Your call to visit your Grandfather is not because I like him or he likes you But because it is the right thing to do Doesn't matter it scared hell out of me as a kid. ..doesn't matter he slept with nightlight when you're 30 Doesn't matter all that money spent in psychol analysis No no, the goal of visit is because it is right to do Donne here! Ah! ha! [cock's crying] Cape Manhatten just give me countryside. [pistol shot sound] Hey you crazy cook! It's your grand son Derek! I know who it is. You sure open that at first 누군지 알아 진작에 그렇게 말을 했어야지 [gun shot sound] -How are you doing? -How I am doing? Work. Watch you're present What is it? My coffine? No. Banned for a coffine. Don't you think? Well I don't surf either (서핑도 안한다) Grand father! Grand father's clock! -Get it? -Huh I got a watch right bar on that ..things on my wrist. - -See it even a chimes [clock gonging] -Sort of -Okay as long as you talk to me. No one had one to have a talk to him Of course he hung out with a oves in a red Oh oh at least we didn't but it as uction by accident and had to carry it across the street What are you doing while a rest? You...son Nice to me the .. I swear I was kid. I .take you to the movies. Gobble gobble you're one of us I sleep for a week. Well I think it [buzzing sound as the chair leg squeeze the apple] Hey! Time works somebody squander at the yard. [train honking] Hey no body to ..get a good of things