NARRATOR: Comments in Teamwork projects provide you with a quick and easy way of providing feedback to your teammates. You can add your comments to multiple places in Teamwork projects, including commenting on tasks, milestones, files, and even links. Here we are in the tasks tab of a project, and let's have a look at adding a comment to a task. If we just hover over a task here, and over on the right-hand side, we can see that we have the option to quickly add a comment here. Or alternatively, we can just select the task and then add our comment down here. We can just add our comment here, and up here you can see that we have several formatting options. We have paragraph formatting here. We can have normal. We can make our selected text a quote or we can make our selected text code. Here we can choose to clear formatting. We can use bold, italics, and underline. We can strike through text. We can have ordered and unordered lists. We can decrease or increase our indent. We can add images, we can add links, we can add horizontal lines. We can format our text as code, and we can use quotes. Here, if we increase, we can see that we're quoting, and we can have a nested quote here also. If we decrease, we can get rid of this nest, and if we decrease again, we can deselect this as a quote. Down here we can select who should be notified of this comment. You can see here that Victor is already notified and we can remove his notifications by selecting the x icon next to his name here. If we want to add anyone to our list of notified users, we can just select people here and select as many users as we'd like. Let's say that I want Adrian and Victor to both receive notifications. We just need to select update here. And now both of these users will receive notifications. Here in this drop-down, we can select the privacy of this comment. Who can view this comment? This is currently everybody on the project. However, we can go down here and select specific users who would be the only ones to see this comment. Here, we can choose to attach a file, and once we're happy with our comment, we just need to select "Save comment" and our comment has been added. Over here, we can edit our comment. And if we select the options drop-down here, you can see that we can delete our comment or we can modify the properties of our comment. Here we can change who wrote this comment. Let's say that I want to say that Anthony Stark actually made this comment. Here we can change the date or the time that the comment was made. Then we can just select "Update comment" and now we can see that our changes have been made. Since the user who made this comment is now no longer myself, you can see that over here I have the option to add a like to this comment. If we just click this here, you can see that now I've liked this comment and I can quickly unlike it here also. Going back to our tasks tab now. We can see any new unread comments on our tasks by looking at this green speech bubble here. You can see that there's two unread comments for this task. If we hover over this, you can see that we can quickly mark this as read. We can quickly reply to a comment or we can choose to view all the comments in this task. If you prefer to quickly add comments to tasks rather than having to go into that task itself, that's really easy. Just hover over the task and select this "Add comment" option here. In the pop-up window here, this all works the exact same way as I showed you earlier. Let's just close that window now. As well as being able to add comments to tasks, we can also go up here and add comments to our milestones. Again, we just need to hover over the milestone and select "Add comment." To add a comment to a file, we just need to go to the "Files" tab here. Again, hover over the file and select this plus icon here. If we just select that, again, we're met with this pop-up window where we can quickly add our comment. We can also add comments to notebooks. Again, just hover over the notebook and select the plus icon. We can also add comments to links. Again, just hover over your link and select the plus icon, and that's it. That's how easy it is to add comments in Teamwork projects.