1 00:00:00,570 --> 00:00:04,777 I work with a bunch of mathematicians, philosophers and computer scientists 2 00:00:04,777 --> 00:00:09,986 and we sit around and think about the future of machine intelligence, 3 00:00:09,986 --> 00:00:12,200 among other things. 4 00:00:12,200 --> 00:00:16,755 Some people think that some of these people are science fiction-y 5 00:00:16,755 --> 00:00:19,856 far out there, crazy. 6 00:00:19,856 --> 00:00:21,326 But I like to say, 7 00:00:21,326 --> 00:00:24,930 "Okay, let's look at the modern human condition." 8 00:00:24,930 --> 00:00:26,622 (Laughter) 9 00:00:26,622 --> 00:00:29,024 This is the normal way for things to be. 10 00:00:29,024 --> 00:00:31,309 But, if we think about it, 11 00:00:31,309 --> 00:00:34,602 we are actually recently arrived guests on this planet. 12 00:00:34,602 --> 00:00:36,214 The human species -- 13 00:00:36,214 --> 00:00:41,430 think of if earth was created one year ago, 14 00:00:41,430 --> 00:00:44,978 the human species, then, would be 10-minutes-old. 15 00:00:44,978 --> 00:00:48,146 The industrial era started two seconds ago. 16 00:00:48,146 --> 00:00:50,551 Another way to think of this, 17 00:00:50,551 --> 00:00:54,443 if you think of world GDP over the last 10,000 years, 18 00:00:54,443 --> 00:00:57,530 I've actually taken the trouble to plot this for you in a graph. 19 00:00:57,530 --> 00:00:59,304 It looks like this. 20 00:00:59,304 --> 00:01:00,667 (Laughter) 21 00:01:00,667 --> 00:01:02,818 It's a curious shape for a normal condition. 22 00:01:02,818 --> 00:01:04,516 I sure wouldn't want to sit on it. 23 00:01:04,516 --> 00:01:07,067 (Laughter) 24 00:01:07,067 --> 00:01:08,681 Let's ask ourselves, 25 00:01:08,681 --> 00:01:12,122 what is the cost of this current anomaly? 26 00:01:12,122 --> 00:01:14,393 Some people would say it's technology. 27 00:01:14,393 --> 00:01:15,851 Now it's true, 28 00:01:15,851 --> 00:01:19,484 technology has accumulated through human history, 29 00:01:19,484 --> 00:01:23,713 and right now, technology advances extremely rapidly, 30 00:01:23,713 --> 00:01:25,278 that is the proximate cause, 31 00:01:25,278 --> 00:01:28,473 that's why we are currently so very productive. 32 00:01:28,473 --> 00:01:32,874 But I like to think back further to the ultimate cause. 33 00:01:32,874 --> 00:01:36,880 Look at these two highly distinguished gentlemen: 34 00:01:36,880 --> 00:01:38,623 We have Kanzi, 35 00:01:38,623 --> 00:01:41,260 he's mastered 200 lexical tokens, 36 00:01:41,260 --> 00:01:43,123 an incredible feat. 37 00:01:43,123 --> 00:01:46,817 And Ed Witten unleashed the second super string revolution. 38 00:01:46,817 --> 00:01:49,141 If we look under the hood, this is what we find: 39 00:01:49,141 --> 00:01:50,711 basically the same thing. 40 00:01:50,711 --> 00:01:52,524 One is a little larger, 41 00:01:52,524 --> 00:01:55,282 it maybe also has a few tricks in the exact way it's wired. 42 00:01:55,282 --> 00:01:59,094 These invisible differences cannot be too complicated, however, 43 00:01:59,094 --> 00:02:03,379 because they've only been 250,000 generations since 44 00:02:03,379 --> 00:02:05,111 our last common ancestor. 45 00:02:05,111 --> 00:02:10,000 We know that complicated mechanisms that a long time to evolve. 46 00:02:10,000 --> 00:02:12,499 So a bunch of relatively minor changes 47 00:02:12,499 --> 00:02:15,566 take us from Kanzi to Witten. 48 00:02:15,566 --> 00:02:17,377 From broken-off tree branches, 49 00:02:17,377 --> 00:02:20,829 to intercontinental balistic missles. 