0:00:00.954,0:00:04.537 My colleagues and I are fascinated[br]by the science of moving dots. 0:00:04.927,0:00:06.077 So what are these dots? 0:00:06.101,0:00:07.388 Well, it's all of us. 0:00:07.412,0:00:12.497 And we're moving in our homes,[br]in our offices, as we shop and travel 0:00:12.521,0:00:14.587 throughout our cities[br]and around the world. 0:00:14.958,0:00:18.627 And wouldn't it be great[br]if we could understand all this movement? 0:00:18.918,0:00:21.808 If we could find patterns and meaning[br]and insight in it. 0:00:22.259,0:00:24.044 And luckily for us, we live in a time 0:00:24.068,0:00:28.565 where we're incredibly good[br]at capturing information about ourselves. 0:00:28.807,0:00:32.470 So whether it's through[br]sensors or videos, or apps, 0:00:32.494,0:00:35.303 we can track our movement[br]with incredibly fine detail. 0:00:36.092,0:00:41.124 So it turns out one of the places[br]where we have the best data about movement 0:00:41.148,0:00:42.356 is sports. 0:00:42.682,0:00:48.015 So whether it's basketball or baseball,[br]or football or the other football, 0:00:48.039,0:00:52.441 we're instrumenting our stadiums[br]and our players to track their movements 0:00:52.465,0:00:53.778 every fraction of a second. 0:00:53.802,0:00:58.184 So what we're doing[br]is turning our athletes into -- 0:00:58.208,0:01:00.167 you probably guessed it -- 0:01:00.191,0:01:01.587 moving dots. 0:01:01.946,0:01:06.880 So we've got mountains of moving dots[br]and like most raw data, 0:01:06.904,0:01:09.406 it's hard to deal with[br]and not that interesting. 0:01:09.430,0:01:13.199 But there are things that, for example,[br]basketball coaches want to know. 0:01:13.223,0:01:17.033 And the problem is they can't know them[br]because they'd have to watch every second 0:01:17.057,0:01:19.646 of every game, remember it and process it. 0:01:19.804,0:01:21.734 And a person can't do that, 0:01:21.758,0:01:23.068 but a machine can. 0:01:23.661,0:01:27.071 The problem is a machine can't see[br]the game with the eye of a coach. 0:01:27.363,0:01:29.624 At least they couldn't until now. 0:01:30.228,0:01:32.331 So what have we taught the machine to see? 0:01:33.569,0:01:35.356 So, we started simply. 0:01:35.380,0:01:39.179 We taught it things like passes,[br]shots and rebounds. 0:01:39.203,0:01:41.744 Things that most casual fans would know. 0:01:41.768,0:01:44.600 And then we moved on to things[br]slightly more complicated. 0:01:44.624,0:01:49.212 Events like post-ups,[br]and pick-and-rolls, and isolations. 0:01:49.377,0:01:52.920 And if you don't know them, that's okay.[br]Most casual players probably do. 0:01:53.560,0:01:58.900 Now, we've gotten to a point where today,[br]the machine understands complex events 0:01:58.924,0:02:01.997 like down screens and wide pins. 0:02:02.021,0:02:04.747 Basically things only professionals know. 0:02:04.771,0:02:09.159 So we have taught a machine to see[br]with the eyes of a coach. 0:02:10.009,0:02:11.866 So how have we been able to do this? 0:02:12.511,0:02:15.629 If I asked a coach to describe[br]something like a pick-and-roll, 0:02:15.653,0:02:17.293 they would give me a description, 0:02:17.317,0:02:20.173 and if I encoded that as an algorithm,[br]it would be terrible. 0:02:21.026,0:02:25.304 The pick-and-roll happens to be this dance[br]in basketball between four players, 0:02:25.328,0:02:27.240 two on offense and two on defense. 