0:00:06.507,0:00:11.165 Before we get started, I want you[br]to look at this picture for a few seconds. 0:00:11.460,0:00:14.105 You probably don't know this girl, 0:00:14.105,0:00:17.921 but maybe there's something [br]about this picture that looks familiar, 0:00:17.921,0:00:19.705 maybe it even triggers some memories. 0:00:19.705,0:00:22.121 I'm going to give you a few more seconds. 0:00:23.383,0:00:25.720 We'll come back[br]to this picture in a little bit. 0:00:25.900,0:00:28.853 Hi, my name is Jimmy Hallyburton,[br]I'm 34 years old, 0:00:28.853,0:00:32.040 and I've spent most of my life [br]on a bicycle. 0:00:32.280,0:00:34.294 When I was 25 years old, 0:00:34.295,0:00:36.942 I started a non-profit [br]called the Boise Bicycle Project 0:00:36.945,0:00:41.092 with the mission to make bicycles, [br]bicycle repair and bicycle education 0:00:41.092,0:00:44.587 available to the entire community [br]regardless of income. 0:00:44.887,0:00:48.817 Now at the time, I had no nonprofit[br]experience whatsoever. 0:00:48.817,0:00:51.470 I barely even knew what a non-profit was. 0:00:51.609,0:00:57.008 But I had discovered something [br]along my own 25-year pedal-powered journey 0:00:58.408,0:01:00.248 that I needed to share, 0:01:00.253,0:01:04.202 something that I believed, could transform[br]the community that I love. 0:01:04.422,0:01:06.597 That's what I'm here to do again tonight: 0:01:06.597,0:01:10.090 share that journey, share those [br]discoveries that I made along the way 0:01:10.095,0:01:14.374 and show us how a familiar [br]and very specific speed 0:01:14.388,0:01:18.003 might be able to connect us all [br]a little bit in the process. 0:01:18.746,0:01:22.267 In 1905, Arthur MacDonald[br]became the first person 0:01:22.267,0:01:26.920 to travel 100 mph in a car,[br]which is pretty impressive for 1905. 0:01:27.200,0:01:30.049 But does anybody[br]really think that 100 mph 0:01:30.049,0:01:33.057 is a speed that connects us[br]to our community? 0:01:33.057,0:01:34.588 No. 0:01:35.001,0:01:37.674 In 1947, Chuck Yeager [br]became the first person 0:01:37.674,0:01:42.831 to break the speed of sound -[br]about 767 mph in a plane, 0:01:42.845,0:01:47.097 still not that community-connecting[br]speed that I'm looking for. 0:01:48.089,0:01:51.314 But in 1986, [br]the little kid in this picture - 0:01:51.314,0:01:55.146 not my sister holding the bike,[br]the one with the cowlick, that's me - 0:01:55.146,0:01:57.678 pedalled out of my driveway[br]for the first time 0:01:57.678,0:02:01.328 and broke into the speed of discovery, 0:02:01.353,0:02:05.583 probably about 10 to 12 mph, [br]so not quite as historically significant 0:02:05.583,0:02:10.417 as Chuck or the dude with the glasses,[br]but to me, it was a big deal. 0:02:10.748,0:02:14.665 And I distinctively remember[br]pedalling out of that dirt driveway, 0:02:14.665,0:02:19.845 turning on to the road and feeling [br]like my entire world had expanded. 0:02:20.325,0:02:23.759 Maybe some of you have similar[br]memories as a kid on a bicycle. 0:02:23.759,0:02:27.916 In fact, there's a word that most people[br]associate with that memory. 0:02:28.543,0:02:31.496 The feeling of that little Huffy, [br]BMX, cruiser banana seat, 0:02:31.496,0:02:35.916 whatever it was you rode as a child, [br]there was a feeling that bicycle gave you. 0:02:36.586,0:02:39.106 Anyone know what word I'm looking for? 0:02:39.106,0:02:43.589 Freedom - oh geez, good job![br]"Freedom," that's the word. 0:02:44.620,0:02:47.080 So, let's look at this picture again. [br] 0:02:47.750,0:02:51.260 This is Fahara,[br]a six-year-old girl from Syria, 0:02:51.260,0:02:54.878 just seconds after riding out of the door[br]from the Boise Bicycle Project 0:02:54.878,0:02:57.647 on her very first bicycle. 