Sold. $90,000 to this gentleman
in front of me just here. Thank you, sir.
And now, ladies and gentlemen...
number 34 on the front cover
of your catalogues.
Color plate 16.
Portrait of Madame de Nemours
by Cezanne.
Now, because of the interest
in this painting...
we are keeping telephone lines open
to our buyers in London and New York.
This great painting is from
the world-famous Bonnet collection...
sold by order
of the present head of the family...
Monsieur Charles Bonnet.
Now ladies and gentlemen...
who will start this superb
Postimpressionist masterpiece...
at $200,000?
$210,000. $220,000!
$230,000. Thank you.
Now who says $240,000?
Thank you very much.
Who says $240,000?
Thank you. $240,000
...equal this record
in the coming three months.
And now, in the world of art...
in an auction
of notable lmpressionist masterpieces...
the highest price paid
was for a Cezanne portrait...
from the great private collection
of Charles Bonnet...
sold after spirited bidding for $515,000.
The buyer,
himself a notable art collector....
-Good evening, Marcel.
-Evening, mademoiselle.
-ls my father home?
-He is upstairs.
-Shall l tell him?
-No, thank you. l'll go up.
Hello, my darling!
- Hello, Papa.
-Careful. l'm covered with paint.
-And with money.
l heard all about the auction on the radio.
We've got to have a long, serious talk.
My dear angel, it was a triumph.
l could have sold
a dozen Cézannes on the spot.
When is enough more than enough?
This has got to stop.
One moment.
How kind of van Gogh
to use only his first name.
l can sign him in half the time.
There. Perfect!
Not again, Papa? So soon?
This long-lost masterpiece
will not be for sale for a long time.
We'll hang it. lt'll be admired. Who knows?
ln time, some legendary tycoon...
may be able to persuade me
to part with it.
-You're such a scoundrel.
-Thank you, my child.
Nicole! My dirt.
This is not ordinary dirt.
lt is van Gogh dirt.
l mean dirt from his own neighborhood.
l scraped it myself
off these old 19th-century canvases.
Like this.
lt took me weeks.
A nice touch of authenticity,
don't you think?
l doubt if van Gogh himself would've gone
to such pains with his works.
He didn't have to. He was van Gogh.
But you know that in his whole lifetime,
he only sold one painting.
Whereas l, in loving memory
of his great tragic genius...
have already sold two.
Papa, l keep telling you...
when you sell a fake masterpiece,
that is a crime.
l don't sell to the poor.
l only sell them to millionaires
and they get great paintings like this one.
Papa! Police!
What a shock you gave me.
lt's the director
of the Kl饕er-Lafayette Museum.
Come about our Cellini Venus.
What about the Venus?
Our Cellini Venus
is to be the outstanding feature...
of a great loan exhibition,
Masterpieces of French Collections.
Not in public, Papa!
-Yes. Come along.
Wait a minute.
You can't let it out of the house.
Don't fuss.
But, Papa, this is insane.
l'm coming, Monsieur Grammont.
-Take your time.
-l beg you. Listen to me.
-Do you see any paint anywhere?
Do l smell of paint?
l beg of you, will you listen to me?
The Cellini Venus is a fake.
-That's a word we don't use in this house.
-lt's too dangerous. l can't let you do this.
Papa, will you listen to me?
Stop spraying and.... All right.
Come along, you'll like
Monsieur Grammont.
He's impeccably honest
and extremely dull.
My dear Grammont.
How kind of you to come in person.
-Good evening, Bonnet.
-My pleasure, l can assure you.
Marcel, the doors.
Allow me to present my daughter, Nicole.
-Delighted, mademoiselle.
-Good evening.
There she is.
Allow me.
l remember it as a work of art,
but it is more.
My friend, l express my own
and the museum's gratitude...
for your generous loan,
and l thank you on behalf of France itself...
for never letting this treasure
leave the country.
l know of the offers you must have had
and how tempting they must have been.
One is, after all, always a Frenchman.
-l'll get it for you.
Look, Papa, let me help you.
lnto your hands...
-my dear Grammont...
...l give this, our ultimate treasure.
Papa, what have you done?
The room doesn't look
the same without her.
- Papa
- What have l done?
l'm giving the world an opportunity
of studying and viewing the Cellini Venus.
Which is not by Cellini.
Labels! lt's working with the Americans...
that's given you this obsession
with labels and brand names.
l wish you'd give up that ridiculous job.
Don't you know you can't fake
sculpture anymore? lt's not like painting.
l know about their so-called tests.
Papa, they are not so-called. They are!
One quick whiff of something
called potassium argon...
and they can tell the age of the stone,
where it was quarried, when it was cut...
and the name and address
of the man who did it.
Why do you suppose l haven't sold it?
l was offered recently....
lt gives me a twinge when l think of it.
l was offered $1,000,000.
But l won't sell it.
l don't even charge rent.
So, why should they test it?
Did you hear Grammont say
100,000 souvenir postcards!
They'll be mailed all over the world.
Our Venus!
Don't you feel
a kind of thrilling glow in that?
Chills run up and down my spine.
The basic trouble with you
is that you're honest.
l don't say that to hurt your feelings.
l get dizzy spells
when we have these conversations, Papa.
What you need is a brandy.
My darling, what you must understand
is that l am pleased and proud...
that our Cellini Venus is a forgery.
lf it were genuine, what would it be?
A piece of sculpture made
centuries ago by some over-sexed ltalian.
But our Cellini Venus is really our own.
So, be proud of it.
Your own grandfather made it,
and your own grandmother posed for it.