0:02:27.486,0:02:29.104 And here's kind of how it goes. 0:02:29.128,0:02:31.661 So there's the guy on offense[br]without the ball 0:02:31.685,0:02:34.894 the ball and he goes next to the guy[br]guarding the guy with the ball, 0:02:34.918,0:02:36.175 and he kind of stays there 0:02:36.199,0:02:39.516 and they both move and stuff happens,[br]and ta-da, it's a pick-and-roll. 0:02:39.540,0:02:41.755 (Laughter) 0:02:41.779,0:02:44.287 So that is also an example[br]of a terrible algorithm. 0:02:44.913,0:02:49.117 So, if the player who's the interferer --[br]he's called the screener -- 0:02:49.278,0:02:52.150 goes close by, but he doesn't stop, 0:02:52.174,0:02:53.939 it's probably not a pick-and-roll. 0:02:54.560,0:02:58.505 Or if he does stop,[br]but he doesn't stop close enough, 0:02:58.529,0:03:00.290 it's probably not a pick-and-roll. 0:03:00.642,0:03:03.879 Or, if he does go close by[br]and he does stop 0:03:03.903,0:03:07.227 but they do it under the basket,[br]it's probably not a pick-and-roll. 0:03:07.462,0:03:09.986 Or I could be wrong,[br]they could all be pick-and-rolls. 0:03:10.010,0:03:14.578 It really depends on the exact timing,[br]the distances, the locations, 0:03:14.602,0:03:16.097 and that's what makes it hard. 0:03:16.579,0:03:21.523 So, luckily, with machine learning,[br]we can go beyond our own ability 0:03:21.547,0:03:23.290 to describe the things we know. 0:03:23.314,0:03:25.594 So how does this work?[br]Well, it's by example. 0:03:25.759,0:03:28.589 So we go to the machine and say,[br]"Good morning, machine. 0:03:29.077,0:03:32.436 Here are some pick-and-rolls,[br]and here are some things that are not. 0:03:32.720,0:03:34.972 Please find a way to tell the difference." 0:03:35.076,0:03:38.783 And the key to all of this is to find[br]features that enable it to separate. 0:03:38.807,0:03:40.916 So if I was going[br]to teach it the difference 0:03:40.940,0:03:42.321 between an apple and orange, 0:03:42.345,0:03:44.720 I might say, "Why don't you[br]use color or shape?" 0:03:44.744,0:03:47.687 And the problem that we're solving is,[br]what are those things? 0:03:47.711,0:03:48.958 What are the key features 0:03:48.982,0:03:52.481 that let a computer navigate[br]the world of moving dots? 0:03:52.505,0:03:57.328 So figuring out all these relationships[br]with relative and absolute location, 0:03:57.352,0:03:59.261 distance, timing, velocities -- 0:03:59.440,0:04:04.368 that's really the key to the science[br]of moving dots, or as we like to call it, 0:04:04.392,0:04:07.736 spatiotemporal pattern recognition,[br]in academic vernacular. 0:04:07.925,0:04:10.823 Because the first thing is,[br]you have to make it sound hard -- 0:04:10.847,0:04:12.125 because it is. 0:04:12.410,0:04:15.551 The key thing is, for NBA coaches,[br]it's not that they want to know 0:04:15.575,0:04:17.497 whether a pick-and-roll happened or not. 0:04:17.521,0:04:19.597 It's that they want to know[br]how it happened. 0:04:19.621,0:04:22.607 And why is it so important to them?[br]So here's a little insight. 0:04:22.631,0:04:24.402 It turns out in modern basketball, 0:04:24.426,0:04:26.965 this pick-and-roll is perhaps[br]the most important play. 0:04:27.065,0:04:29.685 And knowing how to run it,[br]and knowing how to defend it, 0:04:29.709,0:04:32.379 is basically a key to winning[br]and losing most games. 0:04:32.403,0:04:36.204 So it turns out that this dance[br]has a great many variations 0:04:36.228,0:04:39.876 and identifying the variations[br]is really the thing that matters, 0:04:39.900,0:04:42.429 and that's why we need this[br]to be really, really good. 0:04:43.228,0:04:44.404 So, here's an example. 