0:00:00.000,0:00:03.480 [intro music] 0:00:03.490,0:00:05.240 Hi. You're watching Make Thrift Buy. A show 0:00:05.240,0:00:08.970 where you send me clothes that you've found[br]on the internet and I try my best to re-create 0:00:08.970,0:00:13.799 them. Today's challenge was sent in by chrisk[br]cupcakes, who asked me to re-create this t-shirt 0:00:13.799,0:00:18.620 by The Left Bank which retails for 20 to 30[br]dollars with 18 dollars shipping on top of 0:00:18.620,0:00:20.199 that if I wanted to buy it. 0:00:20.199,0:00:21.590 So let's go get started. 0:00:21.590,0:00:27.679 First, I drew a city skyline shape onto a[br]piece of cardboard with pencil. I cut this 0:00:27.679,0:00:34.679 out using scissors. Then I placed this half-way[br]down on a slightly too-large black t-shirt. 0:00:34.690,0:00:39.930 I also taped the cardboard onto the shirt[br]with the idea of keeping it in place. 0:00:39.930,0:00:44.670 Then I filled a spray bottle with some bleach,[br]put on a pair of gloves for safety, and I 0:00:44.670,0:00:48.960 started spraying the t-shirt with the bleach.[br]I didn't really know how much bleach to use, 0:00:48.960,0:00:54.550 so I kind of just went for it, spraying the[br]bleach on pretty liberally. I tried to spray 0:00:54.550,0:01:00.920 on the most bleach closest to the skyline[br]and less up at the top of the shirt. It slowly 0:01:00.920,0:01:03.760 started turning red wherever the bleach was. 0:01:03.760,0:01:08.770 I then carefully tried to remove the cardboard[br]and this is where I realized I probably shouldn't 0:01:08.770,0:01:11.229 have taped it down. So don't do that. 0:01:11.229,0:01:15.420 But anyway, I then gave the shirt a good rinse.[br]Then I chucked the shirt in the washing machine 0:01:15.420,0:01:19.850 on its own for a really short cycle. Then[br]I hung it out on the line to dry. 0:01:19.850,0:01:22.979 Unfortunately, some of the bleach made it[br]through to the back of the shirt. So I thought, 0:01:22.979,0:01:27.009 “Next time I should put a piece of cardboard[br]inside the shirt to stop this from happening”. 0:01:27.009,0:01:32.350 For some reason, I then totally forgot to[br]do this. I proceeded to repeat the same thing 0:01:32.350,0:01:39.319 that I did before, on the back of the t-shirt[br]this time. At least I didn't stick the stencil 0:01:39.319,0:01:44.149 down on the shirt this time which made removing[br]the stencil a lot easier. 0:01:44.149,0:01:47.840 Now I ended up with these areas where the[br]bleach went really blotchy which I think could 0:01:47.840,0:01:52.210 probably be fixed next time by being more[br]careful to do an even spray across the shirt. 0:01:52.210,0:01:56.200 Nonetheless, I rinsed the bleach off and I[br]hung it out to dry. 0:01:56.200,0:02:00.920 Okay. So the back sucks, but the front is[br]actually pretty alright. 0:02:00.920,0:02:07.920 Actually, looking at the original shirt, there's[br]bigger splotches on that shirt too. So, yeah. 0:02:07.979,0:02:11.810 I totally did the splotches on purpose? 0:02:11.810,0:02:15.780 I then decided to make some of the splotches[br]more obvious, or something. So I mixed up some 0:02:15.780,0:02:19.350 paint with a little bit of fabric medium and[br]I started painting blotches onto the back 0:02:19.350,0:02:23.500 of the t-shirt. I then took some artistic[br]license and turned this blotch down here into 0:02:23.500,0:02:29.170 a UFO. Then somehow that escalated fairly[br]quickly into a full-blown alien attack apocalyse 0:02:29.170,0:02:34.530 scene complete with falling asteroids and[br]burning buildings. 0:02:34.530,0:02:37.720 So yeah. That happened. 0:02:37.720,0:02:43.000 I then decided that I would maybe just not[br]touch the front at all and leave it as it 0:02:43.000,0:02:47.280 was. So after setting the paint into the back[br]of the shirt using an iron, the last step 0:02:47.280,0:02:54.600 was to cut the arms shorter. As t-shirt material[br]doesn't fray, I simply rolled the sleeves 0:02:54.610,0:03:00.120 over twice to cuff them. 0:03:00.120,0:03:07.120 [music plays] 0:03:19.660,0:03:26.590 So... I'd say you probably can make this yourself[br]and, if I was to do it again, I would remember 0:03:26.590,0:03:31.910 to put some cardboard inside the shirt before[br]I spray it with bleach. That was my main problem. 0:03:31.910,0:03:37.260 But yeah, for 3 dollars, I'm pretty happy[br]with it. So- 0:03:37.260,0:03:38.380 [scissor and zipper sound effects] 0:03:38.400,0:03:42.880 But if you wanted the real-deal, then I would[br]suggest checking out Left Bank's website- 0:03:42.880,0:03:46.990 the designer who made the original t-shirt.[br]The store's actually run by an independent 0:03:46.990,0:03:51.670 designer who hand-makes the stuff themselves[br]and isn't even terribly expensive. So it's 0:03:51.670,0:03:54.820 a pretty cool company to go and support if[br]you can afford to. 0:03:54.820,0:03:59.470 Although, theirs is missing a crucial alien[br]apocalypse scene on the back. Anyway, if you 0:03:59.470,0:04:03.420 enjoyed this episode, then please give me[br]a thumbs up, subscribe to my channel, share 0:04:03.420,0:04:06.890 my videos, and keep those awesome suggestions[br]for new challenges coming. I'll see you all 0:04:06.890,0:04:08.630 next time. 0:04:08.630,0:04:10.780 [outro music]