For months she stood
without moving a muscle...
while your grandfather
perpetuated her in marble.
That was, naturally, before she
started eating those enormous lunches.
-Back to the hotel, please.
-Yes, Mr. Leland.
Miss Treadwell, type this up immediately.
Do it yourself
and send it to all parties concerned.
Cancel all travel arrangements
and business meetings Near and Far East.
Remaining in Paris on urgent business
regarding my art foundation.
Further instructions
will be issued as needed.
Paris office:
Do a run-down on Charles Bonnet...
this city, all members of his family,
his art collection...
and particularly the Cellini Venus,
which is now on exhibition.
Have all this information
at my hotel in the morning.
This is urgent, repeat, urgent.
And confidential.
Don't move.
Put down that painting.
Put it down!
-Miss Bonnet, please....
-Stay where you are!
Why did you choose
that particular painting?
It was the handiest.
Look, don't call the police.
Give me another chance.
You see, I was only taking one painting
and you've got so many.
The chances were
you wouldn't have missed it.
I'll put it back.
It's beautiful. A pity.
You knew my father
and the servants were out. How?
It's my business to know things like that.
Look, if I frightened you,
I'm really terribly sorry.
I thought you'd be at the opening
with your father.
Big event like that..
Anyway, you frightened me,
so we're even.
Don't be impudent.
That thing isn't loaded, is it?
Of course it is.
- Are you armed?
- Wait.
Do you have a gun?
Good God, no!
Well...I'm going to let you go.
I don't know why, but...
I'm the one that's bleeding.
- What's that?
- Iodine.
Will it hurt?
For a burglar, you're not very brave,
are you?
I'm a society burglar. I don't expect people
to rush about shooting me.
Take your hand away
so I can put this stuff on.
That hurt.
Don't be such a baby.
It's only a flesh wound.
It happens to be my flesh.
You have to expect
some occupational hazards.
You broke in here to steal!
Could we keep personalities
out of this conversation?
Fine. A thing like this
could keep me out of action for a week.
Temporarily, you'll have to go straight.
Look, it's late and I'm tired,
and I have to work in the morning.
You work?
Some people do, you know.
All right. I'm going.
How do I get home?
I can't drive.
I feel weak from shock and loss of blood.
Dear heaven!
I'll call you a taxi. And pay for it.
Is that all right?
As far as I'm concerned, fine, but...
if the police found my car
outside your house...
it would mean questions,
and I'm wanted, you know.
I'm really thinking of you.
Thank you very much.
- I'll drive you home. Is that okay?
- Fine, thank you.
You don't happen
to have a cigarette, do you?
Pretty, isn't she?
She'll do more than 150 miles an hour.
Useful for getaways, you see.
The robbery business
must be pretty good.
It's stolen.
I can't drive a stolen car!
Same principle.
Four gears forward, one reverse.
This is crazy. You should be in jail,
and I should be in bed.
All right. Where to?
The Ritz.
The what?
The Hotel Ritz in the Place Vendome.
I know where it is.
You're a very chic burglar, aren't you?
Your arm is much better.
No. It hurts.
It's the other arm.
The infection is spreading.
We got here alive. Thank you.
- If ever I can return the favor...
- Hardly likely to happen, is it?
Now how do I get home?
You see, you never can tell
when you might need a friend.
Good evening, Mr. Dermott.
Armand, I want a taxi.
Yes, Mr. Dermott. Right away.
Transportation laid on.
Gave myself away there.
Now you know my name. Can't be helped.
Besides, I have a funny feeling,
believe me, it's rare in my profession
that you're completely trustworthy.
Just one more tiny favor:
Like an idiot, I forgot to wear gloves.
I may have left fingerprints.
Be an angel. Before you go to bed
give the frame of the painting
a little wipe with a clean cloth, okay?
Certainly. Anything else?
You wouldn't like a forged passport
or some counterfeit money or
You're mad, utterly mad.
I suppose you want to kiss me good night.
I don't usually,
not on the first acquaintance
but you've been such a good sport.
38, rue Parmentier.
Drive carefully.
Get a good night's sleep.
Nicole, my darling,
what a pity you missed the opening.
Our Cellini Venus
was a tremendous success.
You should have seen the crowds.
- Thousands of them.
-I want to...
- Photographers from all nationalities
- Papa.
with our Cellini Venus
the center of the whole attraction.
Papa, I caught a burglar.
Of course you did.
But you must promise me
to go there and see for yourself.
A burglar?
What? Here in this house?
Good Lord.
Here, take a sip of this
and just tell me all about it.
It was pitch dark and there he was.
Tall, blue eyes, slim, quite good-looking
in a brutal, mean way.
Papa, a terrible man.
Arrogant, ruthless,
no sense of guilt or shame...
or anything.
So you discussed all that, did you?
That was later,
when I was driving him home.
I had to, Papa, I shot him in the arm
with your old pistol.
but it was an accident, I think.
My darling.
supposing you start all over again
and tell me what happened in detail.
I caught him in the act of stealing.
I kept him back with the pistol.
and I was telephoning the police
when I saw what he was stealing.
- The van Gogh, your van Gogh.
- What?
And I didn't know what to do.
I was afraid if he was arrested
it might mean publicity.
Of course. A police investigation,
that might have been very awkward.
- That's what I thought. So I let him go.
- Good!
- I did the right thing, didn't I?
- Of course. Maybe he was a first offender.
If you'd have seen how he was carrying on
when I was dressing his wound.
He might have got an infection.
The whole thing was too awful, Papa.
Good night, Papa.
