WEBVTT 00:00:06.794 --> 00:00:08.455 Since the dawn of humanity, 00:00:08.455 --> 00:00:13.876 an estimated 100.8 billion people have lived and died, 00:00:13.876 --> 00:00:19.236 a number that increases by about .8% of the world's population each year. 00:00:19.236 --> 00:00:22.456 What happens to all of those people's bodies after they die 00:00:22.456 --> 00:00:26.715 and will the planet eventually run out of burial space? 00:00:26.715 --> 00:00:28.506 When a person's heart stops beating, 00:00:28.506 --> 00:00:32.656 the body passes through several stages before it begins decomposing. 00:00:32.656 --> 00:00:34.287 Within minutes after death, 00:00:34.287 --> 00:00:37.966 the blood begins settling in the lower-most parts of the body. 00:00:37.966 --> 00:00:40.005 Usually eight to twelve hours later, 00:00:40.005 --> 00:00:46.084 the skin in those areas is discolored by livor mortis, or post-mortem stain. 00:00:46.084 --> 00:00:49.896 And while at the moment of death the body's muscles relax completely 00:00:49.896 --> 00:00:52.677 in a condition called primary flaccidity, 00:00:52.677 --> 00:00:58.247 they stiffen about two to six hours later in what's known as rigor mortis. 00:00:58.247 --> 00:01:00.377 This stiffening spreads through the muscles, 00:01:00.377 --> 00:01:05.587 and its speed can be affected by age, gender, and the surrounding environment. 00:01:05.587 --> 00:01:07.588 The body also changes temperature, 00:01:07.588 --> 00:01:10.897 usually cooling off to match its environment. 00:01:10.897 --> 00:01:13.055 Next comes decomposition, 00:01:13.055 --> 00:01:17.238 the process by which bacteria and insects break apart the body. 00:01:17.238 --> 00:01:20.277 Many factors affect the rate of decomposition. 00:01:20.277 --> 00:01:24.797 There is, however, a basic guide of the effect of the environment on decompositon 00:01:24.797 --> 00:01:26.758 called Casper's Law. 00:01:26.758 --> 00:01:28.967 It says that if all other factors are equal, 00:01:28.967 --> 00:01:35.198 a body exposed to air decomposes twice as fast as one immersed in water 00:01:35.198 --> 00:01:39.322 and eight times as fast as one buried in earth. 00:01:39.322 --> 00:01:43.554 Soil acidity also greatly affects bone preservation. 00:01:43.554 --> 00:01:46.981 High-acidity soils with a pH of less than 5.3 00:01:46.981 --> 00:01:49.658 will rapidly decompose bone, 00:01:49.658 --> 00:01:54.739 whereas in a neutral or basic soil with a pH of 7 or more, 00:01:54.739 --> 00:01:59.685 a skeleton can remain in relatively good condition for centuries. 00:01:59.685 --> 00:02:04.088 Different cultures throughout history have developed unique approaches to burials. 00:02:04.088 --> 00:02:06.720 As far back as the first neanderthal burials, 00:02:06.720 --> 00:02:09.100 death was accompanied by rituals, 00:02:09.100 --> 00:02:13.418 like the positioning, coloring, or decorating of corpses. 00:02:13.418 --> 00:02:17.002 Traditional Christian burials decorate the body in dress, 00:02:17.002 --> 00:02:18.460 while in traditional Islam, 00:02:18.460 --> 00:02:20.940 a body is wrapped in a piece of ritual fabric 00:02:20.940 --> 00:02:24.059 with the face oriented toward Mecca. 00:02:24.059 --> 00:02:27.023 Traditional Hindus ceremonially burn the body, 00:02:27.023 --> 00:02:31.270 and Zoroastrians, followers of one of the oldest monotheistic religions, 00:02:31.270 --> 00:02:35.643 traditionally place bodies atop a tower to expose them to the sun 00:02:35.643 --> 00:02:38.004 and scavenging birds. 00:02:38.004 --> 00:02:42.247 Before the Industrial Revolution, burials were simple and accessible. 00:02:42.247 --> 00:02:47.191 These days, with suitable burial land running out in high-population areas, 00:02:47.191 --> 00:02:50.290 purchasing private gravesites can be costly, 00:02:50.290 --> 00:02:53.047 and many people can't afford simple burials. 00:02:53.047 --> 00:02:56.862 Even cremation, the second most common burial practice in the world, 00:02:56.862 --> 00:02:59.209 comes with a high cost. 00:02:59.209 --> 00:03:01.392 As for the question of running of space, 00:03:01.392 --> 00:03:04.302 the issue isn't so much about total land in the world 00:03:04.302 --> 00:03:08.788 as it is that large populations cluster together within cities. 00:03:08.788 --> 00:03:10.977 Most of the big cities in the world 00:03:10.977 --> 00:03:14.570 may run out of suitable burial grounds within a century. 00:03:14.570 --> 00:03:16.390 For London, it's even sooner. 00:03:16.390 --> 00:03:18.883 That may happen by 2035. 00:03:18.883 --> 00:03:21.842 So are there alternatives to traditional burials 00:03:21.842 --> 00:03:24.392 that might help with the space issue? 00:03:24.392 --> 00:03:29.341 In some countries, skyscraper cemeteries enable vertical burials. 00:03:29.341 --> 00:03:32.853 Some options focus on the body's relationship with the environment. 00:03:32.853 --> 00:03:37.793 Promession, for example, freeze-dries and pulverizes the body, 00:03:37.793 --> 00:03:40.342 creating a powder that can turn into compost 00:03:40.342 --> 00:03:43.311 when mixed with oxygen and water. 00:03:43.311 --> 00:03:46.458 There are also green burials that use special materials, 00:03:46.458 --> 00:03:48.651 such as biodegradable caskets, 00:03:48.651 --> 00:03:50.542 urns that sprout trees, 00:03:50.542 --> 00:03:53.802 and burial suits that grow mushrooms. 00:03:53.802 --> 00:03:57.442 Eternal reefs take that concept to the depths of the ocean 00:03:57.442 --> 00:04:03.433 using a mixture of ashes and cement to create marine habitats for sea life. 00:04:03.433 --> 00:04:06.552 Death is an inevitable part of the human condition, 00:04:06.552 --> 00:04:10.483 but how we treat bodies at burials continues to evolve. 00:04:10.483 --> 00:04:12.392 We may each have different spiritual, 00:04:12.392 --> 00:04:13.373 religious, 00:04:13.373 --> 00:04:15.943 or practical approaches to dying, 00:04:15.943 --> 00:04:18.533 but the ever-increasing demand for burial space 00:04:18.533 --> 00:04:20.692 might give us a push to be creative 00:04:20.692 --> 00:04:24.663 about where our bodies go after the final stages of life.