[ERIC] Hello. [HAECHAN] Hello. [JENO] Let's give our greetings. [JENO] One, two, three! [ALL] TO THE WORLD, THIS IS NCT! [ALL] Hello, we are NCT DREAM! [ERIC] Greetings from each of you, please. [HAECHAN] Hello everyone, I'm HAECHAN. [JENO] Hello everyone, I'm JENO. [JAEMIN] Hello, I'm JAEMIN. [ERIC] Nice to meet you three. [ERIC] I think it's my first meeting you all. [ALL] It is. [JENO] Nice to meet you. [ERIC] I wanted to see you in person, but it's sad that we had to video call. Well, first of all, for today, let's talk about different things comfortably, promote the album, get to know each other and have a good time. I'd appreciate if you could do that. [JENO] Thank you. [ERIC] Alright, to start, you made a comeback. Congratulations on your comeback. The repackage album isn't.. well.. It isn't released as of today yet. So, we don't know how it's going to sell, but for some reason, I feel like it would make it as a triple million seller. I'm looking forward to that. I wanted to ask the three of you this one. You have sold more than 2 million albums. When you first heard that news, what situation were you in, what were your thoughts and reactions? [HAECHAN] Actually, for the last album 'Ridin', we were doubting if we could even sell one million copies. Even for this album, we of course thought it'd be nice if it could sell over one million copies, but over 2 million copies were sold. I couldn't even believe it at first. I was so grateful. And at the same time, I really wanted to prove myself. [ERIC] You came back with a repackage album. Title song called 'Hello Future', 'Life Is Still Going On' and 'Bungee'. Three songs. You came back with 3 new songs. Among the three songs, do you have your personal favorite? Among the newly added songs? [JENO] For me, I like all of them, but the title song 'Hello Future' is the song that fits me the most. [ERIC] In which way? [JENO] I think it's a song that can show the freshness of ourselves in a long time. It feels like DREAM is wearing the right clothes for the first time after a long while. I think it's a song that I'm somewhat glad to meet again. [ERIC] How about you, HAECHAN? Do you have a favorite among the new songs? [HAECHAN] I pick... 'Bungee'. [ERIC] Oh, 'Bungee'? [HAECHAN] 'Bungee' because I love R&B, and it has lots of those elements in the song. And we worked with the artist who we worked together a lot for that song. We had a good chemistry, so I think it came out well. [ERIC] And does JAEMIN have a favorite? [JAEMIN] I pick 'Life Is Still Going On' that wasn't mentioned. Because it wasn't mentioned. [ERIC] Because it wasn't mentioned? Okay! [JAEMIN] I'll mention it since it didn't came up. But I like 'Bungee' and 'Hello Future' better. [JENO] Just mentioning 'Life Is Still Going On'. [HAECHAN] For 'Life Is Still Going On', we filmed a short music video called 'track video'. At that time, we felt like we flexed. We shot as if we were rich. Like DJ Khaled vibe. Golf course and pool... So, it was.. It was pretty fun to film that video, and I felt attached to that song. 'Life Is Still Going On' too. [ERIC] I haven't seen it yet, but once the album is released, I'll watch it right away. [HAECHAN] Thank you. [ERIC] I have never met the three of you before, so I don't know much about you. So today, at this hour here, I want to know more about the three of you. [HAECHAN] Alright. [ERIC] Here at Daebak Show, we try to talk about things that people haven't heard about and things that are fun and intimate. First, I'm in a very good mood today because you three were all born in the year of Dragon, right? [ALL] Right. [ERIC] I was also born in the year of Dragon. 