0:00:00.700,0:00:03.130 William and Luis are in[br]different physics classes 0:00:03.130,0:00:04.370 at Santa Rita. 0:00:04.370,0:00:07.750 Luis's teacher always gives[br]exams with 30 questions 0:00:07.750,0:00:10.870 on them, while William's[br]teacher gives more 0:00:10.870,0:00:14.150 frequent exams with[br]only 24 questions. 0:00:14.150,0:00:17.802 Luis's teacher also assigns[br]three projects per year. 0:00:17.802,0:00:20.260 Even though the two classes[br]have to take a different number 0:00:20.260,0:00:22.270 of exams, their[br]teachers have told them 0:00:22.270,0:00:25.250 that both classes-- let me[br]underline-- both classes will 0:00:25.250,0:00:29.040 get the same total number[br]of exam questions each year. 0:00:29.040,0:00:32.850 What is the minimum[br]number of exam questions 0:00:32.850,0:00:36.807 William's or Luis's class can[br]expect to get in a given year? 0:00:36.807,0:00:38.390 So let's think about[br]what's happening. 0:00:38.390,0:00:40.014 So if we think about[br]Luis's teacher who 0:00:40.014,0:00:44.590 gives 30 questions per test,[br]so after the first test, 0:00:44.590,0:00:46.850 he would have done 30 questions. 0:00:46.850,0:00:48.750 So this is 0 right over here. 0:00:48.750,0:00:52.240 Then after the second test,[br]he would have done 60. 0:00:52.240,0:00:56.150 Then after the third test,[br]he would have done 90. 0:00:56.150,0:01:00.070 And after the fourth test,[br]he would have done 120. 0:01:00.070,0:01:03.480 And after the fifth test,[br]if there is a fifth test, 0:01:03.480,0:01:06.700 he would do-- so this is if[br]they have that many tests-- he 0:01:06.700,0:01:08.912 would get to 150[br]total questions. 0:01:08.912,0:01:10.620 And we could keep[br]going on and on looking 0:01:10.620,0:01:12.467 at all the multiples of 30. 0:01:12.467,0:01:14.800 So this is probably a hint[br]of what we're thinking about. 0:01:14.800,0:01:16.549 We're looking at[br]multiples of the numbers. 0:01:16.549,0:01:19.710 We want the minimum multiples[br]or the least multiple. 0:01:19.710,0:01:20.950 So that's with Luis. 0:01:20.950,0:01:22.710 Well what's going[br]on with William? 0:01:22.710,0:01:25.650 Will William's teacher,[br]after the first test, 0:01:25.650,0:01:29.220 they're going to[br]get to 24 questions. 0:01:29.220,0:01:32.770 Then they're going to get[br]to 48 after the second test. 0:01:32.770,0:01:37.420 Then they're going to get[br]to 72 after the third test. 0:01:37.420,0:01:39.250 Then they're going to get to 96. 0:01:39.250,0:01:41.820 I'm just taking multiples of 24. 0:01:41.820,0:01:45.030 They're going to get to[br]96 after the fourth test. 0:01:45.030,0:01:49.610 And then after the fifth test,[br]they're going to get to 120. 0:01:49.610,0:01:55.160 And if there's a sixth test,[br]then they would get to 144. 0:01:55.160,0:01:57.430 And we could keep going[br]on and on in there. 0:01:57.430,0:01:58.300 But let's see what[br]they're asking us. 0:01:58.300,0:02:00.180 What is the minimum[br]number of exam questions 0:02:00.180,0:02:03.200 William's or Luis's class[br]can expect to get in a year? 0:02:03.200,0:02:04.710 Well the minimum[br]number is the point 0:02:04.710,0:02:07.380 at which they've gotten the[br]same number of exam questions, 0:02:07.380,0:02:09.190 despite the fact[br]that the tests had 0:02:09.190,0:02:10.617 a different number of items. 0:02:10.617,0:02:12.950 And you see the point at which[br]they have the same number 0:02:12.950,0:02:14.880 is at 120. 0:02:14.880,0:02:16.770 This happens at 120. 0:02:16.770,0:02:19.300 They both could have[br]exactly 120 questions 0:02:19.300,0:02:21.840 even though Luis's teacher[br]is giving 30 at a time 0:02:21.840,0:02:25.240 and even though William's[br]teacher is giving 24 at a time. 0:02:25.240,0:02:28.469 And so the answer is 120. 0:02:28.469,0:02:30.510 And notice, they had a[br]different number of exams. 0:02:30.510,0:02:33.650 Luis had one, two,[br]three, four exams 0:02:33.650,0:02:36.300 while William would have to[br]have one, two, three, four, 0:02:36.300,0:02:37.570 five exams. 