0:00:00.500,0:00:01.420 - [Instructor] We're told, 0:00:01.420,0:00:05.900 the table gives the amounts[br]of materials Aya recycled. 0:00:05.900,0:00:07.550 So we have the different materials here, 0:00:07.550,0:00:09.260 and then it gives the various amounts. 0:00:09.260,0:00:13.890 How many kilograms of paper[br]and aluminum did Aya recycle? 0:00:13.890,0:00:17.410 So pause this video and see[br]if you can figure this out. 0:00:17.410,0:00:20.950 Okay, so we're thinking[br]about paper and aluminum, 0:00:20.950,0:00:24.000 so paper is right over here. 0:00:24.000,0:00:27.950 She recycled 277 kilograms of paper. 0:00:27.950,0:00:30.750 And aluminum is right over here. 0:00:30.750,0:00:33.640 She recycled 134 kilograms of aluminum. 0:00:33.640,0:00:36.260 And so we want the[br]combination, or the sum, 0:00:36.260,0:00:39.540 of paper and aluminum, so it's going to be 0:00:39.540,0:00:44.540 277 kilograms plus 134 kilograms. 0:00:46.880,0:00:50.680 So we really need to figure[br]out what 277 plus 134 is, 0:00:50.680,0:00:52.330 and in multiple videos, we have talked 0:00:52.330,0:00:55.470 about how there's many different[br]ways of approaching this. 0:00:55.470,0:00:58.930 We could say, well let's[br]just break up the 134. 0:00:58.930,0:01:01.680 We could start at, actually let[br]me do this on a number line. 0:01:01.680,0:01:03.750 That sometimes is a fun thing to do. 0:01:03.750,0:01:07.420 So if we were to just say,[br]this is our number line, 0:01:07.420,0:01:11.603 and we're going to start[br]at 277 right over there. 0:01:12.570,0:01:16.780 So first, we could add[br]100, because we have 100 0:01:16.780,0:01:18.490 right over there, so let's do that. 0:01:18.490,0:01:23.240 If we add 100, so plus[br]100, where does it get us? 0:01:23.240,0:01:27.720 Well if we add 100 here, we get to 377. 0:01:27.720,0:01:32.290 So 300, I'll just write, 77. 0:01:32.290,0:01:36.410 And then we could add three 10s, or 30. 0:01:36.410,0:01:38.610 So then we're going to add 30. 0:01:38.610,0:01:43.610 So let's add 30, so plus 30. 0:01:44.260,0:01:45.790 What does that get us? 0:01:45.790,0:01:47.500 So this is interesting. 0:01:47.500,0:01:52.500 If you add 30 to 370, 0:01:52.870,0:01:56.510 you would get to 400, 0:01:56.510,0:01:58.240 and then we have another seven there, 0:01:58.240,0:02:01.790 so that gets us to 407. 0:02:01.790,0:02:04.250 So then we get to 407. 0:02:04.250,0:02:05.960 And once again, this is just one way 0:02:05.960,0:02:06.960 to try to think about it. 0:02:06.960,0:02:10.670 And then, last but not[br]least, we could add the four. 0:02:10.670,0:02:12.820 So then you say, we're there right now, 0:02:12.820,0:02:16.630 and then we add plus four,[br]and seven plus four is 11, 0:02:16.630,0:02:20.590 so 407 plus four is 411. 0:02:20.590,0:02:24.730 So how many kilograms of paper[br]and aluminum did Aya recycle? 0:02:24.730,0:02:27.940 Would be 411 kilograms. 0:02:27.940,0:02:31.203 Kilo, kilograms, and we're done.