12 years difference! Oh, 12 years difference~ So it will be like.. A talk of the Dragon's year kids. First, I will start off the talk with JAEMIN. To start, there are so many interesting facts about you. Among them, the most interesting thing was... In fact, there were a lot. It says that you are a coffee enthusiast who enjoyed 6 cups of coffee a day. Is that true? [JAEMIN] Yes, it's true. [ERIC] Is this true? Six cups a day? [JAEMIN] Not six cups a day. This is how I drank coffee. When you go to Starbucks, there's venti. Venti size. Yes, there's venti size, and I would make an order. I would tell them to put in only ice without water, and put in 8 shots of espresso. That fills the venti. And I remember that. If I put 8 shots of espresso, as the ice melts, the venti is perfectly filled. So I think I always drank 2 or 3 of that. [ERIC] And you didn't have a heart attack? [JAEMIN] I didn't have a heart attack. But by drinking that much, when I drink other Americano, it felt like water. It just didn't have any caffeine for me. I came to want stronger caffeine, and fans were worried about me, so I started to cut off little by little. Now, I just drink the basic. [ERIC] How many cups in a day is basic for you? [JAEMIN] Maybe about 2 or 3 cups. [ERIC] That much is fine... [JAEMIN] 2 or 3 cups... yes! [ERIC] I think that's alright. I also drink about 3 or 4 cups a day, so yeah, pretty much the same. I love coffee too. I wanted to ask this JAEMIN. We talked a lot about this with the last team, How did each of you enter SM and become NCT DREAM? We talked a lot about that. And it says here.. You were cast at a volunteer work? [JAEMIN] Yes, that is true. At school, we have volunteer hours that we have to fill up. So there, I went for a volunteer work, and I was working hard. At the volunteer site, there was like, a festival where students danced and sang. But I didn't really know they had that. I didn't know. After the volunteer work was over, on my way home, a woman came up to me. I thought she was a bad person, so I looked for my mom. But turns out that she came from SM. I didn't even know what SM was at the time. I thought it was an insurance company. I didn't know it was an entertainment management. So, I desperately went to my mom, and told her that there's a weird insurance lady. I asked mom to help me, but my mom knew about SM. So, she asked me what I thought about taking an audition. I took the audition then and got into SM. [ERIC] Then as a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Or did you want to be a singer? [JAEMIN] For me, I wanted to be a surgeon when I grew up. [ERIC] A doctor? [JAEMIN] Yeah, surgery doctor. But.. [ERIC] And that's a whole different field from singing. [JAEMIN] I know. But I don't think I would have been a surgeon. I didn't really study, so.. It didn't make sense now that I think about it. I think it was amazing that I even dreamt about it. [ERIC] But you were able to dream about that. And turning out like this now, I think it's something you couldn't even imagine as a child. Promoting albums and working as a singer. [JAEMIN] I never imagined this would happen. I have never imagined myself being on TV. It just has never been my interest. [ERIC] Then in that blank state, you have passed the audition and became a trainee. You may have experienced some culture shock at the time. How was it when you first started your life as a trainee? [JAEMIN] When I first started my life as a trainee, I didn't do anything, and I just had fun for about 6 months to a year. And since some time, I was dancing as well. I was singing and rapping. [JENO] You pulled yourself together. [JAEMIN] And I got the talk from the company. But it felt good to get compliments. So I kept on practicing. [ERIC] That's an interesting case. Usually, people are dying to be a trainee. I think that strong mindset is nice. Did HAECHAN and JENO train with JAEMIN at the time? The moment you came in? Yes. [JENO] I came in with him. On the same day. [ERIC] Next up, we have JENO. [JENO] Yes. [ERIC] I want to talk about lots of things with you too, JENO. [JENO] Yes. [ERIC] JENO, since you were a kid, [JENO] Yes. [ERIC] You appeared in many TV commercials. [JENO] Yes. [ERIC] And you have appeared in many works. [JENO] Right. [ERIC] Could you briefly tell us how you got into SM and NCT DREAM? I would really appreciate it if you do. [JENO] Yes. When I was young, I was in magazines for kids wear. Advertisers cast me from that, so I started shooting commercials. Shooting many different things, SM saw those ads, and they