0:02:37.570,0:02:41.270 But that gets them both[br]to 120 total questions. 0:02:41.270,0:02:44.100 Now thinking of it in terms[br]of some of the math notation 0:02:44.100,0:02:47.370 or the least common multiple[br]notation we've seen before, 0:02:47.370,0:02:55.650 this is really asking us what is[br]the least common multiple of 30 0:02:55.650,0:02:56.980 and 24. 0:02:56.980,0:03:02.692 And that least common[br]multiple is equal to 120. 0:03:02.692,0:03:04.150 Now there's other[br]ways that you can 0:03:04.150,0:03:06.399 find the least common multiple[br]other than just looking 0:03:06.399,0:03:07.870 at the multiples like this. 0:03:07.870,0:03:10.440 You could look at it[br]through prime factorization. 0:03:10.440,0:03:15.290 30 is 2 times 15,[br]which is 3 times 5. 0:03:15.290,0:03:20.420 So we could say that 30 is[br]equal to 2 times 3 times 5. 0:03:20.420,0:03:28.580 And 24-- that's a different[br]color than that blue-- 24 0:03:28.580,0:03:31.570 is equal to 2 times 12. 0:03:31.570,0:03:33.846 12 is equal to 2 times 6. 0:03:33.846,0:03:36.080 6 is equal to 2 times 3. 0:03:36.080,0:03:44.660 So 24 is equal to 2[br]times 2 times 2 times 3. 0:03:44.660,0:03:47.250 So another way to come up with[br]the least common multiple, 0:03:47.250,0:03:49.720 if we didn't even do this[br]exercise up here, says, look, 0:03:49.720,0:03:52.820 the number has to be[br]divisible by both 30 and 24. 0:03:52.820,0:03:54.810 If it's going to[br]be divisible by 30, 0:03:54.810,0:04:00.060 it's going to have to[br]have 2 times 3 times 5 0:04:00.060,0:04:01.430 in its prime factorization. 0:04:01.430,0:04:03.420 That is essentially 30. 0:04:03.420,0:04:05.830 So this makes it[br]divisible by 30. 0:04:05.830,0:04:10.050 And say, well in order[br]to be divisible by 24, 0:04:10.050,0:04:13.750 its prime factorization is[br]going to need 3 twos and a 3. 0:04:13.750,0:04:15.230 Well we already have 1 three. 0:04:15.230,0:04:18.040 And we already have 1 two,[br]so we just need 2 more twos. 0:04:18.040,0:04:20.740 So 2 times 2. 0:04:20.740,0:04:24.340 So this makes it--[br]let me scroll up 0:04:24.340,0:04:29.080 a little bit-- this right over[br]here makes it divisible by 24. 0:04:29.080,0:04:32.030 And so this is essentially[br]the prime factorization 0:04:32.030,0:04:34.920 of the least common[br]multiple of 30 and 24. 0:04:34.920,0:04:37.300 You take any one of[br]these numbers away, 0:04:37.300,0:04:40.251 you are no longer going to be[br]divisible by one of these two 0:04:40.251,0:04:40.750 numbers. 0:04:40.750,0:04:43.333 If you take a two away, you're[br]not going to be divisible by 24 0:04:43.333,0:04:43.950 anymore. 0:04:43.950,0:04:45.830 If you take a two[br]or a three away. 0:04:45.830,0:04:50.520 If you take a three[br]or a five away, 0:04:50.520,0:04:53.145 you're not going to be[br]divisible by 30 anymore. 0:04:53.145,0:04:55.020 And so if you were to[br]multiply all these out, 0:04:55.020,0:05:04.170 this is 2 times 2 times 2 is 8[br]times 3 is 24 times 5 is 120. 0:05:04.170,0:05:06.740 Now let's do one more of these. 0:05:06.740,0:05:09.971 Umama just bought one[br]package of 21 binders. 0:05:09.971,0:05:11.220 Let me write that number down. 0:05:11.220,0:05:12.660 21 binders. 0:05:12.660,0:05:14.800 She also bought a[br]package of 30 pencils. 0:05:17.860,0:05:20.240 She wants to use all of[br]the binders and pencils 0:05:20.240,0:05:23.060 to create identical[br]sets of office supplies 0:05:23.060,0:05:24.650 for her classmates. 0:05:24.650,0:05:27.540 What is the greatest[br]number of identical sets 0:05:27.540,0:05:29.456 Umama can make using[br]all the supplies? 0:05:29.456,0:05:31.330 So the fact that we're[br]talking about greatest 0:05:31.330,0:05:33.246 is clue that it's probably[br]going to be dealing 0:05:33.246,0:05:34.620 with greatest common divisors. 0:05:34.620,0:05:36.710 And it's also dealing with[br]dividing these things. 