0:02:57.930,0:03:00.077 Look at Fahara's face. 0:03:00.125,0:03:03.217 You can see the world [br]expanding in her eyes, 0:03:03.217,0:03:07.208 and you can almost feel the freedom[br]that she's experiencing. 0:03:07.698,0:03:11.095 When I see this picture,[br]it makes me smile 0:03:11.095,0:03:13.109 and makes me feel [br]really connected to her, 0:03:13.109,0:03:16.543 because I've been this kid [br]and I've had that look. 0:03:16.994,0:03:18.904 Judging by a few of your smiles in here, 0:03:18.904,0:03:23.250 I think some of you have been[br]this kid too - especially you right there. 0:03:24.144,0:03:25.854 When Fahara left our doors, 0:03:25.854,0:03:29.132 she entered into a world [br]of limitless possibilities. 0:03:29.402,0:03:32.842 And on two wheels, [br]moving at about 10 mph, 0:03:32.855,0:03:36.642 she has suddenly connected to all of them. 0:03:37.088,0:03:40.090 I wish you could have seen [br]everybody's smiles a second ago. 0:03:40.261,0:03:42.299 When I left my driveway at Fahara's age, [br] 0:03:42.299,0:03:44.544 I don't think I stopped[br]pedalling for 12 years. 0:03:44.544,0:03:47.489 I don't know if I realized it then,[br]but my bicycle was building 0:03:47.509,0:03:51.437 a deep connection [br]between me and my community 0:03:51.437,0:03:54.716 which was my neighbourhood at the time. 0:03:55.066,0:03:57.581 I knew every nook and cranny[br]of that neighbourhood. 0:03:57.581,0:03:59.891 I knew all the shortcuts [br]to my friend's house, 0:03:59.891,0:04:01.926 every single jump along the way, 0:04:01.926,0:04:03.856 which dogs you could stop and pet 0:04:03.856,0:04:07.721 and which neighbor's dogs you had[br]to pedal like hell to get away from, 0:04:07.723,0:04:10.450 and I loved every single second of it. 0:04:10.820,0:04:14.485 When I was 14 years old, [br]I remember riding my bicycle 0:04:14.485,0:04:18.095 to the Starr County Fair to see[br]my girlfriend - don't tell my mom. 0:04:18.095,0:04:19.395 (Laughter) 0:04:19.395,0:04:22.255 And after the fair was over, [br]we were sitting on a swing set, 0:04:22.255,0:04:25.919 my bicycle was leaning against the pole[br]and I grabbed her swing, 0:04:25.945,0:04:29.224 pulled her closer, [br]and we kissed for the first time - 0:04:29.224,0:04:33.066 my very first kiss, [br]and I'll never forget it. 0:04:33.782,0:04:36.050 Then, there was the ride home that night. 0:04:36.050,0:04:40.440 There was this beautiful sunset,[br]the wind was at my back ... 0:04:40.440,0:04:43.396 It definitely felt like[br]I was going faster than 10 mph, 0:04:43.396,0:04:50.239 and as the wind passed by, I could taste[br]the sensation of freedom on my lips - 0:04:50.239,0:04:55.032 strawberry Chapstick, in case anybody[br]is wondering what freedom tastes like. 0:04:55.032,0:04:57.002 (Laughter) 0:04:57.172,0:04:59.885 When I turned 16 years old, [br]I got my driver's license, 0:04:59.901,0:05:04.568 a 1981 Toyota Corolla, and I felt [br]like my world had expanded again. 0:05:04.732,0:05:07.126 But the more I spent time [br]behind the wheel, 0:05:07.126,0:05:09.910 the more dust my bicycle [br]collected in the garage. 0:05:10.097,0:05:12.624 Although I can now travel 75 mph 0:05:12.624,0:05:15.794 if I had that little[br]Toyota Corolla floored, 0:05:15.794,0:05:18.744 my world was beginning to change focus, 0:05:18.744,0:05:21.460 a little bit less [br]on the community around me, 0:05:21.517,0:05:25.272 and a little bit more[br]on my own isolated circle. 0:05:25.603,0:05:27.391 I realize it now, 0:05:27.391,0:05:30.981 but my journey had become[br]solely focused on the destination. 0:05:31.161,0:05:35.003 There was a point A, the beginning;[br]a point B, the end; 0:05:35.003,0:05:38.471 and this big blur in between. 0:05:38.731,0:05:41.522 Maybe some of you [br]have experienced that blur before. 0:05:41.912,0:05:45.113 In fact, maybe you experienced [br]that blur on your way here today. 