0:00:01.480,0:00:05.730 This unit is about the equation[br]of a straight line. 0:00:06.570,0:00:10.040 The equation of a straight line[br]can take different forms 0:00:10.040,0:00:13.510 depending upon the information[br]that we know about the line. 0:00:13.510,0:00:16.980 Let's start by a specific[br]example. Suppose we've got some. 0:00:17.500,0:00:22.660 Points. Labeled by their X&Y[br]coordinates. So suppose we have 0:00:22.660,0:00:25.900 a point where X is not why is 2? 0:00:26.590,0:00:33.700 X is one. Why is 3X is 2?[br]Why is 4 and access three? Why 0:00:33.700,0:00:39.388 is 5? Let's see what these[br]points look like when we put 0:00:39.388,0:00:41.284 them on a graph. 0:00:42.230,0:00:44.900 The first point, not 2. 0:00:45.680,0:00:46.379 Will be here. 0:00:47.690,0:00:50.560 An X coordinate of zero[br]and a Y coordinate 2. 0:00:51.890,0:00:56.180 The second point 1 three X[br]coordinate of one Y coordinate 0:00:56.180,0:00:59.470 of three. And so on 2 four. 0:01:00.490,0:01:01.718 That will be here. 0:01:02.830,0:01:03.868 And three 5. 0:01:05.520,0:01:07.280 That will be there. 0:01:07.920,0:01:12.648 See, we've got four points and[br]very conveniently we can put a 0:01:12.648,0:01:16.982 straight line through them.[br]Notice that in every case, the Y 0:01:16.982,0:01:22.892 value is always two more than[br]the X value, so if we add on two 0:01:22.892,0:01:29.196 to zero, we get two. If we add[br]on 2 to one, we get three, and 0:01:29.196,0:01:35.106 so on. the Y value is always the[br]X value plus two, so this gives 0:01:35.106,0:01:37.864 us the equation of the line the 0:01:37.864,0:01:41.958 Y value. Is always the X[br]value +2. 0:01:43.250,0:01:47.670 Now there are lots and lots of[br]other points on this line, not 0:01:47.670,0:01:51.410 just the four that we've[br]plotted, but any point that we 0:01:51.410,0:01:54.810 choose on the line will have[br]this same relationship between 0:01:54.810,0:01:59.570 Y&X. the Y value will always be[br]it's X value plus two, so that 0:01:59.570,0:02:03.990 is the equation of the line, and[br]very often we'll label the line 0:02:03.990,0:02:07.050 with the equation by writing it[br]alongside like that. 0:02:08.600,0:02:10.922 Let's look at some more straight 0:02:10.922,0:02:18.408 line graphs. Let's suppose[br]we start with the 0:02:18.408,0:02:26.312 equation Y equals X[br]or drop a table 0:02:26.312,0:02:30.264 of values and plot 0:02:30.264,0:02:37.260 some points. Again,[br]let's start with some 0:02:37.260,0:02:43.692 X values. Suppose the[br]X values run from 0:02:43.692,0:02:46.908 012 up to three. 0:02:47.720,0:02:51.822 What will the Y value be if the[br]equation is simply Y equals X? 0:02:51.822,0:02:55.631 Well, in this case it's a very[br]simple case. the Y value is 0:02:55.631,0:02:59.440 always equal to the X value. So[br]very simply we can complete the 0:02:59.440,0:03:02.956 table. the Y value is always the[br]same as the X value. 0:03:03.650,0:03:07.472 Let's plot these points on the 0:03:07.472,0:03:11.380 graph. Access note why is not. 0:03:11.990,0:03:13.328 Is the point of the origin. 0:03:14.770,0:03:16.660 X is one. Why is one? 0:03:17.240,0:03:18.599 Will be here. 0:03:19.140,0:03:21.168 And similarly 2233. 0:03:21.680,0:03:24.070 Will be there. And there. 0:03:24.930,0:03:27.138 So we have a straight line. 0:03:28.320,0:03:30.888 Passing through the origin. 0:03:32.400,0:03:35.856 Let's ask ourselves a little bit[br]about the gradient of this line. 0:03:36.480,0:03:40.393 Remember to find the gradient of[br]the line we take, say two points 0:03:40.393,0:03:44.005 on it. Let's suppose we take[br]this point and this point, and 0:03:44.005,0:03:47.918 we calculate the change in Y[br]divided by the change in X. As 0:03:47.918,0:03:50.025 we move from one point to the 0:03:50.025,0:03:54.823 next. Well, as we move from here[br]to here, why changes from one to 0:03:54.823,0:03:58.406 three? So the change in Y is 3 - 0:03:58.406,0:04:03.784 1. And the change in X will[br]exchange is from one to three, 0:04:03.784,0:04:07.132 so the change in X is also 3 - 0:04:07.132,0:04:12.610 1. 3 - 1 is two 3[br]- 1 is 2. 