cast me. So when they first called, my mom didn't ask for my opinion. She just said, "My kid won't do that kind of stuff". [ERIC] Right. [JENO] And they called the second time. On the second time, they asked me if there was a chance. They asked if I would want to try, and I said yes. So since I was little, I loved being in front of the camera, so I really wanted to try that, and I was cast. Just like that, I debuted. [ERIC] Oh, I see. [JENO] Yup. [ERIC] So, since you have been in front of the camera and joined shootings since you were young, I'm guessing you would have learned things fast. [JENO] Yes. [ERIC] By the time you were debuting, was there something like, 'I've done this before.' 'Let me teach you guys' or were you sort of full of yourself? [JENO] First of all, from all the commercials that I shot at the time, I don't think they ever helped me. [ERIC] Right. [JENO] Because I didn't put much thought into that back then. I just did what the adults were telling me to do in front of the camera, so I just worked without thinking. After debuting, I feel like I learned so much more. One thing that helped me from my childhood shooting is that I'm not so scared of cameras. And I think that's about it. [ERIC] Okay. Last time, from talking with the other members, there was a question sent to JISUNG from a fan. To JISUNG, they asked which member feels like an older brother the most, and who feels like a younger brother the most. When they asked that, he said that he feels like JENO is the most baby-like. [JENO] What? [HAECHAN] I admit it. [JENO] Gosh~ [HAECHAN] I agree. [JENO] I'm seeing him later. [ERIC] As he was saying that, He said he wanted to see the reaction you are showing. JENO, what do you think? [JENO] Umm... well. I don't know when this started. It wasn't like this when we first debuted. At some point, the members treated me like the baby in the group. [ERIC] They treated you like that, okay. [JENO] I don't know why though. [JENO] Why is that? [HAECHAN] Because he's just a baby. Because he's cute. [ERIC] Getting more into this, I asked JISUNG why. He said you get sulky often. I want to explain myself. [ERIC] Go ahead, please. [JENO] I don't get sulky. I just remember it for a long time. [ERIC] Oh, okay. [JENO] That is... I don't get sulky. It's not like I get hurt and say, "I'm hurt, I'm not talking to you anymore". [ERIC] Alright. [JENO] Like, I remember the things I felt sad about for a pretty long time. [JENO] My blood type's A, so I'm kind of timid. I guess that's why I do that. But it's different from getting sulky. [HAECHAN] So you have to cuddle him. You have to go like, 'Alright, alright, aww, my baby.' [JENO] It's not a big deal, but these guys do keep doing this to me. That's what makes the atmosphere. [HAECHAN] Alright~ Alright! [ERIC] Okay, I'll trust JENO. [JENO] Oh, thank you. [ERIC] Alright. And also, On YouTube, there's something called JSMR. It's a great segment. I was wondering how you started this. [JENO] On Valentine's day, as DREAM's content, it was about bringing in all the sweets and making ASMR with those. I didn't put much thought into it, but I was so good at that ASMR content. So we were talking about making it into an on-going thing. So that's how JSMR content was brought about. [ERIC] Okay. A lot of fans asked when they could see JSMR again. That question came up. Well, the content JSMR itself can't help but be very limited. After I run out of materials and themes, I can't shoot anymore. When there are no things left to make sounds, I won't be able to shoot the video. I guess I am running out of materials, so I think it would be hard to come back. [ERIC] Alright. Now, JENO, musically speaking, what kind of music do you usually like and listen to? [JENO] When I was a trainee, I loved One Direction's songs. Those cheerful and high school teen vibes. One Direction when I was young had those high school teen vibes, so I listened to their songs a lot as a kid. But these days, One Direction gets old too. [ERIC] Right. [JENO] So. each one of them are releasing solo songs. Among those, I like Harry Styles' songs. Or Justin