0:05:45.133,0:05:47.854 What do you think your average speed [br]was on the way here? 0:05:47.854,0:05:51.165 Twenty miles per hour to 45 mph,[br]that's the speed limit. 0:05:51.165,0:05:53.715 We could go five miles over that, right? 0:05:53.715,0:05:55.597 No. That's a trick question. 0:05:55.597,0:06:00.750 So let's say 35 mph. [br]Here's another way of looking at that. 0:06:01.426,0:06:03.970 Fifty-one feet per second. 0:06:04.420,0:06:06.440 Fifty-one feet. 0:06:06.910,0:06:10.120 That's the blur that I'm referring to. 0:06:10.760,0:06:14.747 A couple of years later, [br]I remember waking up late for college, 0:06:14.747,0:06:17.254 and my car was stuck [br]two blocks down the road. 0:06:17.254,0:06:19.682 Maybe some of you experienced that too. 0:06:19.682,0:06:23.799 With no other option, I grabbed [br]my bicycle and I started pedalling. 0:06:24.119,0:06:27.600 And I'll never forget this ride [br]because about two minutes in, 0:06:27.600,0:06:32.784 I was in a rush, but the world [br]seemed to suddenly slow down. 0:06:33.513,0:06:35.083 I remember taking a deep breath, 0:06:35.083,0:06:38.706 and I could feel the air[br]reach all the way down to my toes. 0:06:38.936,0:06:43.872 I started looking around, noticing houses,[br]businesses, parks I'd never seen before. 0:06:44.053,0:06:46.488 I had travelled this road[br]hundreds of times, 0:06:46.488,0:06:48.858 but all of a sudden it was different. 0:06:49.288,0:06:51.196 At one point, I passed a group of kids 0:06:51.196,0:06:53.662 walking and laughing[br]on their way to school. 0:06:53.742,0:06:55.705 I remember hearing[br]the birds in the trees, 0:06:55.705,0:06:58.645 and it was like [br]I hadn't heard it in a long time. 0:06:59.025,0:07:03.148 Then, I passed a horse and a pasture[br]on the side of the road - this is Idaho - 0:07:03.148,0:07:06.409 and the wind was blowing through its mane. 0:07:06.489,0:07:09.917 I reached up and I felt my own hair, [br]it was a little longer at the time, 0:07:09.917,0:07:11.659 and I wasn't wearing a helmet. 0:07:11.659,0:07:14.375 And I had this moment with this horse, 0:07:14.375,0:07:17.488 where I was like, "This horse and I [br]really have a lot in common!" 0:07:17.488,0:07:18.708 (Laughter) 0:07:18.708,0:07:23.273 You can laugh, but at that moment[br]I was rediscovering my journey. 0:07:23.479,0:07:27.024 All of a sudden, there was more to my path[br]than a beginning and an end. 0:07:27.024,0:07:31.204 There was an entire community, [br]thousands of points in between, 0:07:31.204,0:07:34.118 and I had been missing most of them. 0:07:34.346,0:07:39.019 You see, in my car, my world had expanded[br]in distance but not in depth. 0:07:39.019,0:07:44.562 But back on two wheels at about 10 mph, [br]I broke back into the speed of discovery 0:07:44.562,0:07:47.436 and my connection[br]with the community began to grow. 0:07:47.436,0:07:52.356 Every inch that I travelled, [br]it felt like I was falling in love. 0:07:52.852,0:07:55.070 When that love could [br]no longer be contained, 0:07:55.070,0:07:56.897 I started the Boise Bicycle Project. 0:07:56.897,0:08:00.466 And when hundreds of people began [br]to show up to get their hands dirty, 0:08:00.466,0:08:02.508 I realized this journey[br]I'd been going on, 0:08:02.508,0:08:06.869 this life-changing discovery[br]that I thought I had made, wasn't my own. 0:08:07.069,0:08:09.214 This was something that had transformed[br] 0:08:09.214,0:08:13.454 and was transforming the lives[br]of countless others across the country. 0:08:13.454,0:08:18.469 This was 2007, so financially, things for[br]a lot of folks weren't going very good. 0:08:18.469,0:08:23.261 But all of a sudden there was a huge spike[br]in the amount of people riding bicycles. 0:08:23.671,0:08:25.758 Maybe it was because of lack of funds, 0:08:25.758,0:08:28.983 but those numbers[br]have not gone down yet today. 