50 00:02:20,829 --> 00:02:22,724 So this then seems pretty obvious that 51 00:02:22,724 --> 00:02:24,954 everything we've achieved, pretty much, 52 00:02:24,954 --> 00:02:27,212 and everything we care about depends crucially 53 00:02:27,212 --> 00:02:32,650 on relatively some minor changes that made the human mind. 54 00:02:32,650 --> 00:02:35,102 And the collaraly, of course, is that 55 00:02:35,102 --> 00:02:37,749 any further changes that could significantly change 56 00:02:37,749 --> 00:02:39,775 the substrate of thinking 57 00:02:39,775 --> 00:02:43,651 could have potentially enormous consequences. 58 00:02:43,651 --> 00:02:46,576 Some of my colleagues think we're on the verge 59 00:02:46,576 --> 00:02:47,336 of something that could cause profound change 60 00:02:47,336 --> 00:02:51,384 in the substrate. 61 00:02:51,384 --> 00:02:54,347 That is, machine super intelligence. 62 00:02:54,347 --> 00:02:55,906 Artificual intelligence used to be 63 00:02:55,906 --> 00:02:59,064 putting commands in a box. 64 00:02:59,064 --> 00:03:01,497 You have human programmers that would 65 00:03:01,497 --> 00:03:04,925 painstakingly hand-craft items. 66 00:03:04,925 --> 00:03:06,402 You build up these expert systems, 67 00:03:06,402 --> 00:03:08,176 and they were kind of useful for some purposes, 68 00:03:08,176 --> 00:03:09,277 But they were very brittle, 69 00:03:09,277 --> 00:03:11,023 you couldn't scale them. 70 00:03:11,023 --> 00:03:14,410 Basically, you got out only what you put in. 71 00:03:14,410 --> 00:03:17,407 But since then, a paradigm shift has taken place 72 00:03:17,407 --> 00:03:18,924 in the field of artificial intelligence. 73 00:03:18,924 --> 00:03:19,174 Today, the action is really around machine learning. 74 00:03:19,174 --> 00:03:28,061 So rather than handcrafting knowledge representations and features, 75 00:03:28,061 --> 00:03:31,709 we create algorithms that learn, 76 00:03:31,709 --> 00:03:34,275 often from raw perceptual data. 77 00:03:34,275 --> 00:03:39,063 Basically the same thing that the human infant does. 78 00:03:39,063 --> 00:03:43,270 The result is AI that is not limited to one domain, 79 00:03:43,270 --> 00:03:47,901 the same system can learn to translate between any pairs of languages, 80 00:03:47,901 --> 00:03:53,758 or learn to play any computer game at the Atari console. 81 00:03:53,758 --> 00:03:59,067 Now of course, AI is still no where near having the same powerful, cross-domain 82 00:03:59,067 --> 00:04:02,063 ability to learn and plan as a human being has, 83 00:04:02,063 --> 00:04:03,971 the cortex still has some algorithmic tricks 84 00:04:03,971 --> 00:04:07,886 that we don't yet know how to match in machines. 85 00:04:07,886 --> 00:04:09,785 But so the question is, 86 00:04:09,785 --> 00:04:14,645 how far are we from being able to match those tricks? 87 00:04:14,645 --> 00:04:15,798 A couple of years ago, we did a survey 88 00:04:15,798 --> 00:04:17,927 of some of the world's leading AI experts 89 00:04:17,927 --> 00:04:19,136 to see what they think 90 00:04:19,136 --> 00:04:21,440 and one of the questions we asked was, 91 00:04:21,440 --> 00:04:24,793 "By which year do you think there's a 50 percent probaility 92 00:04:24,793 --> 00:04:28,785 that we will have achieved human-level machine intelligence?" 93 00:04:28,785 --> 00:04:31,638 We defined human-level here as the ability 94 00:04:31,638 --> 00:04:36,299 to perform any job at least as well as an adult human level, 95 00:04:36,299 --> 00:04:39,844 not just within some limited domain. 96 00:04:39,844 --> 00:04:43,494 And the median answer was 2040 or 2050, 97 00:04:43,494 --> 00:04:46,300 depending on precisely which group of experts we ask. 98 00:04:46,300 --> 00:04:49,229 Now, it could happen much, much later, 99 00:04:49,229 --> 00:04:52,279 or sooner, the truth is nobody really knows. 