Good night, my darling.
Good night, Papa.
Good night, my darling.
Have a good sleep.
This tall, good-looking ruffian
with blue eyes
he didn't molest you in any way, did he?
Did he?
Not much.
Sorry. Oh.
Good morning.
We meet only under
the most artistic circumstances.
You wouldn't dare.
Fear nothing, I'm off duty.
Miss Bonnet. A pleasure to have you here.
Mr. Grammont.
Mr. Grammont,
the Director of the Museum, and...
- Delighted.
- How do you do.
We are old friends.
We used to shoot together.
Wonderful exhibition.
So many beautiful things.
-And so valuable!
And observe, please,
the security precautions
protecting your great sculpture.
-Are you interested in art, Mr. Dermott?
-Indeed I am.
-And in security.
-Splendid. Let me show you, please.
Excuse me.
You see those tiny blue beams.
They are infrared circuits.
-I have to go.
-Go on. I find it fascinating.
Be careful.
Because those beams create
a circuit around the Venus
and anything that breaks the circuit,
instant alarm!
Bravo! Thank you
It's the Electric Eye Detection
and Alarm System.
We call it the E.D.A.S.
-Very clever.
I know the question you're going to ask:
"What if a burglar got to it
and turned off the alarm?"
No. The thought never entered my mind.
Funny, I was going to ask that very thing.
Good question. The answer is, he cannot.
You see, it operates like the door
to a vault, and only two trusted guards
and myself of course,
know the combination.
-Let me show you・
-I have an appointment. Goodbye.
-You're coming with me. Aren't you?
-All right. If you insist. Bye-bye.
Now go away or I'll call a policeman.
Yours is a capricious nature.
Do you always blow hot
and cold like this? Say!
Listen. I have something
very important to say to you.
Now don't go away.
Well, finally!
I waited at the Ritz for you last night.
I thought you'd been caught.
-What happened?
I'm only a part-time burglar,
and it's hard work.
Did you find the van Gogh?
It disturbs you, doesn't it?
Not a bit.
It's a great van Gogh.
Of course it is, but who painted it?
My dear Bernard, Bonnet has
a Cellini sculpture on exhibition
right now which is worth $1,000,000.
He doesn't need to forge paintings.
-Do you think that's a forgery, too?
-No, not that!
For one thing, it was first exhibited in 1910
when Bonnet was eight years old.
Besides, Bonnet never studied sculpture.
But he did study painting.
If he has $1,000,000 lying around loose
why does he forge paintings?
What's his motive?
Ego, vanity,
hoodwinking the whole world
and having a wonderful time doing it.
Simon, imagine Bonnet
as a young painter.
Like many others he copies
the masters to learn their secrets.
It is his hobby.
But over the years,
it becomes an obsession.
He learned every nuance of light,
of color, of shade, of form.
He identifies with them completely.
When he paints a van Gogh,
he is van Gogh.
He's Lautrec, Cezanne, he's any painter
he chooses to be, and that is his motive
and also his profit.
-What about Bonnet's daughter?
-Nicole? What about her?
-Do you think she's in it with him?
-In what?
According to you, there is nothing.
-That's right.
-You're wrong. And you'll see.
Come in.
-Hello, Papa.
-Good evening, my dear.
Marcel tells me you're dining out.
With an American tycoon
I met today.
-He makes computers.
Well, that might be the basis
of an enduring friendship.
And there he is.
Right on the executive button.
An enormous Cadillac.
Does that sound right?
-What's his name?
-Davis Leland.
-Davis Leland? Are you sure?
-Do you know him?
No, but I'd very much like to meet him.
Yes, he is one of the most open-handed
art collectors in the whole of America.
I'll go and keep him company.
He didn't say a word about a collection.
Didn't he tell you that
he's got the great Toulouse-Lautrec・
from the Bonnet collection?
Your Lautrec or Lautrec's Lautrec?
Mine, naturally.
Oh, no.
Are you implying that my Lautrec
is in any way inferior?
Listen, Papa.
He mentioned your name
as though it were only vaguely familiar.
Not only didn't he mention anything
about a collection
he said he didn't like art at all.
He suspects something.
He must have arranged to meet me.
I find that rather intriguing.
I'll go and meet him.
A lovely dinner. Marvelous wine.
How did you know how to choose it?
I own a vineyard.
Well, what fun!
-It's a subsidiary of Eastern Coal and Coke.
-Eastern Coal and Coke?
That's a subsidiary
of Western Wool and Flax.
Fascinating. What's your growth factor?
Say! You're marvelous. You're wonderful.
You know, usually I have trouble
talking with girls
but with you, it's as though
you were a member of the Board.
That's very nice of you, Mr. Leland.
But I wish I didn't have this feeling that
there's a subject you're trying to avoid.
There is something, isn't there?
Yes. I hate to say this.
But you see, it has to do with your father.
and the Bonnet collection.
Yes. You see,
Damn it, this is hard for me to say.
-Mr. Davis Leland?
Long-distance call, Mr. Leland.
United States. California.
How the devil did they track me
down here?
Please excuse me. I'll cut it short.
-Oh, no!
-Not a very cordial greeting.
I went to considerable trouble to arrange
these few precious moments alone.
-Leave the table.
-It's National Crime Prevention Week.
-Take a Burglar to Dinner.
-My escort has a very ugly temper.
Now go and call off
that fake telephone call.
There's something I must tell you.
-How I'd like to take another shot at you!
-It's important!
Quittez pas! What is that?
I'm going to quittez pas right now.
Either you leave this table
or I start screaming.
