Desire is something that springs forth
from your life experience.
It's not even something
that you have to think about,
it's something that takes place on a
subconscious and a conscious level.
When desire springs forth within us,
we desire to see that manifest physically.
The conscious creation
and subsequent physical manifestation
of whatever it is that we want
is a big part of physical life.
Disclaimer (pause to read):
Take Action!
The process of manifestation takes place
on both a non-physical
and a physical level.
In other words,
the process of manifestation
happens on a mental level,
happens on an emotional level,
happens on an energetic level,
happens on what we would call
"a vibrational level",
but it also happens on a physical level.
And this is the level that most people
completely leave out or forget.
In other words,
people forget that action
is such a huge part of manifestation.
They also forget that action
is a big part of what they came
to this physical life to participate in.
Something very important
to understand about life
is that it doesn't matter
how much information you have,
if you don't apply it.
It doesn't matter how much mental
and emotional processing you do
if you never make a change.
It doesn't matter
how much you want something,
if you never take action
towards what you want.
So many people fall into this trap
of using their spiritual practice,
and yes this includes self-help
and self-development
techniques or practices,
in order to separate from
their physical life,
to withdraw from it,
even to completely escape from it,
rather than to use
their spiritual practice
or self-development practice
in order to enhance their physical life.
So many people fall into the trap
of learning more
and more and more
and doing more and more mental
and emotional spiritual processes,
they imagine that what they want
will somehow spontaneously
appear on their doorstep.
That it will require no change,
movement or action on their part.
But this erases one of the main purposes
for being incarnated into
a physical body,
in the first place.
Unless you have resistance
to things like changing,
to things like moving,
to things like taking action...
those things are part of
what feels so joyful
about life itself,
it's part of the thrill
of being physically manifested.
By learning things,
by becoming more aware,
by figuring yourself out
on an emotional and mental level,
by visualizing
so as to bring yourself
into alignment vibrationally
with whatever it is that you're wanting,
you are making it so that you create
such a strong point of attraction,
that all people, places, things,
circumstances, events and resources
that are perfectly in alignment
with you attaining
that thing that you desire,
are coming to you.
But you still have to take action.
Another way of saying this
is that you need to allow
the more non-physical
things that you do
to compel you towards taking action
in the direction of what you're wanting.
It doesn't matter if you know
that you need exercise
and that exercise is critical
for your physical,
mental and emotional health,
if you keep coming up with excuses
to not actually
take action and exercise.
It doesn't matter
if you want a romantic relationship,
and keep doing visualizations
in order to manifest one,
if you commit all your action
to working from home
and watching tv series
in your apartment alone.
It doesn't matter if you do
all the shadow work in the world
to realize that your parents
acted and still act in a way
that's counterproductive
to your progression,
if you keep on living with them
in their home.
It doesn't matter if you want to be
financially free
and learn all about finances
and know that you have to
start to save up
and spend your money on things
that make you money,
if you keep piling up stuff
you don't need in your house
and living from paycheck to paycheck.
It doesn't matter if you read
every book there is to read
and watch every tutorial
there is to watch on surfing,
if you never go out into the ocean,
rent a surfboard
and paddle out to get on an actual wave.
Your physical actions must align
with what you are wanting
in order for manifestation
to be assisted by you
instead of prevented by you.
If you are unwilling
to actually do something
like change, move or take action,
you're making it much harder
for the universe to line you up with
or allow you to converge with
those people, places, circumstances,
events and resources
that essentially bring
what you are wanting
into a state of physical fruition.
Not only that,
if you are unwilling
to actually do something
whether it's change or move
or take some action,
you're making it very hard
for the universe to use you
if you are a necessary ingredient
in somebody else's
manifestation of their desire.
Action, or let's call it, inspired action
is naturally meant to arise
as a byproduct
of changing your perception
of gaining new information.
But sometimes this does not occur.
And what a lot of people don't know is
if this does not occur,
it makes your life worse, not better.
it's a common assumption
that most people make
that if you do enough mental
and emotional processing,
or if you just know everything
you can possibly know,
your life will somehow
spontaneously get better,
but here's something
I never want you to forget:
if you plan on not making a change,
not moving and not taking action,
in fact, committing yourself
to things like awareness,
to learning more,
to doing mental emotional processing
but making no change as a result of it,
your life will get much worse;
much worse than it was before.