Bieber. There are so many good songs released lately. I also listen to Justin Bieber's songs a lot. [ERIC] Harry Styles' music is artistic, it appeals to the public, and the same time, I think he's good at expressing with fashion. [JENO] Exactly. [ERIC] Looking at him, I think about how I will do that. But I don't have that look in the first place, so.. [ERIC] I had those thoughts. [JENO] But you are really handsome. [ERIC] Anyway, I think we have a lot in common music-wise. I love them too. [JENO] Thank you. [ERIC] All right. Next up. We are gonna talk to HAECHAN! What's up, man? How are you, dude? [HAECHAN] Good. [ERIC] Yeah? Good? Talking of Justin Bieber, on your audition, you sang Bieber's 'Baby', HAECHAN. [HAECHAN] Yes. [ERIC] How did you get into SM? Though you are in U, 127 and DREAM, how did you get into DREAM? [HAECHAN] First of all, since I was a kid, I loved singing and dancing. Both my mom and dad were musicians, so I was influenced by them a lot. To be honest, my mother was very against me being a singer at first. But what's funny was, the day before the audition, it was her who gave me the idea. All of a sudden, she asked me if I want to go and have an audition for SM tomorrow. The day after was the weekend, so the audition was on Saturday. And on Friday night, the whole family gathered, and she asked if I wanted to try the audition for SM tomorrow. She said that I could just go and have fun, and said that it's okay to fail. She said, "Let's go there as an outing to Seoul". I prepared the song 'Hello' sang by Huh Gak that I liked to sing a lot. I was supposed to sing unaccompanied. I took three or four more auditions and got in. [ERIC] How did it feel after getting in? Because your parents were reluctant at first. Although you went to audition because of your mom.. [HAECHAN] Mom said, "You achieved the dream that I couldn't reach". She said those words. Also, mom actually wanted me to do what I liked. So she's very supportive, but because of my profession, I'm known to people, and there are things I have to be careful about, so she still worries about those things now. [ERIC] Right, moms and dads worry about those in the same way even when we get older. I think that happens. Then, HAECHAN, how was it to adapt to SM? Were you adapting fast? [HAECHAN] On the first day I came to SM, I was the youngest then. Everyone was older than me. But I always didn't like kids younger than me, and I liked older brothers. So, with other older brothers, it was so much fun. And it's SM, so everyone's so good-looking. It was a surprise, and I thought, 'Wow, so this is SM, huh?' And also, when I ran into the artists of the company at times.. So that was pretty fun at first. [ERIC] Were you a big fan of anyone you encountered? I loved TAEMIN of SHINee since 'Replay'. So it was kind of unbelievable, I guess? It was like, 'Wow!' [ERIC] Okay, okay. I think this must have been fascinating. SM throws a Halloween party every year, and there are lots of events. [HAECHAN] Right. [ERIC] That should make you get close to people in SM. Are there people who you got close with? Maybe TAEMIN? [HAECHAN] With Red Velvet, we trained together, so we are more comfortable around each other. But above them, there's a pretty big age gap between them and I. They tell me, "Just be comfortable. You can come and talk". But honestly it's not as easy as it sounds. Especially since I loved SM artists since I was a baby. So, for me, they are figures I cannot easily approach. [ERIC] Oh, okay. I have always been a solo artist. And there weren't lots of other artists in the company, so whenever I see companies like SM, I thought, 'That must be so much fun!' And I was so envious. So I wanted to ask about that. For HAECHAN and all of NCT, not just the other artists, but there are lots of members inside the group. [HAECHAN] Actually, we have 23 members now. There's a concert called SMTown Concert where all the SM artists gather to perform. Then, in a huge waiting room, all the NCT members are put in. [ERIC] In one room? Yes, in one room. But we play games and hang out in that one big room, so