-Yes, I'll go.
Just tell me where and when we can meet.
Choose! And make it fast!
Remember, Simon Dermott.
Room 136, the Ritz. It's urgent.
The Ritz!
Now, where were we?
With my father and his collection.
Oh, yes.
I hate to have
to tell you this, Miss Bonnet.
-I arranged our meeting.
It's this ridiculous obsession.
It devours me.
From the minute I first laid eyes on it,
I was lost, helpless
completely caught up
in this awful compulsion.
Laid eyes on what?
The Cellini Venus, of course.
I saw it last night. It haunted me.
I can't think of anything else.
I haven't slept a wink all night.
This morning, when I learned
your father wouldn't sell it
I started pulling strings to meet you
hoping somehow to use you
to get the Venus.
Well, that's it.
-You poor, dear man!
Don't spare my feelings.
I'm sorry you fell in love with the Venus.
She's not for sale.
Believe me, if she were mine,
she'd be on your doorstep in the morning.
That's your consolation prize.
-Well, you kissed me!
And that's for emphasis.
-Shall we dance?
-Oh, yes!
Good morning, my dear.
I'll call Marcel.
No, thank you. I'm late.
I just have to tell you about Davis Leland.
Everything's fine.
As far as Davis Leland is concerned,
you can go on faking masterpieces
as long as you can hold a brush.
He cooked up a big plot to meet me
just to get to you through me
hoping that way he'd get the Cellini.
Really? American millionaires
must be all quite mad.
Perhaps it's something they put
in the ink when they print the money.
A gentleman to see you, sir.
On behalf of the director
of the Kleber-Lafayette Museum, sir.
So early? Show him in, Marcel.
Must be a very enterprising young fellow.
Good morning, sir.
I'm sorry to disturb you.
Just a technicality on the insurance
of your loan of one statue:
"Twenty-nine inches,
in marble, entitled Venus, by
"Benvenuto Cellini."
Insurance, on that?
-It's never been insured. It's beyond price!
-Yes. We were aware of that, sir.
So special cover was taken over
for its transportation and exhibition.
But by an unfortunate error, sir
your signature was not obtained
on the document.
There is, of course,
no expense to yourself, sir.
A mere formality,
for once you've signed this document
the work of art is covered until
it's returned to this house in good order.
I just have to sign? And then it's...
Insured for $1,000,000 against all risks
including flood, earthquake, thunderbolt,
falling aircraft, loot, sack, pillage,
military or civil commotion,
fire, structural collapse of buildings
and, of course, larceny or theft.
Thank you, sir.
By the way, sir,
would you like to be present
at the technical examination?
Technical examination?
Yes, they always require it and you,
of course, have just authorized it.
A mere formality.
I believe they have a Prof. Bauer
flying in from Zurich on Friday.
Well, thank you, sir. And good day.
Papa, this Prof. Bauer.
Does he know all the tests?
He invented them.
-It's not as if we're trying to sell it.
-My dear, at the first breath of suspicion
the entire myth
of the Bonnet collection explodes. Bomb!
Everything I've done will be examined
and re-examined with X-rays
fluoroscopes, microscopes,
smelly chemicals and all sorts of...
We live in a crass, commercial world,
with no faith or trust.
We must keep Prof. Bauer
from examining the Venus.
But how? I've just given my permission.
I've not only put my head
into the guillotine
I've unloosened my collar and tie
so that they can chop it off.
At least I can keep you out of this.
Leave Paris.
I want you to go to America.
No, go to the Orient or somewhere.
Please, it will be easier for me,
I promise you.
I'm not going to leave you
and that's final.
-A senor Paravideo to see you, sir.
A South American gentleman,
I believe, sir.
Of an excitable nature.
-Who's he?
-I don't know.
Oh, my God!
Mademoiselle, monsieur. I must apo...
Here it is!
Just as you said
only greater by far!
I must apologize. I had an urgent call.
A revolution in my country.
Also, some of my mines are flooded.
I must go back soon.
I couldn't bear to leave Paris
without consulting you about this.
-Senor, it is not for sale.
-But you said you might.
It is not for sale!
-I can see the hand of a master!
Goodbye. Adios.
Preposterous little man!
I met him at the auction
when my Cezanne
fetched such a stunning price.
Why not? It was worth a stunning price.
Even more!
This will not be a scandal, but a triumph!
Let the experts come pouring in!
Let them bring their X-rays,
their microscopes
even their nuclear weapons if they like.
Remember what happened
with van Meegeren
and all those forged Vermeers?
He drove the experts crazy.
He won every round, fought them,
and then emerged the victor.
He finally painted one last Vermeer
and even that was a triumph.
The guards marveled at the brilliance
of his brushwork.
Even his fellow inmates
couldn't believe their eyes.
And the governor of the prison, he...
What's the number of the Hotel Ritz?
Opera 2830.
I didn't recognize you.
You look, somehow, different.
I was surprised to hear
from you. Surprised and pleased, Miss B...
Please, no names.
If it's all that private,
I've got a bottle in my room upstairs.
This is a business meeting.
I find I have need of someone
with your talents and experience, Mr....
Please, no names!
You interested in a big-time caper?
-A what?
-A heist.
A heist. You mean a burglary.
What's the score, baby?
Won't be easy.
That's okay. What's the job? I'm in.
-The Kleber-Lafayette Museum.
-I'm out!
Why that particular spot?
The Cellini Venus.
Your...Your Cellini Venus?
Well, it's not mine exactly.
It's sort of in the family.
Anyway, that should be
no concern of yours.
