0:00:01.472,0:00:04.222 (dramatic music) 0:00:09.451,0:00:10.336 - Hi, and welcome. 0:00:10.336,0:00:11.257 My name's Julieanne Kost 0:00:11.257,0:00:13.253 and on today's episode[br]of The Complete Picture, 0:00:13.253,0:00:14.558 we're gonna take a look at how you 0:00:14.558,0:00:18.105 can make some selective color[br]adjustments using Lightroom. 0:00:18.105,0:00:19.656 Now, I think we probably all know 0:00:19.656,0:00:21.731 that you can make more global adjustments 0:00:21.731,0:00:24.258 using things like the[br]Temperature or the Tint sliders 0:00:24.258,0:00:26.172 and certainly in the Basic[br]panel we can come down 0:00:26.172,0:00:28.985 under presence and change[br]Vibrance and Saturation 0:00:28.985,0:00:30.102 but that's gonna change all of 0:00:30.102,0:00:32.578 the colors in the image at one time. 0:00:32.578,0:00:34.568 So if we wanna have a[br]little bit more control 0:00:34.568,0:00:37.091 we need to take a look[br]at the Hue, Saturation, 0:00:37.091,0:00:39.815 and Luminance area of Lightroom. 0:00:39.815,0:00:42.060 Now, let's just start with the Saturation. 0:00:42.060,0:00:46.077 If I simply wanted to[br]de-saturate this entire image 0:00:46.077,0:00:48.229 I could use, for example, the V key 0:00:48.229,0:00:50.722 if I wanted to go all the[br]way to black and white. 0:00:50.722,0:00:53.991 But I actually want to[br]leave the image in color 0:00:53.991,0:00:56.203 'cause that's gonna enable[br]me to do a few more things. 0:00:56.203,0:00:58.650 So I'll just take down the saturation 0:00:58.650,0:01:02.878 by clicking here on each[br]one of the color sliders. 0:01:02.878,0:01:05.804 So, obviously if I did this often 0:01:05.804,0:01:07.549 what I'd wanna do is I'd wanna go ahead 0:01:07.549,0:01:09.650 and create a preset for that and, in fact, 0:01:09.650,0:01:11.332 there's a preset that you can download 0:01:11.332,0:01:12.921 from my blog if you want to, 0:01:12.921,0:01:15.704 that simply de-saturates everything. 0:01:15.704,0:01:17.845 But it's really easy,[br]you would just set all 0:01:17.845,0:01:20.337 of the sliders up if you[br]wanna create your own 0:01:20.337,0:01:22.312 and then click on the plus icon 0:01:22.312,0:01:26.479 and save out the saturation[br]color adjustments right here. 0:01:28.144,0:01:30.412 And save that as your preset. 0:01:30.412,0:01:33.508 Alright, so that's one way[br]to de-saturate an image 0:01:33.508,0:01:36.292 but obviously because I can go into 0:01:36.292,0:01:39.644 each one of these color ranges[br]I have a lot more control. 0:01:39.644,0:01:42.606 So say, for example, I[br]might not want to have 0:01:42.606,0:01:47.446 this top red area as[br]de-saturated as it is right now. 0:01:47.446,0:01:49.966 Well, if we grab the[br]targeted adjustment tool 0:01:49.966,0:01:51.996 by clicking on it and then click 0:01:51.996,0:01:55.182 in that color that we want to manipulate, 0:01:55.182,0:01:58.753 if we drag up it would[br]increase the saturation 0:01:58.753,0:02:02.013 and if we click and drag down,[br]it decreases the saturation. 0:02:02.013,0:02:05.432 So it might be a little[br]confusing because when you click, 0:02:05.432,0:02:08.078 Lightroom hides the cursor[br]but I'm actually clicking 0:02:08.078,0:02:09.864 and dragging up and you can see 0:02:09.864,0:02:11.486 the sliders going to the right. 