WEBVTT 00:00:00.870 --> 00:00:04.170 I've got this source of a wave right here that's moving to 00:00:04.170 --> 00:00:06.150 the right at some velocity. 00:00:06.150 --> 00:00:14.510 So let's just say that the velocity of the source-- let's 00:00:14.510 --> 00:00:19.460 call it v sub s to the right-- so we're really going to do 00:00:19.460 --> 00:00:21.180 what we do in the last video, but we're going to do it in 00:00:21.180 --> 00:00:23.630 more abstract terms so we can come up with a generalized 00:00:23.630 --> 00:00:26.160 formula for the observed frequency. 00:00:26.160 --> 00:00:30.190 So that's how fast he's moving to the right, and he's 00:00:30.190 --> 00:00:35.400 emitting a wave. Let's say the wave that he's emitting-- so 00:00:35.400 --> 00:00:40.930 the velocity of wave-- let's call that v 00:00:40.930 --> 00:00:43.270 sub w radially outward. 00:00:43.270 --> 00:00:45.510 We've got to give a magnitude and a direction. 00:00:45.510 --> 00:00:46.760 So radially outward. 00:00:50.070 --> 00:00:53.660 That's the velocity of the wave, and that wave is going 00:00:53.660 --> 00:00:55.950 to have a period and a frequency, but it's going to 00:00:55.950 --> 00:00:58.550 have a period and a frequency associated from the point of 00:00:58.550 --> 00:01:00.630 view of the source. 00:01:00.630 --> 00:01:01.515 And we're going to do everything. 00:01:01.515 --> 00:01:02.840 This is all classical mechanics. 00:01:02.840 --> 00:01:04.959 We're not going to be talking about relativistic speed, so 00:01:04.959 --> 00:01:07.580 we don't have to worry about all of the strange things that 00:01:07.580 --> 00:01:10.580 happen as things approach the speed of light. 00:01:10.580 --> 00:01:15.670 So let's just say it has some period of-- let me 00:01:15.670 --> 00:01:17.130 write it this way. 00:01:17.130 --> 00:01:22.220 The source period, which is the period of the wave from 00:01:22.220 --> 00:01:26.890 the perspective of the source, so the source period, we'll 00:01:26.890 --> 00:01:31.850 call it t sub source, And the source frequency, which would 00:01:31.850 --> 00:01:34.400 just be-- we've learned, hopefully it's intuitive now-- 00:01:34.400 --> 00:01:35.900 would be the inverse of this. 00:01:35.900 --> 00:01:42.790 So the source frequency would be-- we'll call it f sub s. 00:01:42.790 --> 00:01:44.960 And these two things are the inverse of each other. 00:01:44.960 --> 00:01:47.300 The inverse of the period of a wave is its 00:01:47.300 --> 00:01:49.060 frequency, vice versa. 00:01:49.060 --> 00:01:52.010 So let's think about what's going to happen. 00:01:52.010 --> 00:01:56.930 Let's say at time equal zero, he emits that first crest, 00:01:56.930 --> 00:01:59.430 that first pulse, so he's just emitted it. 00:01:59.430 --> 00:02:01.540 You can't even see it because it just got emitted. 00:02:01.540 --> 00:02:05.020 And now let's fast forward t seconds. 00:02:05.020 --> 00:02:07.695 Let's say that this is in seconds, so every t seconds, 00:02:07.695 --> 00:02:09.410 it emits a new pulse. 00:02:09.410 --> 00:02:11.970 First of all, where is that first pulse 00:02:11.970 --> 00:02:14.800 after t sub s seconds? 00:02:14.800 --> 00:02:18.170 Well, you multiply the velocity of that first pulse 00:02:18.170 --> 00:02:19.650 times the time. 00:02:19.650 --> 00:02:22.780 Velocity times time is going to give you a distance. 00:02:22.780 --> 00:02:24.200 If you don't believe me, I'll show you an example. 00:02:24.200 --> 00:02:27.980 If I tell you the velocity is 5 meters per second, and let's 00:02:27.980 --> 00:02:30.850 say that this period is 2 seconds, that's going to give 00:02:30.850 --> 00:02:32.340 you 10 meters. 00:02:32.340 --> 00:02:34.580 The seconds cancel out. 00:02:34.580 --> 00:02:38.230 So to figure out how far that wave will have gone after t 00:02:38.230 --> 00:02:42.090 sub s seconds, you just multiply t sub s times the 00:02:42.090 --> 00:02:43.830 velocity of the wave. 00:02:43.830 --> 00:02:46.160 And let's say it's gotten over here. 00:02:46.160 --> 00:02:47.960 It's radially outward. 