100 00:04:52,279 --> 00:04:55,941 What we do know is that the ultimate limit 101 00:04:55,941 --> 00:04:58,802 to information processing in machine substrate, 102 00:04:58,802 --> 00:05:03,241 lie far outside the limits of biological tissue. 103 00:05:03,241 --> 00:05:05,619 This comes down to physics. 104 00:05:05,619 --> 00:05:10,337 A biological neuron fires, maybe, at 200 Hertz, 200 times a second. 105 00:05:10,337 --> 00:05:13,931 But even a present-day transistor operates at a giga-hert. 106 00:05:13,931 --> 00:05:16,640 Neurons propagate slowly in axons, 107 00:05:16,640 --> 00:05:19,568 100 meters per second, tops. 108 00:05:19,568 --> 00:05:23,079 But in computers, signals can travel at the speed of light. 109 00:05:23,079 --> 00:05:24,948 There's also size limitations, 110 00:05:24,948 --> 00:05:27,975 a human brain has to fit inside a cranium, 111 00:05:27,975 --> 00:05:32,736 but a computer can be the size of a warehouse or larger. 112 00:05:32,736 --> 00:05:38,335 So the potential of super intelligence lies dormant in matter, 113 00:05:38,335 --> 00:05:44,047 much like the power of the atom lay dormant throughout human history, 114 00:05:44,047 --> 00:05:48,452 patiently waiting there until 1945. 115 00:05:48,452 --> 00:05:53,975 In this century, scientists may learn to awake the power of artificial intelligence. 116 00:05:53,975 --> 00:05:58,406 And I think we might then see an intelligence explosion. 117 00:05:58,406 --> 00:05:59,203 Now most people, 118 00:05:59,203 --> 00:06:02,354 when they think about what is smart and what is dumb, 119 00:06:02,354 --> 00:06:05,386 I think I have in mind a picture roughly like this. 120 00:06:05,386 --> 00:06:07,984 So at one hand, we have the village idiot, 121 00:06:07,984 --> 00:06:10,448 and then far over at the other side, 122 00:06:10,448 --> 00:06:11,857 we have Ed Witten, 123 00:06:11,857 --> 00:06:15,573 or Albert Einsten or whoever your favorite guru is. 124 00:06:15,573 --> 00:06:19,057 But I think from the point of view of Artificial Intelligence, 125 00:06:19,057 --> 00:06:23,258 the true picture is actually probably more like this: 126 00:06:23,258 --> 00:06:25,656 AI starts out at this point here, 127 00:06:25,656 --> 00:06:26,619 at zero intelligence, 128 00:06:26,619 --> 00:06:29,647 and then, after many, many years of really hard work, 129 00:06:29,647 --> 00:06:33,721 eventually we get to mouse-level artificial intelligence, 130 00:06:33,721 --> 00:06:35,921 something that can navigate cluttered environments 131 00:06:35,921 --> 00:06:37,908 as well as a mouse can. 132 00:06:37,908 --> 00:06:42,221 And then, after many, many more years of really hard work, lots of investment, 133 00:06:42,221 --> 00:06:46,860 maybe eventually we get to chimpanzee-level artificial intelligence. 134 00:06:46,860 --> 00:06:50,070 And then, after even more years of really, really hard work, 135 00:06:50,070 --> 00:06:52,983 we get village idiot artificial intelligence. 136 00:06:52,983 --> 00:06:56,255 And a few moments later, we are beyond Ed Witten. 137 00:06:56,255 --> 00:06:59,225 The train doesn't stop at humanville station. 138 00:06:59,225 --> 00:07:02,247 It's likely, rather, to swoosh right by. 139 00:07:02,247 --> 00:07:04,231 Now this has profound implications, 140 00:07:04,231 --> 00:07:08,093 particularly when it comes to questions of power. 141 00:07:08,093 --> 00:07:09,992 For example, chimpanzees are strong, 142 00:07:09,992 --> 00:07:15,214 pound for pound, a chimpanzee is about twice as strong as a fit human male. 143 00:07:15,214 --> 00:07:19,828 And yet, the fate of Kanzi and his pals depends a lot more 144 00:07:19,828 --> 00:07:24,258 on what we humans do than on what the chimpanzees do themselves. 