0:02:11.486,0:02:14.378 If I click and drag down the[br]sliders move to the left. 0:02:14.378,0:02:17.070 And you'll also notice that[br]it's not just the red slider 0:02:17.070,0:02:20.351 that's moving because where[br]I clicked in this image 0:02:20.351,0:02:22.935 that color is made up[br]of both red and orange 0:02:22.935,0:02:25.523 so Lightroom goes ahead and moves both 0:02:25.523,0:02:28.803 the red and orange slider[br]in the correct relationship 0:02:28.803,0:02:32.970 to how much color is underneath[br]the point where I clicked. 0:02:34.673,0:02:37.556 So we can go ahead and do that[br]for this blue area, as well. 0:02:37.556,0:02:40.535 Again, clicking and dragging[br]up would add saturation, 0:02:40.535,0:02:43.454 click and drag down to[br]decrease the saturation. 0:02:43.454,0:02:46.479 So it's kind of an easy[br]way to balance things out. 0:02:46.479,0:02:49.068 Then I could also go under[br]the Hue, for example, 0:02:49.068,0:02:50.916 if I wanted to change the color. 0:02:50.916,0:02:53.660 Maybe I don't quite like[br]that blue so, again, 0:02:53.660,0:02:56.752 clicking and dragging up[br]in that area will shift 0:02:56.752,0:02:59.249 the blues and in this case[br]a little bit of the aqua 0:02:59.249,0:03:01.676 more towards the purple colors. 0:03:01.676,0:03:02.851 Clicking and dragging down would 0:03:02.851,0:03:05.444 bring them back towards the aqua. 0:03:05.444,0:03:07.533 So, again, all I'm[br]trying to do is just get 0:03:07.533,0:03:11.097 two colors that match a[br]little bit better here. 0:03:11.097,0:03:14.994 Alright, now you might also[br]wanna take this one step further 0:03:14.994,0:03:18.014 and go and select your adjustment brush. 0:03:18.014,0:03:20.835 Because I do have a lot[br]of blue that's reflecting 0:03:20.835,0:03:23.502 up here in this giant container. 0:03:24.640,0:03:27.723 And so what I'll do is I'll[br]grab my adjustment brush 0:03:27.723,0:03:30.668 and just bring down the saturation here. 0:03:30.668,0:03:31.995 And we can go ahead and bring it down 0:03:31.995,0:03:35.745 to -100 and now you can[br]see when I paint in here 0:03:35.745,0:03:39.280 I can selectively change the color here 0:03:39.280,0:03:42.757 because I'm just painting out 100%. 0:03:42.757,0:03:46.892 If you tap the A key, that[br]would give you the auto-mask 0:03:46.892,0:03:48.511 right down here, that toggles it on. 0:03:48.511,0:03:50.900 So we don't have to be quite as careful 0:03:50.900,0:03:54.097 where I paint because[br]Lightroom's gonna see the line 0:03:54.097,0:03:58.436 between this container here[br]and the little building 0:03:58.436,0:04:02.603 and it won't jump over to[br]de-saturate that orange color. 0:04:03.738,0:04:06.600 Alright, let's move to the[br]next image for one moment 0:04:06.600,0:04:08.248 'cause I also wanna show maybe 0:04:08.248,0:04:11.292 a little bit of a different use of this. 0:04:11.292,0:04:15.221 Now I will start here with the Basic panel 0:04:15.221,0:04:18.505 because I do want to change[br]the overall color balance. 0:04:18.505,0:04:20.833 So, again, that's a global[br]change so in that case, 0:04:20.833,0:04:24.611 I would go ahead and use my[br]Temperature or my Tint slider. 0:04:24.611,0:04:28.130 I just want that background[br]a little bit more blue. 0:04:28.130,0:04:33.053 Now, what if we wanted to match[br]the bicycle with the door? 0:04:33.053,0:04:36.246 Well, then I need to[br]scoot down again to HSL. 0:04:36.246,0:04:40.279 And, by the way, HSL and[br]Color, these two options... 