You want to steal it?
Is it a publicity stunt?
Lord, no! It's very valuable.
It's worth $1,000,000!
I know. There are also
1,000,000 policemen prowling around it.
That's about a dollar a policeman.
I don't like the rate of exchange.
-You mean you won't do it?
-Are you sure?
-Quite sure.
I'm sorry.
Thank you for thinking of me.
Look, finish your drink.
I have to go.
Are you really serious?
You've seen the way
your statue is protected.
The Electric Eye, the guards
Well, I was hoping to leave
those details to you.
I'll sleep on it and...
It's too late, the museum's closed.
We'll look over the premises
in the morning.
What we call in the trade
"casing the joint."
Thank you very much.
Look, it's early.
Why don't I show you the real Paris.
I...That's very kind of you.
I live here. I was born in Paris.
I forgot. Why don't you
show me the real Paris?
-I only have two inches left of this bench.
-I'm terribly sorry.
Where and what time tomorrow?
I find that the most successful jobs
of this kind are planned
when everyone is relaxed. So let's meet
and have a nice, long, cozy lunch.
Corner of avenue Gabriel,
avenue Marigny, 10:00 a.m.
Is it those police that worry you so?
Yes. And these.
But that's the Ministry of the Interior.
It's always guarded.
What about them?
They have nothing to do with us.
They're guarding government buildings.
That's where the President lives.
I know.
The museum
you want to stick up is right here.
Very handy!
I can practically taste
the bread and water!
-It can't be!
Well, for a moment,
I thought I saw a resemblance.
Resemblance to what?
You and...
That's silly!
She's at least 400 years old.
I know, but...
Where exactly were you
in the early part of the 16th century?
I don't know,
but that's not how I was dressed.
Who's in charge here?
Sir! At your service!
Dubois, Assistant Deputy Chairman,
Commissioner of Tourism.
Isn't this place cleaned regularly?
Look at this sleeve,
just from brushing against the woodwork.
I'm sorry, but we have
a complete staff of cleaning women.
Once a month, I suppose.
No, sir, every night,
from midnight until 4:00 a.m.
See they do their jobs properly,
or I'll make a report.
Yes, sir.
-Carry on.
-Thank you, sir.
-This way.
Don't you think it's being a bit pushy,
starting with a million-dollar robbery?
I mean, we've got to walk
before we can run, you know.
I know a little gallery
we could knock over
just to get our feet wet
so to speak and then
gathering confidence as we go,
we could move into the big time.
-No good?
-No good at all.
Next question.
Why must it be this particular work of art?
Well, you don't think I'd steal something
that didn't belong to me, do you?
Excuse me, I spoke without thinking.
Why not wait until you get it back home
and steal it then?
No muss, no fuss, a nice, clean inside job.
-I'll be delighted to offer my services.
-This is not a prank or a whim.
It's something I must do because...
-because I must do it.
-I see.
We must look at the facts impartially.
We can't get past the alarm. That's out.
We can't tamper with it. That's out.
-We can't turn it off.
-That's out.
You're some burglar, you are.
This is how you normally work,
by the mile?
I'm thinking.
Look at my forehead, all wrinkled.
What we need
is at precisely the right moment
some trusted member
of the museum staff
has to obligingly switch off
the alarm system.
-Couldn't we bribe someone?
-Excellent idea!
-Why not?
Because I don't know
which guard knows how to do it.
Do you want to see it again?
Here we go.
It always circles around and comes back.
Just like that.
Not now, please!
There you are, sonny.
It's all ready. Thank you very much.
-You, sir. How many do you want?
-Excuse me, gentlemen. I was here first.
Excuse me, sir. Ever seen the boomerang?
Two? Blue or red?
Don't forget what I told the children.
Don't forget to throw it at the right angle.
That's the idea.
Great fun! Try it.
If you'll tell me
what you're doing and why.
I'll buy you a cowboy suit
and a set of trains.
I want you to take a long last look
at the blue sky, the green grass
the trees and the river,
all of which I loathe personally
which is why a juicy stretch
in a cozy French prison
doesn't bother me at all.
You think you have a scheme
that might work?
You really are the smuggest
and most hateful man.
If you frequent criminal circles,
you can't be choosey.
How do you like
being a gangster's moll, baby?
Now where are we going?
My apartment.
I'd like to remind you, Mr. Dermott,
ours is a business relationship.
I am aware of that. I'm also aware
of the social gulf between us.
You are an aristocrat,
and I am a humble burglar.
Right. There's the bathroom.
Take off your clothes.
Are we planning the same sort of crime?
You are quite safe.
It's dress-rehearsal time.
That's why we bought
all this lovely junk. Come on.
If it's a necessary part of the plan
Are you sure?
Chatter, chatter, chatter.
Do as you're told!
That's nice.
Yes, that's really nice.
It just needs one more little touch.
Now turn around for me,
would you? Go on.
Yes, that's fine. That does it.
Does what?
For one thing,
it gives Givenchy a night off. Now
Scrub the floor. Scrub.
Crime doesn't pay, does it.
Elbow grease! Scrub! And don't sulk.
At 11:57 p.m.,
all hell will break loose in the museum.
And at midnight,
the scrubwomen come trooping in.
And whatever happens,
hang onto your bucket.
You do have a plan, don't you?
Of course I have.
Now listen very carefully.
My plan is, on the night of the crime
my plan and I will be curled up
in that bed with a good book.
-You asked me why? I ask you why.
Why are we breaking
into a heavily guarded museum
to steal a precious statue
which belongs to you? Why?