in that sense, it's quite fun. The loudness can be a flaw, but I think it's nice that members can always hang out, and there's no time to be bored. [ERIC] That's nice. To talk about NCT DREAM, you all debuted as minors. [ALL] Yes. [ERIC] Now you are all adults, and you started doing this at such a young age, So it's been 6 years since you guys debuted, right? [ALL] Yes, that's right. [ERIC] It may seem like a short time, but you are experienced and have done this for a long time. The fact that you had a lot of experience at such a young age is very new and interesting for me. I wanted to ask how you guys felt about that. [HAECHAN] So, to be honest, we couldn't spend time in school or share memories with friends back then. We have talked about that, and I do feel sad about that. But to be honest, compared to that, I liked singing and dancing more. So rather than the sadness I feel towards that, the time I'm spending on what I do and what I have to do doesn't feel like a waste. And since I started this life early, so I could feel I got lots of time, so that's definitely good. Because you have more time to try things. Emotionally also, we are more relaxed. [ERIC] I'm jealous. [JENO] Here's what I think. We debuted at such a young age. Debuting at that age maybe made a strong impression. We are now 22 years old. All three of us are 22 years old, But people around us think we are around 20 or 19 years old. They think we are younger than we actually are. So, sometimes, it's good, but sometimes, we think, 'Didn't we get old?' I guess it's half and half. The good things and the bad things. Half and half. [ERIC] But I think being seen as young Is a good thing, especially in entertainment industry. I debuted when I was 24 or 25. Compared to you guys, it was a very late debut, so I always wonder, 'What if I debuted a bit earlier?' I feel a bit sad about that. There's no right answer, but you all adapted well. And the fact that you can be in this industry for a long period seems really nice, so I have always supported you guys. [JENO] Thank you. [ERIC] I wanted to ask this to JAEMIN about how you felt. I think you may feel differently about this. [JAEMIN] We started out young and came to this moment. When I think of the memory of our debut in the past, It truly feels like yesterday. Wearing a pajama and performing 'Chewing Gum' feels like yesterday. Now, I can't even remember how many programs we were on. As time passed, I learned a lot. And I experienced a lot of things, so I think that's an advantage. Things that we could not feel at our age. Being in a social relationship or how to treat other people. Knowing what to do on stage. Learning about those beforehand makes me think that after time, it may bring us to a better situation. [ERIC] Nice. You guys are the same age, so you turned into adults in the same year. Did you do anything fun as you turned into adults? How do you call it, a coming of age ceremony? Something like that? [JAEMIN] Nothing at all. [ERIC] Nothing at all? [HAECHAN] Lottery ticket! We bought lottery ticket. [JENO] We bought lottery tickets All together. [ERIC] I see. You have worked together for 6 years now. If you count even the trainee years, you know each other and made lots of memories together. Do you have any unforgettable memory? [HAECHAN] Inside DREAM? [ERIC] Inside DREAM or after debuting. [HAECHAN] To be honest, I can't forget promoting for 'Hot Sauce'. Because for the first time, we won 1st place in all of the music programs in one week. So, I don't think I'll ever forget that time [JAEMIN] I remember this one time. When HAECHAN, JENO and I were trainees, we always hung out together. [JENO] Yes, we were together. [JAEMIN] We turned off the lights in the practice room, and we played mobile games instead of practicing. [HAECHAN] Right. [JENO] We did that a lot of times. [HAECHAN] It was so fun. [JAEMIN] And we got caught a lot. [ERIC] What game did you play? [JAEMIN] There were lots of games. [JENO] There was Clash of Clan. [JAEMIN] And a racing game. [HAECHAN] The cart game? [ERIC] Right, right. [JAEMIN] Smartphone just came out