1 00:00:05,906 --> 00:00:10,252 Welcome back, now, in this orientation module, we're going to do a few more 2 00:00:10,252 --> 00:00:15,712 little videos and exercises, just to get started, so we can all feel like we're 3 00:00:15,712 --> 00:00:17,460 figuring out what's going on in this class. 4 00:00:17,460 --> 00:00:20,902 This is of course an online class. So we'll be doing just about all of our 5 00:00:20,902 --> 00:00:24,894 work here on Canvas, and so there are a few things we want to just 6 00:00:24,894 --> 00:00:26,303 get through first of all. 7 00:00:26,303 --> 00:00:29,765 But we wanted to talk a little bit about what we're doing in this 8 00:00:29,765 --> 00:00:31,065 class as well. 9 00:00:31,065 --> 00:00:34,410 This is an introduction to classical mythology. 10 00:00:34,410 --> 00:00:37,088 And so we probably want to make sure we're on the same page of what 11 00:00:37,088 --> 00:00:39,170 classical mythology is. 12 00:00:39,170 --> 00:00:43,344 It after all can mean a few different things to different people and so 13 00:00:43,344 --> 00:00:46,316 there are things we can lay out definitionally. 14 00:00:46,316 --> 00:00:51,945 Now, in particular, the idea of classical mythology tends to land 15 00:00:51,945 --> 00:00:55,556 in the area of Greek and Roman antiquity. 16 00:00:55,556 --> 00:01:01,206 So some students come into the class thinking that this is a broad eclectic 17 00:01:01,206 --> 00:01:06,061 class that's going to touch on things like say Norse mythology, or Hindu 18 00:01:06,061 --> 00:01:10,518 mythology, or various other mythological traditions that are of course very 19 00:01:10,518 --> 00:01:15,557 important and exciting, but this really squares on Greco-Roman Mythology 20 00:01:15,557 --> 00:01:18,692 of the period of classical antiquity. 21 00:01:18,692 --> 00:01:22,367 Now, just as a helpful visualization, when we talk about Greece and Rome, 22 00:01:22,367 --> 00:01:28,250 you might think of say the modern state of Greece or Rome, the city, the capitol 23 00:01:28,250 --> 00:01:29,603 city of Italy. 24 00:01:29,603 --> 00:01:33,963 When we use those terms, we're talking about much larger cultures that cover 25 00:01:33,963 --> 00:01:35,483 enormous expanses. 26 00:01:35,483 --> 00:01:39,971 Here's a map of the Roman Empire at its largest extent. 27 00:01:39,971 --> 00:01:46,913 In 117 A.D. or C.E. that's 117 years after the date ascribed to the birth 28 00:01:46,913 --> 00:01:47,994 of Jesus. 29 00:01:47,994 --> 00:01:52,342 And this was the largest extent of conquests that the Romans achieved 30 00:01:52,342 --> 00:01:53,389 during that period. 31 00:01:53,389 --> 00:01:56,551 So you can see that the Romans pushed the boundaries of empire 32 00:01:56,551 --> 00:02:00,691 all the way to northern Britain, where I'm from. 33 00:02:00,691 --> 00:02:04,031 Actually, I'm from southern Britain, but that's my accent, 34 00:02:04,031 --> 00:02:07,116 all the way down to the middle east 35 00:02:07,116 --> 00:02:11,342 to Egypt in the south and over to what we would say is Morocco 36 00:02:11,342 --> 00:02:12,276 in the west. 37 00:02:12,276 --> 00:02:17,003 So a huge amount of area, and this is roughly speaking, the parts of the 38 00:02:17,003 --> 00:02:23,895 world where these cultures have their greatest influence and exerted 39 00:02:23,895 --> 00:02:26,561 various kinds of power. 40 00:02:26,561 --> 00:02:31,678 And there are lots of different ways that historians and archaeologists and 41 00:02:31,678 --> 00:02:34,930 literary critics have studied these cultures. 42 00:02:34,930 --> 00:02:37,778 For example, Lizzie I know that you -- which - first of all, 43 00:02:37,778 --> 00:02:40,894 which side do you, we usually split into two sides, you know, Roman 44 00:02:40,894 --> 00:02:42,936 and Greek or Latin and Greek. 45 00:02:42,936 --> 00:02:45,173 Do you have a particular one or the other? 46 00:02:45,173 --> 00:02:50,658 >> I do, I do, I have a particular fondness for Latin, so-- 47 00:02:50,658 --> 00:02:53,379 >> Oh hey, me too! 48 00:02:53,379 --> 00:03:00,131 >> Yeah, I tend to study Latin poetry in particular. 49 00:03:00,131 --> 00:03:08,042 I'm really interested in how language reflects ideas of gender and of sexuality. 50 00:03:08,042 --> 00:03:14,048 So really how language brings the cultural context into the forefront 51 00:03:14,048 --> 00:03:16,972 of what people are saying. 