But I told you why I couldn't tell you why.
Not good enough.
You're perfectly right.
In your place, I'd feel the same way.
I'm in this awful trouble.
But it's nothing to do with you.
I just can't explain so I'm stuck.
I'll get out of these clothes.
-Don't you dare cry!
-I have something in my eye.
Nothing's wrong with it.
You're crying to soften me up.
-It's not true.
-It won't work! I'm too tough.
I know. I'm going.
Hurry up!
Go on. Hurry up Go.
And meet me at the museum
at 5:30 p.m., sharp.
And don't ask me why,
or I'll hit you with a bucket!
Yes, sir. Thank you, sir!
I won't be in for dinner, Marcel,
and I may be out quite late, in fact.
If anybody calls, anyone at all
you don't know where I am,
or how to reach me.
Yes, mademoiselle.
Good afternoon.
Just tell Miss Bonnet
that I'm here, please?
I'm sorry, sir. Miss Bonnet has gone out.
Out? Are you sure?
Her car is in the courtyard.
Quite sure, sir. She took a taxi.
Well, I'll wait.
Why, hello
What a nice surprise!
I did go out. I forgot something,
so I came in again.
The servants' entrance.
I'm rushing out again.
Thank you. I'll let Mr. Leland out.
No. I'm all rehearsed, made up,
and ready to go on.
Luckily it's only a short speech.
I must fly. I have a business appointment.
I can't be late
Business! That's all you French girls
ever think about.
-Well, a minute, a second, really.
-You're in a rush.
You want action?
Fine! That's my mood, too.
Here. Catch.
-Oh, Davis!
-Please, no speeches.
But why?
Why? That's the silliest question
I ever heard of.
It's wild. We don't even know each other.
-Please come back tomorrow?
-No. Made up my mind. Man of action!
Snap judgment.
I bought a fleet of tankers that way.
-One of the best deals I ever made.
-But I'm not a fleet of tankers.
I'm not getting engaged
to a man I barely know.
You'll get to know me. Look me up
in Who's Who, Dun & Bradstreet
There. That's it. It's a deal?
Yes. But, no! I'm a little dizzy.
And this thing is just blinding me!
I really have to run.
-No. Relax.
-I do.
I've never been engaged
to such a fidgety girl in all my life.
The kiss.
-Where have you been?
-I was getting engaged.
Come on.
This fellow came when I was leaving.
He wants to marry me.
I didn't want to keep you waiting,
so I got engaged to him.
-Is it all right? Am I on time?
In fact, we have 10 more minutes.
-If you'd like to go back and marry him...
-Come on
Would you check your parcel, please?
Thank you.
Just checking on the accommodations.
Don't start that. Not again.
I could swear that
Well, we have a few moments
for cultural improvement.
How do we get past the alarm?
Like this gentlemen here
I'm depending on normal human reactions.
Blue period?
Regard the subtle harmony of color.
Now, the nice thing about
complicated mechanical devices is
if they do suddenly go haywire
Yes. What's after haywire?
The people in charge
have a tendency to panic
and to run around in confused circles,
and at that moment we strike.
A superb Rembrandt.
Now, this is, to coin a phrase,
the point of no return.
In precisely one minute,
the closing bell will ring.
We can leave with the others
and have a quiet dinner, or we stay.
Then we're committed
to go through with it.
Do you really want it
that much?
Okay. You're the boss.
Just do as I tell you.
Stand by for the countdown.
Six, five, four
three, two, one
Watch for normal human reactions.
I hadn't counted on there being
quite so much togetherness.
It's the height of the tourist season.
Everything was booked.
This was the best I could do.
He locked the door. He's locked us in.
It's challenging, I admit,
but doesn't that make it more interesting?
-I'm going to faint.
-Don't. There's no room.
All right, boys.
Didn't you hear me?
8:01 on the nose.
Now we have a fix
on when they make their rounds.
Exactly every hour.
We're still locked in. How
about that, mastermind?
Hold that.
- It doesn't open from the inside.
- Blast!
However, by a strange
I just happen to have....
No applause, please.
Wait till you see what
I do for an encore.
What are you doing?
Give it to me. Here.
Put those on. Get cracking.
Turn around.
What for?
They go on over the clothes.
There. Thank you.
Congratulations! You look terrible.
Can we steal that statue soon?
- I hate to complain but really...
- Have patience. We will.
When? And how?
Now look, if you were a guard...
and had to sit night after night
guarding junk you couldn't afford...
and didn't particularly
like, how would you feel?
Oh, no!
- It's psychological warfare.
- With that?
Turn on the lights. Follow me!
"Ring out, wild bells!"
Look around! You spread out!
Come with me.
Everything is in order.
- Nothing is missing.
- I checked. It isn't a short circuit.
A burglar alarm especially
designed to give me heartburn.
- Sorry, sir.
- Thank you.
Kler-Lafayette Museum.
Senior Guard speaking.
I regret very much if the Minister
and the Madam Minister...
have been disturbed.
Yes, I know it's a very loud alarm.
We don't know why it went off.
We checked everything, and
so did the police. But....
No, sir, nothing is missing,
and the alarms are set again.
I'm sorry, sir. Good night, sir.
The Prefecture of Police.
The alarm bells woke up the
Minister of the Interior.
I'm so scared.
My heart's thumping.
I just feel terrible.
I'd send for a doctor but I honestly
don't think he'd fit in the closet.
I'm so scared for you, too. I had
no right to involve you in this.
And if you want to
call it off, I....
Well, that's a kind thought and
I appreciate it, but then....