at the time, so the games were very high quality compared to what I used to play. And I wasn't a good player, so I spent money with mom's credit card and got in trouble. [ERIC] How much money did you spend? [JAEMIN] I didn't know whose card was registered. [ERIC] I see. [JAEMIN] And I didn't even know it was actual money because it was my first time playing smartphone games. There was a purchase button, and I thought it was game money. In-game money. [JAEMIN] So I just bought lots of things. [ERIC] You purchased without knowing? So how much did you spend? [JAEMIN] I think it costed like a million won. [JENO] Wow, you deserved to be punished. [ERIC] Wow. [JENO] You deserved it. [HAECHAN] You must have been in a big trouble. Didn't they take your phone away? [JAEMIN] Nope. [ERIC] Wow, a million won. [JAEMIN] And I have no memory of that day. [HAECHAN] That's amazing. [ERIC] I think it's amazing. [ERIC] HAECHAN, it says here that your two favorite things are being on the stage and eating. And it says that you cook spicy fish stew for the members. How do other members think of HAECHAN's cooking skills? [HAECHAN] We haven't tried much of your food, didn't we? [JENO] He doesn't cook for us that often. He gets lazy a lot, so he doesn't cook for us that often. This happened yesterday. HAECHAN somehow brought revival to a very bland fermented soybean stew. HAECHAN made it delicious again. He added some stuff in to make it more delicious. I think he has a very good sense about cooking. [ERIC] What did you add in there, HAECHAN? [HAECHAN] We were about to barbecue yesterday, but an auntie made fermented soybean stew for us to eat with it. And it was a lot blander than we thought. We just couldn't eat it as is. And I just added one more soybean paste and boiled it. [ERIC] It was actually a simple solution then. [HAECHAN] You just need to make the saltiness right. It's not like you needed salt or soy sauce. Just a spoon of soybean paste made it better. [ERIC] Then do you usually cook for yourself? I'm guessing not because you're busy... When I'm alone, I just make cook noodles. When I'm with someone, and I want to get into the spirit, I make Kimchi stew, or fried rice. Frankly, there are recipes available on the Internet. [ERIC] True that. [HAECHAN] So there's no hardship when cooking. I'm just lazy to do it. [ERIC] I agree. Delivery food is the most convenient. [HAECHAN] That's the happiest method. [ERIC] Okay. And there are lots of questions from your fans. There are lots of requests. First request is from @michelleetn. It says, 'Please draw each other'. So we are going to check your drawing skills. Are the three of you good at drawing? [JENO] Nope. [HAECHAN] I personally think my drawings are very artistic. But others don't understand. [ERIC] But that's other people's problems. It's not your problem, HAECHAN. [HAECHAN] I think I'm very artistic. [ERIC] Yes, you are HAECASSO now. Let's look forward to HAECASSO's drawings today. JAEMIN, are you confident in drawing? [JAEMIN] Yes, I'm confident with drawing lines. Lines. [ERIC] Oh, line? [ERIC] Alright. HAECHAN will draw JENO. JENO draw JAEMIN, and JAEMIN draw HAECHAN. [ERIC] We are going to look at the details. [HAECHAN] Wait, let's say this first. Let's not get our feelings hurt. [JAEMIN] Don't I look too angry? [JENO] That's how your eyebrows look. [ERIC] Okay. All right. I think JENO is still finishing up on the details. I saw JAEMIN drawing HAECHAN without even looking at him. [JAEMIN] Yes, the image... [ERIC] You did an image training? HAECHAN keeps looking at JENO's face. And I guess JENO puts lots of effort in the details. [HAECHAN] Alright. [ERIC] You can show us on the count of three. Ready? One, two, three! [HAECHAN] What are you doing JAEMIN? Where's my face? [JENO] What is this? [ERIC] HAECHAN, could you explain your drawing? [HAECHAN] JENO has a mole under his eye. He has a killer smile with his eyes, so he's smiling with his eyes. JENO's very thin. His cheeks are slightly caved in, so I expressed that. And I made a sharp jawline for JENO's V-line. [ERIC] Okay. Are you happy with that, JENO? [JENO] Nope. Why