0:00:00.000,0:00:03.030 You know how when something really bad[br]happens, especially in the public eye, 0:00:03.570,0:00:07.589 people talk about it. They get outraged[br]about it. They want to lift awareness for it. 0:00:07.589,0:00:13.650 And then maybe a few days... a week... [br]a month later... 0:00:14.309,0:00:19.230 No matter how much we said we should all[br]keep talking about this, we stop talking 0:00:19.230,0:00:20.279 about this. 0:00:21.700,0:00:26.220 Well, I don't want to. Some short years[br]ago it was disclosed that many youtubers 0:00:26.220,0:00:29.369 were taking advantage of their position.[br]They were being abusive, 0:00:29.369,0:00:32.940 they were harassing, they were assaulting.[br]In a couple cases, they were committing rape. 0:00:33.740,0:00:39.059 And these disclosures brought about the[br]formation of an organization that is now 0:00:39.059,0:00:46.590 called Uplift. Uplift! Uplift formed to[br]combat sexual violence online. As a 0:00:46.590,0:00:50.700 part of that, they put together a safer[br]community pledge and requested that 0:00:50.700,0:00:57.210 everybody take it. I have taken it the[br]first year, the second year, and now i'm 0:00:57.210,0:01:00.899 going to take it for my third year. This[br]pledge does a good job, I think, of giving 0:01:00.899,0:01:04.199 us some guidelines. And I'm happy to take[br]it again! 0:01:05.200,0:01:10.460 I pledge that I will always prioritize[br]consent. I understand that consent is the 0:01:10.470,0:01:15.390 presence of an enthusiastic yes rather[br]than the absence of a no and that 0:01:15.390,0:01:20.470 consent cannot be given when someone is[br]asleep or physically or mentally incapacitated. 0:01:21.020,0:01:23.900 I pledge that I will[br]respect my partner's wishes and that I 0:01:23.909,0:01:27.809 will not pressure or coerce them into[br]doing anything that makes them uncomfortable. 0:01:28.300,0:01:31.280 I pledge to stand with[br]survivors of sexual abuse or harassment 0:01:31.290,0:01:35.030 by showing them compassion and respect 0:01:36.060,0:01:38.060 I pledge to never blame the victim for any 0:01:38.070,0:01:43.550 abuse they've experienced. Sexual[br]violence is never the victim's fault! 0:01:44.369,0:01:48.899 I pledge to admit when I make mistakes and[br]to apologize for my actions. When someone 0:01:48.899,0:01:53.640 tells me that I've done something sexist,[br]victim-blaming, or otherwise offensive, I 0:01:53.640,0:01:55.640 pledge to be open to their words. 0:01:56.860,0:01:59.280 I pledge to support conversations 0:01:59.280,0:02:03.630 surrounding sexual abuse and harassment[br]in a way that is respectful of my needs 0:02:03.630,0:02:05.480 and the needs of those i'm speaking with. 0:02:05.760,0:02:10.200 And I pledge to create safer communities[br]both online and off. 0:02:11.220,0:02:13.220 I've also been proud to help out uplift 0:02:13.220,0:02:17.120 at the booths they've had at VidCon these[br]past couple of years. This year they made 0:02:17.120,0:02:21.710 and i helped to give out these Con[br]Safety cards. I don't need to wait for another 0:02:21.710,0:02:26.690 disclosure of an incidence of sexual[br]violence on youtube to still be opposed 0:02:26.690,0:02:30.770 to it happening and to still want to[br]raise awareness for everyone that this 0:02:30.770,0:02:37.790 is a dangerous thing that happens! Not[br]infrequently! Too much! Just this month i 0:02:37.790,0:02:42.560 read a Mashable article about how one of[br]the victims of Tobuscus came forward and 0:02:42.560,0:02:46.670 had to deal with the repercussions of[br]that. Just this week I retweeted the 0:02:46.670,0:02:51.200 statement that you're more likely to[br]have your career hurt by reporting 0:02:51.200,0:02:54.770 sexual harassment then by committing it. 0:02:54.770,0:02:57.650 This is the world in which we live and[br]it sucks, but it's not going to get any 0:02:57.650,0:03:01.670 better if we don't talk about it, or if we[br]don't admit that it's happening. I am 0:03:01.670,0:03:05.390 aware and I admit that this platform[br]that I'm a part of, this YouTube 0:03:05.390,0:03:08.480 community, is a place where (though I'm[br]happy to be here) 0:03:09.110,0:03:13.190 it does have people committing heinous[br]acts. And I want everyone to be aware of 0:03:13.190,0:03:16.910 it, not so that they are afraid, but so[br]that they know what to watch out for and 0:03:16.910,0:03:21.080 so we can help each other to prevent[br]these things from happening more, and 0:03:21.080,0:03:24.709 from spreading, and from continuing where[br]it's happening now. If you don't already, 0:03:24.709,0:03:29.450 please follow uplift on Twitter or[br]Facebook or tumblr or youtube. I'll 0:03:29.450,0:03:34.670 include links in my description. They do[br]good work. And if you also have a public 0:03:34.670,0:03:38.720 platform where you can do this same[br]thing, I encourage you to also take the 0:03:38.720,0:03:42.240 Safer Community Pledge if you haven't[br]yet, or if you want to take it again. 0:03:42.720,0:03:46.380 That's my VEDA for today. Tell me what[br]you think about uplift's work and the 0:03:46.400,0:03:49.670 Safer Community Pledge in the comments[br]below or tell me anything that matters 0:03:49.670,0:03:52.770 to you because I want to know what[br]matters to you. 0:03:53.500,0:03:55.040 And I really appreciate 0:03:55.040,0:03:58.280 you watching all the way to the end of[br]this video. The end of my videos is where 0:03:58.280,0:03:59.280 I always say: 0:03:59.280,0:04:00.520 Tomorrow 0:04:00.520,0:04:02.520 will be even better!