0:00:08.029,0:00:10.250 Hello this is Bill[br]Cunningham. 0:00:10.250,0:00:13.910 At that notoriously[br]windy corner 0:00:13.910,0:00:16.860 of 5th avenue[br]and 23rd st 0:00:16.860,0:00:18.500 Early in the last[br]century, 0:00:18.500,0:00:20.800 the police[br]who directed traffic 0:00:20.800,0:00:23.810 from towers in the middle[br]of 5th avenue 0:00:23.810,0:00:26.450 would often call out[br]to the men 0:00:26.450,0:00:28.340 gathered there "Skidoo" 0:00:28.340,0:00:30.980 Because the men were[br]there to see the wind 0:00:30.980,0:00:33.490 blow up[br]the women's skirts 0:00:33.490,0:00:37.010 So it became 23 Skidoo. 0:00:37.010,0:00:38.020 Of course, skirts 0:00:38.020,0:00:40.860 have just about vanished[br]from fashion 0:00:40.860,0:00:42.420 Pants replaced them 0:00:42.420,0:00:46.320 but now a new generation[br]who have discovered 0:00:46.320,0:00:49.720 as you see all winter[br]the wide brimmed 0:00:49.720,0:00:51.250 felt hats 0:00:51.960,0:00:54.120 Of course[br]they have yet to learn 0:00:54.120,0:00:55.790 to hold on to them 0:00:55.790,0:00:57.300 in the wind 0:00:57.300,0:01:01.420 and it was fabulous[br]to see unsuspecting women 0:01:01.420,0:01:02.490 come along 0:01:02.490,0:01:05.960 and suddenly[br]these ferocious blasts 0:01:05.960,0:01:07.540 of wind nearly 0:01:07.540,0:01:09.170 knocked you over 0:01:09.170,0:01:11.340 they are grabbing[br]their coats to keep 0:01:11.340,0:01:13.120 them down and trying[br]to hold their hats 0:01:13.120,0:01:14.510 and little dogs 0:01:15.260,0:01:16.280 What a scene 0:01:16.280,0:01:17.540 and full of nostalgia 0:01:17.540,0:01:18.560 It was wonderful 0:01:18.560,0:01:21.420 but it emphasized to me 0:01:21.420,0:01:23.010 the fashion world 0:01:23.010,0:01:28.200 and its new intoxication[br]with wide brimmed 0:01:28.200,0:01:29.550 felt hats 0:01:29.550,0:01:31.690 Here you have a vanity 0:01:31.690,0:01:35.110 and a conceit[br]just unexpectedly hit 0:01:35.110,0:01:37.640 by these cyclones[br]of wind 0:01:37.640,0:01:40.090 It is just a lovely[br]portrait, 0:01:40.090,0:01:42.230 I thought, of New York 0:01:42.230,0:01:43.520 in mid-March