In other words,
if you plan on not taking action
you would actually do better off
just positively focusing on what is.
For example,
imagine that there's a woman
who's in an abusive relationship;
if she gains more awareness,
she will become aware
of just how abusive her environment is.
If she starts to heal
on a mental and emotional level,
she will become more and more aware
of what her needs actually are.
If she focuses on what she wants
i.e a safe relationship,
the distance between where she is
and what she wants will get bigger.
If she takes no physical action
to change the relationship
or to exit it in search of a new one,
being in it and staying the same
will get more and more painful.
She will feel more and more unsafe,
more and more deprived of her needs,
and emotionally worse and worse
because the gap between herself
and what she's wanting
will grow and grow
until she reaches a point
of total desperation.
it is critical to understand that if you
do not take actual physical action
based off of the things you learn,
the awareness you gain
and emotional and mental
healing that you do,
your life will get worse, not better.
All the forces that be
will be pulling you in the direction
of what you want
like an unassailable current,
and you will be turned upstream
against that current.
That's not gonna go very well for you.
This is what suffering is all about.
Suffering is what happens
when we have already desired
something more, something else...
and yet, for one reason or another,
we are holding ourselves in what is;
we are "staying" in the way it is,
in the unwanted.
When we do this,
we are preventing our own expansion,
and when we do this,
we are essentially inviting
the escalation of our pain,
because when we're holding ourselves
apart from our own personal expansion,
the universe can only escalate;
it can only take that heater
and turn up the heat.
Hearing all of this,
it may benefit you
to think about what you want,
and to ask yourself this question:
What is in the way of me taking action?
One of the main reasons
that people don't take action
is because they're terrified
of making a change.
This is very easily seen
when we know we need to make a change,
and we may even know exactly
what change we need to make
and yet, we just can't
make ourselves do it.
If you think it would benefit you
to understand this more in depth,
watch my video titled:
The Real Reason Why People Don't Change
One common excuse
that I hear people giving
for why they're not taking action
or not making a change
is because they just don't know
what action to take.
When you're caught in this loop,
oftentimes what you're doing
is looking for a right action.
So it's important to understand
that there's no one right action to take.
In other words,
it's not like the universe
is sitting here testing you
to make sure whether or not
you know what
the exact right action is to take.
People often think
there is some miracle action
that will bring about what they want,
and they have to know
what that miracle action is,
before taking any action.
This is not true.
No such thing exists.
There is no magic way,
even though every way ends up
inevitably being magic.
What there is is steps.
And anyone who brought about
anything through action,
must take those steps
that are unique
to their own path of achievement.
All this being said,
don't sit there and be passive,
don't be passive to finding out
what action steps
you could potentially take.
This means, consult people
who might have a better idea
of action steps you might take.
This also means,
look at the people
who already have manifested
whatever it is that you
are currently wanting,
and look back and try to identify,
or even ask them
what those steps were
that they took
to get to where they are today.
Become an expert on the people
who already have what you want.
And should you ever come up against
an action step
that no person has ever taken before,
don't be afraid to be a pioneer.
There always has to be somebody
who takes a step first,
and maybe that person
is meant to be you.
No matter what resistance
stands in the way
of you taking action,
do whatever it takes
to resolve that resistance,
because if you don't,
your life will be starved of results.
To wait for what you want
to happen to you,
is a passive and powerless way to exist.
It is not how you meant
to come here and exist.
Knowledge is power,
but that power is useless
if you don't translate it to action.
Motivation is useless
unless you take action on it.
This means act on what you come to know.
Act to bring about what you want.
After all, in the physical,
knowledge without application,
is incomplete.
Just like visualization without action,
is incomplete.
It's like an in-breath
without an out breath.
Have a good week.
If you liked this video,
be sure to share it, like it
and also subscribe to my channel
so you can see more content like this.
But I want to personally thank you
for taking the initiative
and having the bravery
to step into the space of awareness
not only for yourself,
but for the benefit of those around you.
Subtitles by: Tanya Duarte