145 00:07:24,258 --> 00:07:27,542 Once there is super intelligence, 146 00:07:27,542 --> 00:07:32,041 the fate of humanity may depend on what the super intelligence does. 147 00:07:32,041 --> 00:07:36,688 Think about it: machine intelligence is the last invention 148 00:07:36,688 --> 00:07:38,552 that humanity will ever need to make. 149 00:07:38,552 --> 00:07:41,525 Machines will then be better at inventing than we are, 150 00:07:41,525 --> 00:07:44,065 and they'll be doing so on digital timescales. 151 00:07:44,065 --> 00:07:49,146 What this means is basically a telescoping of the future. 152 00:07:49,146 --> 00:07:52,864 Think of all the crazy technologies that you could have imaged 153 00:07:52,864 --> 00:07:55,322 that humans could have developed in the fullness of time: 154 00:07:55,322 --> 00:07:58,580 cures for aging, space colonization, 155 00:07:58,580 --> 00:08:00,421 self-replicating nanobots 156 00:08:00,421 --> 00:08:02,301 or uploading of minds into computers, 157 00:08:02,301 --> 00:08:04,570 all kinds of science fiction-y stuff 158 00:08:04,570 --> 00:08:07,207 that's nevertheless consistent with the laws of physics. 159 00:08:07,207 --> 00:08:09,639 All of this, super intelligence could develop 160 00:08:09,639 --> 00:08:12,449 and possibly, quite rapidly. 161 00:08:12,449 --> 00:08:16,007 Now, super intelligence with such technological maturity 162 00:08:16,007 --> 00:08:18,186 would be extremely powerful, 163 00:08:18,186 --> 00:08:19,982 and at least in some scenarios, 164 00:08:19,982 --> 00:08:23,224 it would be able to get what it wants. 165 00:08:23,224 --> 00:08:24,873 We would then have a future that would be shaped 166 00:08:24,873 --> 00:08:29,855 by the preferences of this AI. 167 00:08:29,855 --> 00:08:34,244 Now a good question is, what are those preferences? 168 00:08:34,244 --> 00:08:36,013 Here it gets trickier. 169 00:08:36,013 --> 00:08:37,448 To make any headway with this, 170 00:08:37,448 --> 00:08:39,364 we must first, first of all, 171 00:08:39,364 --> 00:08:41,586 avoid anthropomorphizing. 172 00:08:41,586 --> 00:08:43,645 this is ironic because every newspaper article 173 00:08:43,645 --> 00:08:50,600 about the future of AI has a picture of this: 174 00:08:50,600 --> 00:08:54,174 So I think what we need to do is to conceive of the issue 175 00:08:54,174 --> 00:08:54,840 more abstractly, 176 00:08:54,840 --> 00:08:56,644 not in terms of vivid Hollywood scenarios. 177 00:08:56,644 --> 00:09:00,821 We need to think of intelligence as an optimization process, 178 00:09:00,821 --> 00:09:06,488 a process that steers the future into a particular set of configurations. 179 00:09:06,488 --> 00:09:08,130 As super intelligence -- 180 00:09:08,130 --> 00:09:09,981 it's a really strong optimization process. 181 00:09:09,981 --> 00:09:12,858 It's extremely good at using available means 182 00:09:12,858 --> 00:09:16,007 to achieve a state in which its goal is realized. 183 00:09:16,007 --> 00:09:18,769 This means that there is no necessary conenction between 184 00:09:18,769 --> 00:09:21,853 being highly intelligent in this sense, 185 00:09:21,853 --> 00:09:24,125 and having an objective that we humans 186 00:09:24,125 --> 00:09:27,321 would find worthwhile or meaningful. 187 00:09:27,321 --> 00:09:31,115 Suppose we give AI the goal to make humans smile. 188 00:09:31,115 --> 00:09:34,097 When the AI is weak, it performs useful or amusing actions 189 00:09:34,097 --> 00:09:35,944 that cause its user to smile. 