WEBVTT 00:00:00.570 --> 00:00:02.599 Trong video này, ta giả sử 4 mục sau 00:00:02.599 --> 00:00:04.503 là các khoản nợ chưa thanh toán của bạn. 00:00:04.503 --> 00:00:05.645 Số đầu tiên ở mỗi hàng 00:00:05.645 --> 00:00:07.408 là số dư nợ cho vay chưa thanh toán. 00:00:07.408 --> 00:00:08.837 Ví dụ, với thẻ tín dụng này, 00:00:08.837 --> 00:00:11.576 bạn có số dư nợ chưa thanh toán là 500 đô la. 00:00:11.576 --> 00:00:13.911 Số thứ hai là lãi suất phần trăm hàng năm (APR). 00:00:13.911 --> 00:00:15.501 Lãi suất là 15% cho thẻ tín dụng, 00:00:15.501 --> 00:00:18.025 30% cho thẻ tín dụng bán lẻ, 10% cho khoản vay A 00:00:18.025 --> 00:00:19.566 và 5% cho khoản vay B. 00:00:19.566 --> 00:00:20.899 Số thứ ba được liệt kê ở đây 00:00:20.899 --> 00:00:22.329 là khoản thanh toán tối thiểu. 00:00:22.329 --> 00:00:24.188 Bạn cần trả khoản này hàng tháng. 00:00:24.188 --> 00:00:27.532 Ta có 20 cộng 30 bằng 50, rồi cộng thêm 150. 00:00:27.532 --> 00:00:31.449 Khoản thanh toán tối thiểu hàng tháng của bạn là 200 đô la. 00:00:31.449 --> 00:00:32.843 Ta viết 200 đô la. 00:00:32.843 --> 00:00:38.731 Vậy còn tổng dư nợ cho vay chưa thanh toán của bạn sẽ bằng 00:00:38.731 --> 00:00:42.048 3500 cộng 500 bằng 4000, cộng thêm 4000 bằng 8000, 00:00:42.048 --> 00:00:44.177 cộng thêm 2000 bằng 10.000. 00:00:44.177 --> 00:00:45.528 Vậy bạn nợ 10.000 đô la. 00:00:45.528 --> 00:00:47.778 Khoản thanh toán tối thiểu của bạn là 200 đô la. 00:00:47.778 --> 00:00:49.023 Nhưng giả sử bạn phải trả 00:00:49.023 --> 00:00:50.713 nhiều hơn 200 đô la hàng tháng. 00:00:50.713 --> 00:00:53.331 Giả sử bạn có 300 đô la, 00:00:53.331 --> 00:00:55.581 300 đô la hàng tháng. 00:00:56.187 --> 00:00:57.852 Vậy câu hỏi đặt ra là bạn sẽ làm gì 00:00:57.852 --> 00:01:00.132 sau khi trả xong các khoản thanh toán tối thiểu? 00:01:00.132 --> 00:01:02.433 Bạn sẽ làm gì với số tiền 100 đô la dư ra đó? 00:01:02.433 --> 00:01:07.181 Lời khuyên là bạn nên dùng số tiền đó để trả nợ 00:01:07.181 --> 00:01:09.765 sao cho bạn có thể thanh toán nợ nhanh nhất có thể. 00:01:09.765 --> 00:01:10.998 Nhưng bạn có thể thắc mắc 00:01:10.998 --> 00:01:12.546 rằng nên trả khoản nợ nào trước. 00:01:12.546 --> 00:01:14.262 Có nên chia 400 đô la đó thành 4 phần 00:01:14.262 --> 00:01:17.496 để trả thêm 25 đô la so với mỗi khoản thanh toán tối thiểu này không? 00:01:17.496 --> 00:01:19.543 Nên trả khoản lớn nhất trước 00:01:19.543 --> 00:01:20.838 hay khoản nhỏ nhất trước? 00:01:20.838 --> 00:01:23.086 Có nên trả khoản lãi suất cao nhất trước không? 00:01:23.086 --> 00:01:26.030 Tất cả các cách trên đều khả thi 00:01:26.030 --> 00:01:29.597 nhưng để tính toán một cách tối ưu nhất 00:01:29.597 --> 00:01:33.180 thì bạn nên trả khoản nợ lớn nhất trước. 00:01:34.321 --> 00:01:38.488 Cách thức trả nợ này được gọi là phương pháp tuyết lở. 00:01:41.599 --> 00:01:44.625 Khi áp dụng phương pháp này, bạn nên trả khoản nợ lớn nhất, 00:01:44.625 --> 00:01:46.521 khoản nợ nhiều tiền nhất của bạn trước. 00:01:46.521 --> 00:01:49.053 Trong trường hợp này là khoản nợ thẻ tín dụng bán lẻ. 00:01:49.053 --> 00:01:52.818 Vậy thứ tự trả nợ của bạn nên là 00:01:52.818 --> 00:01:54.752 trả các khoản thanh toán tối thiểu trước 00:01:54.752 --> 00:01:57.211 và nếu bạn có khoản nào dư ra 00:01:57.211 --> 00:02:01.508 thì bạn nên ưu tiên trả khoản nợ của thẻ tín dụng bán lẻ. 00:02:01.508 --> 00:02:04.332 Once the retail card is paid off, 00:02:04.332 --> 00:02:05.467 let's see, after that the credit card 00:02:05.467 --> 00:02:07.516 has the next highest interest. 00:02:07.516 --> 00:02:09.099 So, copy and paste. 00:02:10.259 --> 00:02:14.409 Then, these two loans, they're already in order, 10%, 5%. 