Added descriptions of visual content are between ( ). Non verbal audio content is described between [ ] (Android 4.0 accessibility Demo; Turning on Accessibility by EyesFree Android. Welcome. English (US) Start button. Android Logo. Emergency Calls) Alan Viverette: Hi, everyone! Welcome back to the EyesFree channel. I'm Alan Viverette and this the first in a series of videos on the new accessibility features available in Android 4.0, also known as Ice Cream sandwich. I have a brand new Galaxy Nexus here running Android 4.0 that I am going to set up for accessibility. I've already turned it on, so it's currently showing the welcome screen. To enable accessibility, draw a rectangle, starting at the top left corner of the screen, and going around clockwise, closing it off again at the top left corner of the screen. (cursor does that) [ding] synthetic voice SV: After you turn on explorer by touch, you can touch the screen to learn what's under your finger. For example, the current screen contains app icons. Find one of them by touching the screen and sliding your finger around. Viverette: So, after turning on accessibility you hear a ding and it starts up the touch exploration tutorial. I'm just going to run through the tutorial really quick. So first, I want to touch anywhere on the screen. So... (cursor on Gmail icon) SV: Good: keep sliding your finger around the screen until you find at least one more icon. Viverette: So, here I'm touching the gmail icon. It's near the center of the screen. I move up (cursor does) [bleep] SV: To activate something that you are touching, tap it. Slide your finger until you find the icon for the browser, then tap the icon once to activate it. Viverette: So just to get a sense of where I am, I'm going to move around (cursor moves over apps, causing their names to be voiced) SV: Phone. People disabled. Clock. Camera. Calendar. Brows--. Your finger is touching the browser icon. Tap once to activate that icon. Viverette: OK. So I found the browser icon and I can lift my finger once, and place it back on the screen to tap [bleep] to activate the browser. SV: Good, to move to the next lesson, find and activate the "next" button, located near the bottom right corner of the screen. Viverette: I'm just going to put my finger back down where it was before. SV: Browser Viverette: move towards the bottom right of the screen. (cursor moves diagonally) SV: Phone. People Gmail disab-- Market. Viverette: It's reading out all of the icons that I cross as I go to the bottom right of the screen, SV: Good. To move to the next lesson, Viverette: it's giving me instructions about... SV: find and activate the next butt... Next. Viverette: Here is the next button. I'm going to tap once to activate it. [ding] (a one-column list of apps appears with an instruction text and a Back button) SV reads instructiontext: To scroll through the list, you can slide 2 fingers along the screen. For example, the current screen contains a list of app names that can scroll up or down. First, try to identify a few items in the list by sliding one finger around. Viverette: So, as before, I'm going to touch-explore by just putting one finger on the screen [bleep] SV: Good. Keep sliding your finger around to find at least one more item. Viverette: So I'll move down (cursor moves down) [bleep] SV: Now place two fingers on an item in the list and slide both fingers up. If you reach the top of the screen, lift your fingers, place them lower on the list, and continue sliding up. Viverette: So I can move my finger around. (cursor moves up, triggering voicing:) SV: People. Phone. Viverette: Up and down, through the list SV: Camera Viverette: to read each item. (cursor moves up triggering voicing:) SV: Calendar. Browser. Viverette: And as the tutorial just instructed me to do, I can put 2 fingers [bleep] on the screen right next to each other (two cursors appear) SV: Phone. Viverette: and move up. (The list scrolls up together with the two cursors) [clicks, pitch rising] SV: Good. Keep sliding your fingers up, to scroll some more. (cursors and list move up) [clicks, pitch rising] SV: Showing items 4 to 11 of 32. Viverette: OK. So, I've reached the top of the list and I'm going to put my fingers lower on the screen. (the 2 cursors appear lower on the screen). SV: Music. [clicks, pitch rising] You have completed the tutorial. To exit, find and touch the "finish" button. Viverette: OK? So, I've finished the tutorial. And you'll notice that, as I scroll (two cursors scroll down) [clicks, pitch dropping] SV: Clock (two cursors scroll up) [clicks, pitch rising] Viverette: you get audio feedback as to where I am on the list. SV: Showing items 7 to 14 of 32. Viverette: And when I finish scrolling, it tells me exactly where I am on the list. So now I am just going to move-- (one cursor moves descending in the list) SV: Message. Music. Mark-- Viverette: --forward on the list. SV: Sett-- Talk. You have completed the tutorial. To exit, finish. Viverette: And there is a "finish" button. So I'll tap that once. (taps on the finish button bottom-right) [bleep] SV: Use Google Location. (back to the initial screen) Viverette: So we are back at the main set-up screen. At the center of the right side of the screen, there is a start button. So, to find that, I'm just going to scan the screen very quickly. (cursor moves, triggering voicing:) SV: Welcome. English United States. Start. Viverette: Yes, there it is in the center of the screen. I was just taking a slow swiping (cursor moves slowly, triggering voicing:) movement across the entire screen SV: Welcome. English. Welcome. English United States. Start. Viverette: So that's how to turn on accessibility in Android 4.0. And stay tuned to the EyesFree channel for more demos of the accessibility features in Ice Cream Sandwich.