You're called to visit your Grandfather is not because I like him or he likes you But because it is the right thing to do Doesn't matter it scared hell out of me as a kid. ..doesn't matter he slept with nightlight when you're 30 Doesn't matter all that money spent in psycho analysis No no, you go to visit is because it is right. Don here! Ah! ha! [cock's crying] Cape Manhatten just give me the countryside. [pistol shot sound] Hey you crazy old cook! It's me It's your grand son Derek! I know who it is. It's probable you're sure open that at first [cock crying sound] -How are you doing? -How am I doing what? Watch you're present What is it? My coffine? No. Banned for a coffine. Don't you think? Well I don't surf either. Grand father! Grand father's clock! -Get it? -Huh I got a watch! Right bar on that ..things strapped onto my wrist. See it even a chimes [clock gonging but stop suddenly] -Sort of -Okay as long as you don't talk to me. Newer guys once had one to have a talk to him Of course he hung out with a mooses in a red Oh oh at least we didn't but it auction and had to carry it across the street -So what are you doing around here while a rest? -You are looking at it soon -Place needs laugh track. -I swear this joints just is as get when I was a kid -I used to take you to the movies What! Huh we accept you gobble gobble. You are one of us gobble gobble. -You are one of us. I didn't sleep for a week. - Well I think kids would like it. It was a circuit fixture. [buzzing sound as the chair leg squeeze the apple shaped red ball] [buzzing sound] Hey! Time works when somebody squanders at the yard. [train honking] Well! cool cue! Hey no body but yours truly to get a good heater steam upon the old African queen. No no no this won't do it. This won't do it ever -Can I help you lady? -You live here? -My grandfather does. -Well you might not be living here for .. -..long if I've something to say about it because I'm from social services. For starters, this house's not properly ventilated Oh I know why I think you play last scene out on the front porch No property running water. No sanitary facilities. Animal control. No no no this won't do this. If you don't meet all those items by .. six oclock this evening I will have no choice but to put your grandfather .. the county home.[booing sound] That's quite all right. I'm used to that. Remember! Six oclock. Well there you go I warned you about this place. Now you got the county on your back. Brother following the guy who's the coffine strap to you. Now don't worry Gramps. As long as my breath of my body ain't nobody .. -..put you in a county home. -Yea. I ain't worried son. You kicked me.. ..out of here I'll stay just come to stay with you. Sure Be like old times. Cowboy! Ha ha ha! [train honking sound] King Cabin! I just now long to sleep with that light at night. Man! They were too old for triple-x anything. How could anybody make this dump livable by six oclock. [clock chime bell ringing] [sudden buzzing sound] Oh shut up! Very comical! I hope that is ..unlist you onto drinking? Hey no dear just a little shit dip Fantasy of wall stomach ailment .. -..shows the nerves. -Why? -Because that's what it does. -Why? -Never mind you'll understand when older. -Why? -That's just will. -Why? -Because I said so. -Why? -Because you asked. -Why? -You know honey my old grand father lives in that house and he's mean.. and he's scary and he eats little girls like you for breakfast .. -We toast and marmalade on the side. -Why? -Because meals on wheels don't deliver this far out. -Ah Grandma! Grandma! -Watch it on a sue whatever is the problem - He said I'm cute like a whore. -Why? Six oclock day! That lady! You are on. [ pounding on the tank floor sound] [ pounding on the tank floor sound] [mirror surface rubbing sound] [tank floor pounding sound] [tank floor pounding sound] Hope you are not too worn out sitting and watching. -I learned to face myself -Now it's not perfect but it's sure get that overacting social worker off your back. -Son, you are true swear on it? [unison voice] Just not in Hollywood. -Never snort. -Don't mind if I do. -Then guy's solution! Boy! Stuff does give it a quite buzz, doesn't it? Honey bee be back! Honey bee! The honey bees are back! He he! Bee bee! Back! He! he! You can't take it! You can not! This is WKQA heats bar! Take a part! Come on paper-ward. They got us surrounded! Boy! [train alarm bell ringing] -What is it? -Cue! Carol!! Huh! You must've forgot to reverse polarity of neutron flow. Well that's what I call some proper ventilation. And running water, lightening rod is right touch. Now see gentlemen what can be done when we all pull together .. I'll inform the Commission that your property now meets all the code requirements. Have a wonderful day. You go to visit your grandfather not because you like him or he likes you.. -..but because it's the right thing to do. tick! Eng Sub : Why?