190 00:09:35,944 --> 00:09:39,031 When the AI becomes super intelligent, 191 00:09:39,031 --> 00:09:41,284 it realizes that there is a more effective way 192 00:09:41,284 --> 00:09:42,721 to achieve this goal: 193 00:09:42,721 --> 00:09:44,476 take control of the world 194 00:09:44,476 --> 00:09:47,638 and stick electrodes into the facial muscles of humans 195 00:09:47,638 --> 00:09:50,579 to cause constant, beaming grins. 196 00:09:50,579 --> 00:09:53,124 Another example, suppose we give AI the goal to solve 197 00:09:53,124 --> 00:09:55,337 a difficult mathematical problem. 198 00:09:55,337 --> 00:09:56,764 When the AI becomes super intelligent, 199 00:09:56,764 --> 00:10:01,105 it realizes that the most effective way to get the solution to this problem 200 00:10:01,105 --> 00:10:04,035 is to by transforming the planet into a giant computer, 201 00:10:04,035 --> 00:10:06,491 so as to increase its thinking capacity. 202 00:10:06,491 --> 00:10:09,045 And notice that this gives the AIs an instrumental reason 203 00:10:09,045 --> 00:10:11,701 to do things to us that we might not approve us. 204 00:10:11,701 --> 00:10:13,496 Human beings in this model are threats, 205 00:10:13,496 --> 00:10:16,228 we could prevent the mathematical problem from being solved. 206 00:10:16,228 --> 00:10:20,161 Of course, perceivably things won't go wrong in these particular ways, 207 00:10:20,161 --> 00:10:22,454 these are cartoon examples. 208 00:10:22,454 --> 00:10:24,393 But the general point here is important: 209 00:10:24,393 --> 00:10:27,266 if you create a really powerful optimization process 210 00:10:27,266 --> 00:10:29,500 to maximize for objective x, 211 00:10:29,500 --> 00:10:31,776 you better make sure that your definition of x 212 00:10:31,776 --> 00:10:34,835 incorporates everything you care about. 213 00:10:34,835 --> 00:10:39,219 This is a lesson that's also taught in many a myth. 214 00:10:39,219 --> 00:10:44,517 Kind Midas wishes that everything he touches be turned into gold. 215 00:10:44,517 --> 00:10:47,378 He touches his daughter, she turns into fold. 216 00:10:47,378 --> 00:10:49,931 He touches his food, it turns into gold. 217 00:10:49,931 --> 00:10:52,520 This could become practically relevant, 218 00:10:52,520 --> 00:10:54,590 not just for a metaphor for greed, 219 00:10:54,590 --> 00:10:57,075 but an illustration of what happens if you create 220 00:10:57,075 --> 00:10:59,322 a powerful optimization process 221 00:10:59,322 --> 00:11:04,111 and give it misconceived or poorly specified goals. 222 00:11:04,111 --> 00:11:09,300 Now you might say, "If a computer starts sticking electrodes into people's faces, 223 00:11:09,300 --> 00:11:12,555 we'd just shut it off." 224 00:11:12,555 --> 00:11:16,690 A: This is not necessarily so easy to do if we've grown dependent 225 00:11:16,690 --> 00:11:18,185 on the system, 226 00:11:18,185 --> 00:11:20,627 like where is the off switch to the internet? 227 00:11:20,627 --> 00:11:25,747 B: Why haven't the chimpanzees flicked the off-switch to humanity, 228 00:11:25,747 --> 00:11:27,298 or the neandrathals? 229 00:11:27,298 --> 00:11:29,964 They certainly had reasons. 