0:04:44.428,0:04:46.807 There are two offensive[br]and two defensive players, 0:04:46.831,0:04:48.983 getting ready to do[br]the pick-and-roll dance. 0:04:49.007,0:04:51.690 So the guy with ball[br]can either take, or he can reject. 0:04:52.086,0:04:55.087 His teammate can either roll or pop. 0:04:55.111,0:04:58.097 The guy guarding the ball[br]can either go over or under. 0:04:58.121,0:05:02.686 His teammate can either show[br]or play up to touch, or play soft 0:05:02.710,0:05:05.328 and together they can[br]either switch or blitz 0:05:05.352,0:05:08.011 and I didn't know[br]most of these things when I started 0:05:08.035,0:05:11.955 and it would be lovely if everybody moved[br]according to those arrows. 0:05:11.979,0:05:15.884 It would make our lives a lot easier,[br]but it turns out movement is very messy. 0:05:16.047,0:05:21.531 People wiggle a lot and getting[br]these variations identified 0:05:21.555,0:05:22.858 with very high accuracy, 0:05:22.882,0:05:24.750 both in precision and recall, is tough 0:05:24.774,0:05:28.392 because that's what it takes to get[br]a professional coach to believe in you. 0:05:28.416,0:05:31.796 And despite all the difficulties[br]with the right spatiotemporal features 0:05:31.820,0:05:33.294 we have been able to do that. 0:05:33.318,0:05:37.245 Coaches trust our ability of our machine[br]to identify these variations. 0:05:37.478,0:05:41.011 We're at the point where[br]almost every single contender 0:05:41.035,0:05:42.658 for an NBA championship this year 0:05:42.682,0:05:47.090 is using our software, which is built[br]on a machine that understands 0:05:47.114,0:05:48.748 the moving dots of basketball. 0:05:49.872,0:05:55.025 So not only that, we have given advice[br]that has changed strategies 0:05:55.049,0:05:58.401 that have helped teams win[br]very important games, 0:05:58.425,0:06:02.157 and it's very exciting because you have[br]coaches who've been in the league 0:06:02.181,0:06:05.248 for 30 years that are willing to take[br]advice from a machine. 0:06:05.874,0:06:08.780 And it's very exciting,[br]it's much more than the pick-and-roll. 0:06:08.804,0:06:10.880 Our computer started out[br]with simple things 0:06:10.904,0:06:12.968 and learned more and more complex things 0:06:12.992,0:06:14.553 and now it knows so many things. 0:06:14.577,0:06:17.412 Frankly, I don't understand[br]much of what it does, 0:06:17.436,0:06:21.151 and while it's not that special[br]to be smarter than me, 0:06:21.175,0:06:24.819 we were wondering,[br]can a machine know more than a coach? 0:06:24.843,0:06:26.898 Can it know more than person could know? 0:06:26.922,0:06:28.667 And it turns out the answer is yes. 0:06:28.691,0:06:31.248 The coaches want players[br]to take good shots. 0:06:31.272,0:06:32.923 So if I'm standing near the basket 0:06:32.947,0:06:35.113 and there's nobody near me,[br]it's a good shot. 0:06:35.137,0:06:39.077 If I'm standing far away surrounded[br]by defenders, that's generally a bad shot. 0:06:39.101,0:06:43.977 But we never knew how good "good" was,[br]or how bad "bad" was quantitatively. 0:06:44.209,0:06:45.359 Until now. 0:06:45.771,0:06:48.829 So what we can do, again,[br]using spatiotemporal features, 0:06:48.853,0:06:50.227 we looked at every shot. 0:06:50.251,0:06:53.256 We can see where is the shot,[br]what's the angle to the basket. 0:06:53.280,0:06:56.042 Where are the defenders standing?