0:00:01.175,0:00:04.215 This story begins in 1985, 0:00:04.215,0:00:06.157 when at age 22, 0:00:06.157,0:00:08.708 I became the world chess champion 0:00:08.708,0:00:12.636 after beating Anatoly Karpov. 0:00:12.636,0:00:13.994 Earlier that year, 0:00:13.994,0:00:17.586 I played what is called[br]simultaneous exhibition 0:00:17.586,0:00:22.001 against 32 of the world's[br]best chess playing machines 0:00:22.001,0:00:24.179 in Hamburg, Germany. 0:00:24.179,0:00:26.386 I won all the games, 0:00:26.386,0:00:29.686 and then it was not considered[br]much of a surprise 0:00:29.686,0:00:34.752 that I could beat 32 computers[br]at the same time. 0:00:34.752,0:00:37.291 To me, that was the golden age. 0:00:37.291,0:00:39.847 (Laughter) 0:00:39.847,0:00:41.671 Machines were weak, 0:00:41.671,0:00:43.684 and my hair was strong. 0:00:43.684,0:00:46.030 (Laughter) 0:00:46.030,0:00:49.076 Just 12 years later, 0:00:49.076,0:00:53.706 I was fighting for my life[br]against just one computer 0:00:53.706,0:00:55.041 in a match 0:00:55.041,0:00:57.676 called by the cover of Newsweek 0:00:57.676,0:00:59.573 "The Brain's Last Stand." 0:00:59.573,0:01:00.971 No pressure. 0:01:00.971,0:01:03.140 (Laughter) 0:01:03.140,0:01:06.018 From mythology to science fiction, 0:01:06.018,0:01:08.436 human versus machine 0:01:08.436,0:01:12.274 has been often portrayed[br]as a matter of life and death. 0:01:12.274,0:01:15.611 John Henry called the steel-driving man 0:01:15.611,0:01:19.394 in the 19th century[br]African American folk legend 0:01:19.394,0:01:20.889 was pitted in a race 0:01:20.889,0:01:23.748 against steam-powered hammer 0:01:23.748,0:01:27.247 bashing a tunnel through mountain rock. 0:01:27.247,0:01:31.883 John Henry's legend is a part[br]of a long historical narrative 0:01:31.883,0:01:36.026 pitting humanity versus technology. 0:01:36.026,0:01:39.840 And this competitive rhetoric[br]is standard now. 0:01:39.840,0:01:42.452 We are in a race against the machines, 0:01:42.452,0:01:46.146 in a fight or even in a war. 0:01:46.146,0:01:47.779 Jobs are being killed off. 0:01:47.779,0:01:51.902 People are being replaced[br]as if they had vanished from the Earth. 0:01:51.902,0:01:55.992 It's enough to think that the movies[br]like "The Terminator" or "The Matrix" 0:01:55.992,0:01:58.180 are nonfiction. 0:01:58.180,0:02:05.577 There are very few instances in an arena 0:02:05.577,0:02:09.715 where the human body and mind[br]can compete on equal terms 0:02:09.715,0:02:12.454 with a computer or a robot. 0:02:12.454,0:02:14.841 Actually, I wish there were a few more. 0:02:14.841,0:02:22.971 Instead, it was my blessing and my curse 0:02:22.971,0:02:25.500 to literally become the proverbial man 0:02:25.500,0:02:28.582 in the man versus machine competition 0:02:28.582,0:02:33.362 that everybody is still talking about. 0:02:33.362,0:02:38.433 In a most famous human-machine[br]competition since John Henry, 0:02:38.433,0:02:41.003 I played two matches 0:02:41.003,0:02:44.616 against the IBM supercomputer Deep Blue. 0:02:47.539,0:02:49.758 Nobody remembers[br]that I won the first match -- 0:02:49.758,0:02:51.596 (Laughter) 0:02:51.596,0:02:57.750 (Applause) -- 0:02:57.750,0:03:00.849 in Philadelphia, before losing the rematch[br]the following year in New York. 0:03:00.849,0:03:04.286 But I guess that's fair. 0:03:04.286,0:03:09.841 There is no day in history[br]special calendar entry 0:03:09.841,0:03:13.348 for all the people who failed[br]to climb Mt. Everest 0:03:13.348,0:03:16.033 before Sir Edmund Hillary[br]and Tenzing Norgay 0:03:16.033,0:03:18.152 made it to the top. 0:03:18.470,0:03:22.683 And in 1997, I was still[br]the world champion 0:03:22.683,0:03:30.012 when chess computers finally came of age. 0:03:30.012,0:03:32.020 I was Mt. Everest, 0:03:32.020,0:03:34.264 and Deep Blue reached the summit. 