0:04:13.260,0:04:15.906 So the gradient of this line is 0:04:15.906,0:04:19.334 one. Want to write that[br]alongside here? Let's call 0:04:19.334,0:04:22.832 it M1. This is the first[br]line of several lines I'm 0:04:22.832,0:04:26.330 going to draw. An M1 is[br]one. The gradient is one. 0:04:27.520,0:04:30.140 And also write the equation[br]of the line alongside as 0:04:30.140,0:04:33.022 well. So the equation of[br]this line is why is X? 0:04:35.260,0:04:39.304 Let's put another straight line[br]on the same graph and this time. 0:04:39.304,0:04:42.337 Let's suppose we choose the[br]equation Y equals 2X. 0:04:44.190,0:04:47.133 Let's see what the Y[br]coordinates will be this 0:04:47.133,0:04:50.730 time. Well, the Y coordinate[br]is always two times the X 0:04:50.730,0:04:54.000 coordinate, so if the X[br]coordinate is 0, the Y 0:04:54.000,0:04:57.270 coordinate will be 2 * 0,[br]which is still 0. 0:04:58.780,0:05:01.510 When X is one, why will be 2 * 1 0:05:01.510,0:05:06.130 which is 2? When X is 2, Y is 2[br]* 2, which is 4. 0:05:06.870,0:05:09.190 I'm an ex is 3. Why is 2 * 3 0:05:09.190,0:05:14.951 which is 6? Let's put these on[br]as well. We've got 00, which is 0:05:14.951,0:05:16.154 the origin again. 0:05:17.220,0:05:19.796 When X is one way is 2. That's 0:05:19.796,0:05:24.284 this point here. When X is 2,[br]why is 4? 0:05:25.060,0:05:28.602 At this point here, I'm going to[br]access three wise 6. 0:05:29.140,0:05:34.678 She's up there and again we have[br]a straight line graph and again. 0:05:35.690,0:05:39.776 This line passes through[br]the origin. 0:05:40.910,0:05:45.030 Right, so let's write its[br]equation alongside. Why is 2X? 0:05:45.670,0:05:48.827 And let's just think for a[br]minute about the gradient of 0:05:48.827,0:05:51.697 this line. Let's take two[br]points. Let's suppose we take 0:05:51.697,0:05:53.132 this point and this point. 0:05:53.910,0:05:55.218 The change in Y. 0:05:56.600,0:06:00.110 Well, why is changing from two[br]to four? So the changing? Why is 0:06:00.110,0:06:01.730 4 takeaway 2 which is 2? 0:06:02.380,0:06:06.524 The change in X will exchange is[br]from one to two, so the change 0:06:06.524,0:06:10.964 in X is just 2 - 1 or one, so[br]the slope of this line. 0:06:11.520,0:06:13.300 Just two. 0:06:14.920,0:06:20.809 That's cool that M2 is the slope[br]of the second line, right, M22? 0:06:23.340,0:06:27.553 OK, let's do one more. Suppose[br]we have another equation. And 0:06:27.553,0:06:32.149 let's suppose this time the[br]equation is Y equals 3X. So the 0:06:32.149,0:06:37.511 Y value is always three times[br]the X value. We can put these in 0:06:37.511,0:06:41.724 straightaway 3 notes and not[br]314-3326 and three threes and 9. 0:06:42.280,0:06:44.017 And we can plot these on[br]the same graph. 0:06:45.130,0:06:48.898 Again, 00 so the graph is going[br]to pass through the origin. 0:06:50.440,0:06:55.330 Two, when X is one, why is[br]3 so when X is one? Why is 0:06:55.330,0:06:56.960 3 gives me this point? 0:06:58.650,0:07:03.594 When X is 2, why is now 6? So[br]I've got a point up here and 0:07:03.594,0:07:07.302 that's sufficient to to draw in[br]the straight line and again with 0:07:07.302,0:07:10.701 a straight line passing through[br]the origin is a steeper line 0:07:10.701,0:07:13.424 this time. And it's equation is 0:07:13.424,0:07:19.011 Y is 3X. So we've got 3 lines[br]drawn. Now, why is XY is 2, XY 0:07:19.011,0:07:21.090 is 3X and all these lines pass 0:07:21.090,0:07:24.984 through the origin? Let's just[br]get the gradient of this line or 0:07:24.984,0:07:28.020 the gradient of this line.[br]Again. Let's take two points on 0:07:28.020,0:07:32.402 it. The change in Y going from[br]this point to this point. Well, 0:07:32.402,0:07:36.617 why is changing from 3 up to[br]six? So the change in Y is 6? 0:07:36.617,0:07:37.741 Subtract 3 or three. 0:07:38.450,0:07:42.740 And the change in XLX is[br]changing from one to two. 0:07:43.250,0:07:47.822 So the change in access 2 - 1,[br]which is just one. 0:07:47.830,0:07:52.534 So the gradient this time is 3.[br]Let's label that and three. 0:07:53.340,0:07:56.630 Now this is no coincidence.[br]You'll notice that in every 0:07:56.630,0:08:01.236 case, the gradient in this case[br]3 is the same as the number that 0:08:01.236,0:08:05.184 is multiplying the X in the[br]equation. Same is true here. The 0:08:05.184,0:08:09.132 gradient is 2, which is the[br]number. Multiplying the X in the 0:08:09.132,0:08:13.080 equation. And again here. Why is[br]X the number? Multiplying X is 0:08:13.080,0:08:15.054 one and the gradient is one. 0:08:15.770,0:08:20.445 Now we deduce from this a[br]general result that whenever we 0:08:20.445,0:08:25.545 have an equation of the form Y[br]equals MX. What this represents 0:08:25.545,0:08:27.245 is a straight line. 0:08:28.320,0:08:34.107 It's a line which is passing[br]through the origin. 