00:02:14.409 --> 00:02:17.812 So, I'm just ordering these form highest interest cost 00:02:17.812 --> 00:02:19.812 to lowest interest cost. 00:02:22.662 --> 00:02:24.986 In this world, you would want to, 00:02:24.986 --> 00:02:26.593 essentially, rank them in this way. 00:02:26.593 --> 00:02:28.929 You obviously have to pay their minimum payments 00:02:28.929 --> 00:02:31.364 every month which is $200 but then I would take 00:02:31.364 --> 00:02:34.506 that extra hundred dollars that you have available 00:02:34.506 --> 00:02:36.627 and put it to the most costly debt. 00:02:36.627 --> 00:02:40.204 So, I would put that extra hundred dollars right over here 00:02:40.204 --> 00:02:43.436 and try to pay this one down as fast as possible. 00:02:43.436 --> 00:02:47.211 Once that is paid off, then I would put any extra you have 00:02:47.211 --> 00:02:49.560 after the minimum payments to the credit card. 00:02:49.560 --> 00:02:51.646 And once that's paid off as well, then to loan A. 00:02:51.646 --> 00:02:53.543 Once that's paid off, to loan B 00:02:53.543 --> 00:02:57.745 and hopefully you are then, you might be then debt-free. 00:02:57.745 --> 00:03:00.553 If you did the high rate method right over here, 00:03:00.553 --> 00:03:02.882 you would, and you don't incur any new debt, 00:03:02.882 --> 00:03:06.132 you would be debt-free after 47 months. 00:03:08.446 --> 00:03:10.517 And you would pay an aggregate interest 00:03:10.517 --> 00:03:12.767 of approximately 39, $3,904 00:03:16.044 --> 00:03:18.794 in interest over those 47 months. 00:03:20.967 --> 00:03:22.736 So, you say, "Okay, Sal, I get it. 00:03:22.736 --> 00:03:26.800 "This is the mathematically optimal thing to do 00:03:26.800 --> 00:03:29.286 "to get rid of your most costly thing first 00:03:29.286 --> 00:03:31.258 "which makes sense`and then your next costly thing 00:03:31.258 --> 00:03:33.326 "and then on and on." 00:03:33.326 --> 00:03:36.755 But you tell me, "Well, you know, psychology matters here. 00:03:36.755 --> 00:03:40.188 "Psychology, maybe, got me into this debt a little bit. 00:03:40.188 --> 00:03:43.929 "So, for me, I don't like having my brain always thinking 00:03:43.929 --> 00:03:46.457 "about all of these four pieces of debt. 00:03:46.457 --> 00:03:49.829 "So, I would just love to maybe not have to worry 00:03:49.829 --> 00:03:51.197 "about four things and get to worrying 00:03:51.197 --> 00:03:52.851 "about three things as soon as possible 00:03:52.851 --> 00:03:55.027 "and then two things as soon as possible." 00:03:55.027 --> 00:03:57.187 So, if you think that is helpful, 00:03:57.187 --> 00:03:58.451 there is a method where you say, 00:03:58.451 --> 00:04:01.564 "Okay, I'm gonna pay my smallest balance first 00:04:01.564 --> 00:04:03.475 "to just get that out of the way." 00:04:03.475 --> 00:04:05.867 Now, keep in mind, if that works for you, 00:04:05.867 --> 00:04:08.070 if that psychologically allows you to say, 00:04:08.070 --> 00:04:09.611 "Okay, that hundred dollars 00:04:09.611 --> 00:04:12.199 "is gonna make a bigger dent here," that's great. 00:04:12.199 --> 00:04:14.235 That's actually called the snowball method. 00:04:14.235 --> 00:04:15.331 Let me write here. 00:04:15.331 --> 00:04:17.283 The idea is a snowball, you get one debt out of the way 00:04:17.283 --> 00:04:18.654 and then you snowball into the next. 00:04:18.654 --> 00:04:21.497 But that, just to be clear is not mathematically optimal. 00:04:21.497 --> 00:04:23.425 It will take you longer to pay your debt 00:04:23.425 --> 00:04:24.804 and you will pay more interest. 00:04:24.804 --> 00:04:26.241 But, I'll just write that down 00:04:26.241 --> 00:04:29.908 because the important thing is that you feel 00:04:31.078 --> 00:04:32.404 that you should put the hundred dollars 00:04:32.404 --> 00:04:34.198 to paying down the debt that you don't use it 00:04:34.198 --> 00:04:35.700 for something else. 00:04:35.700 --> 00:04:37.617 So, the snowball method 00:04:43.703 --> 00:04:46.087 would order these things differently. 