Hey Everyone! It's time for your Treasure Valley housing market update. So, I have been going on a ton of listing appointments, and the number one hesitation that I get out of those listing appointments are potential sellers that are scared to purchase a home. The reason for that is that they feel they will have no place to live. But, I'm going to break it down for you right now. So, the reason why right now is the best time to sell and also purchase a home, is because this is the height of the market. So, right now, the housing market is only scheduled, or "predicted" is probably a better word, to increase 3% in comparison to last year. Last year, there was an 8-12% increase across the U.S. This year we are only trending to do 3% of an increase. So, we have hit the top. Not only that, the Feds have also stated that they aren't raising rates. Therefore, the interest rate is still low. Therefore, giving sellers, first time home buyers, and any sort of buyer, actually, more buying power. When that interest rate goes up that means there is less money you will have available to get in to homes. Therefore, pricing you out of certain price points. So, if you are looking into a particular area, such as: the north end, southeast boise, the bench, right now is the best time to capitalize on your buying power as well as that low interest rate. So, selling your house is the better play. Also, because you free up equity from your home, you get to use that towards your home purchase. So, it increases your buying power even more. So, I hope that helps you! If you have any questions make sure you shoot me a message as well as ... Um, or you can also e-mail me, I'll make sure to link it up top. But, other than that, make sure you also subscribe to my YouTube channel. I'll link it too. Lots of links happening actually. But, if you guys have any questions make sure you reach out to me, and lets get them sorted. I hope you guys have a great rest of your week. And guys As always, it's Real Estate with Tazz here to help you buy, or sell your next home.