0:08:34.110,0:08:40.918 And it's gradient is[br]M. The number multiplying 0:08:40.918,0:08:44.322 the X is the 0:08:44.322,0:08:47.988 gradient. That's a very[br]important result, it's well 0:08:47.988,0:08:52.322 worth remembering that whenever[br]you see why is a constant M 0:08:52.322,0:08:57.050 Times X will be a straight line[br]will be passing through the 0:08:57.050,0:09:01.384 origin and the gradient will be[br]the number that's multiplying X. 0:09:02.590,0:09:09.232 Let's have a[br]look at some 0:09:09.232,0:09:12.553 other equations of 0:09:12.553,0:09:19.794 straight lines. Let's[br]have a look at Y equals 2X 0:09:19.794,0:09:24.432 plus one. Very similar to the[br]one we had before, but now I've 0:09:24.432,0:09:27.968 added on a number at the end[br]here. Let's choose some X and 0:09:27.968,0:09:35.316 some Y values. When[br]X is 0:09:35.316,0:09:41.914 0. Why will be[br]2 * 0 which is 0 plus one? So 0:09:41.914,0:09:43.816 when X is 0 while B1. 0:09:44.670,0:09:49.246 When X is one 2, one or two plus[br]one gives you 3. 0:09:50.250,0:09:54.765 And when X is 222 to four and[br]one is 5, so with those three 0:09:54.765,0:09:58.678 points we can plot a graph when[br]X is not. Why is one? 0:09:59.320,0:10:00.300 It's there. 0:10:01.360,0:10:05.000 When X is one, why is 3? So we[br]come up to here. 0:10:05.760,0:10:09.361 I'm in access 2. Why is 5 which[br]takes us up to there? 0:10:10.020,0:10:15.537 And there's my straight line[br]graph through those points. 0:10:17.140,0:10:22.000 Not label it. Y equals 2X[br]plus one. 0:10:24.220,0:10:29.368 Let's have another one. Suppose[br]we have Y equals 2 X +4. 0:10:30.690,0:10:32.045 Let's see what happens this 0:10:32.045,0:10:39.776 time. Let's suppose we[br]start with a negative 0:10:39.776,0:10:41.732 X value. 0:10:43.030,0:10:46.882 Access minus one. What will the[br]Y value be? Effects is minus, 0:10:46.882,0:10:49.129 one will get two times minus one 0:10:49.129,0:10:53.410 is minus 2. And 4 - 2[br]is 2. 0:10:56.040,0:11:01.735 Let's choose X to be 0 when X is[br]zero, will get 2 zeros as O plus 0:11:01.735,0:11:06.760 454. So ex is one we get 2 ones[br]or 2 + 4 is 6. 0:11:07.420,0:11:08.560 Let's put those points. 0:11:09.190,0:11:11.404 So if X is minus one, why is 2? 0:11:13.870,0:11:15.900 If X is zero, why is 4? 0:11:18.420,0:11:22.359 And effects is one. Why is 6,[br]which is a point of the. 0:11:23.230,0:11:28.114 That's the line Y equals 2X[br]plus four, and you'll notice 0:11:28.114,0:11:33.442 from looking at it that the[br]two lines that we have now 0:11:33.442,0:11:37.438 drawn a parallel, and that's[br]precisely because they've got 0:11:37.438,0:11:40.546 the same gradient. The number[br]multiplying X. 0:11:42.310,0:11:46.700 Let's look at one more. Why is[br]2X minus one? 0:11:47.250,0:11:49.170 Again, let's have some X values. 0:11:49.720,0:11:53.158 And some Y values supposing X 0:11:53.158,0:11:57.992 is 0. Well, if X is zero and why[br]is 2X minus one? 0:11:58.510,0:12:02.654 The Y value will be 2 notes and[br]not subtract. 1 is minus one. 0:12:03.860,0:12:09.380 If X is, one will get 2 ones, or[br]two. Subtract 1 is plus one. 0:12:10.490,0:12:11.850 And effects is 2. 0:12:12.350,0:12:16.662 Two tubes of 4 - 1 is 3. Again,[br]we've got three points. That's 0:12:16.662,0:12:20.358 plenty points to put on the[br]graph. Effects is not. Why is 0:12:20.358,0:12:23.984 minus one? Thanks is not[br]wise minus one gives me a 0:12:23.984,0:12:24.782 point down here. 0:12:27.040,0:12:28.100 If X is one. 0:12:28.690,0:12:30.930 Why is one gives[br]me a point here? 0:12:32.340,0:12:35.724 And if X is 2 wise, three gives[br]me that point there. 0:12:39.930,0:12:46.242 And there's the straight line Y[br]equals 2X minus one, and again 0:12:46.242,0:12:47.820 this third line. 0:12:48.540,0:12:51.972 Is parallel to the previous two[br]lines and it's parallel because 0:12:51.972,0:12:55.404 it's got the same gradient and[br]it's got the same gradient 0:12:55.404,0:12:59.148 because in every case we've got[br]2X the number. Multiplying X is 0:12:59.148,0:13:03.459 the same. So what's different[br]about the lines? Well, what is 0:13:03.459,0:13:05.014 different is that they're all 0:13:05.014,0:13:08.324 cutting. The Y axis[br]at a different point. 0:13:09.540,0:13:13.782 This line is cutting the Y axis[br]at the point where. Why is 4? 0:13:14.940,0:13:17.289 Note that the number 4[br]appears in the equation. 