0:03:34.264,0:03:38.946 I should stay of course,[br]not that Deep Blue did it, 0:03:38.946,0:03:41.391 but its human creators -- 0:03:41.391,0:03:44.748 Anantharaman, Campbell, Hoane, Hsu. 0:03:44.748,0:03:46.374 Hats off to them. 0:03:46.374,0:03:51.626 As always, machine's triumph[br]was a human triumph, 0:03:51.626,0:03:58.585 something we tend to forget when humans[br]are surpassed by our own creations. 0:03:58.585,0:04:00.780 Deep Blue was victorious, 0:04:00.780,0:04:03.687 but was it intelligent? 0:04:03.687,0:04:06.600 No, no it wasn't, 0:04:06.600,0:04:11.539 at least not in the way Alan Turing[br]and other founders of computer science 0:04:11.539,0:04:13.486 had hoped. 0:04:13.486,0:04:18.048 It turned out that chess could be[br]crunched by brute force, 0:04:18.048,0:04:22.625 once hardware got fast enough 0:04:22.625,0:04:26.637 and algorithms got smart enough. 0:04:26.637,0:04:30.453 Although by the definition of the output, 0:04:30.453,0:04:36.772 grandmaster-level chess,[br]Deep Blue was intelligent, 0:04:36.772,0:04:40.525 but even at the incredible speed, 0:04:40.525,0:04:45.549 200 million positions per second, 0:04:45.549,0:04:47.833 Deep Blue's method 0:04:47.833,0:04:54.986 provided little of the dreamed-of insight[br]into the mysteries of human intelligence. 0:04:57.425,0:05:01.266 Soon, machines will be taxi drivers 0:05:01.266,0:05:03.860 and doctors and professors, 0:05:03.860,0:05:06.145 but will they be "intelligent?" 0:05:06.145,0:05:10.115 I would rather leave these definitions 0:05:10.115,0:05:15.472 to the philosophers and to the dictionary. 0:05:15.472,0:05:19.809 What really matters is how we humans 0:05:19.809,0:05:25.703 feel about living and working[br]with these machines. 0:05:25.703,0:05:31.929 When I first met Deep Blue[br]in 1996 in February, 0:05:31.929,0:05:35.340 I had been the world champion[br]for more than 10 years, 0:05:35.340,0:05:40.634 and I had played 182[br]world championship games 0:05:40.634,0:05:45.672 and hundreds of games against[br]other top players in other competitions. 0:05:45.672,0:05:50.640 I knew what to expect[br]from my opponents 0:05:50.640,0:05:53.246 and what to expect from myself. 0:05:53.246,0:05:55.600 I was used to measure 0:05:55.600,0:06:01.889 their moves and to gauge[br]their emotional state 0:06:01.889,0:06:04.233 by watching their body language[br]and looking into their eyes. 0:06:04.233,0:06:12.192 And then I sat across[br]the chess board from Deep Blue. 0:06:12.192,0:06:16.375 I immediately sensed something new, 0:06:16.375,0:06:18.631 something unsettling. 0:06:18.631,0:06:26.390 You might experience a similar feeling 0:06:26.390,0:06:28.339 the first time you ride[br]in a driverless car 0:06:28.339,0:06:32.499 or the first time your new computer[br]manager issues an order at work. 0:06:32.499,0:06:38.745 But when I sat at that first game, 0:06:38.745,0:06:42.804 I couldn't be sure 0:06:42.804,0:06:45.485 what is the thing capable of. 0:06:45.485,0:06:49.102 Technology can advance in leaps,[br]and IBM had invested heavily. 0:06:49.102,0:06:52.816 I lost that game, 0:06:52.816,0:06:54.821 and I couldn't help wondering, 0:06:54.821,0:06:57.427 might it be invincible? 0:06:57.427,0:07:02.027 Was my beloved game of chess over? 0:07:02.027,0:07:05.904 These were human doubts, human fears, 0:07:05.904,0:07:07.743 and the only thing I knew for sure 0:07:07.743,0:07:13.133 was that my opponent Deep Blue[br]had no such worries at all. 0:07:13.133,0:07:14.189 (Laughter) 0:07:14.189,0:07:16.768 I fought back 0:07:16.768,0:07:19.451 after this devastating blow[br]to win the first match, 0:07:19.451,0:07:24.877 but the writing was on the wall. 0:07:24.877,0:07:28.113 I eventually lost to the machine 0:07:28.113,0:07:30.217 but I didn't suffer the fate of John Henry 0:07:30.217,0:07:37.927 who won but died[br]with his hammer in his hand. 0:07:37.927,0:07:40.717 It turned out that the world of chess 0:07:40.717,0:07:45.293 still wanted to have[br]a human chess champion. 