --> 00:22:47.300 to "test, test, test" and get experience from tests. So "experience is what you get 00:22:47.300 --> 00:22:52.480 when you were expecting something else". You really. So what does it mean? So we 00:22:52.480 --> 00:22:57.299 have to test, analyze, adapt the systems. So because many – as you could see from 00:22:57.299 --> 00:23:01.429 this design variations in the zoo which I've shown – many of the concepts are 00:23:01.429 --> 00:23:06.559 still open. So for example the design of the airframe. If you use a biplane, a 00:23:06.559 --> 00:23:10.190 flying wing or anything alike – or something totally different – is still 00:23:10.190 --> 00:23:14.860 open. The tether construction – what kind of materials to use – is still open. The 00:23:14.860 --> 00:23:20.590 materials in itself is still open for the aircraft etc. etc.. The mode of operation 00:23:20.590 --> 00:23:25.070 – that means takeoff, landing and direct versus lift mode – is still an open 00:23:25.070 --> 00:23:30.299 question. What is the best thing to realize for industrial products? And then 00:23:30.299 --> 00:23:34.649 control hardware and software algorithms have to be tested thoroughly. Of course 00:23:34.649 --> 00:23:40.720 it'd have to be certified by the aerospace agencies, of course. You want to have a 00:23:40.720 --> 00:23:46.119 failsafe. So what you have to do is you want to even, I mean, have total losses in 00:23:46.119 --> 00:23:49.979 experiment. You want to do the experiments wich would lead to a total loss of your 00:23:49.979 --> 00:23:56.210 system. So here comes the idea that instead you should build a cheap and 00:23:56.210 --> 00:24:01.949 disposable test platform instead of a largely scaled-up system first, before you 00:24:01.949 --> 00:24:05.860 build the expensive prototype and do tests on them. And this brought us to the idea 00:24:05.860 --> 00:24:10.559 to provide a low-cost open-source test platform where everybody at home can build 00:24:10.559 --> 00:24:15.890 his own wind drone. And this is the third part of the talk. So the do-it-yourself 00:24:15.890 --> 00:24:24.340 wind drone. What are the ingredients here? So first you need a drone, so here I want 00:24:24.340 --> 00:24:29.120 to show the airframe and reinforcement hack which is necessary to prepare your 00:24:29.120 --> 00:24:33.330 airframe for the additional forces by adding the tether. Then there's a ground 00:24:33.330 --> 00:24:37.740 station and here I want to motivate why the drone is essentially behaving like a 00:24:37.740 --> 00:24:44.110 fish – in this case a barracuda. The next thing is navigation on curved manifold is 00:24:44.110 --> 00:24:48.680 very important because you have like a constraint coming from the tether. And 00:24:48.680 --> 00:24:54.100 finally you need something for control which is the autopilot. So in this case 00:24:54.100 --> 00:25:01.120 it's the ardupilot open-source project which we adapted. So let's come to the 00:25:01.120 --> 00:25:05.890 airframe-reinforcement-hack. So what you use: Take your favourite polystyrene 00:25:05.890 --> 00:25:11.289 airframe – so in this case it's an Easy Star II – and glue the wings together. 00:25:11.289 --> 00:25:15.580 This is the lower side of the wings. You put in there a carbon rod – here in this 00:25:15.580 --> 00:25:21.139 part – and you stabilize it with racks which you glue into the slits we can see 00:25:21.139 --> 00:25:29.179 here. And then you wrap carbon in the forward part of it where the most of the 00:25:29.179 --> 00:25:35.789 aerodynamic force is attached. Then you have the carbon ???? ???? wind around your 00:25:35.789 --> 00:25:44.320 tether. And you install additional tubes for fixing the wings on the fuselage. So 00:25:44.320 --> 00:25:48.610 the fuselage is here. We cut off the engine blocks, included additional carbon 00:25:48.610 --> 00:25:52.639 rods. So you can put these carbon rods on these carbon rods here, and fix everything 00:25:52.639 --> 00:25:59.570 with screws. So to show you how that looks like and what are the size of this model 00:25:59.570 --> 00:26:05.799 is: So here is the