00:04:46.087 --> 00:04:48.855 Under the snowball method, you would put your-- 00:04:48.855 --> 00:04:51.415 Let's see, your credit card has the smallest loan balance. 00:04:51.415 --> 00:04:53.403 So, let me put that first. 00:04:53.403 --> 00:04:54.986 So, copy and paste. 00:04:56.237 --> 00:04:58.209 That's your credit card. 00:04:58.209 --> 00:05:01.226 Then, after that, let's see, you have loan A. 00:05:01.226 --> 00:05:03.155 You have loan A here. 00:05:03.155 --> 00:05:05.585 So, let me copy and paste that. 00:05:05.585 --> 00:05:08.170 Copy and paste loan A. 00:05:08.170 --> 00:05:10.749 Then you have loan B. 00:05:10.749 --> 00:05:11.666 So, loan B. 00:05:13.093 --> 00:05:16.033 Oh, actually, yup, then you have loan B. 00:05:16.033 --> 00:05:17.283 Copy and paste. 00:05:18.542 --> 00:05:21.070 And then you have your retail card. 00:05:21.070 --> 00:05:22.974 And then you have your retail card. 00:05:22.974 --> 00:05:27.746 And you could see why this isn't gonna work out well. 00:05:27.746 --> 00:05:30.844 Why this isn't gonna work out well mathematically 00:05:30.844 --> 00:05:32.840 'cause you're leaving your most expensive-- 00:05:32.840 --> 00:05:35.866 You're paying just the minimum on your most expensive, 00:05:35.866 --> 00:05:38.246 on your most expensive debt. 00:05:38.246 --> 00:05:41.295 Not only is it expensive, it's expensive on a large amount. 00:05:41.295 --> 00:05:43.575 But, let's just go through the... 00:05:43.575 --> 00:05:47.277 So, you might find it more psychologically easy 00:05:47.277 --> 00:05:49.771 to do this method because you at least get rid 00:05:49.771 --> 00:05:52.854 of the credit card debt a lot faster. 00:05:54.695 --> 00:05:56.806 You'll get down to only three sources of debt 00:05:56.806 --> 00:05:59.559 versus four much, much faster. 00:05:59.559 --> 00:06:01.640 So, in this situation, you would pay down 00:06:01.640 --> 00:06:03.839 the credit card first. 00:06:03.839 --> 00:06:05.751 So, you'd be able to knock these off faster. 00:06:05.751 --> 00:06:08.310 But, just so you make sure, there is a trade off. 00:06:08.310 --> 00:06:11.810 In this one, it's gonna take you 54 months 00:06:12.683 --> 00:06:13.618 to pay of your debt. 00:06:13.618 --> 00:06:16.389 So, seven months longer, more than half a year longer. 00:06:16.389 --> 00:06:18.187 You're going to be making payments. 00:06:18.187 --> 00:06:21.643 And you're going to pay almost double in interest. 00:06:21.643 --> 00:06:25.810 You're gonna pay 6,000, approximately $6,000 in interest 00:06:27.733 --> 00:06:30.357 in this situation versus 00:06:30.357 --> 00:06:32.683 I guess about 50% more. 00:06:32.683 --> 00:06:34.459 So, here you're paying almost 4,000 in interest. 00:06:34.459 --> 00:06:38.684 Here you're paying roughly $6,000 in interest 00:06:38.684 --> 00:06:40.267 over the 54 months. 00:06:42.738 --> 00:06:45.019 The mathematically rational one to do 00:06:45.019 --> 00:06:46.794 would be the high rate method. 00:06:46.794 --> 00:06:50.374 But this is, you know, whatever it does. 00:06:50.374 --> 00:06:53.005 Assuming you have the money, as long as you put it 00:06:53.005 --> 00:06:55.071 down towards your debt, at least you're making progress. 00:06:55.071 --> 00:06:57.295 And this is a method that some people might want to use 00:06:57.295 --> 00:06:59.375 more for psychological purposes. 00:06:59.375 --> 00:07:02.033 I have to admit, I have done this where I just wanted 00:07:02.033 --> 00:07:05.674 some debt out of the way so I pay down the small one first. 00:07:05.674 --> 00:07:07.543 But, if you really want to optimize 00:07:07.543 --> 00:07:09.929 for interest payments and paying down fast, 00:07:09.929 --> 00:07:13.814 you want to take out your costliest things first.