52 00:03:16,972 --> 00:03:21,394 >> And we've talked about this before, that you have a particular interest in 53 00:03:21,394 --> 00:03:25,123 sort of Roman comedy. In Claudius and stuff like that? 54 00:03:25,123 --> 00:03:29,576 >> I do, I do. I'm growing fonder of Claudius as I work more on Claudius, 55 00:03:29,576 --> 00:03:37,155 um, I - right now I'm doing research on Roman wordplay generally. 56 00:03:37,155 --> 00:03:41,004 So Claudius is involved because he has lots of puns and insults 57 00:03:41,004 --> 00:03:43,326 and uh, yeah. 58 00:03:43,326 --> 00:03:47,341 >> Cool. I wonder if there will be any puns or wordplay in this class? 59 00:03:47,341 --> 00:03:53,524 Moving on. I've studied, as an intellectual historian, I've looked - I've 60 00:03:53,524 --> 00:03:57,125 also looked at language, I've looked at the way that philosophies about 61 00:03:57,125 --> 00:04:04,027 language can express various kinds of political or ideological commitments, 62 00:04:04,027 --> 00:04:07,135 particularly as Rome was becoming a bigger and bigger empire. 63 00:04:07,135 --> 00:04:13,477 But these are really sort of social linguistics, or say politics, or um, 64 00:04:13,477 --> 00:04:17,572 you know cultural questions. Uh, lots of different kinds of ideas. 65 00:04:17,572 --> 00:04:21,489 We can also study the ancient Greek and Romans for their 66 00:04:21,489 --> 00:04:23,201 mythological legacy. 67 00:04:23,201 --> 00:04:25,406 And that's really what we're doing in this class. 68 00:04:25,406 --> 00:04:28,160 So we're going to be looking at figures, many of which you've 69 00:04:28,160 --> 00:04:30,209 probably already heard of. 70 00:04:30,209 --> 00:04:34,194 You've probably already heard of the king of the gods 71 00:04:34,194 --> 00:04:38,031 in Greek and Roman mythology, that's Zeus for the Greeks, 72 00:04:38,031 --> 00:04:40,258 or Jupiter for the Romans. 73 00:04:40,258 --> 00:04:46,284 And here is a picture of that figure wielding his mighty thunderbolt. 74 00:04:46,284 --> 00:04:51,863 That's one of his iconic weapons that we'll often see him depicted with. 75 00:04:51,863 --> 00:04:56,015 You might also have heard of one of Jupiter or Zeus's 76 00:04:56,015 --> 00:04:58,134 many hero sons. 77 00:04:58,134 --> 00:05:00,602 The hero Hercules, that's his Latin name. 78 00:05:00,602 --> 00:05:03,941 In fact, he's probably more commonly known by his Greek name, Heracles. 79 00:05:03,941 --> 00:05:10,522 And here he is in the Disney movie that is actually more than 20 years old. 80 00:05:10,522 --> 00:05:12,636 (laughter) Would you believe? 81 00:05:12,636 --> 00:05:17,757 There are, of course, sagas that these heroes belong to, 82 00:05:17,757 --> 00:05:19,792 that they participate in, 83 00:05:19,792 --> 00:05:25,492 and Hercules wasn't at the Trojan War, he was slightly before that, 84 00:05:25,492 --> 00:05:28,236 but it was descendants or people coming after Hercules 85 00:05:28,236 --> 00:05:31,651 that fought at Troy and used the Trojan Horse 86 00:05:31,651 --> 00:05:35,420 to deviously make their way into the city. 87 00:05:35,420 --> 00:05:39,989 This is where fighters like Achilles and Odysseus and Agamemnon and Hector 88 00:05:39,989 --> 00:05:45,020 all fought, and we're going to be reading more of that as the course progresses. 89 00:05:45,020 --> 00:05:50,876 So you can see that these stories, even if you have only a cursory knowledge 90 00:05:50,876 --> 00:05:57,659 of classical antiquity, these are names that have filtered their way through 91 00:05:57,659 --> 00:06:03,885 to modernity and are constantly being reevaluated, reconsidered, 92 00:06:03,885 --> 00:06:05,963 criticized, reused. 93 00:06:05,963 --> 00:06:12,056 A couple years ago, the movie Wonder Woman was a big hit in summer blockbusters, 94 00:06:12,056 --> 00:06:15,948 and Wonder Woman is an Amazon, who is-- 95 00:06:15,948 --> 00:06:22,160 they're a tribe of women in classical mythology. 96 00:06:22,160 --> 00:06:26,695 I don't want to give out any spoilers, but Diana's main rival 97 00:06:26,695 --> 00:06:32,367 in the Wonder Woman comics is the god Ares, who is the Greek god of war. 98 00:06:32,367 --> 00:06:34,728 Now, once we start to look more and more at this, 99 00:06:34,728 --> 00:06:39,477 the idea of classical mythology starts to become a lot more clear. 