original-size aircraft with carbon. And you can later – if you 00:26:05.799 --> 00:26:15.330 want – pass by the assembly area and look at it and have a look at it and touch it. 00:26:15.330 --> 00:26:20.580 So this is how it looks decomposed into different components: So again wings and 00:26:20.580 --> 00:26:27.269 so on and so on, the servos for the control surfaces. The central unit here is 00:26:27.269 --> 00:26:33.150 the Pixhawk autopilot. So there's a microcontroller which contains some of the 00:26:33.150 --> 00:26:37.340 sensors: You have a GPS sensor, in addition you have a telemetry antenna for 00:26:37.340 --> 00:26:45.830 data – for data transfer to the ground station. And you have RC control for 00:26:45.830 --> 00:26:51.580 manual control when you switch out of auto mode to have manual control in emergency 00:26:51.580 --> 00:26:58.740 situations – or if you want to make other kind of flight tests. So now this is the 00:26:58.740 --> 00:27:02.560 drone itself. So now is the question what to do with the ground station. And here 00:27:02.560 --> 00:27:09.250 let's look why the drone behaves as a fish: Because what it does is, like in 00:27:09.250 --> 00:27:13.059 fishing, you would need a free-moving tether; it has to be fast and fail-safe 00:27:13.059 --> 00:27:16.889 reeled in and reeled out; and it should remain twist free so that it doesn't give 00:27:16.889 --> 00:27:21.490 any knots if it is not under tension. And the thing which we came up with wich best 00:27:21.490 --> 00:27:27.559 serves for our needs at the moment is an off-shore fishing reel. 00:27:27.559 --> 00:27:33.769 Applause Christoph: So and you need offshore here 00:27:33.769 --> 00:27:37.889 because the drum has to be perpendicular to the rod: This guarantees you like 00:27:37.889 --> 00:27:42.750 reload phases twist free on the tether. Other fishing rods have the drum 00:27:42.750 --> 00:27:47.549 aligned with the rod, and then you accumulate twist on the tether which can 00:27:47.549 --> 00:27:52.769 lead to knots, lead to knots and then … it's not a good idea. It will destroy your 00:27:52.769 --> 00:27:56.950 tether. So and this is the first flight test. So we were very enthusiastic and 00:27:56.950 --> 00:28:02.650 started the first flight test. And here it is. 00:28:02.650 --> 00:28:13.149 Indistinct voice in shown video Voice in shown video: OK. … Hinterher? 00:28:13.149 --> 00:28:15.139 Laughter Visv: Versuch mal rauszugehen. Manual? 00:28:15.139 --> 00:28:17.789 Achtung, Achtung! Versuch ihn zu fangen. Na gut. 00:28:17.789 --> 00:28:19.779 Beeping in shown video Christoph: OK. 00:28:19.779 --> 00:28:23.259 Laughter Christoph: So unfortunately it did not 00:28:23.259 --> 00:28:27.620 work. Applause 00:28:27.620 --> 00:28:34.720 Christoph: So what happens? This was the result: The tail was broken. And because 00:28:34.720 --> 00:28:38.749 the tether apparently wrapped around the back of the aircraft and then it became 00:28:38.749 --> 00:28:42.700 uncontrollable. So we came up with what do we do: If you don't know any further, any 00:28:42.700 --> 00:28:47.700 better, use carbon! So we put some carbon on the lower part of the of the fuselage 00:28:47.700 --> 00:28:53.499 to reinforce it. And then of course you have to think about writing your 00:28:53.499 --> 00:29:00.019 navigation code, to navigate if you are under tethered flight. So here is the 00:29:00.019 --> 00:29:05.360 receipe for how to do it: So first you take one git clone of ardupilot – this 00:29:05.360 --> 00:29:09.019 autumn open-source software. You take one curved 2-dimensional manifold – 00:29:09.019 --> 00:29:13.700 it's essentially giving us a hypersurface embedded in 3-dimensional Euclidean space. 