0:08:29.373,0:08:32.438 I think what people were discovering[br]as they got on their bikes 0:08:32.438,0:08:34.645 was something just as valuable,[br] 0:08:34.645,0:08:38.888 something that, I believe,[br]we're all looking for in this room today,[br] 0:08:38.888,0:08:43.118 a need and a desire for connection. 0:08:43.928,0:08:47.209 I've been working at the Boise [br]Bicycle Project for about 10 years, 0:08:47.209,0:08:50.026 and I've been part of a team [br]that has fixed and distributed 0:08:50.026,0:08:53.640 over 12,000 bicycles[br]back onto the streets of Boise, 0:08:53.640,0:08:58.033 including 5,000 bicycles to kids who [br]maybe never would've had their own bicycle 0:08:58.044,0:09:02.094 or the feeling of freedom [br]and opportunity that come with it. 0:09:02.620,0:09:05.220 (Applause) (Cheers) 0:09:08.456,0:09:09.996 Thank you. 0:09:09.996,0:09:15.157 And that makes me feel really proud,[br]and it makes me feel really lucky. 0:09:15.877,0:09:20.190 One of the luckiest things I get to do [br]is work with the refugee community. 0:09:20.390,0:09:23.796 These are people, families, [br]from all over the world 0:09:23.796,0:09:29.161 who have seen and experienced things[br]that I can't possibly imagine. 0:09:29.691,0:09:33.446 But when you put them on a bicycle, [br]the look in their eyes, 0:09:33.446,0:09:36.527 the smile on their faces,[br]it's the same as mine, 0:09:36.527,0:09:39.653 the same as yours, the same[br]as this little boy from Sudan, 0:09:39.663,0:09:43.421 and the same as Fahara,[br]the little girl from earlier. 0:09:43.816,0:09:46.578 That makes me wonder, [br]what is it about riding a bicycle 0:09:46.578,0:09:51.848 that connects us in such an interesting [br]way, connects us to our community, 0:09:51.848,0:09:56.616 and even connects us to a family [br]on the other side of the world? 0:09:57.540,0:10:02.514 Gandhi once said that "There is [br]more to life than increasing its speed." 0:10:02.514,0:10:06.574 I'd actually add: "There's more to life[br]when you start decreasing its speed." 0:10:06.654,0:10:09.220 That's the speed of discovery [br]I've been talking about, 0:10:09.220,0:10:12.297 that 10 to 12 mph[br]average speed of a bicycle 0:10:12.297,0:10:15.267 that not only allows us[br]to observe the world around us[br] 0:10:15.267,0:10:18.868 but to interact and engage[br]with everything and everyone, 0:10:18.868,0:10:22.128 between point A and point B. 0:10:22.858,0:10:26.530 The other day I was driving my truck -[br]I still drive sometimes - 0:10:26.530,0:10:29.622 and there was a homeless person [br]standing on a corner with a sign. 0:10:29.622,0:10:32.064 To be honest, I don't even[br]know what that sign said, 0:10:32.064,0:10:35.369 because I started having this ridiculous[br]dialogue going on in my head. 0:10:35.369,0:10:38.156 "Should I make eye-contact? [br]Should I not make eye-contact? 0:10:38.156,0:10:41.428 Should I say something? [br]Maybe I'll make a bit of eye-contact 0:10:41.428,0:10:43.638 but act like I'm really focused [br]on my driving, 0:10:43.638,0:10:46.274 maybe even so focused, [br]that by the time I pass him, 0:10:46.274,0:10:49.850 he'll be impressed with[br]how focused I was on my driving." 0:10:49.850,0:10:53.918 This ridiculous conversation going on [br]in my head, I knew it was ridiculous, 0:10:53.918,0:10:56.779 because a week earlier,[br]I had been at that same intersection 0:10:56.779,0:11:00.431 with that same homeless person, [br]he might have been holding the same sign. 0:11:00.431,0:11:03.392 Only this time, I was on my bicycle. 0:11:04.435,0:11:06.755 You know what I did? 0:11:06.755,0:11:11.280 I said, "Hey, how is it going?" [br]without even thinking about it. 0:11:12.304,0:11:15.100 When we're not separated[br]by the shell or a bubble, 0:11:15.100,0:11:17.429 or the speeds that come with a car, 0:11:17.429,0:11:20.629 our journey suddenly [br]becomes a very human experience, 0:11:20.629,0:11:26.850 and our interactions become a little [br]more real and a little less ridiculous, 0:11:26.850,0:11:30.987 maybe a lot less ridiculous if you're[br]talking about me in that conversation. 