not? [HAECHAN] See? Others can't understand my art. [ERIC] I'm with you, HAECHAN. I think it's well-drawn. [HAECHAN] It looks great to me. [ERIC] Yes, I think you drew well. Do you have something you don't like, JENO? [JENO] He drew less hair. [JENO] I have too little hair here. [ERIC] It looks like he's going through an early hair loss. It's just a drawing. Next, JENO, will you show us how you drew JAEMIN? [JENO] I made the chin unbalanced, so I'm sorry about that. I think the key point of JAEMIN's face is the eyebrows. The thick eyebrows! [ERIC] Thick eyebrows are the point. [JENO] The very thick and dark, kind of a straight eyebrow. I thought those eyebrows were the point, so I drew it first. And the big eyes. I drew it like this. [ERIC] Okay. JAEMIN, to evaluate the drawing, what do you think? [JAEMIN] It's not bad. [ERIC] Not bad? [JAEMIN] Not bad. Yeah. [JENO] Not good either? Okay. [ERIC] Alright. I'm most excited for this one. [ERIC] Just what did you draw? [JAEMIN] You can see the leg line's very sexy. [ERIC] Yes. [JAEMIN] Sexy~ [ERIC] Sexy? Oh, it says sexy. [JAEMIN] Yes. As you can see, he has a small head. He has normal eyes. And a ripped mouth. That's the smile he makes to tease people. That's the smile he makes to tease people. If you look, the arms are a bit short. The arms are a bit short. And if you look at the lower body, the pelvis is attached to the arms, right? [ERIC] Yes. [JAEMIN] Then, there are the long beautiful legs. In total of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 head figure. 9 head figure. [ERIC] It's a drawing with lots of meanings. It feels like I'm looking at chopsticks. Thank you. Are you satisfied, HAECHAN? [HAECHAN] I like the long legs, but I'm not satisfied with the short arms. [JAEMIN] Doesn't it look like that? That tool for kids to correct the way they hold chopsticks. Something like that. [JENO] Pororo. [ERIC] If you sign your drawings, we will hang them up on a wall or somewhere. Thank you. [JAEMIN] Uh-oh~ [ERIC] We don't have much time left, so let's move on. We'll look into some questions the fans sent. HAECHAN, you are the life of the party. I think that's why you are great at hosting. Is there a program you'd really like to host? [HAECHAN] This is a hard question because I get really awkward around people I don't know. I like fooling around with members that I'm close to, but it takes time for me to do that to people I met for the first time. So I don't think I'm confident to go on variety shows. But if I do, rather than the shows we are familiar with, I wanted to do something like this show. [ERIC] I think you'd be good at it. Watching your videos, I figured you are a good speaker when things get comfortable. [HAECHAN] Thank you. [ERIC] If you want to host Daebak Show, be my guest. I'll give it to you. You can try for a few weeks. Thank you. [HAECHAN] Alright. [ERIC] JAEMIN, I guess you like taking photographs. If the situation gets better, I hope you open an exhibition. These days, is there a theme you like to take photos of? [JAEMIN] For me, I like to take photos of people. [ERIC] People? [JAEMIN] Humans. I'm not so interested in backgrounds. I like to capture the moments of people. Especially when they smile. [ERIC] Is that why you drew HAECHAN smiling? [JAEMIN] Of course, I'm not going to take pictures of people smiling to tease others. Rather than photographs, these days, I'm more interested in... Maybe it's because I like machines, but I have a great interest and passion in Photoshop. [ERIC] I see. After taking pictures, Photoshopping them is so fun. [ERIC] Is there someone you want to take a picture of, or Photoshop? [JAEMIN] I have taken pictures of all of our members. I want to go to America, or Paris, and I would like to take pictures of the grandmothers there or middle-aged men or babies. That would be very cute. [ERIC] When things get better, I'll be looking forward to great pictures and exhibitions. [JAEMIN] Sure. JENO, what is your most fun experience or memory while cycling? You like cycling? [JENO] I like working out, so I love riding bicycles. While riding a