0:00:08.122,0:00:10.228 The mainstream media is so full of right wing and 0:00:10.228,0:00:12.668 centrist news coverage that many of us who 0:00:12.668,0:00:14.707 desire social change take to the internet to find 0:00:14.707,0:00:16.245 out what's happening in the world 0:00:16.245,0:00:18.585 The Huffington Post a so called progressive 0:00:18.585,0:00:20.490 liberal newsblogs that you may have heard of 0:00:20.490,0:00:23.298 was founded in 2005 by Arianna Huffington 0:00:23.298,0:00:25.571 she wanted to create a liberal counterpoint to 0:00:25.571,0:00:27.543 right wing sites such as the Drudge Report 0:00:27.543,0:00:29.716 I'm all for liberal and progressive news blogs but 0:00:29.716,0:00:31.353 the problem with HuffPo is they are continually 0:00:31.353,0:00:32.830 throwing women under the bus 0:00:32.830,0:00:35.676 the website is dripping with sexism 0:00:35.676,0:00:38.105 Progressive politics includes issues around 0:00:38.105,0:00:41.715 racism and sexism, class, disability and 0:00:41.715,0:00:44.389 sexuality. According to Alexa.com the Huffington 0:00:44.389,0:00:47.935 Post is the 36th most viewed site in the US 0:00:47.935,0:00:50.381 It beats out the Wall Street Journal and the LA 0:00:50.381,0:00:52.713 Times. In order to entice viewers they use a tactic 0:00:52.713,0:00:55.387 called Link baiting. It's any content within a 0:00:55.387,0:00:57.693 website design specifically to gain attention. 0:00:57.693,0:00:59.765 Linkbaiting is an internet marketing strategy that 0:00:59.765,0:01:01.470 relies on sensationalism to 0:01:01.503,0:01:03.308 bring in viewers which then 0:01:03.308,0:01:05.515 generates more ad revenue. In this case they 0:01:05.515,0:01:07.587 regularly show women's nipples, cleavage and 0:01:07.587,0:01:09.760 asses in order to entice views, and they even 0:01:09.760,0:01:12.099 have a section called Celebrity Skin because 0:01:12.099,0:01:13.971 apparently they aren't shy at all about their 0:01:13.971,0:01:15.943 objectification. And let's be clear now 0:01:15.943,0:01:18.216 objectification isn't just showing women's bodies 0:01:18.216,0:01:20.489 it's using women's bodies to sell something 0:01:20.489,0:01:22.963 so in this case they're selling "real" news stories 0:01:22.963,0:01:25.236 but they are bringing people in by talking about 0:01:25.236,0:01:28.278 celebrity nipples and which female politician is 0:01:28.278,0:01:31.093 hotter. They often have images of half naked 0:01:31.093,0:01:33.519 women right next to the "legitimate" news stories 0:01:34.919,0:01:36.273 Or they will feature a popular news story like the 0:01:36.273,0:01:38.773 one about the proposed mosque in New York City 0:01:38.773,0:01:41.548 but they will use a nearly full screen image of a 0:01:41.548,0:01:43.717 woman's body stratling a stripper pole 0:01:43.717,0:01:45.659 This is fundamentally an issue about racism in 0:01:45.659,0:01:47.230 America yet they're using a woman's body to 0:01:47.230,0:01:49.770 gain attention. Since it's a powerful image to use 0:01:49.770,0:01:52.678 as linkbait, they used it repeatedly on the site 0:01:52.678,0:01:56.672 over and over and over and over again 0:01:57.057,0:01:58.826 This would of course bother me in general 0:01:58.826,0:02:01.336 but I'm specifically pissed off at this site because 0:02:01.336,0:02:03.274 they claim to be liberal and progressive 0:02:03.274,0:02:04.377 when they are clearly not when it comes to 0:02:04.377,0:02:07.419 women. They have categories like Obama, Sarah 0:02:07.419,0:02:10.093 Palin, economy, housing, Glenn Beck, the war 0:02:10.093,0:02:11.898 And then they have an Entertainment section 0:02:11.898,0:02:14.973 with categories like celebrity skin, sex tapes 0:02:14.973,0:02:17.748 Lindsay Lohan, Jersey Shore, and these are all 0:02:17.748,0:02:19.753 readily and easily available, they show up 0:02:19.753,0:02:23.330 regularly on the home page yet I have to dig 0:02:23.330,0:02:25.603 in order to find Women's Rights tucked away 0:02:25.603,0:02:27.542 in the World section, which hardly ever shows up 0:02:27.542,0:02:30.483 on the front page. Apparently women's rights 0:02:30.483,0:02:32.555 don't rise to the level of importance as naked 0:02:32.555,0:02:34.818 celebrities. 0:02:36.299,0:02:37.837 This is even more apparently on their 0:02:37.837,0:02:39.876 Activism section which is also tucked away and 0:02:39.876,0:02:41.781 hard to find because the first three featured 0:02:41.781,0:02:45.124 articles are of half naked women, you can thank 0:02:45.124,0:02:47.096 PETA for that one. Because of this it's not 0:02:47.096,0:02:49.235 surprising that women bloggers on the site are 0:02:49.235,0:02:51.642 also treated with a similar disrespect. Although 0:02:51.642,0:02:53.846 there are female and feminist bloggers on 0:02:53.846,0:02:56.154 Huffington Post they rarely get featured as 0:02:56.154,0:02:58.628 news items. So if it doesn't make it to the front 0:02:58.628,0:03:00.232 page or the front page of their respective 0:03:00.232,0:03:02.739 sections it's going to get very few views because 0:03:02.739,0:03:05.480 there is so much content filtering through HuffPo 0:03:05.480,0:03:07.419 everyday. Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting 0:03:07.419,0:03:09.625 did a study that found that only 23% of featured 0:03:09.625,0:03:10.962 content was written by women. 0:03:10.962,0:03:13.402 I know what you are thinking, it was founded by 0:03:13.402,0:03:16.377 a woman, a powerful woman and yes but Sarah 0:03:16.377,0:03:18.850 Palin is also a powerful woman and look at how 0:03:18.850,0:03:21.424 disgraceful she is when it comes to women's 0:03:21.424,0:03:24.065 rights. Just because it's female fronted doesn't 0:03:24.065,0:03:25.636 change the fact that it's structurally and 0:03:25.636,0:03:28.577 institutionally excluding women from the 0:03:28.577,0:03:31.017 intellectual sphere and most often only featuring 0:03:31.017,0:03:34.560 women as linkbait. The popularity of this site 0:03:34.560,0:03:36.599 serves to define progressive politics and they're 0:03:36.599,0:03:39.106 saying that woman aren't really included in any 0:03:39.106,0:03:42.014 substantial capacity. Too often websites like the 0:03:42.014,0:03:44.254 Huffington Post gets to claim a progressive slant 0:03:44.254,0:03:46.493 while treating women in ways that liberals would 0:03:46.493,0:03:49.000 be pretty pissed off about if they saw it on Fox 0:03:49.000,0:03:51.340 News. Any progressive news site worth following 0:03:51.340,0:03:54.048 clearly and transparently includes race, gender, 0:03:54.048,0:03:56.722 sexuality, class and ability throughout the entire 0:03:56.722,0:03:58.660 site, not just when it's convenient for their 0:03:58.660,0:04:00.432 marketing strategy.