(Half-Bell) (Bell) (FRENCH) What can I do to make my friends not exclude me? What can I do to make my friends not exclude me anymore? I think there are things we can do. They don't want us, they want to exclude us but it is because they have not seen us. But we can contribute a lot to their games, their joy. We also have talents, we can participate, we can contribute to their joy, their happiness. I think we should practice in order to have more freshness, like a flower. Pebble meditation: breathing in, I see myself as a flower, breathing out, I feel fresh. So that kind of meditation helps us to restore our beauty and our freshness. Breathing in, I see myself as still water. Breathing out, I feel peaceful and calm. So we practice like that and we have peace and beauty in us. And then, very soon they will see that this person is very pleasant because he has a lot of peace, a lot of tenderness a lot of freshness a lot of beauty in him. When we exclude him, he does not get angry; he continues to smile. He can be joyful even if we exclude him. So slowly they will see that to include that boy into their circle will make them happier. So it depends on us, a lot on us, not only on them. They have excluded us because they are not able to see our value, our beauty, our peace. You see? So the practice will help us to be more beautiful, more fresh, more peaceful, more solid, more joyful. And they will need us surely because in that group there is violence; some violence, some anger, some fear. So they also suffer in their own group. And one day when we join into that group we can help them to suffer less and to have more joy. That is why the practice is very important. Depends on us more than on them. (Half-Bell) (Bell)