0:13:18.930,0:13:23.960 This line. Cuts the Y axis when[br]Y is one, and again one appears 0:13:23.960,0:13:29.040 in the equation. And again, this[br]line cuts the Y axis at minus 0:13:29.040,0:13:33.291 one and minus one appears in the[br]equation, and this gives us a 0:13:33.291,0:13:37.542 general rule. If we have an[br]equation of the form Y equals MX 0:13:37.542,0:13:42.447 plus C, the number that is on[br]its own at the end. Here the C 0:13:42.447,0:13:46.698 which was the four or the one or[br]the minus one, tells us 0:13:46.698,0:13:48.660 whereabouts on the Y axis that 0:13:48.660,0:13:51.746 the graph cuts. And we call this 0:13:51.746,0:13:57.520 value. Either the for their or[br]the one there, or the minus one 0:13:57.520,0:14:02.590 there. We call that the vertical[br]intercept so the value of C is 0:14:02.590,0:14:03.760 the vertical intercept. 0:14:03.840,0:14:09.980 So now whenever you see[br]an equation of the form 0:14:09.980,0:14:15.506 Y equals a number times[br]X plus another number. 0:14:15.506,0:14:19.190 So why equals MX plus C? 0:14:20.330,0:14:22.205 That represents a straight line 0:14:22.205,0:14:24.905 graph. Where M is the gradient 0:14:24.905,0:14:29.190 of the line. And sees the[br]vertical intercept, which is the 0:14:29.190,0:14:31.950 place where the graph crosses[br]the vertical axis. 0:14:33.480,0:14:39.900 Now sometimes when we get the[br]equation of a straight line, it 0:14:39.900,0:14:46.320 doesn't always appear in the[br]form Y equals MX plus C. Let 0:14:46.320,0:14:48.995 me give you an example. 0:14:49.000,0:14:53.901 Let's consider this equation 3.[br]Y minus two X equals 6. Now at 0:14:53.901,0:14:58.802 first sight that doesn't look as[br]though it's in the form Y equals 0:14:58.802,0:15:02.572 MX plus C which is our[br]recognisable form of the 0:15:02.572,0:15:08.227 equation of a straight line. But[br]what we can do is we can do some 0:15:08.227,0:15:12.751 algebraic manipulation on this[br]to try to write it in this form 0:15:12.751,0:15:18.029 and one of the advantages of[br]doing that is that if we can get 0:15:18.029,0:15:19.537 it into this form. 0:15:19.540,0:15:23.180 We can read off what the[br]gradients and the vertical 0:15:23.180,0:15:25.364 intercept are, so let's work on 0:15:25.364,0:15:30.408 this. I'll start by adding 2X[br]to both sides. 0:15:30.410,0:15:35.366 To remove this minus 2X from[br]here. So if we add 2X to both 0:15:35.366,0:15:37.844 sides will get 2X plus six on 0:15:37.844,0:15:43.416 the right. And now if I divide[br]both sides by three, I'll get Y 0:15:43.416,0:15:45.922 on its own, which is what I'm 0:15:45.922,0:15:51.690 looking for. Dividing 2X by[br]three gives me why is 2/3 of 0:15:51.690,0:15:57.234 X? And if I divide 6 by[br]three, I'll get 2. 0:15:57.240,0:16:02.378 Now this is a much more familiar[br]form. This is of the form Y 0:16:02.378,0:16:07.516 equals MX plus. See where we can[br]read off the gradient M is 2/3 0:16:07.516,0:16:09.351 and the vertical intercept see 0:16:09.351,0:16:13.645 is 2. So be aware that sometimes[br]an equation that you see might 0:16:13.645,0:16:16.340 not at first sight look as[br]though it's a straight line 0:16:16.340,0:16:19.770 equation, but by doing some work[br]on it you can get it into a 0:16:19.770,0:16:25.600 recognizable form. About[br]another 0:16:25.600,0:16:31.022 example. Suppose we're given[br]some information about a 0:16:31.022,0:16:36.690 straight line graph, and we want[br]to try and find out what the 0:16:36.690,0:16:41.050 equation is. So, for example,[br]suppose we're told that a 0:16:41.050,0:16:45.846 straight line has gradient, a[br]fifth and were told also that 0:16:45.846,0:16:48.026 it's vertical intercept. See is 0:16:48.026,0:16:51.350 one. Let's see if we can[br]write down the equation. 0:16:52.500,0:16:56.208 Well, we know that a[br]straight line has equation 0:16:56.208,0:16:58.268 Y equals MX plus C. 0:16:59.620,0:17:05.220 So we can substitute are known[br]values in M is going to be 1/5. 