No club for singing, huh? Hmm... Oh, there’s theatre. Maybe they do musicals! But... I can’t act at all, and I’d definitely be bullied all over again… Guess I’ll have to stick to singing alone in my bedroom. Hey! Hey Jake! Come ‘ere! Oh, er, hi! Look what I got! Woah, no way! How’d you get these two so fast?! Ain't that hard to convince my dad. Now we can have that battle we agreed on. Wanna hang with us after school? Er, can I really? Well yeah, I asked you didn’t I? Hey man, who’s your friend? This is Jake. He actually showed normal interest in my Gacha Switch, while you two were prattling on about weird 2D girl games. Huh! Shows what you know. They’re called visual novels, actually, and they’re for real men. Hey Jake, I’m Liam. And that’s Henry. He likes anime dating games. I-I like other stuff too! Don’t make me sound weird! Oh no, that's cool! I love anime! We’re best friends now and you’re coming to my house to watch MHA with us every saturday! Yikes, you really are a weeaboo. Huh, I’m surprised you know that term, Drew, you’re not as uncultured as I thought. Don’t worry Drew, we’ll educate ya on what you’ve been missing out on! Yeah, I think I’m good, thanks… Hey Drew. Oh, sup? How’s your classes? Teachers seem like pushovers here, if you ask me. Ha, yeah, too right. High school’s gonna be a breeze, even with all my honors classes. Still can’t believe you’re actually taking those. Well, unlike you, I have a brain. Jake? What the hell are you doing here? Uh… I’m uh... Shouldn’t you be hanging out with weirdos, or like, being a loner somewhere? Harsh dude.... You know him? Why would he? He’s cool with us. So shove off. ...Whatever then. Well, we’re gonna play soccer with a bunch of others, you wanna come with? Nah, maybe next time. Alright, cya. What’s with that guy? Uh, he doesn’t like me very much. We went to middle school together. Hmmm… Well, you can forget about middle school. We’re freshmen now, so it’s a new start. Yeah, I mean, you should've seen Liam in middle school and his cringey scene phase. Ah-! Shut it! I have pictures too~ No no no! Don’t you frickin DARE! You can chill with us from now on. And besides, you don’t wanna get lugged in with freaks like them, right? Yeah, right. ♪ Oh, love's a crazy game ♪ ♪ All we know is that it takes two hearts to play ♪ ♪ And once you both find the flame ♪ ♪ You'll need more than life itself To keep it burnin' through the waves ♪ ♪ And I've tried 'bout a million times But I can't seem to get it right ♪ ♪ Get my hopes up, but it lasts one night, and then it's over ♪ ♪ But when I'm lookin' into your eyes I see my future, my paradise ♪ ♪ Somethin' hits me every time, and I know it ♪ ♪ I wanna be loved with your love, your love, your love ♪ ♪ I wanna be touched by your touch, your touch, your touch ♪ ♪ I've been searchin' for my forever, now I've finally found the one ♪ ♪ I wanna be loved with your love, your love, your love ♪ ♪ Oh I wanna be loved ♪ ♪ With your love ♪ ♪ I wanna be loved with your love, your love, your love ♪ ♪ Oh, if you only knew ♪ ♪ Just how far I've fallen, to get to you ♪ ♪ And if you wanna know the truth ♪ ♪ I've been scared to open up 'Cause you're the one thing I can't lose ♪ ♪ And I've tried 'bout a million times But I can't seem to get it right ♪ ♪ Get my hopes up, but it lasts one night, and then it's over ♪ ♪ But when I'm lookin' into your eyes I see my future, my paradise ♪ ♪ Somethin' hits me every time, and I know it ♪ ♪ I wanna be loved with your love, your love, your love ♪ ♪ I wanna be touched by your touch, your touch, your touch ♪ ♪ I've been searchin' for my forever, now I've finally found the one ♪ ♪ I wanna be loved with your love, your love, your love ♪ ♪ Your love ♪ ♪ Only you ♪ ♪ Nobody else, nobody else ♪ ♪ You're my forever ♪ ♪ I wanna be loved with your love, your love, your love ♪ Why hello there, Mr. Simp. Hello to you too, Mr. Grapelord. So! Milly’s taken it upon herself to design matching jackets for the club. I can’t imagine how ghastly the design will be letting her do it alone, so we have no choice but to help… You gonna come check it out with us? Oh (laugh) I would but, I’m hanging out with Drew and the others now, so uh… Ah… Okay. Uhhhhh... ...should I go or-? NO! C’mon Zander, we’re leaving. Hey! Why does everyone think they can drag me about like a ragdoll?! HaHA! I told you he’d show up! You owe me a soda. Heya. Oh, Jake. I’m surprised; you’re not ditching us for the music fr-..., for once. I said I would come, didn’t I? Oh, Jake! I’m so glad you’re coming, we’ve got to do this TikTok trend together! It's called 'two best friends in a room, they might kiss.' though you don't actually kiss me. Well, unless you wanted to~ Oh, uh... Uh, sure? (this dumbass...) Alright... You finally ready to leave Zoey? Just a sec! Can’t you do that at my place? Beauty is patience, Drewy-bear~! I don’t think that’s how that saying goes… Oh! Erm... Wait a sec, I forgot something important in the music room! Gimme a minute! Alright, well, we’ll be waiting anyway so go ahead. 