What about Prof. Bauer?
What happens tomorrow when he turns
up to test your million-dollar baby?
It's a fake, isn't it?
No long, involved stories
at this time of night.
Just nod your head, yes or no.
Who carved it?
- My grandfather.
- Who posed for it?
My grandmother.
- You're the first to notice a resemblance.
- I'm very sensitive and perceptive.
How long have you known
about her, and me, and....
Since you first asked
me to steal it.
But then if you knew the
Venus was worthless...
why did you....
That's why.
I'm so stupid.
Explain it to me again.
Funny how roomy it's
suddenly become in here.
We're adjusting to our environment.
What is it?
I'm sorry. It's my engagement
ring. I forgot about it.
So did I. Congratulations.
May I kiss the bride?
For one thing,
whose bride am I kissing?
I don't know. Some American.
His name's Leland Davis.
Or Davis Leland?
They're lucky fellows,
both of them.
Second round coming up.
Just marking my place.
Don't go away.
Find him! Look around.
Pretty soon, someone's going to
get awfully tired of this racket.
Normal human reaction.
Jacquart speaking, Senior Guard
at the Kler-Lafayette Museum.
At your service, Excellency!
Yes, sir, I know it makes a
terrible noise, Excellency.
It was installed for
just that purpose.
No, Excellency,
I didn't install it.
Yes, sir, I know it is
the second time tonight.
It will be rectified right away.
Good night, Excellency.
Now guess who we woke up?
Switch off the lights.
I'm going to turn it off!
It worked.
What do you know.
They've turned off the A-B....
- It worked!
- Didn't you expect it to?
- Pull yourself together. You're a genius.
- I know. It's a funny feeling.
Look, wait until the moment
of maximum confusion...
and then start scrubbing like mad in
the direction of the guards' room.
- Guards' room?
- That's right.
But the guards!
When they see that the Venus is gone
there will be guards everywhere...
except the guards' room.
- Shall we?
- Thank you.
Come here.
Hang on to your bucket.
Stay here.
You there, Nicole?
Get back there.
You know, Grandpa was pretty good.
To say nothing of Grandma.
Now, in the chimney with you,
till the scrubwomen come.
Good luck.
What a night we've had!
One alarm after another. And
telephone calls from everybody.
Who do you think called
from across the street?
Don't just stand there gaping.
Get to your post, man!
And don't hesitate
when I give an order!
Robbers! Crooks!
Get this silly bottle out of here!
Can you give us a brief history
of the Venus, Mr. Bonnet?
Have the police reported
any progress yet?
Did you turn down
$1,000,000 for it?
How did you learn
about the robbery?
I woke up in the night
with a sudden premonition.
I thought it was
something I'd eaten.
But Mr. Grammont,
the director of the museum...
he called and I believe
he's on his way here.
Are you offering a reward
for the return of the Venus?
No! What I mean to say is...
that it seems so commercial
to think of money at a time like this.
I just heard the news. I can't
believe my ears or my eyes.
Absolutely fantastic!
To pull off a thing like that!
I guarantee that the
police are investigating.
The police? Man, where's your spirit?
If we wait for the police...
the Venus will be out of the country!
We'll never set eyes on it again.
De Solnay, I'm still vitally interested
in the Cellini Venus, hot or cold.
Do you know what I mean by that?
Leland! Do you know what you're saying?
You're compounding a felony.
Offering to become a
receiver of stolen goods.
I'm an art lover.
As a public service, I want to make an
independent inquiry to help the police.
Is that a crime?
And if you find it, a
step ahead of the police?
You let me worry about that.
- No, I'm an art dealer, not a fence.
- A fence?
I'll do it entirely on my own.
All I need is an opening contact.
- De Solnay? All right.
- Wait!
There happens to be a man
in Paris at the moment...
who specializes in
matters of fine art.
His name is.... No, Leland, please!
Think of what you're trying to do.
- What about Nicole Bonnet?
- I want both. Nicole and the Venus.
Leland, remember? I sold
you your first painting.
I made you a collector.
I thought it'd help you relax.
It's great! I've never been
so relaxed in all my life!
- Yes, I can see that.
- All right. The name!
The name is Simon Dermott.
He is staying at the Ritz.
Night Fighter calling Dawn Patrol.
Our telephone may be tapped, so we will
conduct this conversation in Swahili.
How are you?
Did you sleep well?
Simon, isn't it too awful?
I slept beautifully!
And I've just eaten an enormous
breakfast. Isn't it ghastly?
It's your tainted blood.
Who? What?
She's fine. She's wrapped up in one
of my old shirts, just as snug as can be.
I rocked her to sleep
in my arms last night.
It's the first time I ever
did that with a grandmother
Simon, do you think we
should be seen together?
All right. In an hour
at the Ritz bar.
The Cellini Venus was uninsured.
- Uninsured?
- Yes.
But I vaguely recollect signing
something for insurance.
But the policy was
not yet in force.
Not until the technical
examination had been made.
Yes, the technical examination.
Well, $1,000,000 more,
$1,000,000 less.
I believe my father did buy it
at a bargain price.
My dear sir, you are a prince.
I wish I could express
properly what I feel.
Prof. Bauer, I dare say,
will be greatly disappointed.
Yes, and I must meet him now.
Give him my regards, and say I'm sorry to
have been unable to see him on this trip.
Now cheer up, my dear fellow. It's
not the end of the world, you know.
Marcel, champagne!
- Where are you?
- I'm here. We're saved!
- Isn't it marvelous?
- My darling!
- Thank heaven for the criminal class.
