Entrelíneas El nombre del suizo Robert Walser todavía es poco conocido aquí. Pero ya ha sido admirado por algunos de los más grandes escritores e intelectuales del siglo XX, y acaba de publicar su libro más importante en Brasil. Vean el comentario de nuestro colaborador, Carlos Eduardo Ortolan. Swiss German-speaking writer Robert Walser belongs to the category of authors who have only been recognized posthumously. Alcoholic, after a life of mediocre literary success, and meaningless jobs, the depressive neurotic Walser would end his days in a psychiatric institution, in which he would say: "I'm not here to write, but to be crazy." The gallery of admirers of Walser's sparse work brings together Franz Kafka, who had him as a master and model, and, more modernly, Walter Benjamin, Elias Canetti, Susan Sontag and Coetzee. Walser's masterpiece, the novel "Jakob von Gunten: Um Diário", has just won a Brazilian edition. Jakob von Gunten's fictional memories in short, they talk about their time at the Benjamenta Institute, a school for boys, in which the strange character is admitted as a boarding student. Everything, however, sounds unusual at school. The boys, who are there to learn to be raised from noble families, strictly speaking, learn nothing but lessons in humility and behavior. There is a single book, the Institute manual, and a single teacher, Miss Benjamenta, sister of the owner of the Institution, who spends her days closed in her office, counting money and reading newspapers. Coming from an aristocratic family, von Gunten says all the time that he is there precisely to learn obedience and humility. But through his paradoxical logic, he constantly ridicules all values ​​of civilization and humanity, everything that is considered high, in a kind of impish arrivism, reminiscent of our Brás Cubas and their brazenness and cynicism. "You would give me the first place among mortals, "above science and wealth, "because you were the genuine inspiration of the heavens. "You would be the relief of our melancholy humanity." In Coetzee's words, "Essay dedicated to Walser", Gunten would be the kind of boy who, because of his deep contempt for everything human and moral, he could integrate Hitler's brown shirts in the near future. Strange allegory, the book of the apolitical Robert Walser shows the ruins of civilization and the approach of increasingly dark times. All very Kafkaesque - that is, the most faithful expression of a tragic reality.