bicycle, the most fun and relaxing moment is when I'm going down a hill. It's very cooling. And the bicycle just goes even without pedaling., so I feel relaxed on those times. [ERIC] But you have to go up in order to go down. I just gave up on cycling because I don't like going up. You're amazing. [JENO] I feel like I can go up because I know that I'll be going down. [ERIC] It's time to wrap things up. Thank you so much for your time. [JENO] Don't mention it. Thank you for having us. [ERIC] Congratulations on the repackage album. [HAECHAN] Thank you. [ERIC] Please give a word for the fans and comment about being today's guest. [HAECHAN] It was my first time doing a program with you. And you are very famous for your manners. [ERIC] I am? Thank you. [HAECHAN] It was so comfortable thanks to your kindness. And about our repackage album, we worked hard on a variety of songs, so I hope you look forward to it and show much love. [ERIC] JENO. It was such an honor that you called us here today. And a word for our NCTzen, they showed us so much love and support for this album. Which is why we got to release a repackage album. And on this repackage album, we put a lot of effort into it, hoping that it would be like a present for you. I hope you love it. Thank you. [ERIC] JAEMIN, is there something you want to say? [JAEMIN] Yes, I.. Our NCTzen have shown us so much love for our promotion of 'Hot Sauce'. And I'm looking forward to their love for 'Hello Future' as well. Personally. So, we have prepared NCT DREAM's freshness that our fans wanted, and an exciting and cool performance for summer, so I hope you look forward to it. And thank you very much for inviting us to DIVE Studios. [ERIC] Thank you for coming. I think many fans will like it. Wrapping up, last time, we did a compliment relay for each member for all the hard works on the album. So, JENO will do it to JISUNG. Huh? A compliment kind of message. HAECHAN will do it to JENO, and JAEMIN will.. Wait, how does it go? Help, my brain's not working. [JENO] Who did MARK say it to? [ERIC] MARK to CHENLE, CHENLE to RENJUN. RENJUN to JENO. [JENO] I'll do it to JISUNG. [ERIC] JISUNG. [HAECHAN] And who did JISUNG cheer? [ERIC] JISUNG to MARK. [JENO] Then I guess these two are right. [ERIC] Okay. [JENO] Should I go first? [HAECHAN] JENO loves JISUNG so much. [JENO] JISUNG, you worked so hard for the 'Hot Sauce' promotion. And for your future stage performances, I know that you put in a lot of thoughts into them, so I always hope those thoughts are happy thoughts. Not stress, but happy thoughts. Cheers! [ERIC] Cheers. Those were some nice words. HAECHAN and JAEMIN, please complement each other. [HAECHAN] I'll go first. [JENO] Why am I in the middle? [HAECHAN] JAEMIN, I envy you. [JAEMIN] For what? [HAECHAN] Because you have me by your side. I hope you are always healthy like now. And I hope you enjoy your life and be happy, doing everything you like. And take care of me next to you. Hwaiting! [ERIC] This is great. [JAEMIN] I'll do it to HAECHAN. To the cute chocolate ball. He's saved as 'cute chocolate ball' in my phone. [ERIC] Really? [JAEMIN] First of all, during 'Hot Sauce' promotion, thank you for teasing me so much. And I feel like you are teasing me more and more lately, so I can see that you are in a good condition, recover well and eat well. [JENO] So teasing is a good sign. [JAEMIN] I feel that you are living a happy life, so I don't worry about HAECHAN at all. HAECHAN's always doing so well. When we went to record 'Hello Future', as we were listening to the recorded sample, we saw the passion from looking at you almost bleeding your throat, Also so cute. Our nuisance HAECHAN. I'm so thankful. Thank you. [ERIC] So wholesome. Thank you for your nice words. This is an official event. Saying goodbye, there's an outro in KPDB. You can sing or rap freestyle. You can also yell 'bye' and leave. Could you give us an impromptu Daebak Show outro jingle? Daebak Show [ALL] Daebak Show is the hit~ Bye! Okay. Daebak Show is the hit~ [JENO] Are we going with trot all a sudden? [ALL] Five, six, seven. Daebak Show is the hit~ Bye!