Yeah, I moved out here to Austin to kind of See what the mainland is like. It's cool, but you know, there's not a lot of Hawaiian kind of stuff out here, you know. And, you know, I was walking down the road and then all of a sudden, I heard you know, some music And I knew it was Hawaiian music 'cos sounds like them, you know? So I kind of took a closer look, I came a little bit closer And then I saw, uh, the crocodile hunter. He was... he told me that he was a, you know some music from Hawaii. And you, know, I was like, "Whoa! Yeah! Check this out!" I, uh, kind of got familiar with, you know, some of the guys. He taught me some hula. We had a few laughs. You know, he was in town for South By South West which is like, you know, super, fat, music convention here in Austin. It's pretty big here, it's like almost one of the biggest in the US. [singing] I had no idea how good, uh you know, Hawaiian music could be. You know! I'm really, really keen on it. They really, like, get you going! You know! They said they're with this company called World Sound. And they came over here, you know to show everybody you know, what is like, new and hot that's coming out of Hawaii, so. [singing] This is my store, you know we just wanted to welcome, you know World Sound and all of their, you know Hawaiian artists. Are you Kamakake'evekanake'ole? It's really cool, you know, having these guys come out here to the mainland Can you sign this for me? Sure! I really love these guys, They sound so good. One Right Turn and Oeanuhea. I really like it, it's so nice. I mean, that music, it just really brought me back, you know. It was amazing. They're talented.