00:02:47.960 --> 00:02:50.080 So, I'll draw it radially outward. 00:02:50.080 --> 00:02:53.690 That's my best attempt at a circle. 00:02:53.690 --> 00:03:00.080 And this distance right here, this radius right there, that 00:03:00.080 --> 00:03:03.140 is equal to velocity times time. 00:03:03.140 --> 00:03:08.780 The velocity of that first pulse, v sub w, that's 00:03:08.780 --> 00:03:09.510 actually the speed. 00:03:09.510 --> 00:03:11.630 I'm saying it's v sub w radially outward. 00:03:11.630 --> 00:03:12.800 This isn't a vector quantity. 00:03:12.800 --> 00:03:14.750 This is just a number you can imagine. 00:03:14.750 --> 00:03:19.450 v sub w times the period, times t of s. 00:03:22.100 --> 00:03:23.780 I know it's abstract, but just think, this is just the 00:03:23.780 --> 00:03:25.300 distance times the time. 00:03:25.300 --> 00:03:29.330 If this was moving at 10 meters per second and if the 00:03:29.330 --> 00:03:31.190 period is 2 seconds, this is how far. 00:03:31.190 --> 00:03:34.520 It will have gone 10 meters after 2 seconds. 00:03:34.520 --> 00:03:36.635 Now, this thing we said at the beginning of 00:03:36.635 --> 00:03:38.100 the video is moving. 00:03:38.100 --> 00:03:40.410 So although this is radially outward from the point at 00:03:40.410 --> 00:03:43.340 which it was emitted, this thing isn't standing still. 00:03:43.340 --> 00:03:44.720 We saw this in the last video. 00:03:44.720 --> 00:03:46.690 This thing has also moved. 00:03:46.690 --> 00:03:47.540 How far? 00:03:47.540 --> 00:03:48.700 Well, we do the same thing. 00:03:48.700 --> 00:03:52.330 We multiply its velocity times the same number of time. 00:03:52.330 --> 00:03:55.770 Remember, we're saying what does this look like after t 00:03:55.770 --> 00:03:59.230 sub s seconds, or some period of time t sub s. 00:03:59.230 --> 00:04:01.130 Well, this thing is moving to the right. 00:04:01.130 --> 00:04:02.660 Let's say it's here. 00:04:02.660 --> 00:04:05.570 Let's say it's moved right over here. 00:04:05.570 --> 00:04:08.470 In this video, we're assuming that the velocity of our 00:04:08.470 --> 00:04:12.440 source is strictly less than the velocity of the wave. Some 00:04:12.440 --> 00:04:14.750 pretty interesting things happen right when they're 00:04:14.750 --> 00:04:16.890 equal, and, obviously, when it goes the other way. 00:04:16.890 --> 00:04:18.860 But we're going to assume that it's strictly less than. 00:04:18.860 --> 00:04:23.150 The source is traveling slower than the actual wave. 00:04:23.150 --> 00:04:24.290 But what is this distance? 00:04:24.290 --> 00:04:25.980 Remember, we're talking about-- let me do it 00:04:25.980 --> 00:04:27.550 in orange as well. 00:04:27.550 --> 00:04:31.650 This orange reality is what's happened after t sub s 00:04:31.650 --> 00:04:33.160 seconds, you can say. 00:04:33.160 --> 00:04:35.360 So this distance right here. 00:04:35.360 --> 00:04:38.390 That distance right there-- I'll do it in a different 00:04:38.390 --> 00:04:41.540 color-- is going to be the velocity of the source. 00:04:41.540 --> 00:04:46.350 It's going to be v sub s times the amount of 00:04:46.350 --> 00:04:47.190 time that's gone by. 00:04:47.190 --> 00:04:49.340 And I said at the beginning, that amount of time is the 00:04:49.340 --> 00:04:51.480 period of the wave. That's the time in question. 00:04:51.480 --> 00:04:54.340 So period of the wave t sub s. 00:04:54.340 --> 00:04:57.950 So after one period of the wave, if that's 5 seconds, 00:04:57.950 --> 00:05:00.910 then we'll say, after 5 seconds, the source has moved 00:05:00.910 --> 00:05:07.800 this far, v sub s times t sub s, and that first crest of our 00:05:07.800 --> 00:05:12.300 wave has moved that far, V sub w times t sub s. 00:05:12.300 --> 00:05:14.300 Now, the time that we're talking about, that's the 00:05:14.300 --> 00:05:16.270 period of the wave being emitted. 