0:04:40.279,0:04:43.116 The functionality is almost identical. 0:04:43.116,0:04:44.723 Let me just show you the difference. 0:04:44.723,0:04:47.724 The main difference is that HSL, 0:04:47.724,0:04:50.017 the Hue, Saturation, and Luminosity area 0:04:50.017,0:04:51.825 that has the targeted[br]adjustment tool which 0:04:51.825,0:04:54.427 I use all the time[br]instead of trying to guess 0:04:54.427,0:04:56.871 what color this is, you[br]know, is it more orange 0:04:56.871,0:04:58.880 or does it have more yellow or red in it? 0:04:58.880,0:05:00.221 I'll use the targeted adjustment 0:05:00.221,0:05:01.991 tool to make my adjustments. 0:05:01.991,0:05:04.993 If we scoot over to the Color area, 0:05:04.993,0:05:07.605 we don't have that[br]targeted adjustment tool. 0:05:07.605,0:05:09.643 And the reason that we[br]have them both though 0:05:09.643,0:05:14.431 is they're just a different[br]way of accessing color. 0:05:14.431,0:05:17.302 See, when I'm in HSL[br]I've got Hue, Saturation, 0:05:17.302,0:05:19.969 and Luminosity so I can[br]click on any of these 0:05:19.969,0:05:23.755 and then I get all of the[br]different color ranges. 0:05:23.755,0:05:27.037 When we scoot over to[br]color, basically I can click 0:05:27.037,0:05:29.696 on any color and then quickly access 0:05:29.696,0:05:31.800 Hue, Saturation, and Luminosity. 0:05:31.800,0:05:33.849 So it's just a different[br]way of laying it out. 0:05:33.849,0:05:38.016 If you click on HSL and then[br]you actually click on All 0:05:39.241,0:05:42.486 we can see HSL, Hue,[br]Saturation, and Luminosity 0:05:42.486,0:05:45.891 for each color range so that[br]might be an option as well. 0:05:45.891,0:05:47.786 When I'm on a smaller monitor though, 0:05:47.786,0:05:51.625 I like to pick just Hue,[br]Saturation or Luminosity. 0:05:51.625,0:05:54.101 Okay, so if I want to make the bike 0:05:54.101,0:05:56.217 and the door the same color, again, 0:05:56.217,0:05:58.328 I'll pick up my targeted adjustment tool 0:05:58.328,0:06:02.041 and I'll be sure that I've[br]got my option here set to Hue 0:06:02.041,0:06:04.864 and then you can click[br]and drag on that orange 0:06:04.864,0:06:07.752 and you'll notice that by[br]clicking and dragging up, 0:06:07.752,0:06:10.259 I'm shifting those reds and oranges 0:06:10.259,0:06:12.917 more towards the yellow hues. 0:06:12.917,0:06:15.947 Now that's a little bit too[br]far so I'm gonna back off. 0:06:15.947,0:06:18.293 I'm also going to[br]de-saturate that a little. 0:06:18.293,0:06:21.500 So I'll click and just drag[br]down a little on my saturation. 0:06:21.500,0:06:24.674 Then I'll go back to Hue[br]and I'm gonna pick up 0:06:24.674,0:06:27.131 on the yellow door and I'm gonna go ahead 0:06:27.131,0:06:30.579 and start dragging that[br]down to bring those values, 0:06:30.579,0:06:31.974 the orange and yellow, 0:06:31.974,0:06:34.935 closer to the orange value in the bike. 0:06:34.935,0:06:38.178 So you can see, you can[br]make a lot of color changes. 0:06:38.178,0:06:39.112 And if you think about it, 0:06:39.112,0:06:41.798 we could actually take[br]this to black and white 0:06:41.798,0:06:45.937 as well and use the Black[br]& White options to change 0:06:45.937,0:06:48.394 the color ranges, how that[br]converts to black and white. 