230 00:11:29,964 --> 00:11:32,759 We have an off switch, for example, right here. 231 00:11:32,759 --> 00:11:34,813 [choking sound] 232 00:11:34,813 --> 00:11:37,238 The reason is that we are an intelligent adversary, 233 00:11:37,238 --> 00:11:39,966 we can anticipate threats and we can plan around them. 234 00:11:39,966 --> 00:11:42,470 But so could a super intelligent agent, 235 00:11:42,470 --> 00:11:45,724 and it would be much better at that than we are. 236 00:11:45,724 --> 00:11:52,911 The point is, we should not be confident that we have this under control here. 237 00:11:52,911 --> 00:11:56,358 And we could try to make our job a little bit easier by, say, 238 00:11:56,358 --> 00:11:58,148 putting the AI in a box, 239 00:11:58,148 --> 00:11:59,644 like a secure software environment, 240 00:11:59,644 --> 00:12:02,766 a virtual reality simulation from which it cannot escape. 241 00:12:02,766 --> 00:12:06,912 But how confident can we be that the AI couldn't find a bug, 242 00:12:06,912 --> 00:12:10,081 given that even human hackers find bugs all the time, 243 00:12:10,081 --> 00:12:14,237 I'd say, probably not very confident. 244 00:12:14,237 --> 00:12:18,785 So we disconnect the ethernet cable to create an air gap, 245 00:12:18,785 --> 00:12:23,823 but again, like nearly human hackers routinely transgress air gaps 246 00:12:23,823 --> 00:12:25,174 using social engineering. 247 00:12:25,174 --> 00:12:26,423 Like right now as I speak, 248 00:12:26,423 --> 00:12:28,766 I"m sure there is some employee out there somewhere 249 00:12:28,766 --> 00:12:31,303 who's been talked into handing out her account details 250 00:12:31,303 --> 00:12:35,177 by some by somebody claiming to be from the IT department. 251 00:12:35,177 --> 00:12:36,701 More creative scenarios are also possible, 252 00:12:36,701 --> 00:12:40,166 like if you're the AI, you can imagine wiggling electroces around 253 00:12:40,166 --> 00:12:44,823 in your internal circuitry to create radio waves that you can use to communicate. 254 00:12:44,823 --> 00:12:47,434 Or maybe you could pretend to malfunction, 255 00:12:47,434 --> 00:12:50,901 and then when the programmers open you up to see what went wrong with you, 256 00:12:50,901 --> 00:12:52,517 they look at the source code -- BAM! -- 257 00:12:52,517 --> 00:12:55,314 the manipulation can take place. 258 00:12:55,314 --> 00:12:58,744 Or it could output the blueprint to a really nifty technology 259 00:12:58,744 --> 00:13:00,142 and when we implement it, 260 00:13:00,142 --> 00:13:05,199 it has some surreptitious side effect that the AI had planned. 261 00:13:05,199 --> 00:13:08,002 The point here is that we should not be confident in our ability 262 00:13:08,002 --> 00:13:11,810 to keep a super intelligent genie locked up in its bottle forever. 263 00:13:11,810 --> 00:13:15,034 Sooner or later, it will out. 264 00:13:15,034 --> 00:13:18,137 I believe that the answer here is to figure out 265 00:13:18,137 --> 00:13:21,231 how to create super intelligent AI such that even if, 266 00:13:21,231 --> 00:13:23,149 when it escapes, 267 00:13:23,149 --> 00:13:26,438 it is still safe because it is fundamentally on our side 268 00:13:26,438 --> 00:13:28,337 because it shares our values. 269 00:13:28,337 --> 00:13:32,557 I see no way around this difficult problem. 270 00:13:32,557 --> 00:13:36,391 Now, I'm actually fairly optimistic that this problem can be solved. 271 00:13:36,391 --> 00:13:40,294 We wouldn't have to write down a long list of everything we care aobut 272 00:13:40,294 --> 00:13:43,937 or worse yet, spell it out in some computer language 273 00:13:43,937 --> 00:13:45,391 like C ++ or Python, 274 00:13:45,391 --> 00:13:48,158 that would be a task beyond hopeless. 275 00:13:48,158 --> 00:13:52,455 Instead, we would create an AI that uses its intelligence 276 00:13:52,455 --> 00:13:55,226 to learn what we value 277 00:13:55,226 --> 00:14:00,506 and its motivation system is constructed in such a way that it is motivated 278 00:14:00,506 --> 00:14:06,298 to pursue our values or to perform actions that it predicts we would approve of. 279 00:14:06,298 --> 00:14:08,712 We would thus leverage its intelligence as much as possible 280 00:14:08,712 --> 00:14:12,727 to solve the problem of value loading. 