[bell rings] [inaudible] is the name of a person who knows how to listen very deeply and to understand. By listening deeply she can bring a lot of relief to people. And the practice is called the practice of compassionate listening. The bodhisattva avalokiteshvara. In Vietnamese, nam mo bo tat quan the am Guanyin in Chinese. With compassion in our heart we can listen to the other person. Even if the other person has a lot of suffering has a lot of wrong perceptions, a lot of anger, you can still listen to him or her. And by doing so we help him or her to suffer less, The bodhisattva avalokiteshvara is not exactly someone outside of us. Every one of us has the seed of compassion, understanding. And if we allow the seed of understanding and compassion in us to be watered, the energy of compassion and understanding will manifest. And we shall be able to listen also with compassion and understanding. So, during the time of chanting, the collective energy of mindfulness will be generated. And it helps us to water the seed of compassion and understanding in us. And the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara can manifest from us. So, please enjoy, the chanting. Bring the attention to your inbreath and outbreath, allow your body to relax. And for the energy of the sangha to penetrate freely into our body, you know, into our mind for our nourishment and healing because the collective energy of compassion in the sangha bodhisattva has the power of healing. In addition, we don't have to do anything. Just allow the energy to penetrate by the chanting. We allow our body to relax. And we bring our attention to the sound of chanting. [bell rings] [singing] Sevgili arkadaslar,