00:29:13.700 --> 00:29:18.220 In case of constant tether length this is just a semi-hemisphere as to which is 00:29:18.220 --> 00:29:22.160 centered around your ground station. Then you take a planar curve which you want to 00:29:22.160 --> 00:29:28.070 fly along – or curved segments – and a pinch of Differential Geometry to wrap it 00:29:28.070 --> 00:29:32.230 on the sphere, to make this curve appearing on the sphere. You take a little 00:29:32.230 --> 00:29:38.279 bit of Classical Mechanics for the flight control to transfer the curve 00:29:38.279 --> 00:29:45.549 accelerations into actually control- surface motions. And then you need, of 00:29:45.549 --> 00:29:51.559 course, 12 dozen coffee for doing so. You put everything together into – of course 00:29:51.559 --> 00:29:55.620 not the coffee – into the computer algebra system and stir well, and let the CPU bake 00:29:55.620 --> 00:30:03.559 it at 100 degrees, and then you come up with a smooth – at least C¹ – curve. 00:30:03.559 --> 00:30:09.350 Applause Christoph: So the curve is shown here. So 00:30:09.350 --> 00:30:13.820 it's … this is one part of a figure-8 pattern. So the other part would be behind 00:30:13.820 --> 00:30:17.949 here. It's composed of two geodesic segments and one turning segment and they 00:30:17.949 --> 00:30:21.720 are C¹ glued together here. And these are the equations: So you can find in the 00:30:21.720 --> 00:30:26.899 paper – I don't want to go into detail. So now you have to modify the source code of 00:30:26.899 --> 00:30:31.450 this ardupilot project. So here there are highlighted the patterns which you 00:30:31.450 --> 00:30:35.289 basically have to … where you have to do modifications: You have to implement new 00:30:35.289 --> 00:30:42.139 flight modes and change some of the control algorithms. And then you come up 00:30:42.139 --> 00:30:49.499 with the next flight test. And here is the next attempt. 00:30:49.499 --> 00:31:11.389 Music and propellor sounds Voice in shown video: Beim Auswerten 00:31:11.389 --> 00:31:28.909 müssen wir sehen, ob wir dann verschiedene wählen. 00:31:28.909 --> 00:31:35.480 Music ends Applause 00:31:35.480 --> 00:31:41.160 Christoph: The whistling sound you have heard at the end is the tether being 00:31:41.160 --> 00:31:45.259 dragged through the air. So there was really tension on the tether. And you can 00:31:45.259 --> 00:31:50.019 also see this if you do a data analysis on the flight data later. So yes for example 00:31:50.019 --> 00:31:54.539 multiple possibilities. You have a lot of data which is possible to analyze. So the 00:31:54.539 --> 00:31:59.610 autopilot this was very very it's very very nicely done in this open-source 00:31:59.610 --> 00:32:04.210 project: So they have a data file with all primary and secondary data you can use for 00:32:04.210 --> 00:32:08.049 your analysis. So for instance this is the flight curve of different flight modes 00:32:08.049 --> 00:32:11.919 which we used. You have the altitude of the aircraft, you can look to deviations 00:32:11.919 --> 00:32:16.440 in radial and transverse directions. You can look to tether tension – or like a 00:32:16.440 --> 00:32:20.621 measure for tether tension – by looking to the length variation of the tether. And 00:32:20.621 --> 00:32:26.519 you can of course do time series analysis of how your figure-8 pattern has flown 00:32:26.519 --> 00:32:33.620 along. And that is what you can do with this very very nice autopilot open-source 00:32:33.620 --> 00:32:40.359 software which is available when … written by many many people on the internet. So 00:32:40.359 --> 00:32:44.019 the question which remains is: After all of this is, will it be a fail-safe to 00:32:44.019 --> 00:32:49.929 100%? And the answer is nope, it will not! It will … there will be of course 00:32:49.929 --> 00:32:56.850 accidents happen. But the thing is: Nothing is failsafe. And so here's a 00:32:56.850 --> 00:33:00.960 standard wind turbine and look for yourself. 