0:00:00.000,0:00:03.550 There's a two-letter word[br]that we hear everywhere. 0:00:03.550,0:00:04.720 OK. 0:00:04.720,0:00:06.820 Okay. 0:00:06.920,0:00:08.880 OK, are you OK Annie? 0:00:08.900,0:00:11.460 OK OK OK, OK ladies… 0:00:11.460,0:00:14.440 OK might be the most [br]recognizable word on the planet. 0:00:14.450,0:00:15.450 OK! 0:00:15.450,0:00:16.450 OK. 0:00:16.450,0:00:20.280 It's essential to how we communicate with[br]each other, and even with our technology. 0:00:20.280,0:00:23.240 Alexa, turn off the living room light. 0:00:23.240,0:00:24.240 OK. 0:00:24.680,0:00:27.450 You probably use it every day –[br]even if you don't notice it. 0:00:27.450,0:00:29.999 But, what does OK actually mean? 0:00:29.999,0:00:32.439 And where did it come from? 0:00:32.540,0:00:33.079 Hm. 0:00:33.079,0:00:34.079 OK. 0:00:34.079,0:00:35.079 Okay then. 0:00:35.079,0:00:36.979 OK, thank you. 0:00:36.979,0:00:42.510 OK actually traces back to an 1830s fad of[br]intentionally misspelling abbreviations. 0:00:42.510,0:00:47.210 Young “intellectual” types in Boston delighted[br]those “in the know” with butchered coded 0:00:47.210,0:00:55.429 messages such as KC, or “knuff ced”, KY,[br]“know yuse,” and OW, “oll wright.” 0:00:55.429,0:00:56.429 Haha. 0:00:56.429,0:01:03.660 But thanks to a couple of lucky breaks, one[br]abbreviation rose above the rest: OK, or “oll korrect." 0:01:03.800,0:01:08.140 In the early 1800s, “all correct” was[br]a common phrase used to confirm that everything 0:01:08.140,0:01:09.260 was in order. 0:01:09.260,0:01:16.030 Its abbreviated cousin started going mainstream[br]on March 23, 1839, when OK was first published 0:01:16.030,0:01:17.750 in the Boston Morning Post. 0:01:17.750,0:01:22.610 Soon other papers picked up on the joke and[br]spread it around the country, until OK was 0:01:22.610,0:01:26.820 something everyone knew about, not just a[br]few Boston insiders. 0:01:26.820,0:01:31.880 And OK's newfound popularity even prompted[br]a flailing US president from Kinderhook, New York, 0:01:31.880,0:01:35.700 to adopt it as a nickname during his[br]1840 reelection campaign. 0:01:35.700,0:01:40.780 Van Buren's supporters formed OK Clubs all[br]over the country, and their message was pretty 0:01:40.780,0:01:43.690 clear: Old Kinderhook was “oll korrect.” 0:01:43.690,0:01:47.630 The campaign was highly publicized and turned[br]pretty nasty in the press. 0:01:47.630,0:01:51.380 His opponents ended up turning the abbreviation[br]around on him, saying it stood for “Orful 0:01:51.380,0:01:53.900 Konspiracy” or “Orful Katastrophe” 0:01:55.140,0:01:55.640 Hah. 0:01:56.120,0:02:00.120 In the end, even a clever nickname didn't[br]save Van Buren's presidency. 0:02:00.120,0:02:01.850 But it was a win for OK. 0:02:01.850,0:02:06.550 That 1840 presidential campaign firmly established[br]OK in the American vernacular. 0:02:06.550,0:02:10.959 And while similar abbreviations fell out of[br]fashion, OK made the crossover from slang 0:02:10.960,0:02:17.248 into legitimate, functional use thanks to[br]one invention: the telegraph. 0:02:17.867,0:02:20.400 If we lower the bridge, the current flows[br]to the sounder. 0:02:20.400,0:02:24.360 At the other end, the current energizes an[br]electromagnet and this attracts the armature. 0:02:24.360,0:02:27.760 The armature clicks down against a screw and[br]taps out a message. 0:02:27.760,0:02:32.450 The telegraph debuted in 1844, just five years[br]after OK. 0:02:32.450,0:02:37.510 It transmitted short messages in the form[br]of electric pulses, with combinations of dots 0:02:37.510,0:02:41.550 and dashes representing letters of the alphabet. 