0:17:05.220,0:17:11.220 See is going to be one. So our[br]equation is Y equals 1/5 of X 0:17:11.220,0:17:14.020 plus one Y equals MX plus C. 0:17:14.770,0:17:18.718 Now we might not always choose[br]to leave it in that form, so let 0:17:18.718,0:17:22.102 me just show you how else we[br]might write it. There's a 0:17:22.102,0:17:25.204 fraction here of the 5th, and if[br]we multiply everything through 0:17:25.204,0:17:28.306 by 5, we can remove this[br]fraction. So let's multiply both 0:17:28.306,0:17:31.972 sides by 5, will get 5 Y the[br]files or cancel. When we 0:17:31.972,0:17:33.946 multiply by 5 here just to leave 0:17:33.946,0:17:36.810 X. And five ones of five. 0:17:37.620,0:17:42.690 So this form is equivalent to[br]this form, but just written in a 0:17:42.690,0:17:46.615 different way. We could[br]rearrange it again just by 0:17:46.615,0:17:50.520 bringing everything over to the[br]left hand side, so we might 0:17:50.520,0:17:55.845 write 5 Y minus X. Minus five is[br]not, so that is another form of 0:17:55.845,0:17:59.750 the same equation and we'll see[br]some equations written in this 0:17:59.750,0:18:01.170 form which later on. 0:18:02.410,0:18:09.310 OK, let's have[br]a look at 0:18:09.310,0:18:14.353 another example. Suppose now[br]we're interested in trying to 0:18:14.353,0:18:17.821 find the equation of a line[br]which has a gradient of 1/3. 0:18:18.960,0:18:22.470 And this time, instead of being[br]given the vertical intercept, 0:18:22.470,0:18:25.980 we're going to be given some[br]information about a point 0:18:25.980,0:18:30.192 through which the line passes.[br]So suppose that we know that the 0:18:30.192,0:18:33.000 line passes through the points[br]with coordinates 12. 0:18:33.800,0:18:36.374 Let's see if we can figure[br]out what the equation of 0:18:36.374,0:18:37.076 the line is. 0:18:39.090,0:18:44.508 Start with our general form Y[br]equals MX plus C and we put in 0:18:44.508,0:18:46.443 the information that we already 0:18:46.443,0:18:52.570 know. We know that the gradient[br]M is 1/3, so we can put that in 0:18:52.570,0:18:53.665 here straight away. 0:18:53.680,0:18:57.310 We don't know the vertical[br]intercept. We're going to have 0:18:57.310,0:19:00.214 to do a bit of work to find 0:19:00.214,0:19:05.263 that. But what we do know is[br]that the line passes through 0:19:05.263,0:19:10.485 this point. What that means is[br]that when X is one, why has the 0:19:10.485,0:19:14.588 value 2? And we can use that[br]information in this equation. 0:19:15.380,0:19:17.382 So we're going to put, why is 0:19:17.382,0:19:23.620 2IN. X is one in home, 3[br]third times, one is just a 0:19:23.620,0:19:28.879 third. Let's see from this we[br]can workout what Sears. 0:19:29.440,0:19:33.968 So two is the same as 6 thirds[br]and if we take a third off, both 0:19:33.968,0:19:38.213 sides will have 5 thirds is see[br]so you can see we can use the 0:19:38.213,0:19:39.911 information about a point on the 0:19:39.911,0:19:44.450 line. To find the vertical[br]intercept, see so. Now we know 0:19:44.450,0:19:48.180 everything about this line. We[br]know it's vertical intercept and 0:19:48.180,0:19:53.029 we know its gradient. So the[br]equation of the line is why is 0:19:53.029,0:19:54.521 1/3 X +5 thirds? 0:19:54.530,0:20:00.905 I want to do that again, but I[br]want to do it for more general 0:20:00.905,0:20:05.155 case where we haven't got[br]specific values for the gradient 0:20:05.155,0:20:09.830 and we haven't got specific[br]values for the point. So this 0:20:09.830,0:20:14.505 time, let's suppose we've got a[br]straight line. This gradient is 0:20:14.505,0:20:20.163 M. But it passes through a[br]point with arbitrary coordinates 0:20:20.163,0:20:21.590 X one. I want. 0:20:22.250,0:20:24.900 Let's see if we can[br]find a formula for the 0:20:24.900,0:20:25.960 equation of the line. 0:20:27.620,0:20:31.676 Always go back to what we know.[br]We know already that any 0:20:31.676,0:20:35.056 straight line has this equation.[br]Y is MX plus C. 0:20:35.070,0:20:40.230 What do we know what we're told[br]the gradient is M so that we can 0:20:40.230,0:20:43.430 leave alone. But we don't know[br]the vertical intercept. See 0:20:43.430,0:20:45.040 let's see if we can find it. 0:20:46.240,0:20:49.698 Use what we do now. We do know[br]that the line passes through 0:20:49.698,0:20:54.660 this point. So that we know that[br]when X has the value X one. 0:20:55.530,0:20:57.258 Why has the value? Why one? 0:20:57.880,0:20:59.322 So I'm going to put those values 0:20:59.322,0:21:06.444 in here. So why has the value?[br]Why one when X has the value 0:21:06.444,0:21:13.118 X one? See, now we can rearrange[br]this to find C. So take the MX 0:21:13.118,0:21:14.862 one off both sides. 0:21:15.740,0:21:20.444 That will give me the value for[br]C and this value for see that 0:21:20.444,0:21:24.476 we have found, which you[br]realize now is made up of. Only 0:21:24.476,0:21:29.852 the things we knew. We knew the[br]M we knew the X one and Y one. 0:21:29.852,0:21:34.556 So in fact we know this value.