0:11:30.987,0:11:34.149 By the way, this is Gandhi on a bicycle. 0:11:35.119,0:11:37.279 (Laughter) 0:11:37.499,0:11:41.091 So, a few months ago, I rode my bicycle[br]down to the Women's March, 0:11:41.091,0:11:44.956 and I was surrounded by 6,000[br]passionate women and men. 0:11:45.096,0:11:49.808 It was snowing hard that day, wet snow,[br]and everybody was cold and drenched, 0:11:49.808,0:11:53.879 but there was this incredible energy [br]going on in the air. 0:11:54.099,0:11:57.743 At the end of the march, I had made[br]a sign and it was looking pretty rough. 0:11:57.743,0:12:01.718 So I rolled it up, stuffed it into[br]my bike basket and started pedalling home. 0:12:01.818,0:12:06.092 I got to an intersection, [br]and this minivan pulled up next to me. 0:12:06.273,0:12:11.708 I could tell that the passenger[br]was staring at me, so I looked over, 0:12:11.708,0:12:15.083 and it was an older man [br]with Down Syndrome. 0:12:15.423,0:12:19.507 He's looking back and forth [br]between me and the sign on my bicycle. 0:12:20.257,0:12:22.683 So I smiled, I waved,[br]and I looked forward again. 0:12:22.683,0:12:26.417 Suddenly, out of the corner of my eyes,[br]I could see them waving frantically. 0:12:26.417,0:12:30.265 I looked back and he was pointing[br]down at the sign in my basket. 0:12:30.265,0:12:33.357 Then he reached down [br]and he held up a sign of his own. 0:12:33.357,0:12:36.308 It said, "I march for equality." 0:12:37.768,0:12:40.817 I gave him a big thumbs up, [br]he gave me an even bigger thumbs up, 0:12:40.817,0:12:43.533 and then they drove away[br]and I almost lost it. 0:12:43.656,0:12:45.547 It was an emotional day already, [br] 0:12:45.547,0:12:48.826 but on the corner of Main[br]and Broadway, I started to breakdown, 0:12:48.826,0:12:53.260 because I could not comprehend[br]the interaction that had just taken place. 0:12:53.530,0:12:56.980 It was very quick. It was very simple. 0:12:56.980,0:13:01.884 But I've never felt so lucky to be cold,[br]wet and vulnerable 0:13:01.884,0:13:06.107 and completely accessible on my bicycle. 0:13:07.539,0:13:10.790 I'm not against driving; I told you [br]already I still drive sometimes, 0:13:10.790,0:13:13.599 but most of the time, I choose to ride.[br] 0:13:13.869,0:13:16.975 I know that when I ride,[br]it brings me closer to you, 0:13:16.975,0:13:19.725 closer to the community that I love[br]and closer to all of the kids 0:13:19.725,0:13:22.365 that I've helped donate[br]bicycles to over the years. 0:13:22.515,0:13:27.269 I know this because there's a phenomenon[br]in bicycling called "safety in numbers." 0:13:27.269,0:13:31.595 It means the simple act of riding, [br]just one extra person on the road, 0:13:31.595,0:13:34.635 creates awareness for every [br]driver that sees them. 0:13:34.635,0:13:37.789 That makes it safer for everybody[br]who might be riding that day 0:13:37.789,0:13:39.569 and even the next. 0:13:39.829,0:13:42.028 I think that that's magical,[br] 0:13:42.028,0:13:46.142 how riding our bicycles not only[br]connects us to our community 0:13:46.142,0:13:51.063 but helps us build a stronger and safer[br]community for everyone else in the process. 0:13:51.083,0:13:55.431 If we wanted to take that further, [br]it means that when we - you or I - ride, 0:13:55.431,0:13:59.402 we're making it safer for the 5,000 kids[br]who might be riding to school 0:13:59.402,0:14:02.128 on Boise Bicycle Project's bicycles. 