60, 59, 58- Hailey, you were right. I do need to decide for myself. Um... I think I w- No. I will stay in the club. A-and I’ll talk to Drew today! And… And I’ll fix everything! Will I be able to? Well, today’s already been bad enough, surely it can’t get any worse. If I’m lucky, Zander & Hailey might have gone back to the club room. Then I can talk to her and apologise properly... Well I must say, that is impressive! I told you he had a lot of uses! To be fair though, I’ve had a lot of time after school to practice these moves. You’ll have to teach me next time. (Chuckles) By the way, thank you for the playlist you sent me; it was really sweet of you. Oh yeah, no problem. Music always makes me feel better when I’m having a bad day. Ah, that’s my parents. I better get going! Sorry Sean! No worries, see you Daisy! Hi mom! Sorry, I’m on my way now! Ugh, what am I doing? I should've just gone in there. They’re probably just friends… right? Sean never told me that he was talking to Daisy… And... cheering up? What does Sean know about Daisy that I don’t…? -61, -62, -63...! You can shut up now, idiot! Did you get your important thing? Uh, no... It doesn’t matter, let's... just go. It worked! She saw my donation message! Congrats dude, you just wasted your money on someone who doesn’t know you exist. Well she does now! I, megachad9000, just might have a chance. Just you wait and see. That is the definition of sad… But no, I’m the simp, right? Okay, and what are you doing that’s so much better? Just finding more gems for my meme bank. Hehe, I think I’ll send this one to Lia! Henry, I’m literally on the other side of the room to you! Stop sending me this crap! You never learn Henry… You know what they say, slow and steady wins the race! I think it’s more short and stupid in your case. Heh, looks like I win again! Drew, I’m so bored! Can we do something? Like what? Hmm… Oh, I know! Let’s watch that new hybrid princess series in your dad’s cinema! Ugh... Really? I’m not sitting here watching you play your stupid games all night! I might as well just go home. Alright, alright! You up for it, Jake? Mm? Oh, uh, sorry, what are we doing? ...Jake. Er, yeah? Just tell us what’s up already. You’ve been sulking ever since we left school; something obviously happened when you went to get that “thing”, right? Uhhhhh, sort of… I guess. Look, you guys wouldn’t happen to know if... Daisy is seeing anyone, right? So it’s just about Daisy... Dude, are you still questioning it after all this time?! For the love of Luni, just ask her! No, you don’t understand. Look, I saw her in the music room, with Sean… What, were they making out? N-no! But… they did look pretty close. Oooohhh.... Well that explains the other weekend… Wait, what do you mean? What happened the other weekend? Well... And as per usual, he made up some excuse about his card getting declined. So I was like: He was terrified! And that’s how I got him to buy the whole candy store for me! I win again~! Mmhmm... Hey, Zoey, look! See? I hate to say it Jake, but it looked like they were on a date. Looks like your friend got there first. And this is why you shouldn’t have waited to do this dumb competition idea to ask her out… I... just... never thought that Sean and Daisy… We would’ve told you but we thought that Sean guy would’ve said something, since you’re so chummy with them or whatever. Haven’t you made it obvious to them that you like Daisy at this point? You don’t exactly make it hard for people to figure out. W-well, yeah, I did tell them... And he knew? Wow, some friend. So... are you still gonna bother doing this singing thing? Well... Hey, we can’t know for sure, right? They might just be friends. And I... still wanna do it... Only because you’re singing with Hailey. Wait, you’re singing with Hailey as well now?! Uh.... Well... What, is she confessing her feelings to Daisy as well?! Ohohoho! Well this just got saucy! Yes, I’m singing with Hailey now. We’re doing a duet, because I wanted to sing with her. Because of her stage fright, right? Wait, you know about that? Well, yeah. We all do. Everyone who went to middle school with her knows. I don’t get it, Jake. Are you singing for Daisy, or Hailey? Er, for Daisy, of course! That hasn’t changed... I don’t think Hailey thinks that. She wouldn’t stop rubbing the whole duet thing in my face! The moment you auditioned she knew she could use you; that’s all she cares about! That’s not true! She accepted me because she thought I was passionate, and was kind enough to give me a second chance! She told me herself. You seriously believe that? Just open your eyes already, Jake. Hailey can't sing by herself, so she needs you to. She’s clearly a control freak who wants everything her way, and is using you to get it. Just the way she was earlier today in the music room is proof enough! You gotta admit Jake, she kinda does have you around her pinky finger. I gotta give her props for being a girlboss though. Not to mention one of the freaks is trying to steal Daisy from you knowing how much you sim- er, I mean, feel about her. Henry’s right, I mean, she's the whole reason you’re doing all this, so... what’s the point if this Sean guy gets there first? And the only reason the school cares about this competition is you, Jake. You're spending all of your time doing all this for them, and what do you get in return? But