0:07:45.293,0:07:50.069 And even today, when a free chess app 0:07:50.069,0:07:54.360 on the latest mobile phone[br]is stronger than Deep Blue, 0:07:54.360,0:07:57.090 people are still playing chess, 0:07:57.090,0:08:01.741 even more than ever before. 0:08:01.741,0:08:04.013 Doomsayers predicted that nobody[br]would touch the game 0:08:04.013,0:08:05.742 that could be conquered by the machine, 0:08:05.742,0:08:08.099 and they were wrong, proving wrong, 0:08:08.099,0:08:11.695 but doomsaying has always been[br]a popular pasttime 0:08:11.695,0:08:14.840 when it comes to technology. 0:08:14.840,0:08:17.660 What I learned from my own experience 0:08:17.660,0:08:22.380 is that we must face our fears 0:08:22.380,0:08:25.343 if we want to get the most[br]out of our technology, 0:08:25.343,0:08:29.102 and we must conquer those fears 0:08:29.102,0:08:35.698 if we want to get the best[br]out of our humanity. 0:08:35.698,0:08:38.242 While licking my wounds, 0:08:38.242,0:08:41.726 I got a lot of inspiration 0:08:41.726,0:08:44.556 from my battles against Deep Blue. 0:08:44.556,0:08:49.367 As the old Russian saying goes,[br]if you can't beat them, join them. 0:08:49.367,0:08:50.676 Then I thought, 0:08:50.676,0:08:54.119 what if I could play with a computer, 0:08:54.119,0:08:57.545 together with a computer at my side,[br]combining our strengths, 0:08:57.545,0:09:01.998 human intuition[br]plus machine's calculation, 0:09:01.998,0:09:04.252 human strategy, machine tactics, 0:09:04.252,0:09:06.513 human experience, machine's memory. 0:09:06.513,0:09:10.556 Could it be the perfect game ever played? 0:09:10.556,0:09:13.245 My idea came to life 0:09:13.245,0:09:16.960 in 1998 on the name of advanced chess 0:09:16.960,0:09:20.907 when I played this human-plus-machine[br]competition against another elite player, 0:09:20.907,0:09:25.516 but in this first experiment, 0:09:25.516,0:09:35.307 we both failed to combine human[br]and machine skills effectively. 0:09:35.307,0:09:38.798 Advanced chess found[br]its home on the Internet, 0:09:38.798,0:09:43.623 and in 2005, a so-called freestyle[br]chess tournament 0:09:43.623,0:09:46.206 produced a revelation. 0:09:46.206,0:09:51.055 A team of grandmasters[br]and top machines participated, 0:09:51.055,0:09:54.632 but the winners were not grandmasters, 0:09:54.632,0:09:55.986 not a supercomputer. 0:09:55.986,0:10:01.138 The winners were a pair of amateur[br]American chess players 0:10:01.138,0:10:05.944 operating three ordinary PCs[br]at the same time. 0:10:05.944,0:10:09.101 Their skill of coaching their machines 0:10:09.101,0:10:12.466 effectively counteracted[br]the superior chess knowledge 0:10:12.466,0:10:16.593 of their grandmaster opponents 0:10:16.593,0:10:21.964 and much greater computational[br]power of others, 0:10:21.964,0:10:24.860 and I reached this formulation. 0:10:24.860,0:10:28.349 A weak human player plus a machine 0:10:28.349,0:10:31.550 plus a better process is superior 0:10:31.550,0:10:34.007 to a very power machine alone, 0:10:34.007,0:10:37.655 but more remarkably, is superior[br]to a strong human player 0:10:37.655,0:10:46.803 plus machine and an inferior process. 0:10:46.803,0:10:49.999 This convinced me that we would need 0:10:49.999,0:10:54.716 better interfaces to help us[br]coach our machines 0:10:54.716,0:10:57.672 towards more useful intelligence. 0:10:57.672,0:11:01.935 Human plus machine isn't the future, 0:11:01.935,0:11:03.108 it's present. 