Hello everyone. It's just another day for me. I went out for a walk today and it was quite a challenge for me. I walked. let's see what my phone says. I have a little tracker on here. It pretty much shows that I didn't in the last week because it was quite painful for me. I'm working everday.on it At least I'm walking a little bit. So, today I've reached 3,000 steps out of 6,000 of my goal. I'm hoping to reach my goal everyday to have at least 6,000 steps. I've got to work up to that. Not very easy when you suffer with fibromyosis and lack of self esteen because of being let go. You know, my body isn't use to being this way. I'm trying to fight, you know, to go back to my youth. Turned out to be kind of a stormy gray mysterious day. The clouds where all over the place... really dark clouds, like it was ready to rain. I was very luck that I didn't get drenched. I just kinda walked out of there and said (raised fist in defiance) shoot my fist against the storm, you know. I was an interesting walk. I got to talk to a few people along the way that were encouraging me. I think I said, "Hi. I notice you walk by a lot. They were encouraging the fact that I was really trying. They were really rather suprised about fibromyosis. They really thought that that only women have that. Well, unfortunately men too, and I'm one of them. It was rather pleasant experience today. Although, it was kinda like a little struggle. I felt like I didn't want to walk. About half way I thought about giving up and saying, "Oh, screw this. This is too much. " What I did was I kept thinking about all the good things and positive future goals that I have for myself and try to better myself. It's really hard to get out of the house too sometimes, you know. My aquaphobia gets to me every once in a while. It's been alright. Other than weather and exercising, I think that I'm looking forward to a change of diet. I'm not going to do anything strenuous. I'm not going to go from meat eater straight to vegan; however, I plan to work within a diet that works best for me. So far, the low carbs are working. I can feel a difference. I'm hungrier more and that's actually kind of a good sign. Part of that conquering that I need to do... is to work against being so hungry all the time. I think that's pretty much all that I have for everybody today. I hope that you guys enjoyed what I have said. I will probably work on doing a lot video interests since a lot of people seem to enjoy my videos and like to hear what I have to say. It's kind of a challenge because I don't know what to say. I'm pretty shy. It seems so. Ok. Well, it's good talking with everybody and I hope everybody has a wonderful day and weekend or night. (salutes) Ado.