[br]Now we put this value back into 0:21:34.556,0:21:38.924 the general equation so will[br]have Y equals MX plus C and see 0:21:38.924,0:21:40.268 now is all this. 0:21:41.610,0:21:45.786 And that is the equation of a[br]line with gradient M passing 0:21:45.786,0:21:50.310 through X one Y one. We don't[br]normally leave it in this form. 0:21:50.310,0:21:53.790 We write it in a slightly[br]different way. It's usually 0:21:53.790,0:21:57.966 written like this. We subtract[br]why one off both sides to give 0:21:57.966,0:22:00.750 us Y, minus Y one, and that will 0:22:00.750,0:22:06.632 disappear. And we factorize the[br]MX and the NX one by taking out 0:22:06.632,0:22:12.386 the common factor of M will be[br]left with X and minus X one. 0:22:13.290,0:22:18.361 And that is an important result,[br]because this formula gives us 0:22:18.361,0:22:20.666 the equation of a line. 0:22:21.490,0:22:25.270 With gradient M and which passes[br]through a point where the X 0:22:25.270,0:22:28.735 coordinate is X one and the Y[br]coordinate is why one? 0:22:29.330,0:22:36.476 Let's look at[br]a specific example. 0:22:36.650,0:22:41.610 Suppose we're interested in a[br]straight line where the gradient 0:22:41.610,0:22:46.570 is minus 2, and it passes[br]through the point with 0:22:46.570,0:22:48.554 coordinates minus 3 two. 0:22:50.420,0:22:55.556 We know the general form of a[br]straight line, it's why minus 0:22:55.556,0:23:00.692 why one is MX minus X one?[br]That's our general results and 0:23:00.692,0:23:05.828 all we need to do is put this[br]information into this formula. 0:23:06.690,0:23:11.079 Why one is the Y coordinate[br]coordinate of the known point 0:23:11.079,0:23:12.276 which is 2? 0:23:12.450,0:23:14.445 M is the gradient which is minus 0:23:14.445,0:23:20.002 2. X minus X one is the X[br]coordinates of the known point, 0:23:20.002,0:23:21.466 which is minus 3. 0:23:22.020,0:23:27.774 So tidying this up, we've got Y[br]minus two is going to be minus 0:23:27.774,0:23:33.117 2X plus three, and if we remove[br]the brackets, Y minus two is 0:23:33.117,0:23:35.172 minus 2 X minus 6. 0:23:36.380,0:23:40.790 And finally, if we add two to[br]both sides, we shall get why is 0:23:40.790,0:23:44.570 minus 2 X minus four, and that's[br]the equation of the straight 0:23:44.570,0:23:47.720 line with gradient minus 2[br]passing through this point. And 0:23:47.720,0:23:51.815 there's always a check you can[br]apply because we can look at the 0:23:51.815,0:23:55.595 final equation we've got and we[br]can observe from here that the 0:23:55.595,0:23:57.170 gradient is indeed minus 2. 0:23:57.800,0:24:01.706 And we can also pop in an X[br]value of minus three into here. 0:24:02.420,0:24:06.932 Minus two times minus three is[br]plus six and six takeaway four 0:24:06.932,0:24:10.692 is 2 and that's the[br]corresponding why value? So this 0:24:10.692,0:24:12.948 built in checks that you can 0:24:12.948,0:24:15.894 apply. Let's have a look at[br]another slightly different 0:24:15.894,0:24:19.710 example, and in this example[br]I'm not going to give you the 0:24:19.710,0:24:22.572 gradient of the line.[br]Instead, we're going to have 0:24:22.572,0:24:26.070 two points on the line. So[br]let's suppose are two points 0:24:26.070,0:24:30.204 are minus 1, two and two 4,[br]so we don't know the gradient 0:24:30.204,0:24:33.066 and we don't know the[br]vertical intercept. We just 0:24:33.066,0:24:36.882 know two points on the line,[br]and we've got to try to 0:24:36.882,0:24:39.426 determine what the equation[br]of the line is. 0:24:40.660,0:24:42.452 Now let's see how we can do 0:24:42.452,0:24:47.202 this. One thing we can do is we[br]can calculate the gradient of 0:24:47.202,0:24:50.694 the line because we know how to[br]calculate the gradient of the 0:24:50.694,0:24:51.858 line joining two points. 0:24:52.380,0:24:57.084 So let's do that. First of all,[br]the gradient of the line will be 0:24:57.084,0:25:00.780 the difference in the Y[br]coordinates, which is 4 - 2. 0:25:01.200,0:25:06.864 Divided by the difference in the[br]X coordinates, which is 2 minus 0:25:06.864,0:25:13.710 minus one. 4 - 2 is 2 and 2[br]minus minus one is 2 + 1 which 0:25:13.710,0:25:17.590 is 3. So the gradient of this[br]line is 2/3. 