[br]What are their distances? 0:06:56.066,0:06:57.397 What are there angles? 0:06:57.421,0:07:00.398 For multiple defenders, we can look[br]at how the player's moving 0:07:00.422,0:07:01.855 and predict the shot type. 0:07:01.879,0:07:05.953 We can look at all their velocities[br]and we can build a model that predicts 0:07:05.977,0:07:10.029 what is the likelihood that this shot[br]would go in under these circumstances? 0:07:10.188,0:07:11.688 So why is this important? 0:07:12.102,0:07:14.905 We can take something that was shooting, 0:07:14.929,0:07:17.609 which was one thing before,[br]and turn it into two things: 0:07:17.633,0:07:20.284 The quality of the shot[br]and the quality of the shooter. 0:07:21.680,0:07:24.942 So here's a bubble chart,[br]because what's TED without a bubble chart? 0:07:24.966,0:07:25.980 (Laughter) 0:07:26.004,0:07:27.315 Those are NBA players. 0:07:27.339,0:07:30.459 The size is the size of the player[br]and the color is the position. 0:07:30.483,0:07:32.615 On the x-axis,[br]we have the shot probability. 0:07:32.639,0:07:34.592 People on the left take difficult shots, 0:07:34.616,0:07:36.845 on the right, they take easy shots. 0:07:37.194,0:07:39.251 On the right is their shooting ability. 0:07:39.275,0:07:41.837 People who are good are at the top,[br]bad at the bottom. 0:07:41.861,0:07:45.694 So for example, if there was a player[br]who generally made 47% of their shots 0:07:45.718,0:07:47.107 that's all you knew before. 0:07:47.345,0:07:52.195 But today, I can tell you that player[br]takes shots that an average NBA player 0:07:52.219,0:07:54.180 would make 49% of the time, 0:07:54.204,0:07:55.888 and they are 2% worse. 0:07:56.266,0:08:00.781 And the reason that's important[br]is that there are lots of 47s out there. 0:08:01.714,0:08:04.263 And so it's really important to know 0:08:04.287,0:08:08.243 if the 47 that you're considering[br]giving 100 million dollars to 0:08:08.267,0:08:11.322 is a good shooter who takes bad shots 0:08:11.346,0:08:13.743 or bad shooter who takes good shots. 0:08:15.130,0:08:18.463 Machine understanding doesn't just change[br]how we look at players, 0:08:18.487,0:08:20.345 it changes how we look at the game. 0:08:20.369,0:08:24.124 So there was this very exciting game[br]a couple of years ago, in the NBA finals. 0:08:24.148,0:08:27.355 Miami was down by three,[br]there was 20 seconds left. 0:08:27.379,0:08:29.404 They were about to lose the championship. 0:08:29.428,0:08:32.769 A gentleman named LeBron James[br]came up and he took a three to tie. 0:08:32.793,0:08:33.991 He missed. 0:08:34.015,0:08:35.852 His teammate Chris Bosh got a rebound, 0:08:35.876,0:08:38.035 passed it to another teammate[br]named Ray Allen. 0:08:38.059,0:08:39.978 He sank a three. It went into overtime. 0:08:40.002,0:08:42.098 They won the game.[br]They won the championship. 0:08:42.122,0:08:44.566 It was one of the most exciting[br]games in basketball. 0:08:45.438,0:08:48.867 And our ability to know[br]the shot probability for every player 0:08:48.891,0:08:50.079 at every second, 0:08:50.103,0:08:53.059 and the likelihood of them getting[br]a rebound at every second 0:08:53.083,0:08:56.526 can illuminate this moment in a way[br]that we never could before. 0:08:57.618,0:09:00.286 Now unfortunately,[br]I can't show you that video. 0:09:00.310,0:09:04.803 But for you, we recreated that moment 0:09:04.827,0:09:07.163 at our weekly basketball game[br]about 3 weeks ago. 0:09:07.279,0:09:09.446 (Laughter) 0:09:09.573,0:09:12.983 And we recreated the tracking[br]that led to the insights. 