0:14:02.428,0:14:06.908 And each of those kids[br]are making it safer for us. 0:14:07.478,0:14:11.524 And I think that that's an amazing[br]connection to have. 0:14:11.871,0:14:16.047 I want to leave you with one last story, [br]and this time it's not my own. 0:14:16.247,0:14:18.662 To get a bicycle [br]from the Boise Bicycle Project, 0:14:18.662,0:14:23.684 every kid has to draw a picture or write[br]a story about their dream bicycle. 0:14:23.834,0:14:26.357 They give us their height, age,[br]two favourite colors, 0:14:26.357,0:14:30.041 and then we use this information[br]to create the perfect bike for them. 0:14:30.251,0:14:32.936 When we give these bikes[br]to the kids, they always say, 0:14:32.936,0:14:35.590 "This is exactly like[br]the picture that I drew!" 0:14:35.590,0:14:39.046 and bicycles are pretty hard to draw, [br]so that's not always true! 0:14:39.046,0:14:40.526 (Laughter) 0:14:40.526,0:14:42.571 But we sure do our best. 0:14:42.916,0:14:46.515 This is Andrew McCormick's drawing [br]from a couple of years ago, 0:14:46.515,0:14:48.390 and a really good one. 0:14:48.390,0:14:50.820 And he also gave us a story. 0:14:54.502,0:14:58.770 "I would like to have a bike to ride,[br]I do not have one to ride. 0:14:58.770,0:15:01.174 My cousin has a bike to ride[br]and can go everywhere, 0:15:01.174,0:15:04.576 but I cannot go with him, [br]because I do not have one. 0:15:05.380,0:15:08.713 My nana is raising me[br]and doing all she can, 0:15:08.713,0:15:11.628 but she do not have money for a bike. 0:15:13.463,0:15:17.915 I have coins I have saved [br]and will give them to help. 0:15:18.909,0:15:22.559 All of my friends have bikes[br]and I cannot go and feel sad. 0:15:22.811,0:15:26.114 I would be so happy to have a bike, [br]I do not care about color. 0:15:26.114,0:15:30.917 I would be thankful just to have one. [br]That is all I want for Christmas. 0:15:31.016,0:15:33.210 Andrew McCormick." 0:15:34.534,0:15:36.800 So this is Andrew, 0:15:36.800,0:15:39.430 and this is the dream[br]bicycle that he drew. 0:15:39.620,0:15:42.242 And you are damn right[br]that I got my picture taken with him 0:15:42.242,0:15:47.824 before he rode away with bright eyes, [br]a big smile, at about 10 mph. 0:15:48.974,0:15:51.378 What does that mean for us here tonight, 0:15:51.378,0:15:54.282 me, you, the people [br]who might be watching or listening? 0:15:54.282,0:15:57.429 It means tomorrow morning,[br]we're going to wake up, 0:15:57.429,0:16:03.508 and our day will be full of choices [br]and opportunities to slow things down. 0:16:04.408,0:16:10.138 And maybe you'll reach for your car door,[br]and decide to ride your bicycle instead. 0:16:10.949,0:16:14.249 That's actually what I want to challenge[br]everyone here to do tonight. 0:16:14.249,0:16:16.767 Just one time next week,[br]look at the weather forecast, 0:16:16.767,0:16:20.435 choose the nicest day of the week,[br]and go for a ride. 0:16:21.005,0:16:24.337 It doesn't matter what clothing[br]you're wearing, what bicycle you have, 0:16:24.337,0:16:27.409 and if the distance is too far,[br]stick your bicycle in your trunk, 0:16:27.409,0:16:30.670 drive halfway and start pedalling. 0:16:31.508,0:16:34.929 A couple of minutes in, [br]I want you to take a deep breath, 0:16:34.929,0:16:39.355 and I want you to think [br]about Andrew and his dream bike. 0:16:39.751,0:16:43.640 I want you to think about Fahara[br]pedalling her bicycle to school. 0:16:44.120,0:16:49.288 And I want you to think about the freedom[br]that your bicycle gave you as a child. 0:16:49.821,0:16:54.411 Now look, listen and feel [br]the world around you. 0:16:55.095,0:16:58.786 At this point, you'll have broken back[br]into the speed of discovery. 0:16:58.838,0:17:01.860 You'll be connected[br]to all of those people, 0:17:01.860,0:17:06.152 and you'll be connected[br]to a beautiful community in between. 0:17:07.852,0:17:10.391 Thank you for riding [br]on this journey with me tonight. 0:17:10.391,0:17:12.511 (Applause) (Cheers)