0:11:03.108,0:11:09.620 Everybody that's used online translation[br]to get the gist of a news article 0:11:09.620,0:11:11.755 from a foreign newspaper 0:11:11.755,0:11:14.041 knowing its far from perfect. 0:11:14.041,0:11:16.142 Then we use our human experience 0:11:16.142,0:11:18.252 to make sense out of that, 0:11:18.252,0:11:21.061 and then machine learns[br]from our corrections. 0:11:21.061,0:11:27.045 This model is spreading and investing[br]in medical diagnosis, security analysis. 0:11:27.045,0:11:30.527 The machine crunches data, 0:11:30.527,0:11:31.576 calculates probabilities, 0:11:31.576,0:11:35.047 gets 80 percent of the way, 90 percent, 0:11:35.047,0:11:39.173 making it easier for analysis 0:11:39.173,0:11:42.725 and decision-making of the human party. 0:11:42.725,0:11:48.764 But you are not going to send your kids 0:11:48.764,0:11:53.113 to school in self-driving car[br]with 90 percent accuracy, 0:11:53.113,0:11:55.827 even with 99 percent. 0:11:55.827,0:11:58.712 So we need a leap forward 0:11:58.712,0:12:07.236 to add a few more crucial decimal places. 0:12:07.236,0:12:12.450 Twenty years after[br]my match with Deep Blue, 0:12:12.450,0:12:14.363 second match, 0:12:14.363,0:12:19.365 this sensational "The Brain's[br]Last Stand" headline 0:12:19.365,0:12:22.239 has become commonplace 0:12:22.239,0:12:24.630 as intelligent machines 0:12:24.630,0:12:30.721 move in every sector, seemingly every day. 0:12:30.721,0:12:33.514 But unlike in the past, 0:12:33.514,0:12:38.186 when machines replaced farm animals, 0:12:38.186,0:12:42.637 manual labor, now they are coming after[br]people with college degrees 0:12:42.637,0:12:44.637 and political influence, 0:12:44.637,0:12:47.639 and as someone who fought machines[br]and lost, I am here to tell you 0:12:47.639,0:12:51.323 this is excellent, excellent news. 0:12:51.323,0:12:53.692 Eventually, every profession 0:12:53.692,0:12:55.768 will have to feel these pressures 0:12:55.768,0:13:02.583 or else it will mean humanity[br]has ceased to make progress. 0:13:02.583,0:13:08.749 We don't get to choose 0:13:08.749,0:13:13.484 when and where[br]technological progress stops. 0:13:13.484,0:13:18.215 We cannot slow down. 0:13:18.215,0:13:25.183 In fact, we have to speed up. 0:13:25.183,0:13:29.764 Our technology excels at removing 0:13:29.764,0:13:32.057 difficulties and uncertainties 0:13:32.057,0:13:35.341 from our lives, 0:13:35.341,0:13:38.361 and so we must seek out 0:13:38.361,0:13:40.403 ever more difficult, 0:13:40.403,0:13:48.766 ever more uncertain challenges. 0:13:48.766,0:13:54.044 Machines have calculations. 0:13:54.044,0:13:56.032 We have understanding. 0:13:56.032,0:13:58.316 Machines have instructions. 0:13:58.316,0:14:00.890 We have purpose. 0:14:00.890,0:14:04.253 Machines have objectivity. 0:14:04.253,0:14:08.781 We have passion. 0:14:08.781,0:14:15.038 We should not worry about what[br]our machines can do today. 0:14:15.038,0:14:19.457 Instead, we should worry about[br]what they still cannot do today, 0:14:19.457,0:14:25.064 because we will need the help[br]of the new, intelligent machines 0:14:25.064,0:14:30.410 to turn our grandest dreams into reality. 0:14:30.410,0:14:32.597 And if we fail, 0:14:32.597,0:14:36.299 if we fail, it's not because our machines 0:14:36.299,0:14:39.631 are too intelligent,[br]or not intelligent enough. 0:14:39.631,0:14:44.084 If we fail, it's because[br]we grew complacent 0:14:44.084,0:14:47.110 and limited our ambitions. 0:14:47.110,0:14:51.815 Our humanity is not defined by any skill, 0:14:51.815,0:14:54.888 like swinging a hammer[br]or even playing chess. 0:14:54.888,0:14:58.034 There's one thing only a human can do. 0:14:58.034,0:15:00.049 That's dream. 0:15:00.049,0:15:02.851 So let us dream big. 0:15:02.851,0:15:04.869 Thank you. 0:15:04.869,0:15:07.807 (Applause)