0:25:18.660,0:25:23.054 Now we know the gradients and we[br]know at least one point through 0:25:23.054,0:25:27.448 which the line passes. Because[br]we know two. So we can use the 0:25:27.448,0:25:32.180 previous formula Y minus Y one[br]is MX minus X one. So that's the 0:25:32.180,0:25:33.194 formula we use. 0:25:33.930,0:25:37.725 Why minus why? One doesn't[br]matter which of the two points 0:25:37.725,0:25:39.795 we take? Let's take the .24. 0:25:40.780,0:25:44.350 So the Y coordinate is 4. 0:25:44.450,0:25:47.650 M we found is 2/3. 0:25:47.650,0:25:52.291 X minus the X coordinate, which[br]is 2. So that's our equation of 0:25:52.291,0:25:57.646 the line and if we wanted to do[br]we can tidy this up a little 0:25:57.646,0:26:03.358 bit. Y minus four is 2/3 of X[br]minus 4 thirds, and if we add 4 0:26:03.358,0:26:07.999 to both sides, we can write this[br]as Y is 2X over 3. 0:26:08.630,0:26:12.557 And we've got minus 4 thirds[br]here already, and we're bringing 0:26:12.557,0:26:17.198 over four will be adding four.[br]So finally will have two X over 0:26:17.198,0:26:23.266 3. And four is the same as 12[br]thirds, 12 thirds. Subtract 4 0:26:23.266,0:26:28.029 thirds is 8 thirds. So that's[br]the equation of the line. 0:26:28.610,0:26:34.231 I want to do that same[br]argument when were given two 0:26:34.231,0:26:37.808 arbitrary points instead of[br]two specific points. 0:26:39.030,0:26:43.879 So suppose we have the point a[br]coordinates X one and Y 1. 0:26:44.840,0:26:48.284 And be with coordinates X2Y2[br]and. Let's see if we can figure 0:26:48.284,0:26:51.441 out what the equation of the[br]line is joining these two 0:26:51.441,0:26:55.459 points, and I think in this case[br]a graph is going to help us. 0:26:56.240,0:26:58.280 Just have a quick sketch. 0:26:59.040,0:27:05.070 So I've got[br]a point A. 0:27:05.760,0:27:08.468 Coordinates X One Y1. 0:27:09.410,0:27:13.690 And another point B[br]coordinates X2Y2 and were 0:27:13.690,0:27:19.040 interested in the equation of[br]this line which is joining 0:27:19.040,0:27:19.575 them. 0:27:21.070,0:27:26.009 Suppose we pick an arbitrary[br]point on the line anywhere along 0:27:26.009,0:27:30.499 the line at all, and let's call[br]that point P. 0:27:31.090,0:27:34.570 P is an arbitrary point, and[br]let's suppose it's coordinates 0:27:34.570,0:27:37.702 are X&Y. For any arbitrary X&Y[br]on the line. 0:27:38.610,0:27:43.935 And what we do know is that the[br]gradient of AP is the same as 0:27:43.935,0:27:45.710 the gradient of a bee. 0:27:46.370,0:27:49.674 Let me write that[br]down the gradient. 0:27:50.730,0:27:57.160 Of AP. Is[br]equal to the gradient. 0:27:57.310,0:28:01.189 Of a B. 0:28:01.190,0:28:04.850 Let's see what that means. Well,[br]the gradient of AP. 0:28:06.400,0:28:08.332 Is just the difference in the Y 0:28:08.332,0:28:12.841 coordinates. Is Y minus[br]Y one over the 0:28:12.841,0:28:16.625 difference in the X[br]coordinates, which is X 0:28:16.625,0:28:18.044 minus X one? 0:28:19.130,0:28:23.123 So that's the gradient of this[br]line segment between amp and 0:28:23.123,0:28:27.479 that's got to equal the gradient[br]of the line segment between A&B. 0:28:28.060,0:28:31.723 And once the gradient of the[br]line segment between A&B, well, 0:28:31.723,0:28:35.386 it's again. It's the difference[br]of the Y coordinates, which now 0:28:35.386,0:28:37.384 is Y 2 minus Y 1. 0:28:37.390,0:28:42.898 Divided by the difference in the[br]X coordinates which is X2 minus 0:28:42.898,0:28:47.488 X one. So that is a formula[br]which will tell us. 0:28:48.160,0:28:50.870 The equation of a line passing[br]through two arbitrary points. 0:28:50.870,0:28:54.122 Now we don't usually leave it in[br]that form. It's normally written 0:28:54.122,0:28:57.103 in a slightly different form,[br]and it's normally written in a 0:28:57.103,0:29:01.168 form so that all the wise appear[br]on one side and all the ex is 0:29:01.168,0:29:04.420 appear on another side, and we[br]can do that by dividing both 0:29:04.420,0:29:06.317 sides by Y 2 minus Y 1. 0:29:07.010,0:29:14.056 And multiplying both sides by X[br]minus X One which moves that up 0:29:14.056,0:29:21.090 to here. And that's the form[br]which is normally quoted as the 0:29:21.090,0:29:26.400 equation of a line passing[br]through two arbitrary points. 0:29:28.850,0:29:32.126 Let's use that in an example. 