0:09:13.199,0:09:17.454 So, here is us.[br]This is Chinatown in Los Angeles, 0:09:17.478,0:09:19.042 a park we play every week at, 0:09:19.066,0:09:21.297 and that's us recreating[br]the Ray Allen moment 0:09:21.321,0:09:23.550 and all the tracking[br]that's associated with it. 0:09:24.772,0:09:26.289 So, here's the shot. 0:09:26.313,0:09:28.829 I'm going to show you that moment 0:09:28.853,0:09:31.440 and all the insights of that moment. 0:09:31.464,0:09:35.194 The only difference is, instead[br]of the professional players, it's us, 0:09:35.218,0:09:37.836 and instead of a professional[br]announcer, it's me. 0:09:37.860,0:09:39.337 So, bear with me. 0:09:41.153,0:09:42.303 Miami. 0:09:42.671,0:09:43.821 Down three. 0:09:44.107,0:09:45.257 20 seconds left. 0:09:47.385,0:09:48.583 Jeff brings up the ball. 0:09:50.656,0:09:52.191 Josh catches, puts up a three! 0:09:52.631,0:09:54.480 [Calculating shot probability] 0:09:55.278,0:09:56.428 [Shot quality] 0:09:57.048,0:09:58.833 [Rebound probability] 0:10:00.373,0:10:01.546 Won't go! 0:10:01.570,0:10:03.016 [Rebound probability] 0:10:03.777,0:10:05.033 Rebound, Noel. 0:10:05.057,0:10:06.207 Back to Daria. 0:10:06.509,0:10:09.874 [Shot quality] 0:10:10.676,0:10:12.296 Her three-pointer -- bang! 0:10:12.320,0:10:14.517 Tied game with five seconds left. 0:10:14.880,0:10:16.498 The crowd goes wild. 0:10:16.522,0:10:18.181 (Laughter) 0:10:18.205,0:10:19.752 That's roughly how it happened. 0:10:19.776,0:10:20.927 (Applause) 0:10:20.951,0:10:22.126 Roughly. 0:10:22.150,0:10:23.681 (Applause) 0:10:24.121,0:10:29.605 That moment had about a 9% chance[br]of happening in the NBA 0:10:29.629,0:10:31.890 and we know that[br]and a great many other things. 0:10:31.914,0:10:35.405 I'm not going to tell you how many times[br]it took us to make that happen. 0:10:35.429,0:10:37.176 (Laughter) 0:10:37.200,0:10:39.072 Okay, I will! It was four. 0:10:39.096,0:10:40.097 (Laughter) 0:10:40.121,0:10:41.286 Way to go Doug(??). 0:10:41.647,0:10:45.910 But the important thing about that video 0:10:45.934,0:10:50.502 and the insights we have for every second[br]of every NBA game -- it's not that. 0:10:50.639,0:10:54.568 It's the fact you don't have to be[br]a professional team to track movement. 0:10:55.083,0:10:58.740 You do not have to be a professional[br]player to get insights about movement. 0:10:58.764,0:11:02.622 In fact, it doesn't even have to be about[br]sports because we're moving everywhere. 0:11:03.654,0:11:06.023 We're moving in our homes. 0:11:09.428,0:11:10.633 In our offices. 0:11:12.238,0:11:14.928 As we shop and we travel, 0:11:17.318,0:11:18.571 throughout our cities 0:11:20.065,0:11:21.683 and around our world. 0:11:23.270,0:11:25.565 What will we know? What will we learn? 0:11:25.589,0:11:27.894 Perhaps, instead of identifying[br]pick-and-rolls, 0:11:27.918,0:11:30.928 a machine can identify[br]the moment and let me know 0:11:30.952,0:11:33.011 when my daughter takes her first steps. 0:11:33.035,0:11:35.571 Which could literally be happening[br]any second now. 0:11:36.140,0:11:39.837 Perhaps we can learn to better use[br]our buildings, better plan our cities. 0:11:40.362,0:11:44.535 I believe that with the development[br]of the science of moving dots, 0:11:44.559,0:11:48.202 we will move better, we will move smarter,[br]we will move forward. 0:11:48.607,0:11:49.796 Thank you very much. 0:11:49.820,0:11:54.865 (Applause)