100 00:06:39,477 --> 00:06:41,152 We could just call this class 101 00:06:41,152 --> 00:06:43,910 "Introduction to Ancient Greek and Roman Mythology," 102 00:06:43,910 --> 00:06:48,268 but for a long time, it's been called "classical" mythology. 103 00:06:48,268 --> 00:06:51,261 And that might have something to do with the fact that 104 00:06:51,261 --> 00:06:55,948 the idea of "classical" connotes something that's exemplary, 105 00:06:55,948 --> 00:07:01,348 that is given a high kind of cultural value, 106 00:07:01,348 --> 00:07:07,740 and that is considered enduring in a way that these stories still have 107 00:07:07,740 --> 00:07:12,703 a kind of resonance, even 2,000 years after their retelling. 108 00:07:12,703 --> 00:07:16,456 Is that what you think of when you think of the idea of "classical?" 109 00:07:16,456 --> 00:07:21,702 >> Yeah, I mean, I do, I think there's definitely the element of classics as 110 00:07:21,702 --> 00:07:28,558 very foundational, but I think there's also a problematic element to classics 111 00:07:28,558 --> 00:07:36,357 in that calling something "foundational" or "ideal" and idealizing the past 112 00:07:36,357 --> 00:07:42,466 really contributes to kind of othering the other cultures 113 00:07:42,466 --> 00:07:46,584 that we're overlooking to look at these. 114 00:07:46,584 --> 00:07:49,518 >> Absolutely. And that's, I think, something that we're going to look at 115 00:07:49,518 --> 00:07:55,337 over the next couple of weeks, that-- in fact, the original use 116 00:07:55,337 --> 00:07:58,864 of "classic," the word "classic" or "classicus" in Latin 117 00:07:58,864 --> 00:08:02,250 to denote something of being high value 118 00:08:02,250 --> 00:08:06,857 was precisely in opposition to the word "proletarian". 119 00:08:06,857 --> 00:08:08,898 There was a sort of guy, and we'll look at this later, 120 00:08:08,898 --> 00:08:11,935 called Aulus Gellius who was saying, 121 00:08:11,935 --> 00:08:14,192 well you know the good authors, the classical authors because 122 00:08:14,192 --> 00:08:16,913 they used language in this way, but the proletarian authors 123 00:08:16,913 --> 00:08:17,852 use them this way. 124 00:08:17,852 --> 00:08:20,662 And he was saying that-- making that distinction as a matter 125 00:08:20,662 --> 00:08:24,284 not merely of aesthetic judgement, but also sort of social judgement. 126 00:08:24,284 --> 00:08:28,798 And sure enough, throughout history people have used the idea of 127 00:08:28,798 --> 00:08:32,439 a classical precisely as you say, to create in and out groups, 128 00:08:32,439 --> 00:08:35,407 to say that some people belong and some people don't, 129 00:08:35,407 --> 00:08:40,696 and also to draw lines of inheritance from antiquity to the present 130 00:08:40,696 --> 00:08:45,356 that may not be justified when we look at the historical record. 131 00:08:45,356 --> 00:08:47,361 So there's a lot that we can dig into there, 132 00:08:47,361 --> 00:08:53,387 and we want to be able to use this idea of classical not simply to 133 00:08:53,387 --> 00:08:57,101 investigate cultures that are long removed from us, 134 00:08:57,101 --> 00:09:01,564 but cultures that are still-- that still have stakes today. 135 00:09:01,564 --> 00:09:06,283 And we want to join in that discussion with you throughout the semester 136 00:09:06,283 --> 00:09:11,223 and find out where classical mythology might show up in your lives. 137 00:09:11,223 --> 00:09:15,308 So we'll be doing that in videos here, you're going to be seeing a lot of me 138 00:09:15,308 --> 00:09:18,388 in videos that we've recorded before this semester. 139 00:09:18,388 --> 00:09:20,937 As you're watching this video, I'll just say right now, 140 00:09:20,937 --> 00:09:24,589 occasionally you will see a question show up, and that's one way that we can 141 00:09:24,589 --> 00:09:26,317 see how you're getting on in the class. 142 00:09:26,317 --> 00:09:31,583 We call those instapolls, and an example of that is showing up right now. 143 00:09:31,583 --> 00:09:35,745 So that's not worth any credit, we want to make sure that everything's working. 144 00:09:35,745 --> 00:09:40,096 For now we've got a few more things we want you to take a look at, 145 00:09:40,096 --> 00:09:43,650 and we'll come back and talk some more about classical mythology.