- I'm so happy.
You don't have to go to jail. I don't have
to go to America. It's beautiful!
We must celebrate! Marcel,
take it into the library.
We'll have a lunch and again tonight,
fireworks, cocktails, a magnificent dinner!
But not right away. I have a very
important appointment at the Ritz.
- But I'll be right back, I promise.
- That's good.
I'll start by myself.
The Ritz? Again?
You realize what you're asking is
extremely difficult and dangerous?
- Yes, I know that, Mr. Dermott.
- Please, no names.
We may be up against some
very desperate characters.
- Them?
- Those.
Fortunately, I've a few contacts.
In fact, this morning...
I made a few inquiries, you know, put
out a few feelers. Just idle curiosity.
- You've got a lead?
- Too early for anything concrete.
Let's just say I suspect
who was involved.
Ls it, you know, what we're talking
about, is it still in France?
I think so. I think I can definitely
state it's still in France.
You realize you might be paying
a great deal of money...
for something you could never exhibit,
acknowledge, or even display...
- not even in your house?
- Yes, I know. I want it!
I just want to take it out of the vault,
all alone, just look at it now and then.
Know that it's mine, that I
own it, that I can touch it.
One more thing.
Do you happen to know the owners,
any member of the Bonnet family?
I've met Bonnet.
I know his daughter, too.
As a matter of fact, I'm
going to see her tonight.
Drop her! Don't see her. Don't
even telephone her. That's vital!
Any contact with any member of the
Bonnet family would be fatal.
- The criminals would suspect a trap.
- But we're engaged.
You know, you're a lucky fellow. From
what I hear, she's an enchanting girl.
What the hell! The world's full
of statues. Forget the Venus.
No! Listen!
I'll do anything you say.
I'll give you my word.
- I'll call you later in the day.
- All right. You'll contact me. Thanks.
- Sit tight. Wait for the call.
- Right.
- Do I look all right?
- Fine. Why?
I just met this fellow, and he treated
me like I was a leper or something.
I just wanted to
give him back this.
Really? Have a drink.
Good for morale.
Let's have some
champagne to celebrate.
You can't celebrate a crime.
That's immoral.
- You handle it. It's too confusing.
- A bottle of Dom Perignon, please.
It's all right. You're
at the awkward age.
Too old to be a juvenile delinquent,
too young to be a hardened criminal.
We did it! Did you see the papers and
the television? Did you hear the radio?
It's the crime of the century,
practically. And we did it!
You were the brain behind it, but
I was of some help, wasn't I?
I mean, we worked well together,
considering it was our first job.
- Calm down.
- I know I shouldn't carry on so...
it's all in a day's work for
you, but it's my first burglary.
- And mine, too.
- Bringing it off the way we....did
My first burglary.
Then what were you doing
in our house that night?
You're sure you want to know?
I'm a private detective, specializing
in stolen works of art...
and in tracing, detecting,
and exposing forgeries.
I am also an authority
on museum security...
being a special consultant
to principal museums...
in London, New York, Chicago,
Madrid. Even Leningrad.
I have degrees
in history of art and chemistry...
and a London University diploma, with
distinction, in advanced criminology.
You're all of that?
Then you're not a burglar?
I was chipping a piece of your
father's paint from that van Gogh...
when you loomed up in your
nighty and shot me in the arm.
- Bring another glass.
- Yes, sir.
I don't believe we've met.
My name is Charles Bonnet.
- May I please join you?
- Simon Dermott. By all means.
Papa, this is a friend of mine. He's a....
I mean, he was telling me....
Yes. Blue eyes, tall,
quite good-looking.
A terrible man!
I believe we have some
interests in common.
You have two gorgeous girls
in your family, Mr. Bonnet.
The other is upstairs, wrapped
in a shirt, in my room.
And which, may I ask,
do you intend to keep?
The real one.
- A very sound choice, if I may say so.
- I think so.
And the other?
I have plans for her, too.
I think you'll be pleased.
In fact I have to attend to her right
now, so if you'll both excuse me?
Is he always so abrupt?
Not in a closet.
You've done a wonderful job!
You sure you don't want any money?
You will be contacted.
Don't worry if it's not
in the near future.
The code word will
be "togetherness."
"Togetherness." I got it.
- Happy landings!
- The same to you!
My dear boy, what a coup!
And he's the only collector
who'd never dare have it tested.
How much did you say
he was paying for the Venus, my son?
I didn't say, Papa.
But I'm sure you picked
a nice, round figure.
I have.
Gift from Charles
Bonnet to Davis Leland.
- But this...
- Sit down, Mr. Bonnet.
You happen to be a forger.
My business happens to be
catching forgers...
and putting them in prison.
Yes, that could be very awkward.
One of us has to retire.
Fair enough! Shall we
toss a coin for it?
I've already tossed
one on the way here.
- And?
- You lost.
Come on. You had a great
run, and you were the best.
Hang up your brushes and paints,
and retire while you're on top.
What do you say, champ?
Here is my answer.
Indian wrestling at
a time like this?
Nicole, my darling child.
You tell her. I'm too moved.
Papa has seen the light.
He's going straight.
- Papa, will you be all right?
- He'll survive.
If we miss our plane, we may
be getting married in prison.
This is a most
remarkable young man.
The way he explained things,
the path of righteousness...
became clearly defined.
Now hurry, my children, before
I break down completely.
The van Gogh?
Welcome! Come in....
Who's that?
Papa's cousin.
From South America.
Go! Go!
For someone who started
lying just recently...
you're showing a real flair.
Thank you.