00:05:16.270 --> 00:05:19.810 So exactly after that amount of time, this guy is ready to 00:05:19.810 --> 00:05:21.960 emit the next crest. He has gone 00:05:21.960 --> 00:05:23.500 through exactly one cycle. 00:05:23.500 --> 00:05:27.390 So he is going to emit something right now. 00:05:27.390 --> 00:05:30.680 So it's just getting emitted right at that point. 00:05:30.680 --> 00:05:33.760 So what is the distance between the crest that he 00:05:33.760 --> 00:05:37.990 emitted t sub s seconds ago or hours ago or microseconds ago, 00:05:37.990 --> 00:05:38.730 we don't know. 00:05:38.730 --> 00:05:41.650 What's the distance between this crest and the one that 00:05:41.650 --> 00:05:43.210 he's just emitting? 00:05:43.210 --> 00:05:45.600 Well, they're going to move at the same velocity, but this 00:05:45.600 --> 00:05:48.810 guy is already out here, while this guy is starting off from 00:05:48.810 --> 00:05:50.260 the source's position. 00:05:50.260 --> 00:05:52.530 So the difference in their distance, at least when you 00:05:52.530 --> 00:05:54.630 look at it this way, is the distance between the source 00:05:54.630 --> 00:05:56.670 here and this crest. 00:05:56.670 --> 00:05:59.740 So what is this distance right here? 00:05:59.740 --> 00:06:02.790 What is that distance right there? 00:06:02.790 --> 00:06:07.270 Well, this whole radial distance, we already said, 00:06:07.270 --> 00:06:12.090 this whole radial distance is v sub w, the velocity of the 00:06:12.090 --> 00:06:16.440 wave, times the period of the wave from the perspective of 00:06:16.440 --> 00:06:19.170 the source, and we're going to subtract out how far the 00:06:19.170 --> 00:06:20.540 source itself has moved. 00:06:20.540 --> 00:06:23.350 The source has moved in the direction, in this case, if 00:06:23.350 --> 00:06:24.910 we're looking at it from this point of view, 00:06:24.910 --> 00:06:27.050 of that wave front. 00:06:27.050 --> 00:06:33.140 So it's going to be minus v sub s, the velocity of the 00:06:33.140 --> 00:06:38.990 source, times the period of the wave from the perspective 00:06:38.990 --> 00:06:40.340 of the source. 00:06:40.340 --> 00:06:41.780 So let me ask you a question. 00:06:41.780 --> 00:06:44.900 If you're sitting right here, if you're the observer, you're 00:06:44.900 --> 00:06:49.730 this guy right here, you're sitting right over there, and 00:06:49.730 --> 00:06:52.680 you've just had that first crest, at that exact moment 00:06:52.680 --> 00:06:56.190 that first crest has passed you by, how long are you going 00:06:56.190 --> 00:06:58.720 to have to wait for the next crest? 00:06:58.720 --> 00:07:01.520 How long until this one that this guy's emitting right now 00:07:01.520 --> 00:07:03.010 is going to pass you by? 00:07:03.010 --> 00:07:04.920 Well, it's going to have to cover this distance. 00:07:04.920 --> 00:07:06.750 It's going to have to cover that distance. 00:07:06.750 --> 00:07:07.650 Let me write this down. 00:07:07.650 --> 00:07:10.580 So the question I'm asking is what is the period from the 00:07:10.580 --> 00:07:14.060 point of view of this observer that's right in the direction 00:07:14.060 --> 00:07:15.320 of the movement of the source? 00:07:15.320 --> 00:07:19.660 So the period from the point of view of the observer is 00:07:19.660 --> 00:07:22.180 going to be equal to the distance that the next pulse 00:07:22.180 --> 00:07:25.240 has to travel, which is that business up there. 00:07:25.240 --> 00:07:26.900 So let me copy and paste that. 00:07:30.260 --> 00:07:32.390 So it's going to be that. 00:07:32.390 --> 00:07:33.150 Let me get rid of that. 00:07:33.150 --> 00:07:35.690 It shouldn't look like an equal sign, so I can delete 00:07:35.690 --> 00:07:36.540 that right over there. 