0:02:41.550,0:02:43.420 This was OK's moment to shine. 0:02:43.420,0:02:47.780 The two letters were easy to tap out and very[br]unlikely to be confused with anything else. 0:02:47.780,0:02:52.409 It was quickly adopted as a standard acknowledgement[br]of a transmission received, especially by 0:02:52.409,0:02:54.980 operators on the expanding US railroad. 0:02:54.980,0:02:59.969 This telegraphic manual from 1865 even goes[br]as far as to say that “no message is ever 0:02:59.969,0:03:04.190 regarded as transmitted until the office receiving[br]it gives O K.” 0:03:04.190,0:03:06.020 OK had become serious business. 0:03:06.020,0:03:09.739 But there's another big reason the two letters[br]stuck around, and it's not just because 0:03:09.740,0:03:10.900 they're easy to communicate. 0:03:10.900,0:03:12.969 It has to do with how OK looks. 0:03:12.969,0:03:16.769 Or more specifically, how the letter K looks[br]and sounds. 0:03:16.769,0:03:20.939 It's really uncommon to start a word with[br]the letter K in English — it's ranked 0:03:20.939,0:03:23.080 around 22nd in the alphabet. 0:03:23.080,0:03:27.239 That rarity spurred a “Kraze for K” at[br]the turn of the century in advertising and 0:03:27.239,0:03:32.299 print, where companies replaced hard Cs with[br]Ks in order to Katch your eye. 0:03:32.299,0:03:37.419 The idea was that modifying a word — like[br]Klearflax Linen Rugs or this Kook-Rite Stove, 0:03:37.419,0:03:40.310 for example — would draw more attention[br]to it. 0:03:40.310,0:03:45.169 And that's still a visual strategy: We see[br]K represented in modern corporate logos, like 0:03:45.169,0:03:47.160 Krispy-Kreme and Kool-Aid. 0:03:47.160,0:03:49.980 It's the K that makes it so memorable. 0:03:49.989,0:03:55.400 By the 1890s, OK's Bostonian origins were[br]already mostly forgotten, and newspapers began 0:03:55.400,0:03:59.749 to debate its history — often perpetuating[br]myths in the process that some people still 0:03:59.749,0:04:00.749 believe. 0:04:00.749,0:04:05.050 Like the claim that it comes from the Choctaw[br]word ‘okeh,' which means ‘so it is.' 0:04:05.050,0:04:07.769 Choctaw gave us the word OK… 0:04:07.769,0:04:12.340 OK's beginnings had become obscure but it[br]didn't really matter anymore — the word 0:04:12.340,0:04:13.950 was embedded in our language. 0:04:13.950,0:04:17.310 Today, we use it as the ultimate “neutral[br]affirmative.” 0:04:17.310,0:04:18.310 OK then. 0:04:18.310,0:04:19.500 Okay then. 0:04:19.500,0:04:21.070 Learn to truly love yourself. 0:04:21.070,0:04:22.070 OK. 0:04:22.070,0:04:22.560 OK. 0:04:22.560,0:04:23.560 Get yourself up here! 0:04:23.760,0:04:24.760 OK! 0:04:25.060,0:04:27.160 I don't know what to say. 0:04:27.160,0:04:28.600 Say OK. 0:04:30.660,0:04:31.160 OK. 0:04:31.160,0:04:33.030 It's settled then! 0:04:33.030,0:04:37.910 Allan Metcalf wrote the definitive history[br]of OK, and he explains that the word “affirms 0:04:37.910,0:04:41.730 without evaluating,” meaning it doesn't[br]convey any feelings — it just acknowledges 0:04:41.730,0:04:42.960 and accepts information. 0:04:42.960,0:04:46.080 If you “got home OK,” it just means you[br]were unharmed. 0:04:46.080,0:04:49.670 If your “food was OK,” then it was acceptable. 0:04:49.670,0:04:51.610 And “OK” confirms a change of plans. 0:04:51.610,0:04:55.950 It's is sort of a reflex at this point - 0:04:55.950,0:04:56.440 we[br]don't even keep track of how much we use it. 0:04:56.440,0:05:01.660 Which might be why OK was arguably the first[br]word spoken when humans landed on the moon. 0:05:10.200,0:05:13.640 Not bad for a corny joke from the 1830s. 0:05:13.710,0:05:16.060 Alright guys, cut it out.