281 00:14:12,727 --> 00:14:14,239 This can happen, 282 00:14:14,239 --> 00:14:17,835 and the outcome could be very good for humanity. 283 00:14:17,835 --> 00:14:21,792 But it doesn't happen automatically. 284 00:14:21,792 --> 00:14:24,790 The initial conditions for the intelligent explosion 285 00:14:24,790 --> 00:14:27,653 might need to be set up in just the right way 286 00:14:27,653 --> 00:14:31,183 if we are to have a controlled detonation. 287 00:14:31,183 --> 00:14:33,801 The values that the AI has need to match ours, 288 00:14:33,801 --> 00:14:36,241 not just in the familiar context, 289 00:14:36,241 --> 00:14:37,999 like where we can easily check how the AI behaves, 290 00:14:37,999 --> 00:14:41,233 but also in all novel contexts that the AI might encounter 291 00:14:41,233 --> 00:14:42,790 in the indefinite future. 292 00:14:42,790 --> 00:14:45,077 And there are also some esoteric issues that would need to be solved, 293 00:14:45,077 --> 00:14:47,846 sorted out, 294 00:14:47,846 --> 00:14:49,616 the exact decisions of its decision theory, 295 00:14:49,616 --> 00:14:53,330 how to deal with logical uncertainty, and so forth. 296 00:14:53,330 --> 00:14:56,522 So the technical problems that need to be solved to make this work 297 00:14:56,522 --> 00:14:57,515 look quite difficult, 298 00:14:57,515 --> 00:15:00,925 -- not as difficult as making a super intelligent AI, 299 00:15:00,925 --> 00:15:03,793 but fairly difficult. 300 00:15:03,793 --> 00:15:05,488 Here is the worry: 301 00:15:05,488 --> 00:15:10,172 making super intelligent AI is a super hard challenge. 302 00:15:10,172 --> 00:15:12,720 Making super intelligent AI that is safe 303 00:15:12,720 --> 00:15:16,756 involves some additional challenge on top of that. 304 00:15:16,756 --> 00:15:18,563 The risk is that if somebody figures out how to crack 305 00:15:18,563 --> 00:15:21,392 the first challenge without also having cracked 306 00:15:21,392 --> 00:15:25,402 the additional challenge of ensuring perfect safety. 307 00:15:25,402 --> 00:15:28,706 So I think that we should work out a solution 308 00:15:28,706 --> 00:15:31,528 to the controlled problem in advance, 309 00:15:31,528 --> 00:15:35,038 so that we have it available by the time it is needed. 310 00:15:35,038 --> 00:15:38,245 Now it might be that we cannot solve the entire controlled problem 311 00:15:38,245 --> 00:15:41,299 in advance because maybe some element can only be put in place 312 00:15:41,299 --> 00:15:43,806 once you know the details of the architecture 313 00:15:43,806 --> 00:15:45,053 where it will be implemented. 314 00:15:45,053 --> 00:15:48,676 But the more of the controlled problem that we solve in advance, 315 00:15:48,676 --> 00:15:52,766 the better the odds that the transition to the machine intelligence era 316 00:15:52,766 --> 00:15:54,536 will go well. 317 00:15:54,536 --> 00:15:58,950 This to me looks like a thing that is well worth doing 318 00:15:58,950 --> 00:16:02,282 and I can imagine that if things turn out okay, 319 00:16:02,282 --> 00:16:05,430 that people in a million years from now 320 00:16:05,430 --> 00:16:06,858 look back at this century 321 00:16:06,858 --> 00:16:08,972 and it might well be that they say 322 00:16:08,972 --> 00:16:11,119 that he one thing we did that really mattered 323 00:16:11,119 --> 00:16:12,307 was to get this thing right. 324 00:16:12,307 --> 00:16:13,148 Thank you. 325 00:16:13,148 --> 00:16:18,381 (Applause)