00:07:36.540 --> 00:07:39.070 Or a negative sign. 00:07:39.070 --> 00:07:41.335 So it's going to be this distance that the next pulse 00:07:41.335 --> 00:07:42.840 is going to travel, that one that's going to be emitted 00:07:42.840 --> 00:07:46.260 right at that moment, divided by the speed of that pulse, or 00:07:46.260 --> 00:07:49.310 the speed of the wave, or the velocity the wave, and we know 00:07:49.310 --> 00:07:50.400 what that is. 00:07:50.400 --> 00:07:52.565 That is v sub w. 00:07:58.680 --> 00:08:01.600 Now this gives us the period of the observation. 00:08:01.600 --> 00:08:01.770 Now. 00:08:01.770 --> 00:08:03.850 If we wanted the frequency-- and we can manipulate this a 00:08:03.850 --> 00:08:04.190 little bit. 00:08:04.190 --> 00:08:05.980 Let's do that a little bit. 00:08:05.980 --> 00:08:08.940 So we can also write this. 00:08:08.940 --> 00:08:12.390 We could factor out the period of the source. 00:08:12.390 --> 00:08:14.630 So t sub s we could factor out. 00:08:14.630 --> 00:08:20.440 So it becomes t sub s times the velocity of the wave minus 00:08:20.440 --> 00:08:26.690 the velocity of the source, all of that over the velocity 00:08:26.690 --> 00:08:30.230 of the wave. And so just like that, we've gotten our formula 00:08:30.230 --> 00:08:33.308 for the observed period for this observer who's sitting 00:08:33.308 --> 00:08:38.270 right in the path of this moving object as a function of 00:08:38.270 --> 00:08:42.270 the actual period of this wave source, the wave's velocity 00:08:42.270 --> 00:08:44.930 and the velocity of the source. 00:08:44.930 --> 00:08:46.670 Now, if we wanted the frequency, we just take the 00:08:46.670 --> 00:08:48.140 inverse of this. 00:08:48.140 --> 00:08:49.340 So let's do that. 00:08:49.340 --> 00:08:52.640 So the frequency of the observer-- so this is how many 00:08:52.640 --> 00:08:54.630 seconds it takes for him to see the next cycle. 00:08:54.630 --> 00:08:57.110 If you want cycles per second, you take the inverse. 00:08:57.110 --> 00:08:58.880 So the frequency of the observer is just going to be 00:08:58.880 --> 00:08:59.600 the inverse of this. 00:08:59.600 --> 00:09:02.060 So if we take the inverse of this whole expression, we're 00:09:02.060 --> 00:09:07.800 going to get 1 over t sub s times v sub w over the 00:09:07.800 --> 00:09:10.840 velocity of the wave minus the velocity the source. 00:09:10.840 --> 00:09:13.740 And of course, 1 over the period from the point of view 00:09:13.740 --> 00:09:16.580 of the source, this is the same thing. 00:09:16.580 --> 00:09:18.840 This right here is the same thing as the 00:09:18.840 --> 00:09:20.260 frequency of the source. 00:09:20.260 --> 00:09:21.070 So there you have it. 00:09:21.070 --> 00:09:22.160 We have our two relations. 00:09:22.160 --> 00:09:26.010 At least if you are in the path, if the velocity of the 00:09:26.010 --> 00:09:28.690 source is going in your direction, 00:09:28.690 --> 00:09:30.310 then we have our formulas. 00:09:30.310 --> 00:09:34.190 And I'll rewrite them, just because the observed period of 00:09:34.190 --> 00:09:37.600 the observer is going to be the period from the point of 00:09:37.600 --> 00:09:42.060 view of the source times the velocity of the wave minus the 00:09:42.060 --> 00:09:44.080 velocity of the source-- that's the velocity of the 00:09:44.080 --> 00:09:47.650 source-- divided by the velocity of the wave itself. 00:09:47.650 --> 00:09:51.640 The frequency, from the point of view of this observer, is 00:09:51.640 --> 00:09:53.560 just the inverse of that, which is the frequency. 00:09:53.560 --> 00:09:56.590 The inverse of the period is the frequency from the point 00:09:56.590 --> 00:10:00.840 of view of the source times the velocity of the wave 00:10:00.840 --> 00:10:03.730 divided by the velocity of the wave minus the 00:10:03.730 --> 00:10:05.450 velocity of the source. 00:10:05.450 --> 00:10:07.640 In the next video, I'll do the exact same exercise, but I'll 00:10:07.640 --> 00:10:10.400 just think about what happens to the observer that's sitting 00:10:10.400 --> 00:10:11.960 right there.