0:05:36.710,0:05:39.660 We want to divide these[br]both into the greatest 0:05:39.660,0:05:44.764 number of identical sets. 0:05:44.764,0:05:46.930 So there's a couple of ways[br]we could think about it. 0:05:46.930,0:05:49.060 Let's think about what the[br]greatest common divisor 0:05:49.060,0:05:51.100 of both these numbers are. 0:05:51.100,0:05:53.450 Or I could even say the[br]greatest common factor. 0:05:53.450,0:06:00.500 The greatest common[br]divisor of 21 and 30. 0:06:00.500,0:06:04.280 So what's the largest number[br]that divides into both of them? 0:06:04.280,0:06:05.902 So we could go with[br]the prime factor. 0:06:05.902,0:06:07.610 We could list all of[br]their normal factors 0:06:07.610,0:06:09.570 and see what is the[br]greatest common one. 0:06:09.570,0:06:16.700 Or we could look at the[br]prime factorization. 0:06:16.700,0:06:18.820 So let's just do the prime[br]factorization method. 0:06:18.820,0:06:21.760 So 21 is the same[br]thing as 3 times 7. 0:06:21.760,0:06:23.690 These are both prime numbers. 0:06:23.690,0:06:27.140 30 is, let's see,[br]it's 3-- actually, 0:06:27.140,0:06:30.210 I could write it this[br]way-- it is 2 times 15. 0:06:30.210,0:06:32.110 We already did it[br]actually just now. 0:06:32.110,0:06:34.620 And 15 is 3 times 5. 0:06:34.620,0:06:37.680 So what's the largest[br]number of prime numbers that 0:06:37.680,0:06:39.780 are common to both[br]factorizations? 0:06:39.780,0:06:42.820 Well you only have a[br]three right over here. 0:06:42.820,0:06:44.820 Then you don't have a[br]three times anything else. 0:06:44.820,0:06:47.420 So this is just going[br]to be equal to 3. 0:06:47.420,0:06:48.900 So this is essentially[br]telling us, 0:06:48.900,0:06:54.760 look, we can divide both[br]of these numbers into 3 0:06:54.760,0:06:56.740 and that will give[br]us the largest 0:06:56.740,0:06:58.504 number of identical sets. 0:06:58.504,0:07:00.170 So just to be clear[br]of what we're doing. 0:07:00.170,0:07:02.260 So we've answered[br]the question is 3, 0:07:02.260,0:07:04.360 but just to visualize[br]it for this question, 0:07:04.360,0:07:07.070 let's actually draw 21 binders. 0:07:07.070,0:07:13.728 So let's say the 21 binders so[br]1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 0:07:13.728,0:07:19.320 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,[br]16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. 0:07:19.320,0:07:22.760 And then 30 pencils, so[br]I'll just do those in green. 0:07:22.760,0:07:27.700 So 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,[br]6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 0:07:27.700,0:07:29.480 Let me just copy and paste that. 0:07:29.480,0:07:31.660 This is getting tedious. 0:07:31.660,0:07:35.510 So copy and paste. 0:07:35.510,0:07:41.630 So that's 20 and then[br]paste that is 30. 0:07:41.630,0:07:45.030 Now, we figured out that 3[br]is the largest number that 0:07:45.030,0:07:46.750 divides into both[br]of these evenly. 0:07:46.750,0:07:50.670 So I can divide both of[br]these into groups of 3. 0:07:50.670,0:07:55.390 So for the binders, I could[br]do it into three groups of 7. 0:07:55.390,0:07:58.400 And then for the[br]pencils, I could do it 0:07:58.400,0:08:01.320 into three groups of 10. 0:08:01.320,0:08:03.050 So if there are[br]three people that 0:08:03.050,0:08:05.710 are coming into[br]this classroom, I 0:08:05.710,0:08:11.640 could give them each seven[br]binders and 10 pencils. 0:08:11.640,0:08:14.290 But that's the greatest[br]number of identical sets 0:08:14.290,0:08:15.270 Umama can make. 0:08:15.270,0:08:16.450 I would have three sets. 0:08:16.450,0:08:22.000 Each set would have seven[br]binders and 10 pencils. 0:08:22.000,0:08:23.500 And we essentially[br]are just thinking 0:08:23.500,0:08:27.960 about what's the number that we[br]can divide both of these sets 0:08:27.960,0:08:30.050 into evenly, the[br]largest number that we 0:08:30.050,0:08:33.263 can divide both of[br]these sets into evenly.