Jake…! I would love to see you perform on stage- Thank you for that playlist you sent me, it was really sweet of you. Oh yeah, no problem. And he knew? [Multiple voices overlap eachother] [Multiple voices overlap eachother] Sooner or later Jake, you’ll have to decide for yourself. [Multiple voices overlap eachother] Not me, not Drew. But you. I joined to sing for Daisy, and that’s what I’m gonna do. Whatever they’re using me for, I’m not letting them get in my way. Heck, Hailey can’t even sing without me because of her stupid stage fright! And they probably wouldn’t stand a chance without me! They should be grateful that I joined them in the first place! They should’ve known from the moment I joined that I wouldn’t be a music freak. Damn Jake, pop off! At least you finally realise it. Well, if you really think Daisy will give you a shot after this, then go for it. It’ll be nice to have you back though, hanging out with us like this again once it’s over. Yeah, me too... Alright, I’ll go set up GachaFlix for this marathon... then, I guess. Yay! C’mon Lia, let’s get good seats! ...I’ve really said it now. Um... Hey Hailey... Hey Jake. Listen, I’m sorry if I was a little harsh to you yesterday… I shouldn’t have gotten so worked up because of Drew. I know he was just trying to get a rise out of me. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. No... You were right, Hailey, I've been a bad friend. I shouldn’t just stand by and let those guys talk to you like that. I wanna try better. Thanks Jake. Um, I also wanted to say, whatever your reasons for joining the club, or if you decide to quit... it’s okay. A lot has changed since before you joined… so... I hope even after the competition, we can stay close as a family, in the music club, or not. Hailey... A-anyway, I think everyone is making their way to the music room now. Are you coming? Yeah! Of course, let's go! Oh, Jake! You wouldn’t be a dear and help take some papers to the teacher’s office for me, would you? Oh, uh... Yeah, sure. Thank you dear! They’re just sitting in the history classroom along here. We’ll be waiting, Jake! Alright! Don’t miss me too much! So Jake, this Friday is the big day! I bet you’re brimming with nervousness. A-and excited of course! Yeah... Well a bit of both. Hailey’s told me how hard you’ve all been working for this. I don’t think I’ve seen a club quite as passionate as your music club. It’s very inspiring. And you know Jake, no matter the outcome this Friday, you should be very proud of yourself! Hm... Yeah, er... Thanks, Miss Jones. Oh... What was I thinking?! Those guys aren’t using me… God, I’m so stupid! I should never have said those things behind their back… Well, ah... y'know, it doesn’t matter. It's not like they heard me anyways. I’ll just go to rehearsals like normal, and everything will be fine. Oh, hey Jake! Oh, haha! Hi!... D-Daisy, what's up? Nothing much! Sadie and I are just planning for a fundraiser for animal shelters in the area! What brings you here? I’m just being a delivery boy. I see. Oh, I just remembered! Sean told me that you’ll be performing a duet with Hailey this Friday, right?! Oh, yeah, that’s right! But er... So... You and Sean..? Hm? N-nothing, forget about it. So, uh... You still coming? Of course! I’m beyond excited! Especially to hear you and Hailey sing together now! You’re excited too, right Sadie? Yeah, ecstatic. Break a leg, Jake. Oh, HAHAHAHAHA...! Ah!... ...Oh! Er, speaking of this Friday, I better get to rehearsals! Oh, alright! Have fun Jake! Thanks Daisy! Daisy’s so great... I already feel ten times better. Who knows...! Maybe in a couple weeks time, me and Daisy will be together, holding hands... going on dates…! OOOOH my gosh! I’m gonna make the most of today! Alright peeps, who’s ready to rock n’ ro- Hailey! What's wrong?! Hey! What happened?! How could you, Jake? I thought you were our friend! W-, what are you talking about? Hey, what’s wrong? Don’t touch me! Maybe this will refresh your memory. [Audio recording plays] Heck, Hailey can't even sing without me because of her stupid stage fright! [Audio recording plays] And they probably wouldn't stand a chance without me! W-wait, that isn’t-... Hey! No no no, I-I didn’t mean a word of anything I said-! We should be grateful, huh? Looks like I was right after all. I should never have given you a second chance. I-I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean any of that! Hailey, please! You know that was just a load of bullcrap! I... I-I wasn’t thinking straight! Those guys egged me on, and I-... I shouldn’t have listened! Please, believe me! ♪ I made room for you in here ♪ ♪ A place where you'd hide your tears ♪ ♪ You said you were done searching We were done hurting ♪ ♪ Leave those lonely lovers ♪ ♪ I made room for you in here ♪ ♪ I told you that I loved you You said you couldn't love me ♪ ♪ My chest, it hit the ground ♪ ♪ Beginning to an ending A curtain with the word FIN ♪ ♪ Leaving with a broken bound ♪ ♪ You didn't need my love ♪ Are you happy?! I swear to god, if you EVER come near my sister again-! Zander! ...He's not worth it. Let's go find your sister. Stay away from us! ♪ You didn't need my love ♪ ♪ You didn't need my love ♪