Soyuzmultfilm Studio Moscow 1958 A LITTLE MUSHROOM-HOUSE written by Vladimir Suteyev directed by Vladimir Polkovnikov art directors A. Dudnikov, Roman Kachanov music Alexei Sokolov-Kamin cameraman N. Klimova sound Nikolai Prilutsky Assistent directors: L Goryatsjeva, V Egorova animators Vladimir Pekar, Maria Motruk, Igor Podgorsky, Boris Chani, Faina Yepifanova, Kirill Malyantovich, Vyacheslav Kotenochkin, L. Popov, Konstantin Chikin, Elizabeth Komova voice artists Elena Ponsova, G. Novozhilova, Leonid Pirogov, G. Sapozhnikova, Z. Bokareva, I. Pototskaya, A. Vlassova Hey, little friend, where are you heading? Where should I be going? To our nest! There's bad weather coming towards you. Ant, ant, please, can I take shelter under your mushroom? How can I let you take shelter. I hardly fit under it myself. Have pity on me. I became so wet I can't fly anymore Nothing to do about that. We'll have to make do. That's so kind of you! We've found a little mushroom-house, mushroom-house, mushroom-house To keep us dry a little roof, a little roof , a little roof Against the rain it shelters, you wouldn't find a better house, better house Who's there? - Who's there? It's me. A mouse. Could I please shelter under your mushroom? I'm completely soaked. Where would we let you stand? There is no room here. There is no room here. Help me please Well then, Alright. We'll make do. - We'll make do. We've found a little mushroom-house, mushroom-house, mushroom-house To keep us dry a little roof, a little roof , a little roof Against the rain it shelters, you wouldn't find a better house, better house you wouldn't find, you wouldn't find a better house Who's there? Who's there? - Who's there? It's me! A sparrow. Please let me under your mushroom. How could we let you take shelter here. There is no room! There is no room here. No room. - My feathers are so wet, and my wings so tired Let me dry a little under your mushroom. Please? Well then, well make do We'll make room under the mushroom Room under the mushroom - We'll make We've found a little mushroom-house, mushroom-house, mushroom-house To keep us dry a little roof, a little roof... Who's there? Under the mushroom! Please help me. Hide me! The fox is chasing me! Where would we hide you. Look for yourself, there is no room. It's just a small mushroom, and your a big rabbit! Please, I beg you ant, let me hide. The fox is already coming I don't know how to do that. There is just not enough room. Just wait a bit, we'll have to see what we can do. I don't want to wait. The fox will eat me! The rabbit doesn't fit in here. So how can we hide him? We can't hide the rabbit. But we don't want to witness his death either. I want to hide the rabbit If you spread your wings it still won't be enough to hide him. I will help to to hide the rabbit. It still won't be enough for hum to hide behind Then I'll help too to cover the rabbit! Not even if everyone does his share. But we can try. I'll help too! Quick. Hide behind the mushroom. When the fox comes I'll divert him. Did the rabbit pass here? No, he hasn't passed here So he isn't hiding here, huh? Were would we hide him? I could eat some of you We are not edible. You're not edible?! So none of you is edible, huh!? You, scoundrel should be going on your way! Here you think you can do me harm? Thinking of protecting the mouse, sparrow and dragonfly? I'll get you! Have pity with me. I can't cope with such great pain Alright. I'll stop. But you must leave from here. Hey, the coast is clear. The scoundrel is gone. The sun is out again How is that possible? First there was only place for me under the mushroom But then, my friends, there was room for all 5 of us. Thanks to the mushroom's... Thanks to the mushroom. Thanks to him Thank you very much, mushroom. Thank you very much, little mushroom-house. My role wasn't that big. It wasn't me that stood up for his friends To our friend the ant thanks should go! And don't forget our good friend the butterfly When it came to it, all you friends stood together. That's how it was. The end Subs by Eus after the original story & filling the gaps by improvisation.