00:33:00.960 --> 00:33:06.070 Laughter Christoph: You see there is no 100% 00:33:06.070 --> 00:33:15.480 guarantee, but we have to try very hard to get it as failsave as possible. So yeah 00:33:15.480 --> 00:33:20.220 this is essentially it. That was the talk. So what I want to say is that the current 00:33:20.220 --> 00:33:28.919 status of airborne wind energy can be seen here by a nice book on the Springer page 00:33:28.919 --> 00:33:33.499 which you can download here. And we are very very happy to have any kind of 00:33:33.499 --> 00:33:38.280 critical remarks, input to help in developing the system further. So please 00:33:38.280 --> 00:33:41.860 if you want, look to this web page, there's a lot of information including a 00:33:41.860 --> 00:33:48.450 paper and we will be very happy for any kind of help. And finally I would again 00:33:48.450 --> 00:33:52.279 stress that we could rely on this tremendous work of the open-source 00:33:52.279 --> 00:33:56.710 community working on this autopilot project that has helped us to realize this 00:33:56.710 --> 00:34:02.029 project in very short time; so very happy about this. And I want to thank of course 00:34:02.029 --> 00:34:07.040 Phillip Bechtle, who is here, and Thomas Gehrmann and Maximillian Schulz-Herberg, 00:34:07.040 --> 00:34:11.250 the students, and Udo Zillmann, who can not be here, for working on this project 00:34:11.250 --> 00:34:14.980 and putting so much work also into it. Thank you very much for your attention! 00:34:14.980 --> 00:34:17.230 Applause 00:34:17.230 --> 00:34:27.670 H: We can have two more on the microphones 00:34:27.670 --> 00:34:32.900 here and here – one and five – so two questions. The first one, please! 00:34:32.900 --> 00:34:37.380 Question: So you talk, so you talked a lot about powered – and not powered –, but 00:34:37.380 --> 00:34:41.590 controlled flight. How does it compare – energy wise – to uncontrolled flight? 00:34:41.590 --> 00:34:46.400 Basically putting a propellor on a kite? Answer: So the thing is the propellor on 00:34:46.400 --> 00:34:53.909 the kite … with kite you mean, I guess, non-rigid structures. So meaning that the 00:34:53.909 --> 00:35:00.080 first question is how do you want to put a propeller on a kite if it's non rigid. So 00:35:00.080 --> 00:35:07.030 that is a question which goes back to you. So because that is something is not clear 00:35:07.030 --> 00:35:12.170 to me. But in any case rigid air frame is harder to control than a 00:35:12.170 --> 00:35:17.160 kite. So there are people who work with a kite. And by kite surfing or if you do 00:35:17.160 --> 00:35:21.740 like steer normal kites from the ground. You know it's like moving not that fast in 00:35:21.740 --> 00:35:27.130 the wind field, so it's easier to control. This is a big benefit of kites. And also 00:35:27.130 --> 00:35:32.410 the weight is a big benefit. But the power output – because of the bad or worse lift- 00:35:32.410 --> 00:35:37.600 to-drag coefficient – is unfortunately not that efficient as a rigid aircraft. So you 00:35:37.600 --> 00:35:42.280 want to go to the rigid air craft. H: If you leave the room now, please be 00:35:42.280 --> 00:35:45.810 quiet because we have questions and answers here! Number three please, and 00:35:45.810 --> 00:35:50.400 that is the last question I'm afraid. But you can ask questions after the talk. 00:35:50.400 --> 00:35:57.890 Q: I want to go back to the space part. I was wondering … there are some ideas about 00:35:57.890 --> 00:36:03.040 bootstrapping like a solar station on the moon and then like shipping, I don't know, 00:36:03.040 --> 00:36:08.480 hydrogen or like pre-charged lithium batteries back to earth and back and 00:36:08.480 --> 00:36:14.360 forth. Is it like realistic or not really? A by Anja Kohfeldt (previous talk): I 00:36:14.360 --> 00:36:19.280 think also this approach would be quite expensive. And you have to install this 00:36:19.280 --> 00:36:25.630 infrastructure on the moon first, and you have to establish the flight base back and 00:36:25.630 --> 00:36:30.840 forward. Realistic is a thing, you know. At the end that's a question of money and 00:36:30.840 --> 00:36:38.010 investment. And I'm not sure whether this would pay out, but we haven't analyzed 00:36:38.010 --> 00:36:44.500 this kind of approaches, yet. H: Thank you! So thank you very very much 00:36:44.500 --> 00:36:53.100 Stefan, Anja and Christoph! Give them a warm applause again please! 00:36:53.100 --> 00:36:57.210 Applause Stefan: Thank you! 00:36:57.210 --> 00:37:01.750 Outro music 00:37:01.750 --> 00:37:14.236 subtitles created by c3subtitles.de in the year 2019. Join, and help us!