0:29:32.690,0:29:38.996 Suppose we have[br]two points A. 0:29:39.000,0:29:44.350 Coordinates one and minus two[br]and B which has coordinates 0:29:44.350,0:29:46.490 minus three and not. 0:29:47.220,0:29:52.576 Let me write down the formula[br]again. Why minus why one over Y 0:29:52.576,0:29:58.344 2 minus Y one is X Minus X one[br]over X2 minus X one? 0:29:59.010,0:30:02.429 With pop everything we know into[br]the formula and see what we get. 0:30:03.200,0:30:10.340 So we want Y minus Y1Y one is[br]the first of the Y values which 0:30:10.340,0:30:11.768 is minus 2. 0:30:12.000,0:30:16.940 Why 2 minus? Why one is the[br]difference of the Y values that 0:30:16.940,0:30:20.400 zero? Minus minus 2. 0:30:20.910,0:30:27.126 Equals X minus X one is the[br]first of the X values, which is 0:30:27.126,0:30:32.898 one and X2 minus X. One is the[br]difference of the X values. 0:30:32.898,0:30:35.118 That's minus three, subtract 1. 0:30:35.980,0:30:41.164 And just to tidy this up on the[br]top line here will get Y +2 on 0:30:41.164,0:30:43.108 the bottom line. Here will get 0:30:43.108,0:30:47.317 +2. X minus one there on[br]the right at the top and 0:30:47.317,0:30:49.396 minus 3 - 1 is minus 4. 0:30:51.870,0:30:56.112 Again, we can tie this up a[br]little bit more to will go into 0:30:56.112,0:30:57.627 minus 4 - 2 times. 0:30:58.190,0:31:02.370 And if we multiply everything[br]through by minus, two will get 0:31:02.370,0:31:07.690 minus two Y minus four equals X[br]minus one, and we can write this 0:31:07.690,0:31:12.250 in lots of different ways. For[br]example, we could write this as 0:31:12.250,0:31:14.150 minus two Y minus X. 0:31:15.050,0:31:18.690 And we could add 1 to both[br]sides to give minus 3 zero. 0:31:18.690,0:31:21.210 That's one way we could leave[br]the final answer. 0:31:22.430,0:31:26.252 Another way we could leave it as[br]we could rearrange it to get Y 0:31:26.252,0:31:29.528 equals something. So if I do[br]that, I'll have minus two Y 0:31:29.528,0:31:30.893 equals X and if we. 0:31:31.670,0:31:37.091 Add 4 to both sides will get[br]plus three there, and if we 0:31:37.091,0:31:41.678 divide everything by minus two[br]will get minus 1/2 X minus 0:31:41.678,0:31:45.848 three over 2. So all of these[br]forms are equivalent. 0:31:47.480,0:31:53.852 Now, that's not quite the whole[br]story. The most general form of 0:31:53.852,0:31:58.100 equation of a straight line[br]looks like this. 0:31:58.430,0:32:03.510 And earlier on in this unit,[br]we've seen some equations 0:32:03.510,0:32:09.098 written in this form. Let's look[br]at some specific cases. Suppose 0:32:09.098,0:32:14.178 that a this number here turns[br]out to be 0. 0:32:14.740,0:32:16.468 What will that mean if a is 0? 0:32:17.000,0:32:20.180 But if a is zero, we can[br]rearrange this and write BY. 0:32:20.920,0:32:22.930 Equals minus C. 0:32:24.010,0:32:27.520 Why is minus C Overby? 0:32:29.270,0:32:32.942 And what does this mean?[br]Remember the A and the beat and 0:32:32.942,0:32:36.614 the CIA just numbers their[br]constants. So when a is zero, we 0:32:36.614,0:32:40.592 find that this number on the[br]right here minus C over B is 0:32:40.592,0:32:44.876 just a constant. So what this is[br]saying is that Y is a constant. 0:32:45.720,0:32:48.426 Now align where why is constant. 0:32:49.000,0:32:53.810 Must be. A horizontal line,[br]because why doesn't change 0:32:53.810,0:32:57.230 the value of Y is always[br]minus C Overby. 0:32:59.080,0:33:04.218 So if you have an equation of[br]this form where a is zero that 0:33:04.218,0:33:05.319 represents horizontal lines. 0:33:06.530,0:33:09.578 What about if be with zero? 0:33:09.910,0:33:15.370 We're putting B is 0 in here,[br]will get the AX Plus Co. 0:33:16.060,0:33:20.980 And if we rearrange, this will[br]get AX equals minus C and 0:33:20.980,0:33:24.670 dividing through by AX is minus[br]C over A. 0:33:25.990,0:33:30.566 Again, a encia constants so this[br]time what this is saying is that 0:33:30.566,0:33:31.974 X is a constant. 0:33:32.740,0:33:35.575 Now lines were X is a constant. 0:33:36.240,0:33:40.959 Must look like this. They are[br]vertical lines because the X 0:33:40.959,0:33:42.246 value doesn't change. 0:33:42.250,0:33:46.362 So this general case[br]includes both vertical lines 0:33:46.362,0:33:47.904 and horizontal lines. 0:33:49.030,0:33:52.660 So remember, the most general[br]form will appear like that. 0:33:54.200,0:33:57.130 Provided that be isn't zero,[br]you can always write the 0:33:57.130,0:34:00.646 equation in the more familiar[br]form Y equals MX plus C, but 0:34:00.646,0:34:04.455 in the case in which B is 0,[br]you get this specific case 0:34:04.455,0:34:05.920 where you've got vertical[br]lines.