Hey guys! Welcome to challenge number 3! What's challenge number 3? (snaps) The lip reading challenge. If you have not checked out my last video on lip reading make sure you do that. I talk about a bunch of important things. One of the things being that not all Deaf and Hard of Hearing people lip read. Another thing I discuss is that lip reading is a really hard thing to do. A lot of people think that when a person is lip reading that they are picking up every single word that is being said. Me, as a lip reader, I can tell you right now that that rarely happens. So if you want to know more information about what it's like to be a lip reader, go check out that video. On to challenge number 3! This video will be giving people a little bit of a experiance of what it's like to be a lip reader. I will be saying 3 different sentences with the audio shut off completely. But I'll say each sentences twice so in case you missed it the first time trying to lip read, you'll get a chance to do it again. The first one gonna be pretty easy because it's a common sentence that we use every now and then. The second one is gonna be a little bit harder and then the third one's gonna be pretty challenging. Remember lip reading is gonna be a lot like filling in the blanks. So, you ready? Alright let's get the audio shut off. So, did you guys get them all in the first try? It's hard right? And it takes a lot of concentration. Also keep in mind, that some of us rely a lot on lip reading and we use it every day. So the lip reading that you guys just did for a few minutes, imagine using that everyday for a few hours. If you weren't able to make out any of the sentences, rewind it and try again. It's kind of like us asking somebody to repeat themselves again. But if you're desperate and you can't live without the answers, let me know and... i'll think about it. Anyways hopefully you guys learned something about lip reading today. If you did pass it on, share it, so other people can learn about it too! Hope you guys have a great day! And i'll see you all later! (random dance) ♫Challenge 3♫ ♫Challenge Threee♫ ♫Challenge 3♫