0:06:48.394,0:06:50.624 But now I wanna keep this in color 0:06:50.624,0:06:52.487 and I just wanna show you one other way 0:06:52.487,0:06:54.020 because you might be thinking, 0:06:54.020,0:06:56.434 "Well, maybe you didn't[br]wanna bring those two colors 0:06:56.434,0:06:59.016 "closer together, maybe you wanted to have 0:06:59.016,0:07:00.999 "the bike change to a different color." 0:07:00.999,0:07:03.209 You'll notice that when I click[br]and drag to change the hue, 0:07:03.209,0:07:06.209 we really can't get a green bicycle. 0:07:07.235,0:07:09.594 If you wanted to do that, then we need 0:07:09.594,0:07:12.090 to switch over to our adjustment brush. 0:07:12.090,0:07:15.104 I'm gonna bring the[br]saturation all the way down. 0:07:15.104,0:07:17.790 So I'm actually removing the saturation. 0:07:17.790,0:07:22.665 And then I'm going to click in[br]this color swatch right here, 0:07:22.665,0:07:25.793 and we can go ahead[br]and pick a green color. 0:07:25.793,0:07:27.779 So now when we paint, and I'll just get 0:07:27.779,0:07:30.749 a little bit smaller[br]of a paint brush here, 0:07:30.749,0:07:33.112 you can see that what's happening is 0:07:33.112,0:07:37.820 I've got auto-mask turned on[br]so Lightroom is automatically 0:07:37.820,0:07:42.007 creating a mask so that I don't[br]go over into the blue area. 0:07:42.007,0:07:45.806 And the adjustment brush[br]is basically taking out 0:07:45.806,0:07:49.132 all of the saturation wherever I paint 0:07:49.132,0:07:53.230 and then overlaying the[br]green color that I selected. 0:07:53.230,0:07:55.105 And if I paint too far all I need 0:07:55.105,0:07:57.343 to do is hold down the Option key 0:07:57.343,0:07:59.610 and then we can go ahead and back that out 0:07:59.610,0:08:02.866 'cause I didn't mean to[br]paint that in the tire there. 0:08:02.866,0:08:04.785 And then, again, I can get a smaller brush 0:08:04.785,0:08:08.165 just using the left bracket key 0:08:08.165,0:08:11.322 and go in and refine this and[br]make any other adjustments. 0:08:11.322,0:08:13.571 Again, I went a little[br]too far there so, again, 0:08:13.571,0:08:16.641 hold down the option key[br]and just paint that out. 0:08:16.641,0:08:18.499 What the Option key or[br]the Alt Key on Windows 0:08:18.499,0:08:20.596 does is it basically just changes 0:08:20.596,0:08:23.407 from your brush to the eraser tool. 0:08:23.407,0:08:24.788 So that's a way that you would go in 0:08:24.788,0:08:27.991 and actually hand color an image. 0:08:27.991,0:08:29.997 Just remember, if you are going 0:08:29.997,0:08:32.392 to hand color an image[br]don't take it to grayscale, 0:08:32.392,0:08:34.437 don't tap the V key and go to grayscale, 0:08:34.437,0:08:38.604 use the Hue, Saturation, and[br]Luminosity area down here 0:08:39.866,0:08:42.705 and just remove all of the saturation. 0:08:42.705,0:08:44.535 Otherwise you're not going to[br]be able to paint in the image 0:08:44.535,0:08:47.923 because you told Lightroom[br]to take it to grayscale. 0:08:47.923,0:08:51.360 So, using a combination of[br]Hue, Saturation, and Luminosity 0:08:51.360,0:08:54.382 as well as the adjustment[br]brush should allow you 0:08:54.382,0:08:56.653 to make all of the selective color changes 0:08:56.653,0:08:58.112 that you need in Lightroom. 0:08:58.112,0:09:01.020 My name's Julieanne Kost,[br]thanks for watching. 0:09:01.020,0:09:03.770 (dramatic music)